The Son

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The Son Page 7

by Florian Zeller

  Doctor A risk which, as a father, I would never take with my own son … Nicolas needs to be looked after and treated. That’s not the parents’ role. It’s a psychiatrist’s role.

  Nicolas Dad … I’m not ill …

  Doctor If we take the right decisions, Nicolas will leave this place in good health and be able to return to a normal life. But make no mistake. The stakes couldn’t be higher.

  Nicolas Mum, I’m not ill … I want to go home …

  Anne I know, darling … I …

  She turns towards Pierre, as if she expects him to be able to make a decision.

  Pierre? What … I mean, I don’t know … I … Say something.

  There’s music underscoring the rest of this scene: possibly Albinoni’s Adagio for Organ and Strings. As the scene rises in intensity, the music becomes more and more present, until, in the last seconds of the scene, it’s louder than the voices.

  Nicolas Don’t leave me here, Dad … I’m begging you … I need you …

  Doctor (trying to interrupt him) Now …

  Nicolas I swear to you I understand now … You have to give me a second chance … It was a cry for help … I’m sorry about it with all my heart … I needed you to understand my pain … But I’ll never do it again … I swear to you.

  Doctor I think your parents have heard your arguments, Nicolas.

  Nicolas Please …

  Doctor (to the parents) And now you’re going to have to take a decision.

  Pierre Now?

  Doctor Yes. It’s important for Nicolas to understand that you support the medical team.

  Nicolas Dad …

  Pierre still doesn’t say anything; he’s tortured by having to make this decision.

  Doctor You mustn’t feel guilty. This is not about how much you love your son. It’s about protecting him. In these circumstances, love is not enough. Love will not be enough.

  Nicolas Dad …

  Doctor Nicolas, it’s lunchtime. I’m going to ask Vincent to accompany you to the refectory.

  The Nurse stands up.

  But before that, I think it’s important your parents make their decision in front of you. It will help you to accept your treatment.

  Nicolas I want to come home … Dad …

  Brief pause.

  Pierre I’m sorry, Nicolas.

  Suddenly, Nicolas jumps up, full of pain and rebelliousness, like the swelling music.

  Nicolas No! Dad! You can’t do that to me! Not you! Dad! Not you …

  The Doctor gets up, the Nurse tries to control Nicolas. The lines may overlap.

  Doctor Nicolas! Calm down!

  Nurse Steady … Nicolas!

  Nicolas pushes the Nurse away, violently.

  Nicolas What have I ever done to you?

  Doctor Vincent will accompany you to the refectory …

  The Nurse tries to lead Nicolas away, but he’s struggling.

  Nicolas Leave me alone! Don’t touch me! What have I ever done to you?

  Anne Pierre, do something …

  Pierre Just a minute …

  Nicolas Dad, help!

  Nurse Calm down.

  Pierre Nicolas …

  Nurse Steady on …

  Doctor Calm down …

  Nicolas Help!

  Anne Pierre …

  Pierre Stop, you’re hurting him!

  Doctor (trying to intercept Pierre) Please!

  Nurse You’re going to hurt yourself.

  Nicolas Dad! Mum!

  Nurse Come on, come with me … Please …

  Doctor Nicolas …

  Nicolas Dad …

  Anne bursts into tears.

  Doctor Come on, Nicolas … Say goodbye to your parents …

  Nicolas Dad …

  Nurse Now calm down!

  He leads Nicolas away by force and makes him leave the room. Anne is crying. Pierre is paralysed with suffering.

  Come on!

  Nicolas (crying out) Dad … Dad! Dad!

  Pause. Blackout.


  Pierre’s flat.

  Anne All right? How do you feel?

  Pierre Relieved … Don’t you?

  Anne I don’t know. I hope we’ve taken the right decision.

  Pierre I’m sure of it.

  Anne (worried) The doctor seemed sure, as well.

