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by McLynn, Frank

  20 There is an enormous literature on Eleanor of Aquitaine. Representative titles include Régine Pernoud, Aliénor d’Aquitaine (Paris, 1965); W.W. Kibler, ed., Eleanor of Aquitaine: Patron and Politician (Austin, Texas, 1976); Alison Weir, Eleanor of Aquitaine by the Wrath of God, Queen of England (1999). There are also some first-rate essays: Jane Martindale, ‘Eleanor of Aquitaine’, in Janet Nelson, ed., Richard Coeur de Lion in History and Myth, op. cit. pp.17-50; E.R. Labande, ‘Pour une image véridique d’Aliénor d’Aquitaine’, Bulletin de la Société des Antiquaires de l’Ouest, 4th series 2 (1952), pp.174-234; H.G. Richardson, ‘The letters and charters of Eleanor of Aquitaine’, EHR 74 (1959), pp.191-213.

  21 Dunbabin, France in the Making, op. cit. pp.56-63; Hallam, Capetian France, op. cit. pp. 52-63; E.A. Richard, Histoire des comtes de Poitou, 2 vols (Paris, 1903), ii. pp.60-457.

  22 Labande. ‘Pour une image’, loc. cit.; R. Bartlett, Gerald of Wales 1146-1223 (Oxford, 1982), pp.91-99.

  23 John of Salisbury, Historia Pontificalis (Memoirs of the Papal Court), ed. Marjorie Chibnall (1956), pp.52-53; Richard of Devizes, Chronicon Richardi Divisensis de tempore Regis Richard Primi, ed. J.T. Appleby (1963), pp.25-26; Labande, ‘Pour une image’, loc. cit. pp.184-87; Martindale, ‘Eleanor of Aquitaine’, loc. cit. p.40; Pernoud, Aliénor, op. cit. pp. 86-93; G. Duby, The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France, trans. B. Bray (1985), pp.192-96; Elberg Foster, ed., Medieval Marriage: Two Models from Twelfth Century France (Johns Hopkins, 1978) pp.54-62.

  24 John Gillingham, ‘Love, marriage and politics in the twelfth century’, Forum for Modern Language Studies 25 (1989), pp.292-303; C. Brooke, The Medieval Idea of Marriage (Oxford, 1991), pp.123-24.

  25 W. Stubbs, ed., The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury, 2 vols (RS 1880), i. p.49; Gerald of Wales, op. cit. viii. pp.300-01; Howlett, ed., Chronicles, op. cit. ii. p.165; Richard, Histoire des comtes de Poitou, op. cit. ii. p. 457; Labande, ‘Pour une image’, p.198.

  26 John of Salisbury, Memoirs of the Papal Court, op. cit. pp.61-62.

  27 Labande, ‘Pour une image’, p.197; Martindale, ‘Eleanor of Aquitaine’, loc. cit. p. 42; A. Molinier, ed., Vie de Louis Le Gros par Suger, suivie de l’histoire du roi Louis VII (Paris, 1887), pp.165-66.

  28 Stubbs, ed., Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury, op. cit. i. p.49.

  29 Ralph of Diceto, op. cit. i. p.303; Martindale, ‘Eleanor’, loc. cit. pp.31-32.

  30 Warren, Henry II, pp.45-47.

  31 Pernoud, Aliénor, p.114.

  32 Martindale, ‘Eleanor’, loc. cit. p.43.

  33 Pernoud, Aliénor, p.186; Pauline Stafford, ‘Sons and mothers: family politics in the early Middle Ages’, in D. Baker, ed., Medieval Women (Oxford, 1978), pp.79-100; Alison Weir, Eleanor of Aquitaine, op. cit. pp.361-62.

  34 B. Lyon, ‘Henry II: A Non-Victorian Interpretation’, in J.S. Hamilton & R. Bradley, eds, Essays in Medieval History presented to G.P. Cuttino (Woodbridge, 1989).

