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Fireweaver Page 33

by Ryan W. Mueller

  Kadin put an arm around Tyrine as they both glared at Teravin. That man had threatened to kill his sister. Fury boiled within Kadin, and before he knew it, he was crossing the distance between himself and Teravin. Kadin had no weapons, just his Sunweaving.

  He cast Orange, wanting Teravin to feel pain, but Teravin wove a shield in time to stop the spell. His gaze became hard. "You should not have done that."

  Faina was standing closest to him, and he grabbed her, holding his sword as though he were ready to use it. They were dangerously close to the railing.

  "Let her go," Kadin demanded.

  "Not until you've learned to show respect."

  "You deserve no respect," Kadin said. He knew he was being reckless, but he didn't care. After what he'd already done, what were a few more mistakes?

  "I'm here to help you," Teravin said. "You can't get back out through the sewers. Vardin has closed off that exit. But I prepared another exit for you. It will take you back to the normal world. It's located halfway down the stairs."

  Kadin glared at him. "Why would you do that?"

  "I have my reasons." There was a strange look in his eyes. "I have my reasons for everything." With a quick motion, he plunged his sword through Faina's chest. Her eyes widened as she looked down at the blade.

  "No!" Kadin screamed, fury raging within him. He moved to attack Teravin, or help Faina—he wasn't sure which. But then Teravin and Faina went over the railing. They plummeted toward the water below, making no sound until there was a giant splash.

  Kadin was about to leap over the railing, but Deril and Catara pulled him back.

  "Let me go!" Kadin shouted, straining against them. "He killed her! I'm going to kill him! Get your damn hands off me!"

  "We don't have time," Deril said.

  "I don't care."

  "He's right," Kara said. "The Sun Guards are back."

  Karik glanced from side to side. "I hate to agree with Deril on anything, but we need to take this path Teravin gave us, even if we don't like it."

  Catara looked down the spiraling staircase. "As I see it, we have no choice."

  Kadin glanced toward the corridor through which they'd entered this chamber to see dozens of Sun Guards coming after them.

  "There's only one way to go," Marell said. "Down."

  Kadin cast one last glance toward the spot where Faina and Teravin had fallen, but the chamber was too dark to see them below. Could he leave her behind? There was a chance she was still alive. She'd want him to help her. He knew it.

  No. She was dead. She had to be. No one could survive a sword through the heart like that. She wouldn't want him to risk his life to help her when there was no point.

  Tears ran down his face. Why did the world have to be so cruel to him?

  "Kadin, please come with us," Tyrine said. "There isn't time."

  Kadin couldn't meet her gaze. He didn't want to see her condemnation, didn't want everyone to tell him how much of a failure he was. How could he have given in to Vardin's demands? He deserved to lose Faina after what he'd done.

  "Your sister's right," Marell said. "We need to go."

  "Stop complaining and get moving," Catara said.

  Tyrine tugged at his arm. "Kadin, move!"

  Something in her voice made him follow. He felt numb as he raced down the steps at the back of the group. Halfway down, they found the portal Teravin had described.

  "I can close it behind us," Kara said.

  Deril hesitated. "Where do you think it leads?"

  "Anywhere is better than here," Marell said. They all raced through the portal at once. The Sun Guards were closing in from behind. Would there be enough time to close the portal?

  Kadin's legs trembled as he watched Kara close the portal. Her face was lined with worry, but she looked focused as well. The soldiers were within twenty feet. Ten. Five.

  Then the portal closed.

  Kara backed away from the portal, drenched in sweat.

  "Where are we?" Karik asked.

  Kadin took in their new surroundings, and one thing was clear. Teravin had lied to them. They were still in the Realm of Shade. Mist swirled all around, thicker than Kadin had ever seen. They were standing on a barren expanse of rock.

  "I can take us back to our world," Kara said.

  Marell shook his head. "I think we should see what's around here first. Teravin must have sent us here for a reason."

  "Probably to kill us," Kadin said. "Just like he killed Faina."

  In that moment, Kadin swore he would kill Teravin, even if it was the last thing he ever did. Teravin deserved to die, and Kadin hoped it wouldn't be a swift death.

  Once, Kadin had tried to put that darkness behind him, but now he understood that it was a part of him. He needed to embrace it. The darkness made him who he was, made him into a force to be reckoned with. Teravin would regret the day he crossed Kadin.

  "We'll need to see where we are," Kara said. "This makes me nervous."

  "I think we're all nervous," Deril said.

  Karik laughed. "Can't argue with you there."

  "We should rest and wait for the mist to clear," Catara said.

  They rested awhile, and when the mist did clear, they were able to see into a nearby valley. In that valley was a city almost as large as Hyrandel.

  Kara stared at it, realization spreading across her face. "Mist's End."

  Author's Note

  I hope you enjoyed reading Fireweaver. Please take the time to leave reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Reviews help authors sell books so they can afford to keep writing.

  If you haven't already read my World in Chains series, a summary of Empire of Chains is below. You can follow the link below to purchase the book or read it through Kindle Unlimited.

  Empire of Chains

  An empire ravaged by dark forces. A quest through perilous lands. One woman who could save the people, or doom them.

  Young noblewoman Nadia will do anything to kill Emperor Darien Warrick. He has executed her mother, unleashed dark magic on his citizens., and imprisoned everyone within the empire. He might claim he's doing it all for the greater good, but Nadia knows the truth. He is nothing but a tyrant and a murderer.

  Young woodsman Markus has spent his entire life dreading the day he must serve in Warrick's Imperial Guard. Markus will do anything to escape that fate, even if it means joining Nadia in her desperate quest. With danger around every corner, they must fight their way across the empire, and that's only the beginning.

  Empire of Chains is a fast-paced, action-packed epic fantasy adventure perfect for fans of classic fantasy looking for a few modern twists. Join Nadia, Markus, and other heroes as they battle through burning cities, deadly swamps, and the ever-present threat of Warrick's elite Imperial Guards.




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