Golden Eyes (amber eyes )
Page 6
“Good idea. If nothing else, we can rule out a lot of ground to cover on foot. I’ll radio dispatch and have them send an off-duty deputy. I’ll catch a ride back to town with him when we take the lion out to Doc’s.”
“Thanks, Nick. I appreciate it.”
Nick eyed him curiously. “It’s my job.”
“Yeah, I know, but thanks anyway.”
“Duncan, are you sure everything’s okay? You’re taking this awfully hard.”
Concern and curiosity flickered in Nick’s eyes, and Duncan felt a surge of guilt. He wasn’t one to keep secrets. Aliyah, though? One secret well worth keeping. Especially if it kept her in his arms a little longer.
“I’m good, man. Keep me posted.”
Duncan started back to his truck. He tried to view the lion’s death as he would any other animal’s demise, but he kept imagining a golden-eyed cheetah lifeless on the ground.
It could have been Aliyah. It would have been Aliyah if he hadn’t found her when he had.
The idea of her running for her life, helpless against the hunters pursuing her, sent a cold chill down his spine. As long as he lived, he’d never forget the sight of a cold, shivering Aliyah lying naked on the floor of his mudroom, an arrow protruding from her thigh.
He wanted to get back to her. Make sure she was safe. Not hurting. But first he had to do what he could to ensure the hunters were no longer a threat to her.
He was eager as hell to see Aliyah again, and he knew it had little to do with police procedure, his investigation, or anything else. He wanted to touch her. Run his hands over her body.
His groin grew heavy, and an ache began as his cock stiffened.
He climbed into his truck and stared down in disgust at the bulge in his crotch. Then he shifted in an effort to alleviate the discomfort. All the way home, he thought about the coming snow. Ice. Frost. Cold showers. Anything that would make it less likely that he’d walk into his cabin with a hard-on from hell.
On the other hand, he could think of better ways to ease the ache than thinking of icebergs and penguins. Like diving into a warm pussy.
It was late when Duncan turned into his drive. He pulled up to his house and sat there for a moment, his hands gripped tight around the steering wheel. Fatigue worked deep into his muscles, but at the same time, anticipation licked up his skin. He realized, as he walked toward the front door, that he wanted her to be here. He didn’t want to walk into an empty house just like he did every other day.
He inserted the key into the lock, turned then paused as he slid his hand down to grab the handle. Quietly, he eased the door open and stepped inside.
Relief lightened his chest.
Curled up on the couch in front of the fire was Aliyah. Lying on her side, her knees drawn up and one arm dangling over the side of the sofa, she was sound asleep.
It looked frighteningly domestic. Like a man returning home after a long day at work to find his woman waiting. Soft. Beautiful.
He walked forward, drawn to the alluring image she presented. As he moved closer, he frowned. Her skin rippled with tiny quivers. Her muscles twitched and jumped, and her brow was creased, her lips drawn into a tight line.
He knelt in front of the couch and laid his hand on her shoulder. She was wearing one of his flannel shirts. He slid his hand down her arm then over her hip and to the bare skin of her leg. His fingers tracked back up to the hem of the shirt, and he pushed until it revealed her wound.
It still looked painful, though he couldn’t imagine anyone else healing this rapidly. And she seemed to think it was taking much too long.
He pressed his lips an inch below the jagged seam of the closed wound and kissed. Beneath his mouth, she stirred. He glanced over to see her looking at him. A smile curved her full lips.
“Hey,” she murmured.
“Hey yourself.”
She put her hand down to push herself into a sitting position. He clasped her shoulder and helped her up.
“You doing okay?” he asked.
She rubbed her hands over her arms and expelled a shaky breath. “Yeah, I’m good.”
He touched her cheek, outlined her lips with his fingers. Her eyes simmered liquid gold as she nuzzled her face into his palm.
“I’m starving,” he said. “Come keep me company while I whip up something to eat?”
She smiled and nodded.
“You want something?” he asked as he helped her to her feet.
“If you’re offering to cook.” She grinned. “I snacked on some of the stuff in your fridge, but I’m a disaster in the kitchen. Opening a can is about the extent of my culinary expertise.”
She glanced down at her bare legs then back up at Duncan. “I don’t have anything to wear. Your shirt was all I could find. I hope you don’t mind me borrowing it.”
He reached out to finger the lapel and ran the tip inside over the strip of flesh bared by the V. “That shirt never looked that good on me.”
She smiled again and started for the kitchen.
“I should have thought about getting you some clothes,” he said as he followed behind her. “Everything will be closed now, but I can go out tomorrow morning first thing and pick you up a few things.”
She gingerly perched atop one of the barstools, her bare legs dangling down. “That’s sweet of you. I’d appreciate it.” She cocked her head to the side and studied him. “You look tired. Long day?”
Warm pleasure surged through his veins at her concern. He set a skillet on the counter top and reached over to touch her hand.
“We found a dead lion.”
Sorrow filled her eyes and then she looked down. He raised his hand to her cheek.
“I’m sorry.”
She looked back at him, her eyes shining with a sheen of tears. “He was taken from the same game preserve that I was. He was a beautiful animal.”
