The Son

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The Son Page 3

by Florian Zeller

  Anne I know.

  Pierre You wanted to send him to boarding school, remember?

  Anne Yes.

  Pierre You needed a break. Now, you can have more time to yourself.

  Anne Have more time to myself?

  Pierre (walking on eggshells) Yes, I mean … Because … I don’t know … I’ve never asked you … You’re so discreet …

  Anne (clenched) I’m not seeing anyone. If that’s what you wanted to know.

  Pause. She gets up and moves away from Pierre.

  The other day, I came across a photo of him … I found it by accident when I was tidying up and I put it on my bedside table … A photo of him when he was nine. When we went on that safari in Africa … Remember?

  Pierre Yes. Of course.

  Anne I look at it every morning when I wake up. And every time, I’m devastated … It was taken at dawn … We had to be really quiet so we didn’t disturb the lion cubs who were suckling from their mother … Do you remember? It was astonishingly beautiful. In the photo, his face is so open … He’s like a little sunbeam. Actually, I remember calling him ‘my little sunbeam’.

  Pierre Yes.

  Anne ‘My little sunbeam’. When you think about it, at that time, everything seemed to be smiling on us. There was so much … yes, joy, in our family. I don’t know what happened. Why everything has turned around like this …

  Pierre Come on …

  Anne To tell you the truth, I’m afraid this isn’t going to end well.

  Pierre No! … What are you talking about?

  Anne I don’t know. I have like a bad feeling about all this. I loved him so much, you know …

  Pierre I know.

  Anne And you as well. I loved you so much, Pierre. If you knew how much I loved you …

  She smiles, at the same time holding back her tears.

  Pierre Come on … Don’t worry … You’re a wonderful mother. You always have been … Mm? It’s not your fault if … He’s going through a difficult patch, but soon everything will be back to normal.

  Anne shakes her head.

  Yes, it will. Believe me, Anne. Everything will be fine and he’ll start smiling again. Like in the photo.

  Pause. She dries her tears. Blackout.


  Pierre’s flat. Evening. The things are still all over the floor and, once again, everyone behaves as if this chaos didn’t exist. Pierre opens a bottle of wine and pours out two glasses. Sofia appears. She looks tired.

  Pierre All right? Is he asleep?

  Sofia He is. Finally …

  Pierre He’s taken his time …

  Sofia Yes. I practically fell asleep myself.

  Pierre Here.

  He hands her a glass.

  Sofia Thanks. That’s nice. I’m exhausted.

  Pierre Had a good day?

  Sofia Nothing special. I went to the paediatrician. Did some shopping. Otherwise, we stayed here. What about you? How was work? Actually, I was wondering … When do you have to give your answer?

  Pierre Soon.

  Pause. Pierre smiles.

  Sofia What is it?

  Pierre Me?

  Sofia Yes. What is it?

  Pierre Nothing.

  Sofia Then why do you look like that?

  Pierre Like what?

  Sofia (with no malice) Smug.

  He smiles again, amused by Sofia. Pause. Then he puts a box in front of her.

  What’s that?

  She takes her time before picking up the box, feigning indifference. Finally, she opens it. It’s earrings.

  What’s this in aid of?

  Pierre Do you like them?

  Sofia Is this your way of saying sorry?

  Pierre It’s to thank you.

  Sofia What for?

  Pierre You know very well.

  She looks at him.

  Sofia They’re pretty.

  Pierre You know, I’m well aware … I mean, I’m really grateful for how you’ve handled all this.

  Sofia (mischievously) Yes, that’s what I said. It’s your way of saying sorry.

  Pierre What I mean is, it’s … lucky you’re here.

  Sofia On the other hand, you’re not here much … Seems to me you’re at work all the time.

  Pierre Exactly, and I’ve been thinking about the situation. And I’m not sure I should accept Signoret’s offer. It’s not come at a good time … What with Nicolas …

  Sofia You’re going to turn it down?

  Pierre I’m thinking about it.

  Sofia But you have to accept it, Pierre! You’ve been talking to me about it for months.

  Pierre I know.

  Nicolas appears in his doorway.

  Nicolas Dad? Can I talk to you for a minute?

  Pierre Yes, of course.

  Nicolas senses he’s interrupted them.

  Nicolas But I’m disturbing you, aren’t I?

  Pierre No, no, not at all. Tell me.

  Nicolas It’s nothing urgent. I just wanted to ask your advice. It can wait … I don’t want to interrupt. Will you come and see me afterwards?

  Pierre Right. I’ll join you.

  Nicolas Great. Thanks.

  He goes back into his room.

  Pierre Anyway, he looks better. Don’t you think? He told me he’d got a very good mark today in philosophy. I think he’s starting to regain his self-confidence … I’m so pleased about it … And if I understand correctly, he’s been invited out one evening next week …

  Sofia Has he? That’s good.

  Pierre Yes. Because he needs to see some people. It worries me that he’s on his own all the time …


  Sofia Anyway, it went well.

  Pierre What?

  Sofia The paediatrician, with Sacha.

  Pierre Oh? What did he say?

  Sofia She. It’s a she.

