Rock Steady

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Rock Steady Page 16

by Dawn Ryder

  “There they are,” Kate said.

  The members of Toxsin were clustered around a man in a pair of Tommy Bahama pants. His chest was chiseled, and he clearly enjoyed having it on display.

  “That her?” he asked as he peered over the rim of his designer shades.

  He was coming toward her a moment later, distracting her from Ramsey, who was leaning against a palm tree, watching her.

  “I’m Sammy.” Their host cut through her perusal of Ramsey. He offered her a hand to shake, but the moment she took it, he used the hold to pull her close and hug her.

  “Man, you do some mean ink, woman,” Sammy said as he released her. “You’re not too hard on the eyes either. Can’t wait to see you in a suit.”

  He raked her from head to toe and winked at her boldly. “Or out of it. Pool’s clothing optional. Don’t suit up on my account.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Sammy chuckled. “Ramsey never puts a suit on either.” The music producer snapped his fingers. “Someone get my girls here a drink.” He looked at Kate and tapped his cheek.

  She let out a soft sound of amusement before going toward him and stretching up onto her toes to kiss him. Samuel turned his head at the last second so her lips landed on his.

  “Hands off,” Syon said as he claimed his wife, pulling her back against him with a solid arm around her waist.

  Samuel lifted his hands into the air in mock surrender. His attention honed in on Jewel, or more precisely, something behind her. Sammy lifted an eyebrow, and she turned her head to catch Ramsey moving toward her.

  “Really?” Sammy said as Ramsey hooked her hip and kept her in place.

  “Nobody brought me a pretty girl?” The music producer offered a few fake sniffles. Two girls sitting nearby took instant advantage, cozying up to him.

  “That’s better.” He looked down one of their dresses, then back up at Jewel. “Nice to meet you. Have some fun. Party is just getting started.”

  Jewel tried to step away from Ramsey. The people around them melted away with his touch.

  “We need to talk,” he muttered against her hair.

  She’d be a real bitch to say no. But her feelings were injured. She wasn’t exactly sure why, only that she was fighting off tears now that he was so close.

  “You’re making me crazy,” she said with a little sigh.

  He snorted. “I know the feeling.”

  For a moment, they stood there, both of their defenses down, uncertain of what to do. His scent awakened all sorts of impulses. Honestly, all she wanted to do was let him surround her until the connection numbed her wits and she forgot all about thinking.

  “Ramsey!” There was a squeal from the pool as a girl got out. Water streamed down her body as she came across the deck toward them.

  “Oh…that’s bad,” Taz said nearby.

  Ramsey snorted before she heard him draw in a stiff breath. His fingers tightened on her hip for a second. “Be back.”

  The girl had grabbed a towel and was drying off. She tossed it aside and squealed when she made it to Ramsey. She launched herself into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. She reached up and cupped his nape before pressing a kiss against his mouth. A full on-the-mouth mashing of their lips sort of kiss that made Jewel see red.

  “Maybe we’d better go change into our suits,” Kate said.

  “Sure,” Jewel answered. “But I’m good. Really. You don’t need to wingman me.”

  Syon trailed kisses down his wife’s neck. He lifted his head and sent Jewel a grateful smile. He whispered something in Kate’s ear that made her blush. A moment later, he pulled her by their clasped hands through an open side door.

  Ramsey was still holding the girl in the bikini. He’d broken off the lip-lock, but she was still pressed against him, her hands on his chest beneath his leather vest as she fingered his nipple bar.

  “You know…you should give him a few minutes to straighten things out,” Taz said beside her.

  “Sure.” She turned around and headed into the house. The sight was branded into her memory though, and her temper sizzled.

  I’m jumping to conclusions…

  Maybe, but that didn’t change the fact that she was jealous.

  And she wasn’t going down without a fight.