  Pierre He was saying the first thing that came into his head. And he had such an unpleasant manner. Don’t you think? Do you honestly think Nicolas is ill?

  Anne I didn’t say that.

  Pierre I prefer to trust what Nicolas told us. Don’t you? He told us it was a cry for help and that he wouldn’t do it again. We have to trust him. Personally, I believe him when he says this week on his own has made him understand a lot and that he’s changed …

  Anne Yes.

  Pierre I really believe him. We have to believe him. It’s important.

  Anne You saw the way he looked when we found him in that refectory … When he understood we’d signed them, the discharge papers, did you see the way he looked? It was like seeing him again, when he was a little boy.

  Pierre Yes. He was so happy … Me too, I was as well. I couldn’t have left him in there. You can’t leave your child in hell … And I’m sure this will help us to start off again in the right direction. I’m sure of it. This won’t all have been for nothing …

  Anne (looking towards the kitchen) What’s he doing?

  Pierre Making tea.

  Anne I know. But why’s he taking so long …?

  Pierre The one time he insists on doing something …

  Anne How do you see things? I mean … Down the line …

  Pierre Seems a bit utopian to hope he’ll go back to school. It’s May already … If you ask me, the best thing would be for him to get strong and start again next year. After all, it’s not that serious.

  Anne But what’s he going to do all day? You think you can leave him on his own?

  Pierre I’ve been thinking about it and this is what I wanted to suggest to you … maybe he could come to live with you, since it seems … And during the day, I could take him to the office. To work. I mean, as an intern. What do you think?

  Anne (dubiously) You think that would interest him?

  Pierre In any case, he’d be looked after. He’d learn a few things. And I’d be there.

  Anne With all the work you have on?

  Pierre I’m going to turn down Signoret’s offer.

  Anne Are you?

  Pierre Yes. I don’t give a damn about politics or his economic programme. I want to concentrate on what really counts. And for me, what really counts is to save Nicolas. I feel it’s possible now. I feel it and I don’t want to let go of the feeling.

  At this point, the door opens and Nicolas appears with a tray containing a teapot and cups.

  Nicolas Here we are … It’s ready … I even managed to find some madeleines for you, Mum.

  Anne That’s nice …

  Nicolas You still like them?

  Anne Yes. Unfortunately.

  Nicolas seems to lose his balance slightly.

  Pierre Careful.

  Nicolas It’s all these pills they’ve stuffed me full of … I get dizzy …

  He comes and puts the tray down in front of his parents.

  There we are!

  Pierre Thanks …

  Anne notices there are only two cups.

  Anne Aren’t you joining us?

  Nicolas No. I made myself a coffee. I needed to wake up. Sugar?

  Anne No, thanks.

  Nicolas (offering his father sugar) Dad?

  Pierre No, thanks. Kind offer.

  Anne All right? How are you feeling?

  Nicolas So happy to be here. With you.

  Pierre So are we.

  Anne Pierre, you’ll have to give me the prescription. You do have it? Then I can go and get it filled … (To Nicolas.) I was going to go to the cinema later. Want to come?

  Nicolas Why not? But I’d like to tak
e a shower first. The ones in there were so dirty … I’ve been dreaming about having a shower all week … If it doesn’t disturb you.

  Pierre No. On the contrary …

  Anne and Pierre laugh.

  Nicolas What? Why are you laughing? I smell bad, is that it?

  Pierre No, no.

  Nicolas Mum? Do I smell bad?

  Anne You really want me to answer that question?

  Nicolas watches them laughing. He looks happy.

  Nicolas I like seeing you together. It’s been a long time. I mean, since the three of us were all together …

  Anne That’s true.

  Nicolas It’s like the good old days …

  Nicolas smiles. Then he gets up.

  Right. I’m off.

  Anne See you soon. I’ll wait for you.

  Nicolas takes a few steps, then turns back towards his parents.