  35 R.V. Turner, ‘Eleanor of Aquitaine and her children: an inquiry into medieval family attachment’, JMH 14 (1988), pp.32-35; Martindale, ‘Eleanor’, loc. cit. p.37; cf. Kibler, ed., Eleanor of Aquitaine, op. cit.

  36 Martindale, ‘Eleanor’, loc. cit. p.33.

  37 Howlett, ed., Chronicles, op. cit. iv. pp.180, 186; W. Stubbs, ed., Chronica Rogeri de Houdene, 4 vols (RS 1871) - hereinafter Howden, Chronica - i. p.215; Z.N. & C.N.L. Brooke, ‘Henry II, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine’, EHR 61 (1946), pp.81-89 (at pp.86-88); J. Boussard, Le gouvernment d’Henri II Plantagenêt (Paris, 1956), pp.397-98; Warren, Henry II, pp.64-65.

  38 Kate Norgate, Richard the Lionheart (1924), pp.2-3. For Nequam see R.W. Hunt, The Schools and the Cloister. The Life and Writings of Alexander Nequam (Oxford, 1984); see also review by John J. Contreni in AHR 90 (1985), pp.917-18.

  39 Alison Weir, Eleanor of Aquitaine, p.153.

  40 W.J. Miller, H.E. Butler & C.N.L. Brooke, eds, Letters of John of Salisbury, 2 vols (1979), i. pp.199-200.

  41 The best synoptic work of research is Bonnie Wheeler & John Carmi Parsons, eds, Eleanor of Aquitaine. Lord and Lady (2002). Cf. also D.D.R. Owen, Eleanor of Aquitaine (1993) and Douglas Boyd, Eleanor, April Queen of Aquitaine (2004).

  42 X. de Planhol, A Historical Geography of France (Cambridge, 1994).

  43 Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.293-94.

  44 R. Dion, Histoire de la vigne et du vin en France des origines au XIXe siècle (Paris, 1959); R. Faureau, ‘Les debuts de la ville de La Rochelle’, Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 30 (1987), pp.23-28; C. Page, Voices and Instruments of the Middle Ages (1987); L. Seidel, Songs of Glory. The Romanesque Facades of Aquitaine (Chicago, 1981).

  45 J. Viellard, Le guide du pèlerin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle (Mâcon, 1938), pp.16-32, 62-78.

  46 John Frederick Rowbotham, The Troubadours and the Courts of Love (1895); Simon Gaunt & Sarah Keys, eds, The Troubadours: An Introduction (1999); Jack Lindsay, The Troubadours and their World in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (1976); F.X. Newman, The Meaning of Courtly Love (N.Y., 1968); Elizabeth Aubrey, The Music of the Troubadours (1996); Sarah Spence, Rhetoric of Reason and Desire: Vergil, Augustine and the Troubadours (1988).

  47 Amy Kelly, Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings (Cambridge, Mass., 1950), pp.158-67; J. Chaban-Delmas, La dame d’Aquitaine (Monte Carlo, 1987), p.144; J. Markdale, La vie, la légende, l’influence d’Aliénor comtesse de Poitou, duchesse d’Aquitaine, reine de France, puis Angleterre, dame des troubadours et des bardes bretons (Paris, 1979); Régine Pernoud, Aliénor, op. cit. p.364.

  48 P.G. Walsh, ed., Andreas Capellanus on Love (1982), pp.92-93, 252-57; Martindale, ‘Eleanor’, loc. cit. p.39; John Gillingham, ‘Love, marriage and politics’, loc. cit. pp.292-303; J. McCash, ‘Marie de Champagne and Eleanor of Aquitaine: a relationship reexamined’, Speculum 54 (1979), pp.698-711. The most recent research is in Marcus Bull & Catherine Leglu, The World of Eleanor of Aquitaine (Woodbridge, 2005).