  Pierre What did she say?

  Sofia She thinks he’ll soon be sleeping through. Like you, she says it’s just a ‘passing phase’.

  Pierre If you ask me, as soon as you go back to work, everything’ll be easier. He’ll go to the crèche, wear himself out in the normal way during the day, and he’ll sleep better at night. Don’t you think?

  Sofia I don’t know. Hope so.

  She smiles, but disenchantedly. Pause.

  Pierre There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about … The week we planned to spend in Italy … Beginning of May.

  Sofia You want to cancel it?

  Pierre I don’t want to cancel it. But I’m thinking … Might not be the best moment.

  Sofia says nothing.

  Not only because of my work … Obviously, I hadn’t anticipated things would pile up like this … But I was really thinking about Nicolas.


  I know it’s important for you … To be able to spend a bit of time together … We all need a rest … But, how to put this? He’s only just started back at school … And I’m not sure we should be leaving him here on his own.

  Sofia Why shouldn’t he come with us?

  Pierre I thought about that, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea. He skipped school for months, I don’t think I ought to suggest taking him off to the sun when he should be at school …


  I know you’re disappointed, but I don’t think we have a choice.

  Sofia I understand.

  Pierre He needs people around him, you know. It’s a decisive moment. That’s what I feel and I don’t want to leave him just when he’s …

  Sofia (interrupting him) Pierre, I said I understand. Let’s cancel our trip. It’s not at all important. We’ll go another time.

  Pierre Are you sure?

  Sofia Yes.

  He takes her hand.

  Pierre Or else … I don’t know … You could go without me …

  Sofia Are they mother-of-pearl? They’re really very pretty. I don’t suppose I’ll have much chance to wear them at the moment, but they’re very pretty. Thank you.
r />   Sofia looks at him, cold. There’s something in the ‘thank you’ which is not far from resentment, which stops Pierre in his tracks.

  Pierre Are you angry with me?

  Sofia No. It’s just I hadn’t actually imagined things turning out like this.

  Pierre Like what?


  I promise, as soon as Nicolas settles down … we’ll go somewhere. We’ll go out more often.

  Sofia I know, it’s just a ‘passing phase’.

  Pierre Why are you saying that?

  Sofia No reason, sorry. I’m tired. And when I’m tired, I … Don’t listen to what I’m saying.

  She smiles and takes his hand.

  Thanks for the present.

  She holds the earrings against her ears to show Pierre what they look like. Pierre smiles.

  Pierre You remember we’re having dinner with Laurent next week?

  Sofia Yes.

  Pierre gets up, indicates the earrings.

  Pierre You see, you’ll have lots of chances to wear them.

  She smiles to show she’s all right, but it’s a sad smile.

  Good. I’m going to see Nicolas. I’ll be back soon. All right?

  He crosses the room and knocks on Nicolas’s door.


  He goes into Nicolas’s room. Sofia is on her own. Music, which might be ‘Lorsque vous n’aurez rien à faire’ from Massenet’s Chérubin. Pause. She slowly finishes her glass of wine. Then she starts to pick up, one by one, the things that have been lying on the floor since Nicolas’s apparition. But she does it slowly, with an almost resigned languor, to the rhythm of the melancholy music. This may last some time, a kind of visual response to Nicolas’s first imagined apparition in Scene Three. And little by little, the flat resumes its original appearance. Blackout.


  Saturday afternoon. Nicolas is wearing a new jacket and looking at himself in the mirror.

  Pierre Well?

  Nicolas I’m not sure.

  Pierre Well, I think it suits you.

  Nicolas Do you? I don’t look a bit …

  Pierre A bit what?

  Nicolas I don’t know. I feel sort of ridiculous.

  Pierre I’m telling you, it’s perfect.

  Nicolas looks at himself in the mirror.

  I was walking past this shop, I saw it in the window … And I thought you’d like it. You did tell me you were going out one evening next week, didn’t you? You’ll need something to wear …

  Nicolas It’s nice of you, but …

  Pierre What?

  Nicolas I’m not sure people my age wear jackets …

  Pierre Are you joking? The salesman, for example … Hardly older than you … He was wearing one …

  Nicolas Was he?

  Pierre He told me everyone was wearing them now. And, honestly, it suits you. Makes you look stylish.

  Nicolas You know, I’m not even sure I’m going to this party …

  Pierre Why not?

  Nicolas shrugs his shoulders.

  You have to go. It’s important, seeing people … Having a bit of fun … opening yourself up to others … You can’t spend all your time on your own …

  Nicolas I know. But I don’t feel very close to people my own age. They’re really stupid, you know. For example, they all can’t wait to be eighteen, as if that’s going to change anything … Fine, have a party to celebrate. But what use is it, being eighteen? None. To be able to go clubbing? I couldn’t care less about clubbing. It doesn’t interest me.

  Pierre So what does interest you?

  Nicolas shrugs his shoulders.

  Nicolas I’d have liked never to be my age. It’s too complicated for me. Too many responsibilities. Too much pressure. I preferred it when I was a child. Anyway, I don’t know how to dance.

