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Jailed Page 44

by Daniella Wright

  He jerks me around. “Don’t try to fool me. You’re running away, and I’m taking you back. Now march!”

  I struggle, but they overpower me with ease. They tie my hands behind my back and drag me back to Rami’s house. They throw me into the same room, but at the same moment, Rami and Axl show up. “What’s going on here?”

  The two men square their shoulders. “We found your prize wandering the streets. We brought her back for you.”

  I turn on Rami. “You said I was free to walk around. Was that all a lie?”

  “Of course not.” He turns to the men. “You had no right to tie her up or to interfere with her movement around the city. This woman may be my prize, but she is not a prisoner here. You will not interfere with her again. Is that understood?”

  They stare at him in stunned surprise. Then they bow their heads. “Yes, sir.”

  “Untie her.”

  They get the job done quick and make themselves scarce. Rami waits until the door shuts behind them. “I’m sorry that happened, but you must understand no other prize has every had freedom like this. I will pass word to the other constables to leave you alone.”

  “Thank you.”

  So that’s how I wound up here, on the planet Aranon. That was six months ago, and every morning, when Axl and Rami go to work, I go out into the city. I visit my friends and just last month, I started working in the market. It’s not exactly Wall Street, but it’s work I enjoy.

  Every evening, I come back to this same room, where Rami and Axl and I share the evening meal and catch up on our day’s activities. Then we all fall into bed together and I roll in their arms until we all fall asleep in mutual delight and exhaustion. I never experienced such passionate desire and fulfillment from any man on Earth.

  That could be from their well-endowed bodies, but I don’t think so. When they walk into the room, their eyes bore into me and my body overflows with raging, pulsating hunger. My flesh aches for their touch, and nothing will satisfy my until I give myself to them body and soul.

  Is this what it means to be an alien sex slave, to have their monstrous erections driven into my craven openings every night, to be brought to the dizzying heights of heavenly rapture by two men who possess every part of me?

  I lie back, and they take me for their pleasure. They spread my legs, and their fingers spread my wetness over my inflamed petals. The droplets of elixir gush down my legs to wet my back side, and I’m sitting in a pool of my own fermenting need. I want them to take me. I want them to use me. I want them to drive me to insanity with their insistent demands.

  Rami kisses me while Axl spreads my legs. His fingers slide up my thigh to the haven of happiness inside, and he finds me already insatiably wet. I moan when he glides one finger inside, but that’s not enough. His tentacles slither around and poke their way into my aching box.

  I ride back and forth on the bench in open lust. I need it. I want their erect flesh to split me wide open and leave me breathless and begging for more. The tentacle thickens inside me and stretches my muscles wider. Axl’s head falls between my legs, and his warm tongue laps around my taut button. He pushes my thighs apart, and another tentacle runs down between my voluptuous round curves to the dark places underneath.

  Oh, I can’t stand this anymore! I want to bend over for it. I want to lie back and accept it. I want to turn any way and every way to meet the approaching storm. Tentacles slither over every limb and through every crevice. Their wetness turns me into a quivering mass of sexual excitement. I give myself over to their demands.

  All of a sudden, Rami’s mouth vanishes from mine and I see him stand up in front of me. His massive manhood hangs stiff and powerful from his body, and he shoves it into my face. My mouth grabs it, and I suck it down.

  I must have this. I try to pull him toward me so I can suck it, but he pins my hands above my head. He thrusts his member into my mouth and bangs it into my throat. I cry out in unrequited lust, but he’s merciless. He will determine when I suck and when I swallow.

  In the meantime, Axl withdraws his tentacles and gets up on his knees between my legs. He forces his hips into me, and his hard rock nudges into my moist cleft. He widens the doorway for his rude entrance.

  I can’t see anything beyond Rami’s piston hammering into my face. He dominates my whole world, when Axl’s power manhood clefts my body asunder. I shriek in agony and surprise, but the next minute, he pounds it deep into my nether tissues. I can’t hold back. He drives me wild. I hurl myself on his invading shaft, and my bodily juices overflow around its thickness. I spiral upwards into clouds of orgasmic rapture, and they anoint my being with their seedy goodness.