  49 F.K. Akeheurst & Judith M. Davis, eds, A Handbook of the Troubadours (Berkeley, 1995); Jean Boutière & Alexander H. Schutz, eds, Biographies des Troubadours (n.d.); Robert Briffault, The Troubadours (Bloomington, Indiana, 1961); Raymond Thompson Hill & T.G. Bergin, eds, Anthology of the Provençal Troubadours (1973).

  50 William of Malmesbury, Gesta Anglorum, eds R.A.B. Mynors, R.M. Thomson & M. Winterbottom (Oxford, 1998), ii. pp.392-93; Jane Martindale, ‘Cavalaria et Orgueil. Duke William IX and the historian’, in Christopher Harper-Bill & Ruth Harvey, eds, The Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood (1988), pp.87-116; A. Jeanroy, ed., Les chansons de Guillaume IX, duc d’Aquitaine (Paris, 1972).

  51 M. Lazar, ed., Chansons d’Amour by Bernard de Ventadour (Strasbourg, 1966); R. Lejeune, ‘Role littéraire d’Aliénor d’Aquitaine et de sa famille’, Cultura Neo-Latina 14 (1954), pp.6-57 (at pp.17-19); Amy Kelly, Eleanor of Aquitaine, op. cit. pp.158-67.

  52 J.Weiss, The Birth of Romance (1992), pp.59, 66.

  53 P. Bec, ‘Troubadours, trouvères et espace Plantagenêt’, Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 29 (1986), pp.10-11; J. Stevenson, ed., Radulphi de Coggleshall Chronicon Anglicanum (RS 1875) - hereinafter Coggleshall - p.97; George Henry Needler, Richard Coeur de Lion in Literature (Leipzig, 1890), pp.7-18.

  54 Warren, Henry II, pp.82-92.

  55 Howlett, Chronicles, op. cit. iv. p.211.

  56 Ralph of Diceto, i. p.331; J.C. Robertson, ed., Materials, op. cit. v. p.197; L. Delisle & E. Berger, eds, Recueil des Actes de Henri II roi d’Angleterre et duc de Normandie, concernant les provinces françaises et les affaires de France, 4 vols, i. p.416; Boussard, Le gouvernment d’Henri II, op. cit. p.354; P. Boissonade, ‘Administrateurs laïques et ecclésiastiques anglo-normands en Poitou à l’époque d’Henri II Plantagenêt 1152-1189’, Bulletin de la Société des Antiquaires de l’Ouest, 3rd series 5 (1919), pp.159-60; Richard, Histoire des comtes de Poitou 778-1204, 2 vols (Paris, 1903), ii. pp.130-34.

  57 Howlett, Chronicles, op. cit. iv. pp.2
35-36; S. Painter, ‘The Houses of Lusignan and Châtellerault 1150-1250’, Speculum 30 (1955), pp.374-84; Painter, ‘The Lords of Lusignan in the eleventh and twelfth centuries’, Speculum 32 (1957), pp.27-47.

  58 Millor & Brooke, eds, Letters of John of Salisbury, op. cit. ii. pp.552-70; History of William Marshal, eds & trans., A.J. Holden, S. Gregory & D. Crouch (2002) - hereinafter WM - i. pp.85-91.

  59 Howlett, Chronicles, iv. p.208; Gillingham, Richard I, pp.29-30.

  60 Howlett, Chronicles, iv. p.240; Letters of John of Salisbury, op. cit. ii. pp.636-49.

  61 Robertson, ed., Materials, iii. pp.418-39; Gervase of Canterbury, i. pp.207-11; Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.336-37.

  62 Howlett, Chronicles, iv. pp.241-42; Richard, Histoire des comtes de Poitou, op. cit. ii. p.150.

  63 Frank Barlow, Thomas Becket (1986), pp.225-50.

  64 Richard, Histoire des comtes de Poitou, ii. pp.150-53.

  65 Vigeois, ‘Chronica’, in P. Labbe, ed, Novae Bibliothecae Manuscriptorum Librorum, 2 vols (Paris, 1657), ii. pp.279-329.