  The thought just came out of all the emotions churning inside her. Determination sent her looking for a bedroom to change in. There was no shortage of them, but finding an open one proved challenging. When she finally succeeded in getting a doorknob to turn, the sight behind it distracted her from her temper for a moment.

  The room was made up as a sex pad. There was a bed with the sheets already turned down. On the bedside table was a basket of condoms, lotions, and small sex toys.

  “The party’s just getting started, my ass,” she said to the empty room.

  The suit she’d settled on was more of a sports model. Even with someone else picking up the bill, she hadn’t been able to bring herself to buy something superficial. She’d settled on one with boy shorts and little cap sleeves that looked like something a surfer might don.

  Considering herself in the mirror, she nodded with approval. She was going out to…well, to be herself. If that wasn’t enough to draw Ramsey’s attention…she’d embrace her fate.

  * * *

  “Vicky, I’m here with someone.”

  “In your dreams.”

  Ramsey looked up and found Rage considering him. Vicky wiggled against him, making him feel about two inches tall for the first time in his life because she thought nothing of being so brazen in public. A fact he was responsible for; he’d sure as hell encouraged it enough. Throwing Vicky off him wasn’t exactly fair and he owed her an explanation.

  “I’m here with someone,” Ramsey repeated.

  Vicky shrugged. “I don’t mind sharing.” She rolled the bar through his nipple, her touch practiced and refined. There was a steady confidence in her eyes, no doubt or hesitation. “We’ve done it before.”

  They had. The knowledge stung for the first time. He realized he wasn’t interested. Not a bit.

  Vicky made a soft sound under her breath and pinched his nipple. “I love that sexy grin of yours. Where is she? Let’s have a drink together. Get to know each other.”

  Ramsey jerked and set Vicky back. “You’ve got it wrong.”

  Vicky propped one hand on her hip and eyed him knowingly. “Don’t I always do you right?”

  “Every time I’ve been here, you have,” Rage interjected.

  “Get out of my face, Rage,” Ramsey growled. “What the fuck business is it of yours?”

  Rage shrugged. “You’ve been working pretty hard to make sure everyone knows you don’t give a shit about whoever you’re screwing. I’m not the only one who’s taken notice.”

  Ramsey moved closer to Rage. “Still didn’t tell me what business it is of yours.”

  “Not that I expect you have any clue what I’m talking about, but Jewel is worth more than you leaving her the second another woman calls your name,” Rage said slowly. “You lump all females into the category of available orifices for your cock.”

  Ramsey saw red. He launched himself at Rage, catching the man by surprise. Not with the attack, but with how fast it landed on him. Rage wasn’t a newbie when it came to brawling. The singer came up with a hiss, jabbing his thumbs into the soft spot behind Ramsey’s earlobes.

  There was a snort as Ramsey rolled away and came back at the singer. Patio furniture went skidding across the pool deck, umbrellas jerking back and forth like they were caught in a hurricane-force wind. Ramsey didn’t care. He went after Rage, the sound of flesh on flesh taking the place of the party conversation.

  People started to interfere, but pulled back when they realized it was the two singers. Most of them were there to impress, and that didn’t include getting between brawlers.

  * * *

  “What the—” Jewel blinked when she stepped out of the house and back onto the pati
o. The universe had obviously decided to tilt while she was putting on her swimsuit, because the party was now a cage match. There was a crackle of energy in the air that belonged at a blood sport.

  Her mouth hung open as she recognized the two fighters.

  “God damn it, Ramsey!” she said.

  Rage turned to look at her. Ramsey nailed him on the chin during the moment of distraction. Rage went reeling, but managed to maintain his balance and came back around to jab at Ramsey’s midsection.

  “Stay right here,” Syon said, his missing shirt and half-closed pants telling her more than she needed to know about what he’d been doing. Kate was ten paces behind her husband as she tried to close her corset top.

  Syon launched himself into the fight, shoving his way between Ramsey and Rage.

