Lovely Wicked Things

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Lovely Wicked Things Page 3

by Lizbeth Day

  She peeked at Aaron. The bulge in his pants was apparent, but he was still, only watching.

  Denver pushed more of her ass off the chair and slipped in a second then third finger. She flicked her g-spot, feeling the pressure of a coming orgasm. She pumped faster and faster until she teetered on the sweet cliff of ultimate pleasure.

  “Did I say you could cum, Denver?” Aaron’s voice crashed down like a cold wave.

  Her fingers slowed but didn’t stop. She was so close. “No. You didn’t.”

  “You need my permission to orgasm.”

  Oh, she was so close, just so close. All she wanted was the release but didn’t want to risk punishment. “May I?” She whispered.

  “I didn’t hear you.”

  Again she mustered the strength to speak. “May I cum?”

  Aaron laughed out loud. It was a deep rich noise filled with bite. “No you may not.”

  Aggravated, Denver pulled her hand out, fingers doused with her juices. The rising tide that had been close to breaking, receded. She needed that release, craved it now—and knew she’d do almost anything to get it.

  “Now, get up, turn around and put that ass in the air.”

  Feeling resistance was futile at the point, Denver did as told, grabbing the chair’s seat for support. She saw the forgotten baton and hoped Aaron wouldn’t see it. Or he wouldn’t care.

  For a long while nothing happened. Denver lost sense of time where she couldn’t tell if thirty seconds had passed or three minutes. All she could feel was the air against her upraised cooch and her boobs brushing against the seat of the chair.

  Movement. And then she sensed Aaron behind her. He did nothing for what seemed like forever. Then she felt a soft caress along one side of her bottom.

  “I’ll tell you the rules now.” His finger moved across a buttock until it settled just above her hole. Aaron traced a circle around the spot, sending shivers up her legs.

  He said, “Beg, and I comply. Resist and I stop.”

  Ass cheeks up in the air, half-weak from un-satiated lust, Denver had little strength to resist. She knew he was being an arrogant asshole. But even now, as she hovered titillated and humiliated, horny and craving, all she wanted for him to do was to pull his cock out and push it deep inside of her.

  She nodded surrender. And in response, his fingers trailed over her pussy. Gently he caressed those tender lips, soaking the tips of his fingers in her wetness, teasing around and around until he found her clit.

  Denver thought about the woman in the video. About how Aaron had toyed with her. So she denied the urge thrust against him, to get any part of him deeper inside of her. She wasn’t going to beg. Not yet. Though Denver knew she couldn’t take much more.

  He toyed with her. Teased her. Aaron stroked her clit, speeding up then slowing down, driving her close to the edge without taking her over. Denver couldn’t help it, she arched her back to thrust her ass even higher. She wanted to give him more access, more of her to please. Not a sound escaped her mouth, but in her mind she already begged and her body’s reaction was the proof.

  The caressing stopped. Denver didn’t dare move. In her mind, she pleaded, please, please, take me, get it, fuck me.

  She screamed it in her head and almost missed the sound of a zipper coming undone. And then a belt buckle hitting the floor. Something warm, hard and thick, pressed against her opening. Aaron’s cock slipped back and forth across the lips of her pussy, teasing.

  He eased in the head, just enough hot flesh pressing against hot flesh to make her squirt fresh shots of creamy arousal. Then he withdrew. Over and over again, he teased her mercilessly, slipping in the tip just enough to break apart the tiniest sliver of her walls.

  He reached beneath Denver and pinched her nipple. “Beg and I’ll give it to you.”

  She said nothing but languished in the sensation of his warm member against her slit.

  Aaron’s hand slipped lower until it found her clitoris again. He stroked it, sparking hotter flashes of lust from her. She moaned but resisted.

  He put one finger inside. “You can have more, beg me, Denver.” He slipped in two more fingers probing for the fleshy, sensitive ridge of her g-spot. “Beg me.”

  Just as the beginnings of an orgasm flickered, he pulled away. He rubbed her slick clit, faster and faster, saying it over and over again. “Beg me. Beg me. Beg me.”