“Aliyah, I’ll find the people who did this to you, to the other animals. I promise. They won’t hurt you again.”
She nodded, sadness still etched into her features. He pulled away and began preparations for a quick dinner.
A few minutes later, he dished up omelets for both of them. She dug in with enthusiasm and sighed in pleasure as she put a bite into her mouth.
“Real food. I’m in heaven.”
He looked up from his own plate. “Yeah, I guess you haven’t exactly had decent food lately.” Then he remembered his own offering of the raw steak and grimaced.
She ate quickly and with great enjoyment. When she pushed back her plate with a yawn, he felt the prickle of fatigue skate up his neck as well.
“We should probably get to bed,” he said as he picked up their plates and headed for the sink. “I’ll, uhm, take the couch.” He didn’t want to assume anything even though they’d had sex the night before. Maybe she already regretted it.
He turned around to see her staring intently at him, those golden eyes glowing in the light.
“I don’t want to sleep alone,” she said softly.
His chest tightened. He didn’t want to sleep on the couch. He’d much prefer having her in his arms again.
She walked forward, stopping mere inches in front of him. Their bodies were so close they were nearly touching. Her warmth reached out, curling around him, soft and feminine like her.
She put her hand on his chest and gazed up at him, her eyes beseeching.
“What are you asking?” he said hoarsely.
“For you to hold me. And maybe…”
“Maybe what?”
He cupped his hand over hers, sliding his fingers over her wrist and to her fingertips.
“And maybe you could touch me,” she whispered.
“Do you know what you’re asking?”
She touched his cheek. “I know what I’m asking for, Duncan. The question is, can you give it to me?”
Duncan stood in the doorway of his bedroom, arm resting against the frame. Aliyah was lying on
the bed. Naked. The flannel shirt she’d worn a few minutes ago was carelessly strewn on the floor.
She stretched on her side and stared up at him, eyes glowing, a golden, iridescent glitter. There was clear invitation in her gaze, and he quickly unbuttoned his shirt then peeled his pants off. As the material gathered around his ankles, he hastily kicked off his boots then stepped out of the jeans.
He moved forward, drawn to the enticing figure she posed. As he put a knee on the bed and crawled forward, she rose up on her elbow. Her long hair fell forward, sliding over her shoulder.
She wasn’t shy at all. He liked that about her. She reached out and cupped his erection, boldly stroking over the length, up and then down again, her fingers curling around his sac.
He loved the way he filled her tiny hand, how she could barely get her fingers wrapped around the thick base of his dick. Each caress sent a sharp bolt of pleasure ricocheting up his spine.
Finally he pried her hand away and pulled it high over her head. He moved over her body, straddling her waist. Arousal flared deep in her eyes at his dominant position. Muscles he didn’t even know he had tightened and spasmed as he stared down at her submissive pose.
Hell, he didn’t even know he possessed caveman tendencies, but damn if she didn’t bring them screaming to the surface. He wanted her. Wanted to own her, possess her. Brand her until there was no question that she belonged to him.
Something dark and primitive flared to life within him. Edgy need crawled over his skin, burning and restless.
He glanced down, just behind where he straddled her body, checking her wound. Though better than the previous day, he knew he still had to take care with her.
A growl erupted from his throat as the uncivilized part of him demanded he just take her. Ride her hard. Then he remembered the night before. Taking her from behind alleviated the need to spread her so wide, to put more pressure on the wound by pushing her legs up and apart.
He made a grab for the condoms still sitting on the nightstand then rolled off her. Then he flipped her over on her stomach. He circled her small waist with his hands and pulled her down until her pelvis cupped the edge of the bed and her feet dangled just inches from the floor.
The tempting swell of her ass beckoned him. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he tried to control his raging need.
He feathered his fingertips down her spine, touching, lightly stroking. She shivered and moaned, and he felt the prickle of little chill bumps break out over her skin.
Her hands splayed out over the sheets on either side of her head. Her fingers curled, gripping the material so tightly her knuckles turned white.
A smile curving his lips, he lowered his head to run his tongue from the small of her back up her spine. When he reached the base of her neck, he stopped and nibbled at the soft skin, making the baby soft hairs at her nape stand on end.
A light groan filtered through the room, and he honestly couldn’t tell if it was her or him. Light and teasing, he ran his mouth over the contours of her neck, down the slight curve to her shoulder. Then he sank his teeth into the column, and she went rigid beneath him.
Her frantic movements stirred the primitive male lurking just under the surface. He let out a snarl and pinned her body against the mattress, holding her still as he continued his sensual exploration of her body.
His chest pressed into her back, and he gripped her wrists with his hands, holding them tightly against the bed.
His cock lay in the seam of her ass, and he rubbed up and down, reaching down into the wetness of her pussy. Her scent floated up, curling through his nostrils until they flared and his breaths came harder.
It was as though he turned into a beast himself. No woman had ever made him feel this way, so possessive, so raw. The need to take her overwhelmed him. Mine. Every instinct screamed that she was his.