  66 W. Stubbs, ed., Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I, RS38 (1864) I p.144.

  67 Gerald of Wales, viii. p.309; Gillingham, Richard I, pp.255-56.

  68 W.S. Davies, ed., The De Inventionibus of Gerald (1920), pp.100-101; Coggleshall, pp.59-60.

  69 Gerald of Wales, iv. p.54; J.L. Thorpe, ed. & trans., Journey through Wales by Gerald of Wales (1978), pp.104-05.

  70 Gillingham, Richard I, pp.256-57.

  71 J. Vieillard, Le Guide du pèlerin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle (Mâcon, 1938), pp.16-32, 62, 66, 78.


  1 Gerald of Wales, viii. pp.177-79; Roger of Howden, Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi, ed. W. Stubbs (RS 1867), 2 vols, i. p.297.

  2 BN Latin MSS.5480; W.L. Warren, King John (1961), p.26.

  3 Ralph of Diceto, i. p.382.

  4 Andrew L. Lewis, ‘The Birth and Childhood of King John: Some Revisions’, in Bonnie Wheeler & John C. Parsons, Eleanor of Aquitaine. Lord and Lady (2002), pp.159-75. Cf. also Robert of Gloucester, Chronicle, in Works of Thomas Hearne, 2 vols (1810), ii. p.484, Howlett, Chronicles, op. cit. iv. pp.195, 207, 221, 233, 252.

  5 Ralph of Diceto, ii. pp.16-17, 269-70; Howlett, Chronicles, iv. pp.176, 183, 195, 197, 211, 226; R.W. Eyton, Court, Household and Itinerary of Henry II (1878), ii. pp.54-55.

  6 Georges Duby, Dames au XIIe siècle (Paris, 1996), p.32; Elizabeth A.R. Brown, ‘Eleanor of Aquitaine: Parent, Queen and Duchess’, in Kibler, ed., Eleanor of Aquitaine, op. cit. pp.9-23 (at p.16); Labande, ‘Pour une image véridique’, loc. cit. pp.202-03; Lewis, ‘Birth and Childhood of King John’, loc. cit. p.165.

  7 Jacqueline Smith, ‘Robert of Arbussel’s relations with women’, in Baker, ed., Medieval Women, op. cit. pp.175-84.

  8 Lewis, ‘Birth and Childhood of King John’, loc. cit. pp.167-68, 175.

  9 Ralph V. Turner, ‘Eleanor of Aquitaine and her children: an inquiry into medieval family attachment’, Journal of Medieval History 14 (1988), pp.325-26.

  10 Elizabeth A.R. Brown, ‘Eleanor of Aquitaine’, loc. cit; Lois L. Huneycutt, ‘Public Lives, Private Ties, Royal Mothers in England and Scotland c. 1070-1204’, in John Parsons & Bonnie Wheeler, eds, Medieval Mothering (1996), pp.297-98, 306-08.

  11 Lewis, ‘Birth and Childhood of King John’, loc. cit pp.168-69.

  12 Op. cit. p.175.

  13 Howlett, Chronicles, iii. p.408.

  14 Coggleshall, pp.324-25; S. Painter, The Reign of King John (Baltimore, 1949), pp.48-54.

  15 Gerald of Wales, viii. pp.292-93.

  16 Walter Map, Courtiers’ Trifles (Oxford, 1983), pp.450-51.

  17 See Susan Reynolds, Fiefs and Vassals. The Medieval Evidence Reinter preted (Oxford, 1994); Elizabeth A.R. Brown, ‘The Tyranny of a Construct Feudalism and Historians of Medieval Europe’, AHR 79 (1974), pp.1063-88; Paul R. Hyams, ‘The End of Feudalism?’, Journal of Interdisciplinary History (1997), pp.655-72.

  18 Susan Mosher Stuard, Women in Medieval Society (Pennsylvania, 1993); David Herlihy, Women, Family and Society in Medieval Europe. Historical Essays (1995); Henrietta Leyser, Medieval Women. A Social History of Women in England 450-1500 (1995).