  Samuel Moss appeared in the doorway. “What the hell?” The drink in his hand went crashing onto the deck. “Someone pull them the fuck apart!”

  Action was swift. Now that the music producer had voiced his command, half the guests jumped forward to do his bidding. Ramsey and Rage didn’t have a choice. They were pulled away from each other by sheer numbers.

  Well, at least there was a positive use for all the brownnosers.

  “It’s the middle of concert season, you ass wipes!” Samuel snapped.

  “They were fighting over her,” Tia said as she delivered a new drink to Samuel. He looked at the drink and the girl like she was brainless, before he rolled his attention over to Jewel.

  “Weren’t you just inside?” he asked, proving he was taking in details as well as having a good time.


  “It was still over her,” Tia insisted as she tried to cozy up to Samuel. He brushed her off.

  “I’m dealing with business here,” Samuel told her. “Since you don’t seem to know to cut the party crap when life gets real enough to threaten profits, why don’t you get lost, so the big boys can work.”

  He stepped away from her and hooked Jewel by the upper arm.

  “It was my fight.” Ramsey was suddenly there. Something dropped over her shoulders, and she realized it was a towel. Half-wet, the terrycloth stuck to her, and the scent of chlorine pool water tickled her nose.

  “But over her?” Samuel demanded. He pointed at his deck. “Why?”

  “My point exactly,” Rage added as he came closer. “You haven’t got a fucking clue how to behave.”

  “Neither do you,” Sammy shot back at Rage. “I’ve already warned you to keep your pretty face…pretty. Especially during concert season. And if either of you two clowns don’t get that part, let me tell you how much I don’t like the pair of you risking a broken jaw while the stadiums are sold out. If you wanted the sort of job you could call in sick to, this sure as shit isn’t it. We pay every union worker, even if you can’t go on and we have to refund the tickets.”

  Ramsey hooked his hands into his waistband, his jaw set hard. Rage glared at a spot on Sammy’s shoulder. It was as submissive as either of them was likely to get. Sammy made a low sound in the back of his throat.

  “You know what?” Sammy said. “You two”—he released Jewel and pointed at Ramsey—“the pair of you, get down the hallway, find a room, and lock the door behind you. Talk…fuck…I don’t care, just get the bug out of your ass, Ramsey.”

  Her checks felt like they caught fire, but Sammy didn’t bat an eye.

  “And you…come with me.” The music producer dragged Rage away.

  Half a dozen people heard it. But what bothered Jewel was the way Ramsey’s eyes glittered. He was digging in. Making ready to refuse, because that wild part of him just needed to rebel. She reached down and caught his hand before she questioned the protective urge taking hold of her.

  “Come on,” she said softly.

  He stayed exactly where he was. People were watching them, the gleam in their eyes making it clear they were enthralled by the idea of having a juicy tidbit to carry to Sammy. Jewel reversed course and flattened herself against Ramsey.

  “Really?” she asked under her breath. “You’re going to entertain the brownnosers? I thought you wanted to talk.”

  He looked past her, noticing the other guests. Two seconds later, he was tugging her down the hallway by their joined hands.

  “Three more…” she offered.

  He shook his head. “I know where I’m taking you.”

  Of course he did. Where she’d thought the hallway ended, there was actually a door. Ramsey pushed through it. There was another section of the house. This one had doors much farther apart.

  “Family wing,” he said over his shoulder. “I’d sure as hell only let someone I call family talk to me like that.”

  He selected a door and tried the knob. It turned, and he pushed it in.

  “Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face,” she said as she followed him inside.

  Ramsey raised an eyebrow and gave her a dry cough as a reply.

  “Seriously. He had a decent reason for chewing you out. Even dream jobs have business sides.” She walked past him and into a gorgeous suite. She’d probably even have time to appreciate it if Ramsey wasn’t inside it with her. But he was captivating her, as usual.

  He shrugged and turned the lock on the door. A hint of satisfaction glittered in his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest and faced off with her.