  Pierre Ah, so that’s the problem …

  Nicolas I’ll just be standing in a corner watching everyone else …

  Pierre All you have to do is ask Sofia to teach you … She’s the best dancer I know …

  On cue, Sofia appears.

  Sofia What are you talking about?

  Pierre I was just telling Nicolas you’re a great dancer.

  Sofia Very funny.

  Pierre smiles.

  (To Pierre.) Given the way you dance, you have the nerve to criticise me?

  Nicolas smiles in his turn.

  Nicolas (to Sofia) Why? Isn’t he a good dancer?

  Sofia Let’s just say he has his own style.

  Pierre My unique style.

  Sofia Did you know we met at a wedding?

  Nicolas No, I didn’t.

  Pierre Sofia …

  Sofia Everyone was dancing and that was my first sight of your father. He was on the floor, doing his famous hip-sway.

  Nicolas (big smile) What’s that?

  Sofia You don’t know your father’s famous hip-sway?

  Nicolas No.

  Pierre Sofia … Better you just teach him to dance … He’s going to a party next week.

  Sofia (to Nicolas) Watch.

  Pierre What are you doing?

  She goes and puts on some music. Nicolas is smiling broadly.

  Sofia Come on … Pierre … Aren’t you going to show us?

  Pierre Is this really a good idea?

  Sofia indicates ‘yes’, pretending to be annoyed.

  I’m afraid to wake Sacha …

  Nicolas Come on, Dad!

  Pierre All right. At your own risk. You asked for it …

  He starts dancing to the music. Sofia and Nicolas burst out laughing. Pierre exaggerates to make them laugh more.

  Sofia You see why I immediately fell in love with him …

  Nicolas Who wouldn’t?

  Pierre I know, I’m irresistible.

  Sofia When he starts, everyone else stops dancing. He can’t help drawing attention to himself.

  Nicolas How do you do it?

  Pierre Like this, look …

  Nicolas starts dancing himself, imitating his father’s movements.

  Nicolas Like this?

  Sofia Oh! No! Don’t tell me … Not another one?

  Pierre That’s it! Marvellous! That’s all you need for your party!

  Sofia You’ll knock them dead …

  Pierre Now I recognise my son! Look at him move! That’s my son!

  Sofia laughs and Pierre dances with Nicolas. Then Sofia starts dancing as well. They dance for a while. They might even join in with the lyrics. Joyous atmosphere. Suddenly, Nicolas breaks off and stops moving. Something has totally taken over his thoughts. An intense sadness seems to engulf him. He heads towards his room, leaving the others in the middle of their dance.


  Nicolas leaves. Sofia goes to turn off the music.

  Sofia What’s the matter with him?

  Pierre I don’t know.

  Pierre goes over to Nicolas’s door.


  The door’s been locked.

  Nicolas? What’s the matter?

  Sofia Did we say something?

  Pierre Nicolas? Open this door … Nicolas?

  Pause. Blackout.


  It’s a Sunday, but Pierre is working. The flat is back to its original appearance. Sofia is settling the baby into the pushchair. She’s getting ready to go out to the park with Sacha.

  Sofia Pierre? Can I talk to you for a minute?

  Pierre has his head in a file.

  Pierre Mm?

  Sofia Can I talk to you?

  Pierre Are you going out?

  Sofia Yes. But I just wanted a word with you before I … If it isn’t too much of a distraction …

  Pierre Yes?

  Pause. Pierre looks up from the file.

  What’s going on?

  Sofia I know you’re working, but … this is important.

  Brief pause.

  Just now, I … Well, I was just tidying Nicolas’s things. I was just doing his room and … Not sure how to pu
t this … I –

  Pierre Tell me.

  Sofia I found a knife.

  Pierre What?

  Sofia Just a kitchen knife … All the same.

  Pierre In his room?

  Sofia Yes.

  Pierre What’s all this about?

  Sofia It was hidden under his mattress. I took it away, obviously. But I was thinking you ought to speak to him about it …

  Pierre exhales and puts down his file.

  I’m sorry. I thought I’d better tell you.

  Pierre Why did he take a knife?

  Sofia I don’t know.

  Pierre You think he’s …

  He indicates his forearms.

  I don’t understand. Why does he do that? I thought he … He seems to be doing well, doesn’t he?

  Sofia shrugs her shoulders.

  Don’t you think?

  Sofia I don’t know.

  Pierre He’s going to school, he’s smiling, he’s … he’s better.

  Sofia Yes.

  Pierre So? Why is he doing this?

  Sofia I think the simplest thing would be to talk to him about it.


  Don’t make that face.

  Pierre Sorry. Yes. You’re right. You … Are you leaving?

  Sofia Yes. While the weather’s still nice. I’m not suggesting you come with us …

  Pierre No, that’s nice of you. I have to prepare this file for Monday.

  Sofia But we’re going to get a bit of sun. Aren’t we, my little man?

  She notices that Pierre is still lost in thought.

  Don’t worry. He’s bound to still be a bit fragile … We mustn’t over-dramatise. And you’re right, he’s better, thanks to everything you’re doing for him.

  Pierre doesn’t know what to think about this. He’s suddenly racked with doubt.


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