  Then they switch places. Rami flips me over onto my knees, and Axl moves behind me with his weapon at the ready. Rami’s meat fills my mouth, and Axl’s enormous shaft plows into my blazing hole.

  His hips bump against my quivering thighs, and my cocktail of essences runs down his legs to drip from his dangling jewels. His package slaps my wet body with every stroke of his rod and drives me forward to swallow his brother’s slab to the hilt.

  Will it ever end? I don’t want it to. I want to take them again and again, this way and that way, all night long and forevermore, into eternity. If only my life could encompass this and nothing else, I would be happy.

  I experience the heights of ecstasy again and again, every night. I go limp in their hands, and they manipulate me where and how they wish. It all leads to one inevitable conclusion, and I rocket into heaven on showers of hot sticky pleasure.

  When it’s all over and we lie glowing and satisfied in each other’s arms, I don’t have to ask if they feel the same way I do. I can see it in their eyes. I can feel it in the way they run their fingers over my skin and in the way their manhood stirs all over again when we kiss.

  I connect with Rami and Axl in ways I never thought possible. We can communicate more emotion through our eyes than we ever could in words. I could kiss them and stare into their bright eyes forever and never get tired of it. Sometimes, after we expend all our energies in love making, we lie awake late into the night and talk about our pasts and our hopes and plans for the future.

  The strangest thing is that they never get jealous of each other. They don’t fight over me, and they enjoy watching me make love to the other one. They share me as brothers, and when we make love together, I feel married to them both as if they were one man.

  I never really got into threesomes, and I never thought one would make me happy, but I’m happy here. I don’t want this to end. I never thought I would say this, but I want to stay with Axl and Rami forever.

  The End

  Captured By The Warriors

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Alien Abduction Romance

  Kara Nolan is on the mission of a lifetime. Sent to explore the vast depths of space and collect samples for further study, it's the first expedition she gets to lead on her own accord; at least, for the most part. She would be somewhat happier if her ex boyfriend wasn't part of the crew, but with his military background, it's obvious why he was chosen. It's also obvious that he wants to rekindle an old flame, but everything goes up in flames when their ship takes damage from an asteroid belt.

  After crash landing on a strange planet, and realizing she is the only survivor from her crew, Kara reasons that all she can do is try to survive. This becomes simultaneously harder, and somehow easier, when she's captured by an alien warrior by the name of Kajin. Kept essentially as a pet until his elders can decide what to do with her, Kara finds herself fascinated by the extra-terrestrial, and it seems the feeling is mutual. Taboo though it may be, the spunky astronaut finds that she may end up in a situation that is out of this world.

  * * *

  My gaze lingers out the portside window, taking in the sight of stars as far as the eye can see. Though the expedition was launched some time ago, and we've been exploring the vast expanses of space sometime now, I feel as if I'll never grow weary of the sights tha
t surround us. I press my fingertips gingerly to the glass, the artificial gravity in the ship keeping me grounded. This whole experience has been a dream come true, though as far as space travel goes, most would consider my team's experiences rather boring. Taking samples from the occasional asteroid, testing the atmosphere when there's a shift noticeable by our ship's systems. Somehow, however, I know that something big will come from this mission. Someday, mine will be a household name.

  “Kara,” a familiar masculine voice calls out, and I can only roll my eyes disdainfully as one of my crew members jogs towards me. If you could even call Clark Lowell a member of my crew, considering he only managed to dig his claws into this mission through our personal relationship. What had once been a very personal relationship, I’m forced to acknowledge. It lingers at the edges of my mind at any given time, the past Clark and I share together. It’s hard to ignore, considering how much he presses the issue. It’s quite obvious to anyone from an outside perspective that he’s not over our past relationship, as much as I’d like to leave it just there; in the past.