He was thick and rigid between her legs. He easily found her entrance, his hands never leaving her wrists. Then he closed his eyes and groaned. Condom. Fuck.
Letting go of one of her hands, he grabbed the packet from the bed and ripped it open. He reached down between her legs and rolled it on. His body shook with impatience. He could hardly contain the overwhelming desire to bury himself deep.
Aliyah reached back with her free hand to touch him, to feel the coiled muscles in his chest. He let out another growl as he clamped down over her hand, pressing it back to the mattress and preventing her movement. With one surge of his hips, he was balls deep in her pussy.
She cried out at his sudden possession. Her body rippled and seized around him, delicious waves of pleasure rolling over her like thunder.
He lay against her for a long moment as she simply enjoyed the sensation of being filled by him. Then his body took over, demanding more, moving, thrusting frantically against her.
There was no finesse to his actions, just the urgent need of a male to dominate his woman. His woman. The thought echoed sharply through her mind. His. The sound of the slap of his hips against her ass rose sharply.
She pushed back against him, taking more of him, swallowing him into her body. She whispered his name and closed her eyes as he owned her.
Her body tensed around him, and a flood of moisture burst around his cock. She was close, so close. She wanted more. She wanted it all. Wanted to be completely and truly his. Then he stopped his movements, holding himself deep inside her pussy.
She whimpered her protest and squirmed against him, trying to get him to thrust again. His hands tightened around her wrists, a warning for her to be still. Power emanated from him as he pressed his lips to the center of her back.
It was an exquisitely sensual gesture, not soft. No, he marked her, pressed his mouth to her spine then licked her. His teeth grazed over the ridges and sank into her quivering flesh.
“Duncan, please!”
He chuckled lightly as he kissed a small pattern up her spine.
“I need to come,” she begged.
“So do I, sweetheart. So do I.”
He slowly dragged his cock over her clenching flesh until the head of his dick just rimmed her entrance. He held there until she writhed underneath him, arching her ass, trying to take him again.
“Greedy wench,” he murmured.
His fingers slid over the tops of her hands. She curled her hand around his just as he lunged forward. He rode her hard and unrelenting.
She gasped then yelled his name as he pounded deeper. His groin met the fleshy globes of her ass, flattening them with each thrust. Harder and harder, faster and faster.
His cry sent her over the edge, and he tumbled after her. She screamed, he yelled, and he came completely apart as his orgasm splintered and broke like a perfect wave.
He lay over her, gasping for breath, struggling to process just how completely he’d lost control. Then he realized he hadher pinned to the bed, his much larger frame flattening her.
He let out a curse and eased off her, pulling out of her moist heat. She made a sound of protest, and he smoothed his hands over her back, cupping her buttocks in a gentle caress.
“Just lay there, honey. I’ll be right back to take care of you.”
She made a sound of contentment then, one that seared right through his chest and lodged in the vicinity of his heart. He tore the condom off and disposed of it before crawling back onto the bed.
Tenderly, he rolled her on her side then coaxed her into his arms, careful not to bump her wound.
“Am I alive?” she mumbled.
“Was I too rough?” he asked anxiously. God, now that the moment was over, he cringed at just how caveman he’d acted. He was just waiting for her to kick his ass out of bed.
“Oh no,” she said breathlessly. “You were absolutely perfect. So perfect that if you’ll give me a bit to recover, I want to do it all over again.”
Oh hell. His dick stood up and waved. He didn’t think he’d ever recovered that fast.
“How much time you need?”
She laughed, low and husky. “A couple minutes. Maybe one?”
He rolled until he was over her. “I like that answer.”
He stared down at her, the warm, happy glow in her eyes sending a roll of satisfaction through his body.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked.
She smiled and reached up to touch his face. “No. I won’t break, Duncan.”
“It’s a good damn thing,” he growled. “Because I plan to fuck your brains out.”
She giggled.
“What, not romantic enough for you?”
“Romance is highly overrated,” she said dryly. “I like raw. Hot. Unrestrained.”
His entire body tightened. How had he been so damn lucky to find a woman like her? Okay so he wasn’t going to dwell on how he’d found her. Definite mood killer.
When she tried to part her thighs, he clamped his legs around her, holding her in place.
“You just let me do all the work, honey. I don’t want you hurting yourself.”
She purred in contentment. “I could get used to this kind of treatment.” She stretched sensuously and arched her chest, pushing her breasts outward. It was more temptation than Duncan could withstand.
He lowered his mouth to one peak. The nipple melted in his mouth, conforming to the shape of his tongue. Sweet, so sweet. Delicious.
He sucked at her like a man starved. With each pull of her breast, she became more restless, twisting and whimpering with need.
His teeth grazed the point then nipped sharply, and she gripped his head with strong fingers, calling out his name.
He loved that she was so responsive. How could his caveman instincts not be riled when she made him feel like he was the only man in the world? Like no other man had ever fired her blood as he had.
Reluctantly, he released her nipple and kissed his way to her navel. Her supple skin gave way, molding to his lips, sliding like silk over his tongue.
“You taste so damn good,” he rasped. “I’ve never tasted sweeter.”