  She felt the rise again that overwhelming sensation of cumming. Just as she reached the peak, he’d withdraw his fingers and tease her cunt with the fat head of his cock.

  It was just enough to fill her with a mind-numbing yearning to be split in two by his massive hard-on.

  “Please,” she whispered. His dick slipped in another inch. “Please,” she said louder, and again, “Please!” Denver yelled it the last time, she didn’t care anymore. The only thing that mattered was him taking her, pounding her, consuming her.

  Aaron plunged his rod into Denver, and her soaking wet pussy clasped around his delicious, rock-hard erection. She shuddered from want and thrust her ass back to drive him even deeper. He rode her steadily, his cock sliding in and out of her glistening walls.

  Denver’s tits bounced against the chair. Her nipples brushing against the hard seat created mini-jolts of tickling pleasure that shot down her spine.

  He fucked her with deep penetrating strokes, his hips slapping against her in a steady rhythm.

  “Oh, yes, please. Please!” Denver’s clenched teeth couldn’t hold back all the noises streaming from her mouth.

  Behind her Aaron moaned. He smacked her ass and yanked her head back hard enough for Denver to shriek. The overwhelming feel of him filling her wall to wall, combined with the sudden pain, propelled her onto the edge of release. On every deep stroke, she clenched her muscles around his cock making Aaron growl in ecstasy.

  Aaron jerked, and his dick convulsed while buried inside of her. His load erupting in spurts took her over the top, and Denver cried out as rollicking waves shook her from her core.

  They stood there for a while, Aaron emptying the last of his seed with involuntary jerks, Denver quivering from the last dregs of her orgasm. Her legs felt like rubber. If Aaron hands hadn’t been gripping her hips, she would’ve collapsed.

  When his semi-hard member slipped out, another shiver pulled a final whimper from Denver’s mouth.

  She dropped to the floor, thankful for something solid beneath her. Aaron sat down with his back against the couch. Denver spent the next few minutes allowing the rhythm of her breath to return to normal.

  Aaron pointed at the forgotten plate on the table. “Is that pizza?”

  Denver rolled her eyes. Without another word, she got to her feet. The first few steps were wobbly, but she made it to the bathroom. She avoided the image in the mirror as she quickly wiped down. Then she donned a tee-shirt and black yoga pants from the hamper.

  She ran her fingers through her mussed locks and created an impromptu bun. Done. This was as good as she was gonna get. Her nerves were tattered and her palms felt hot enough for a jungle to take root. She wiped them off on a towel, then did it two more times. Denver rested her hand on the bathroom’s doorknob, counted to five, and opened the door.

  It was time to face the criminal in her living room.


  The whole time Aaron hadn’t made a sound. But when she walked back into the living room, he turned to look at her totally composed and clothed.

  “I didn’t give your permission to get dressed,” he said glancing over her attire with an amused expression.

  Denver resisted the urge to look at his zipper. She strolled to her neglected dinner and took a bite. “I thought the game was over.”

  The wicked smile returned. He said, “How do you feel?”

  “You don’t care about how I feel.”

  Aaron looked into Denver’s eyes. “Most women would still be whimpering on the floor.”

  She took another bite of cold pizza and met his look with a blank one
of her own. Denver’s body felt like putty, but her brain recovered faster. A man like Aaron Maddox would toy with her indefinitely if she let him.

  His smile slipped a fraction. The weakened facade lasted only a second, but Denver caught it. She had no idea what it meant.

  Aaron eyes shifted to the wall behind her. He dusted off his hands as if they were dirty. “I made some calls before coming over here. Why didn’t you snitch on your crew at the police department?”

  Denver flinched and hated herself for it immediately. He’d hit a weak spot.

  “Just because you fucked me, doesn’t mean I tell you my deep, dying secrets.”

  He sighed and rolled his eyes at the ceiling. “My guess? You were new to the squad and Internal Affairs didn’t have any hard evidence against you,” Aaron faced her again, “But I think the real reason you didn’t snitch is because you’re loyal.”

  This time, Denver kept her body from betraying her thoughts.