  Nicolas I just wanted to say to you … I’m really sorry about everything I’ve put you through just recently … I know you don’t deserve it … And that it’s been no joke for you. I’d like to ask you to forgive me. And above all I wanted to tell you that I love you.

  Pierre And we love you. Come on, off you go. Don’t worry. We’ll be waiting for you.

  Nicolas goes out. Pause.

  You see …

  Anne Yes. He’s back to the way he was before. Sweet and attentive …

  Pierre Absolutely …


  Anne If you’re not doing anything today, why don’t you come to the cinema with us?

  Pierre I’m not sure.

  Anne Cheer us up a bit. And I’m sure it would make Nicolas happy …

  Pierre I have some work to do, but … What were you planning to see?

  Anne I need to check the times. Have you been lately?

  Pierre No. Haven’t had the time.

  Anne Somebody told me about a film … I’m trying to remember the name … You remember the time we used to go to the cinema sometimes in the middle of the afternoon? We used to tell everyone we had important meetings, meetings which couldn’t be put off, and then we’d rendezvous at that little cinema, near the Rue de l’Odéon … Do you remember?

  Pierre Of course.

  Anne I used to love that. It felt like playing truant, didn’t it? Being in the cinema while everyone else was at work …

  Pierre Yes.

  Anne It was so long ago.

  Pierre smiles at her.

  Go on, come with us today! Come on … Don’t you want to?

  It looks as if Pierre is about to say yes. Suddenly, there’s a detonation. It’s immediately recognisable as a gunshot. Anne gets up abruptly. Then she rushes towards the bathroom. There seems to be a moment before what’s happened penetrates Pierre’s consciousness. Then, almost in slow motion, he gets up and stands motionless for a moment, frozen, as if dazed. Finally, he throws himself in the direction of the bathroom. The stage remains silent and empty for some time. Blackout.


  Epilogue. Three years later. Pierre is in the living room. He seems lost in thought. Sofia comes in.

  Sofia Did you remember to buy the wine?

  Pierre Mm? Yes, yes.

  Sofia Great. Thanks.

  Pierre I put it in the pantry.

  Sofia I’ve almost finished the dinner. It’s in the oven … I just have time to give Sacha his bath.

  Pierre You want me to do it?

  Sofia No, no, I’ll take care of it.

  She goes over to the door and calls offstage.

  Sacha? Bathtime!

  She turns back to Pierre.

  Is it all right? Aren’t you pleased they’re coming for dinner?

  Pierre Very pleased. What about you?

  Sofia Have you noticed? Look what I found.

  She shows him the earrings.

  Pierre Ha! … You haven’t worn them for ages.

  Sofia Yes. I don’t know. I thought they’d go with my dress.

  Pierre smiles at her.

  Right. See you in a minute.

  Pierre See you, darling.

  She goes out.

  Sofia (offstage) Sacha? Are you ready?

  Pause. Pierre puts some music on. Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door. Is that the guests already? Pierre checks his watch. He turns off the music and goes to open the door. It’s Nicolas.

  Pierre Here already?

  Nicolas I’m not too early, am I?

  Pierre No, no, not at all. Come in …

  They embrace.

  Are you on your own?

  Nicolas She’s on her way. She had to go and see her mother first … I expect she’ll be a bit late.

  Pierre No problem. Come in. How are you? You look well!

  Nicolas Very good, thanks. What about you?

  Pierre You got back this morning?

  Nicolas Yes. It was starting to feel as if I hadn’t been here for months. I was beginning to miss it.

  Pierre How’s Berlin? All going well?

  Nicolas Great. I love the city. Everything’s fine. You know I’ve decided to move in with Élodie. Did Mum tell you?

  Pierre Oh, really?

  Nicolas We already spend every evening either at her place or mine … We thought it was more sensible to find a bigger place for the two of us …

  Pierre Congratulations! That’s excellent news!

  Nicolas Yes. I’m looking forward to introducing her to you, you know.