  Her belly did a little flip.

  “I was an asshole this morning.”

  Whatever she’d thought he might say, an apology hadn’t been it. Her breath caught, and she put her back to him as her hold on her composure slipped. It was stupid, really. She’d made her choice and should be able to face the man she’d chosen as her lover. Logical thinking, however, was completely deserting her as usual when faced with Ramsey. All she wanted to do was dissolve into a puddle of receptors.

  He let out a grunt, betraying his frustration. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She winced. “I’m sorry.” She turned around. “I’m not trying to guilt-trip you. I wanted to be there…last night. I’m not saying I didn’t, and you don’t owe me anything.”

  He was coming toward her, and it was too much. She was on overload and spun around, seeking space to escape. Ramsey didn’t let her make it more than a single step. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his body as he nuzzled her hair.


  “It wasn’t on purpose…just, whenever guys at the shop would find out, they’d start trying to get in my pants like I was some sort of prize.”

  “You’re that, alright,” he muttered as he kissed her temple.

  “And you make me a little insane,” she finished. “I forget how to think, much less talk.”

  “I do,” he whispered against her hair. “I made sure I drove you crazy. I’m an asshole for doing that. For pushing you. For treating you like just another handful of candy I could grab.”

  She snorted, two tears trickling down her cheeks.

  “I made my choice.” At least her voice came out smooth. “There’s nothing for you to feel guilty about.”

  He released her and came around her. He cupped her chin and raised her face so their eyes met, reading her emotions like they were in print.

  “Except fighting with Rage,” she said quickly. “What was that about?”

  Ramsey’s lips twitched. “He pointed out that I was an idiot for leaving you to go to Vicky.”

  An image of Ramsey holding the bikini-clad girl came instantly to mind. Her temper flared back up. “You were.” She walked past him, taking in the suite for the first time.

  “What in the tar is that?” she demanded as she blinked, trying to absorb the reality of what she was seeing.

  “One of Sammy’s playground toys,” Ramsey answered in a tone edged with amusement. She turned on him.

  “Don’t laugh at me just because I’ve never seen one of those”—she gestured with her thumb over her shoulder—“in the flesh.”

  Ramsey laughed outright at her. He rocked
back on his heels as he chuckled. Jewel turned around to study the object in question.

  It was a swing.

  A bondage swing made of straps similar to seat belts, and thick metal bars. The thing was black and suspended from the ceiling. Once again, the room sported a basket of sex supplies like a hotel put out toiletry items.

  “You should see your face,” Ramsey said from behind her.

  Jewel turned back to look at Ramsey. He was watching her, his dark eyes full of appreciation. “Like seeing me blush, is that it?”

  “Like isn’t a strong enough word,” he clarified. “I love your unjaded mind, your honest responses.”

  His expression darkened as he looked past her at the swing. “I think I’ve got a bellyache.” He shook his head and reached out to grasp her hand. Once he had it, he tugged her through the suite, leaving the swing behind.

  “I think I’ve been sick to my stomach for a long time without realizing it,” he said. The admission shocked her.

  As well as warmed her. Some sensation was spreading through her, an emotion that caught her off guard as she struggled to put a name on it.


  The word didn’t fit with his badass persona or his prowling jungle cat reputation.

  But it sure suited her needs, soothing the hurt that had been sitting on her chest so heavily that she’d been fighting to breathe.

  He opened a patio door. Outside was a private deck. There were padded lounge chairs and a hot tub. He punched the controls, and the water started bubbling. The sun was almost gone, leaving them in semidarkness. Sounds drifted over from the party, but all they did was make her shudder.

  “You’ve got to be sore.” He shrugged out of his vest. “Let’s soak.”

  “Hot tubs aren’t good for healing tats.”

  “Sammy employs the best people in the biz to disinfect his house, because he likes to party with his groupies and doesn’t want to catch anything.”


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