  Aaron said, “I like loyal”, he tossed something onto the couch between them. “I’ve put my number in your contacts.”

  Shocked, she snatched the cell from the couch cushion. “How’d you unlock my phone?”

  Aaron snickered under his breath. “I said it before, I’ve been studying you Denver Shea. It wasn’t hard to figure out.” He headed for the front door. “Consider me keeping your pawn store video between us a favor. So I’ll be calling you to return that favor. Do what I ask, and your little secret stays between us.”

  He stopped long enough to look over his shoulder and said, “Hey, is there a statue on limitation on corruption charges against cops? No? Don’t know? Eh, that’s all right, no worries. Come lock the door behind me. It’s best to stay safe.”

  An image of Tai flashed through Denver’s mind. Aaron appeared as if he was finally leaving and she had learned nothing about her friend. A nervous jolt made her feet move. But how to bring it up? Hey Aaron, did you have my informant murdered to kill your brother’s case with the DA’s office?

  But what if he didn’t know about Tai? She could give him information about one of her key resources by accident. Finally she said, “How long have you been watching me?”

  “I’ve been studying you, that’s not the same as the techniques you practice, my little investigator.”

  Denver had never got around to locking her front door. Aaron swung it open on quiet hinges. He beamed the forest green eyes at her. “Like I said, Denver, I like loyal. You’re smart, pretty. Play your cards right, you could be a member of my organization. And those who are loyal to me, I treat like family. Protect like family.”

  He flashed the smile once more and strode over the threshold. Denver started to close the door, but a hand shot out of the hall to stop its procession.

  Aaron retraced his steps and stopped only when he loomed over her once more. He wavered there for a moment as if debating whether they should begin another dance between predator and prey.

  But instead, he leaned down close enough for his warm breath to tickle the back of her neck. He whispered, “And I didn’t say the game was over.”

  Satisfied his final decree had landed, Aaron Maddox left.

  Denver shut and locked the door. She remained there for several minutes, listening for footsteps. Confident that he would not double-back in some elaborate trick, Denver headed for the shower.

  How long she let the warm water wash over her, Denver wasn’t sure. But afterward, she sprawled out on her bed naked.

  What had Aaron Maddox done to her? Well, she knew what he had done. He’d fucked her lovely. Even now the back of her thighs felt weak. It had been the most intense sexual encounter she’d experienced in a very, very long time. But what had he pulled her into?

  True, she’d barely escaped being prosecuted with the rest of her squad. Aaron’s research was spot on. She hadn’t snitched, and I.A. never turned up any solid evidence. But that video solidly incriminated her. If it ever surfaced, she’d be sitting in a jail cell.

  He’d also been right about her loyalty. From the time she stepped to the precinct, the squad had become her family. You didn’t betray family.

  But now, those people were gone. Either they’d gone to prison, been reassigned, or (like her) encouraged to find greener pastures outside of the uniform. Despite Clesson being a steady itch she couldn’t get rid of, Denver still wouldn’t talk. He wouldn’t get jack-shit from her tomorrow in his stupid interview.

  Aaron, like Clesson, had been all in her business too. Though she couldn’t be sure, it didn’t sound as if Aaron had had Denver under surveillance. No one had been watching her. That meant he didn’t know of her link to Tai. Maybe.

  If she had an in with the Maddox clan, Denver had a chance to discover if they’d made Tai disappear. She could get close, take advantage of an opportunity if it presented itself. Maybe even secure solid evidence for the District Attorney’s office.

  There were just too many variables to process all at once. The incriminating video. Tai’s disappearance. Her now owing favors—gods knew what that meant. And in the middle of it all, Aaron Maddox.

  Handsome, cunning, rich, dominant and primal Aaron Maddox. The man who’d strolled into her apartment and had done lovely, wicked things to her body.

  Shit, what would he do to her mind if she let him?

  His last words had stated the game wasn’t over. Ok, then. If Aaron Maddox wanted to get it on, Denver Shea would play.

  Game on.