  Pierre And I’m looking forward to meeting her. After all this time you’ve been telling me about her …

  Nicolas You’ll see, she’s so nice. I’m crazy about her. Have they changed the code to get into the building?

  Pierre I don’t think so, no.

  Nicolas The code I had didn’t work. Is it the same as it always was?

  Pierre Yes.

  Nicolas Oh, right. I must have made a mistake. How’s Sacha? Is he here?

  Pierre He’s just having his bath.

  Nicolas We got him a present. But Élodie wants to give it to him. She picked it out.

  Pierre That’s nice.

  Nicolas And I have a present for you.

  Pierre For me?

  Nicolas Yes. In fact, that’s why I’ve come early … Actually, it’s more something I wanted to tell you about.

  Brief pause. Then Nicolas laughs.

  You should see your face! Don’t worry! I’m not here to tell you I’m going to be a father!

  Pierre Never crossed my mind.

  Nicolas No, it’s something more … Something about me and I wanted you to be the first to know.

  Pierre I’m listening.

  Brief pause.

  (Enthusiastic but impatient.) Well, tell me!

  Nicolas laughs again.

  Nicolas You know, besides my architecture course, there was always something else I loved: writing … And recently, I’ve spent quite a bit of time … Especially since I’ve been living in Berlin … I don’t know why, but it all seems easier over there. It’s given me some distance from all sorts of things. And helped me think about everything that was happening, when … I’ve always wanted to turn it into something positive. So here it is …

  He hands him a book.

  Pierre What’s this?

  Nicolas My first novel.

  Pierre It isn’t? You wrote this?

  Nicolas I didn’t want to tell anyone about it until I had it in my hands. Out of superstition … I was so scared … But now it’s here and it really exists … I just called at my publisher’s and they’ve given me the first copy. I wanted you to be the first person to have it.

  Pierre (reading the title) Death Can Wait. Fantastic. When’s it coming out?

  Nicolas In two months. And if you open it, you’ll see, it’s dedicated to you …

  Pierre opens it and confirms that it is in fact dedicated to him. He says nothing, but it’s clear he’s feeling strong emotions.

  So, obviously, it talks a bit about what you already know … All those slightly testin
g years … For you and for Mum … All those difficult moments … But at least it’s ended well. I wanted to dedicate it to you … Because I know that, if it wasn’t for you … I couldn’t have …

  Pierre takes him in his arms, preventing him from finishing the sentence.

  Pierre I’m so proud of you.

  Nicolas smiles.

  I’m so proud. My big boy. So proud of you.

  Pierre has tears in his eyes.

  Nicolas Better wait till you’ve read it … You might not like it.

  Pierre I know you. I know it’ll be beautiful.

  Nicolas Now you’re not going to start crying?

  Pierre (voice full of emotion) No, sorry. I’m just moved when I see everything you’re doing … Everything you’ve … What you’ve made of yourself … If we’d known when all that was going on … At the same time, I never doubted you. Never. And really, what I want to tell you is … I’m proud of you. Come on, come here.

  He takes him in his arms again and embraces him. After a brief pause, Nicolas tries to disengage, but Pierre hugs him even tighter, as if he was afraid to let him go. Then, they move apart. Pierre is almost embarrassed by how emotional he’s become.

  Nicolas Now, let’s hope it’s a success!

  Pierre Of course it’ll be a success … Who knows, you might even become famous!

  Pierre laughs unexpectedly. It’s so gratifying, after all these years, finally to find his son has turned into this talented young man with a great future.

  Nicolas Right. You don’t mind if I go and give Sacha a hug? I’ve missed him a lot, as well.

  Pierre Yes, he’ll be happy to see you … He’s always talking about his big brother.

  Strangely, instead of heading towards the back of the flat, Nicolas moves towards his old room. At the same time, Sofia appears in the other door. She doesn’t see Nicolas, it’s as if he’s invisible to her.

  Sofia Pierre?


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