  “Clark,” I reply amicably, planning to keep the conversation short. He offers me a boyish grin, one I had fallen for in the past more times than I care to admit. I won’t be so foolish now, however, and his smile simply grates on my nerves.

  “I’ve been trying to get a chance to talk to you, in private. Seems nearly impossible to get a moment to ourselves on this crowded ship,” he hums, and I refrain from pointing out that there is a good reason I won’t let him catch alone. At least, I haven’t until this very moment. Perhaps I’m growing lax. Praying for a reason to escape this situation, I’m allowed salvation in the worst possible way. The ship’s collision alarm begins to blare loudly, and I offer Clark the most apologetic look I can muster before darting away to the navigation station.

  “Status report, Dennis,” I say swiftly, watching the map that lays out our intended path.

  “Incoming asteroid field. The ship should be able to handle it, but I’ll put the emergency shields up just in case,” Dennis Royale replies, sounding utterly bored by the situation. I nod, able to make an extremely large landmass that lies beyond the asteroid belt.

  "And that is…?" I begin, waiting for him to fill in the blanks. He seems distracted, however, growing more interested in the ship's status report.

  “Oh, uh. Looks like some sort of small planet. I would run a scan to check the habitability, but the shields command is glitching out. Give me a moment, please, Captain,” he says in a mutter. I nod obligingly, stepping away to give him a moment to deal with the situation. I glance towards the bay window, eyes widening as I make out one of the asteroids we’re on a collision course with. The blue-tinged glow of the emergency shields appears around the ship, and I’m able to draw in a relieved breath. However, moments later, the shield dissipates entirely.

  “Dennis,” I call out, trying to contain how alarmed I feel.

  "One moment, Captain," he calls out, though his voice is strained. The emergency shield flickers back on for a moment remains alight for a few beats but dissipates moments later.

  That's when the first asteroid collides with the ship. I'm thrown off my feet by the force of impact, and the gravity simulator begins to falter as well. Before I can hit the ground, I'm lifted into the air by the opposing gravitational force. Dennis clings to his station, his feet rising into the air in a manner that would be comical if not for the, pardon the pun, gravity of the situation. I curse under my breath, propelling myself through the air as best as I am able. The lights begin to flicker, and there is a loud crashing sound the ship takes another devastating hit. The alarms have reached a new peak of volume that I have never experienced before, and I have to cover my ears in order to save myself from being deafened. I feel a hand wrap around my wrist, and I look to the side just in time to see Clark watching me with a steely expression. Though he should rightfully be the last person I want to see and would be under normal circumstances, I can only hope his military will prove useful in some way or another. His lips are moving, but I can't make out the words. I squint at the man, shouting for him to repeat himself. I pull my hands away from my ears, struggling to make out his cries above the excruciating sound of the alarms.

  “Critical… going to crash… escape pod,” He says, at least, that’s all I’m able to make out. I watch as Dennis continues to desperately struggle with his station, his expression fearful when it becomes obvious that nothing he can do will stop the inevitable.

  “We can’t leave them,” I shout, trying to move closer to Dennis. The other members of my crew are nowhere to be seen. I can only hope they can make their way to an escape pod, but before I can catch Dennis’s attention to try and guide him to the pods, the gravity simulator jolts back on, slamming all of us to the ground. I hit the metal hard, groaning softly from the impact. I’m pulled to my feet moments later, with Clark dragging me to the emergency bay. “Clark! The others,” I cry out, but if he hears me, he gives no indication. I struggle against him, but he easily overpowers me. He shoves me into the emergency bay, checking the gauges beside the door.