  19 William of Newburgh, i. p.114; Howlett, Chronicles, iv. p.197.

  20 Warren, Henry II, op. cit. pp.108-09.

  21 J.F. Le Marignier, Recherches sur l’hommage en marche et les frontières féodales (Lille, 1945), pp.38-45; Howlett, Chronicles, iv. pp.160-64.

  22 F. Barlow, ed., The Letters of Arnulf of Lisieux (Camden Society, 1939), pp.32-33 (letter 24); Barlow, ‘The English, Norman and French councils called to deal with the papal schism of 1159’, EHR 51 (1936), pp.264-68.

  23 Warren, Henry II, pp.88-90.

  24 Robertson, ed., Materials, op. cit. vi. pp.206-07, 323; vii. p.217; Raymond Foreville, L’Eglise et la royauté en Angleterre sous Henri II Plantagenêt 1154-1189 (Paris, 1943), pp.280-83; Anne Heslin, ‘The Coronation of the Young King in 1170’, in G.J. Cuming, ed., Studies in Church History 2 (1968), pp.165-78.

  25 Howlett, Chronicles, iv. p.245; Robertson, ed., Materials, vii. pp.309, 316-17.

  26 Howden, Gesta, i. pp.6-7; Howlett, Chronicles, pp.247-48.

  27 Gervase of Canterbury, i. pp.207-08; Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.336-37; Richard, Les comtes de Poitou, ii. p.150.

  28 Howden, Gesta, i. p.31.

  29 Ibid., pp.35-41; Howden, Chronica, ii. pp.41-45; C. Devic & J. Vaissete, Histoire générale de Languedoc, 6 vols (Toulouse, 1905), v. pp.11-12; M. Pacaut, Louis VII et son royaume (Paris, 1964), p.191; Howlett, Chronicles, iv. p.255; Recueil des Actes de Henri II roi d’Angleterre et duc de Normandie, ed. Delisle & Berger, op. cit. ii. pp.1-4; Prévité-Orton, The Early History of the House of Savoy 1000-1233 (Cambridge, 1912), pp.337-41.

  30 Howlett, Chronicles, ii. p.146; Kate Norgate, John Lackland (1902), p.2.

  31 Howden, Gesta, i. pp.34-35, 41; Howlett, Chronicles, iv. p.255.

  32 WM, i. p.101.

  33 Ibid., i. p.135.

  34 See O.H. Moore, The Young King Henry Plantagenet 1155-1183 in History, Literature and Tradition (Columbus, Ohio, 1925), passim; cf. also R.J. Smith, ‘Henry II’s Heir: the Acta and Seal of Henry the Young King, 1170-83’, EHR 116 (2001), pp.297-326.

  35 A. Thomas, Poésies complètes de Bertran de Born (Toulouse, 1888), p.6.

  36 Howden, Gesta, i. p34; Howden, Chronica, i. p.32.

  37 Dante, Divine Comedy, Canto 28, lines 133-35.

  38 Howlett, Chronicles, pp.255-56.

  39 Howden, Gesta, i. p.41; Howden, Chronica, ii. pp.41-45; Gervase of Canterbury, i. p.242; Howlett, Chronicles, i. pp.169-70; P. Labbe, Novae Bibliothecae Manuscriptorum Librorum (Paris, 1657), ii. p.319.

  40 Robertson, ed., Materials, iii. pp.116, 118-19, 478-83; v. pp.57, 270, 328-29; vi. pp.57-58; vii. pp.216, 330, 357-58, 382-95, 400.

  41 Warren, Henry II, p.118.

  42 Kate Norgate, England under the Angevin Kings, 2 vols (1887), ii. p.134.

  43 Labbe, Novae Bibliothecae, op. cit. ii. p.319; Howlett, Chronicles, i. pp.170-72; iv. p.256; Gervase of Canterbury, i. pp.242-43; Howden, Gesta, i. pp.41-43; Howden, Chronica, ii. p.46; Ralph of Diceto, i. p.355.