  Excerpt from Lovely Wicked Pleasures (Book 2)

  The office smelled liked a rat’s nest. When Denver Shea had been a cop, she’d been lucky enough to stumble on a den of rodents in an abandoned warehouse. Now, standing in a room filled with Internal Affairs officers, the same fetid stink hurt her nose.

  Denver knew there wasn’t any odor. It was all in her head. But that didn’t stop the sneer as she approached the man who had summoned her.

  “All right, I’m here. Let’s get this nonsense over with.” She stopped in front of the desk of Paul Clesson.

  His head bowed over some paperwork dotted with tiny black lettering. Denver glared at the thinning spot of light brown hair that would be an official bald spot in another year.

  Clesson shoved the papers into a green file holder. “No interview today. Go home.”

  Denver’s smirk shifted to a frown. Why wasn’t he tossing her into a tiny dank room with a ceiling mounted camera? She’d eaten a complete breakfast in prep for a full day of harassment and lies.

  Clesson was the guy in Internal Affairs responsible for busting most of her former squad on corruption charges. He’d found no evidence to incriminate Denver, so she’d escaped prosecution. But Clesson had formed a real bug up his ass to find something, anything on her. And when that failed, he’d become determined to use Denver to railroad possible dirty cops in another precinct.

  “What did you just say, Clesson?” Denver asked, suspicious she glanced around expecting to see a pack of I.A. cops ready to swoop down.

  Clesson didn’t bother to look up. But it was easy to hear the anger weaved into his tone. “Your assistance is no longer necessary. I will not contact you again.”

  Denver reared back, confused. This man had been damn near stalking her for over a year. Was this the start of some sick new game? A vibration made her jump. She fished her cell phone out of a front pocket.

  The caller id flashed a single first name. Spanky.

  She hit the ignore button. But as soon the call connected to voicemail, another one came in. Denver repeated the process. Again the phone rang before she could put it away.

  Clesson still hadn’t bothered with eye contact. His coworkers went about their business. No one paid any attention to them. She took a step away from Clesson’s desk and answered the call.

  “Not a good time.” Her thumb hovered over the end call button.

  The voice came through clear as if the caller stood in the room. “Let’s establish the rules. When I call, you pick up. Make me wait again and y
ou’ll be punished. Understood?”

  Her heart gave one hard thump. Denver answered what she hoped sounded like a nonchalant yet assertive agreement.

  “Good. Your issue with Detective Clesson is resolved. Say your goodbyes. Keep the line open.”

  In her head, Denver let loose a long stream of cuss words. But she tested out this new premise with the I.A. officer. “All right Clesson, last chance before I book it out of here for good.”

  Again his eyes didn’t rise from the paperwork. Clesson slammed a desk drawer, then pulled his computer’s keyboard closer. “Goodbye, Denver.” He jabbed at the board’s keys. They made a tap, tap, tap sound as a final signal of dismissal.

  She could sense how unresolved this issue truly was, but why push her luck?

  Denver hightailed it past the desks of the other I.A. officers, took a left down the hall, and pushed through a door that led into a dank smelling staircase.

  “Ok, what the hell was that about Maddox?” Denver sneered into the phone after confirming she was alone.

  Aaron Maddox’s shrug was almost audible through the phone. “Like I said, Clesson won’t be bothering you anymore.”

  She made a sound, part groan, part sigh. “Any help from you is gonna settle over me like a greasy stink. I didn’t ask for any favors.”

  “Don’t worry, no one will ever suspect the command came from me. We won’t be linked. And for the record, women like you don’t know when to ask for help, don’t know when to bend. That’s why you end up with a firm hand on your perky ass.”

  Her mind flashed to the night before. Aaron Maddox, wealthy real estate investor, member of a suspected crime family had shown up at her front door. Within an hour she’d ended up stripped naked, spanked, and plowed from behind by billionaire cock. She’d also ended up on the wrong side of blackmail.

  Aaron possessed video footage of Denver taking an illegal payoff when she was a cop. He considered keeping the details of its existence a favor. In exchange, she’d have to grant some favors in return.

  Denver hadn’t been sure if that meant he’d be taking his quid pro quo from between her legs or in other ways.


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