  “The planet… set a course,” he shouts out, gesturing to one of the escape pods. “I’ll get… others,” he assures me, and truthfully I’m in no position to doubt him. Trusting him for perhaps the first time in years, I throw myself into the nearest pod, tapping on the keys to set a route to the planet we had scoped out on the navigation screen. The chances of the planet being habitable are small, over one in a billion, nearly impossible on a scale that most could not fathom. However, it is our only chance. I seal off the pod, thrown against the front as another asteroid smashes into the main ship. Taking my chance, as it is likely the last one I will have, I engage the escape pod thrusters and sink to my knees as I’m propelled away from the ship. My mind is spinning, guilt tearing at my insides for not making certain that my crew was safe. I can see the ship outside the small window of the escape pod, engulfed in flames and crashing towards the same planet I’m hurdling towards, though it’s likely our crash scenes will be miles apart. I strap myself in the escape pod, bracing myself for the oncoming impact.

  The escape pod hits the ground hard, and my head smashes back against the metallic wall behind me. I cling to consciousness as much as I am able, not knowing if I will survive falling unconscious. However, I’m helpless to stop the darkness that washes over me.

  I don’t know how much time passes in my state of unconsciousness, but as my eyes flutter open and my brain catches up to the rest of my body, I realize I’m agonizingly hungry. My body aches, but nothing seems to be broken, so I unsnap my harness and fall to the floor of the escape pod in a heap. It strikes me that I had not seen another escape pod break off of the ship, and it’s quite likely that I’m the only survivor of the crash. Guilt washes over me, and tears stream down my cheeks as I slam my fists against the floor of the escape pod. Pain washes over me, but it’s nothing compared to the pain inside. The crew had trusted me to lead a successful mission, had trusted me with their lives. Instead of helping them, I had bailed out as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

  The most remorse of all washes over me as I realize Clark is likely dead as well. If he did what he intended, and tried to save the remaining crew members, it was unlikely he could have made it to an escape pod in time. Though I didn’t want to be in a relationship with the man, I certainly didn’t wish death upon him either. Especially considering the fact that he was the sole reason I was still alive…

  However, as I remain on the floor of the escape pod, I realize that getting absorbed in my own self-indulgent pity will accomplish nothing. Though there was only a margin of a chance that I would survive stepping out of the escape pod, I knew there was no chance of surviving if I remained within. It would only be a matter of time before I starved. At least if I venture outside, there's a small chance… some minuscule chance…

  I shake my head, taking a moment to raid the supply storage in the escape pod. The food su
pply that was supposed to be tucked inside was inexplicably missing, and I muse that one of the crew must have raided it. The thought crosses me with slight scorn until it strikes me once more that I am the lone survivor. I wipe a tear away, cursing myself for how emotional I'm being. There would be time for mourning later, once I had a better handle on my situation.

  Continuing to take stock of the supply storage, I note that though there’s very little in the way of food, there is at least a hunting knife tucked inside, as well as some flint. I don’t know how useful either will be, but I tuck them into my belt, hesitating a moment before closing the storage bin. It’s growing increasingly hot in the escape pod, and I realize that if the planet is indeed habitable, I will at the very least have to make a more suitable shelter. The oxygen supply is running low, and if I remain in here much longer, I’ll suffocate before I even have the chance to starve. I must have been out longer than I realized.

  I rise from my crouched position, turning to face the door that could lead down either of two paths: a path of survival, or a path of suffering. Knowing that I can’t put it off any longer, I press my palm to the scanner that will open the door. The door opens with a woosh and, holding my breath, I take a step beyond.


  I’m not sure what I expected to see when I stepped out of the escape pod, but being surrounded by acres of lush forests was low on that list. Not that I’m displeased by the development, I’m actually quite relieved to find that I can draw breath unaided. My first plan is to build a shelter of sorts, which should be relatively easy considering how much lumber I’m surrounded by. I feel stuck in some sort of uncanny valley, where my surroundings are remarkably similar to what I’d see on Earth, yet different in a way I can’t quite place. I can’t allow myself to get caught up in the excitement of the situation, however, as survival is my main goal. I turn back to the escape pod for a moment, considering going through the supply bin for a final time, just to be sure I had not missed anything. My eyes widen as I see a humanoid figure stalking towards me in the reflection of the glass, and I roll to the side just as a fist swings towards where my head had been just seconds prior.


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