  44 Howden, ibid.

  45 Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.355-66.

  46 M. Bouquet et al, eds, Recueil des historiens de Gaule et de la France, 24 vols (Paris, 1904), xvi. pp.629-30.

  47 Millor, Butler & Brooke, eds, Letters of John of Salisbury, op. cit. ii. pp.342-46; Gervase of Canterbury, i. p.242.

  48 Alison Weir, Eleanor of Aquitaine, op. cit. pp.196-97.

  49 Warren, Henry II, pp.519-49.

  50 Ibid., pp.119-21.

  51 D.D.R. Owen, Eleanor of Aquitaine (Oxford, 1993), pp.114-48.

  52 Labande, ‘Pour une image’, loc. cit. pp.208-09; cf. J. Brundage, Law, Sex and Christian Society in Medieval Europe (Chicago, 1987).

  53 Pernoud, Aliénor d’Aquitaine, op. cit. p.151.

  54 Martindale, ‘Eleanor of Aquitaine’, loc. cit. p.44.

  55 J
.F. Benton, ‘The Courts of Champagne as a Literary Center’, Speculum 36 (1961), pp.551-91; J.M.H. McCash, ‘Marie de Champagne and Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Relationship Reexamined’, Speculum 54 (1979), pp.698-711.

  56 Amy Kelly, ‘Eleanor of Aquitaine and her courts of love’, Speculum 12 (1937), pp.3-19; F.W. Chambers, ‘Some legends regarding Eleanor of Aquitaine’, Speculum 16 (1941), pp.459-68.

  57 Gillingham, Richard I, pp.45-46.

  58 Martindale, ‘Eleanor’, loc. cit. pp.24-25, 28-31.

  59 Gillingham, Richard I, p.47.

  60 Ralph of Diceto, i. p.371.

  61 Boussard, Le gouvernment d’Henri II, op. cit. p.477; Warren, Henry II, pp.121-23; Norgate, England under the Angevin Kings, op. cit. ii. p.136.

  62 Howden, Chronica, ii. p.47.

  63 Howden, Gesta, i. pp.43-44.

  64 W. Strickland, War and Chivalry. The Conduct and Perception of War in England and Normandy 1066-1217 (Cambridge, 1966), pp.291-329; unfortunately the outstanding work of Kenneth Alan Fowler, Medieval Mercenaries. The Great Companies (2001), does not deal with this period.

  65 Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.367-75; William of Newburgh, i. pp.173-75; Howden, Gesta, i. pp.47-57.

  66 Howden, Gesta, i. pp.59-60.

  67 Howden, Gesta, i. pp.60-63; Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.377-79; Howden, Chronica, ii. pp.54-55.

  68 Pipe Rolls 22 Henry II, pp.119-20; Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.379-80; Howden, Gesta, pp.64-71; Howlett, Chronicles, i. pp.179-82.

  69 Gervase of Canterbury, i. pp.247-49; Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.381-82.

  70 Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.383-84; Gervase of Canterbury, i. p.249; Howden, Gesta, i. p.72; Howden, Chronica, ii. pp.61-63.

  71 Gervase of Canterbury, i. p.250; Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.385-87; Howden, Gesta, i. pp.74-76; Howden, Chronica, ii. pp.65-66; Howlett, Chronicles, i. pp.190-96; iv. p.265.

  72 C. Johnson, ed., Dialogus de Scaccario (1950), p.76.

  73 Ralph of Diceto, i. p.380; Howden, Gesta, i. p.71.

  74 Howden, Gesta, i. pp.76-79; Howden, Chronica, ii. pp.66-69.

  75 Warren, Henry II, p.138.

  76 Pipe Rolls 22 Henry II, pp.60, 179; GM, iii. p.33; Ralph of Diceto, i. pp.398, 404; Howden, Gesta, i. pp.126-27.


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