Carter's Treasure

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Carter's Treasure Page 22

by Amy Gregory

  Then all hell broke loose. There was no more waiting. The next two minutes of time went by in a flash, but like he was watching it through someone else’s eyes. Like a movie. Guns were drawn, the door and windows were kicked in, and the screaming and yelling from every direction was deafening.

  Then it was over.

  He saw the green and purple haired girl. The words that fell from her lips as she passed by in cuffs would haunt Carter for the rest of his life.

  “Ray should’ve finished her then I wouldn’t have had to.”

  From inside the motorhome, Mike’s booming voice called for the paramedics, but Carter beat them to the door. He fell to the floor beside his brother, not even registering his brother’s warning not to move her. The only thing he focused on was her. “Molly…no,” he mumbled incoherently as he scooped the bleeding girl into his arms.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The waiting room of the ER had been overtaken by their family and friends. Carter figured the hospital had seen its fair share of injured motocross riders over the years. There were three local tracks within driving distance and the SuperCross series came through every year. Carter was quite sure there had never been any other riders brought through the doors with Molly’s injuries.

  He was three shakes past becoming a basket-case. They wouldn’t let him back to see her yet because the police had followed wanting more information. One look at Brody and her parents, and he knew he wasn’t alone.

  Everyone kept assuring him that she was going to be okay, but there was no chance he’d be able to relax until he saw those bright blue eyes.

  Carter could tell Mike was trying to hurry things along, and he appreciated it. He didn’t know what he would have done if it hadn’t been for Mike, his brother, the badass. He inwardly smiled at the thought, but the motion never actually made it to his mouth. He vaguely remembered hearing Mike say something about calling their parents and something about them coming on the next flight. Maybe, Carter wasn’t sure, but right then, he wanted as many people around Molly as possible.

  His parents had fallen in love with her immediately. Even under the circumstances and the fact that Molly had been so withdrawn, they could tell what a sweet, loving person she was. Carter knew his mother was ready for him to settle down. She’d made it known how she was ready for grandkids from her boys. Mike’s divorce two years prior had only fanned the flames. Sam hadn’t been married a year yet, but their mother was on him. Carter would let Sam take the heat for awhile. He wasn’t about to explain to his mother that Molly would have to retire first, and there was no way he was going to allow her to climb on a bike if there was even a hint of a chance she could be pregnant. Well, that and the fact he hadn’t even asked her to marry him…yet.

  The doctor came out and Carter jumped to his feet, along with her parents, Brody, and Mike. They all converged around the doctor, everyone’s anxiety palpable as they awaited the news. The dangling cross in the doctor’s hand caught Carter’s attention. It was covered in blood. As the doctor continued to talk, Carter stared at the necklace swinging back and forth in the doctor’s hand.

  “She’s sedated due to the panic attack. We’re finishing getting her stitched up and bandaged. I’m running some fluids into her now, plus we’ve done a blood transfusion. She lost enough to be concerned, but nothing we can’t take care of here. We’ll monitor her for a few hours then let her wake up on her own. If she’s doing okay, we’ll release her as long as she’s got someone to stay with her through the night. I’ll write a script, I have a feeling she’s going to need a few sleeping pills just to get her through the next few days at least.”

  Carter drew in a deep breath, listening but unable to look directly at the man. He was transfixed on the blood-stained necklace—her blood. It shouldn’t have been there. She shouldn’t have been in Dylan’s trailer. He should’ve protected her. That thought superseded all others. The guilt was crushing.

  “Oh, here, I almost forgot.” The doctor held up the diamond cross. “She’s a lucky girl. The way she fell against the knife and the cuts she sustained, it could have been a whole lot worse. The chain was laying over her carotid, it kept the blade from slicing through.”

  “That little chain?” James questioned.

  “Based on what I’ve seen of knife wounds, her attacker hadn’t purposely tried to cut her neck, yet. Molly must have fallen down, probably as the panic attack hit its peak. The cuts were more of a scraping motion against the blade. What little pressure that the blade had against her skin cut her right over where the carotid lies…” The doctor lifted his chin and tilted his head as he gestured to the area. “They’re deep, but not life threatening. Somehow the carotid wasn’t even nicked. So yes, that thin, little chain protected her. That…or the cross hanging from it did. Depends on how you want to look at it. As a medical professional, I have to tell you the facts. As a man, I believe in miracles myself.”

  Carter felt her parents and Brody all look at him. After a long few seconds, he held out his palm and watched as the doctor lowered it into his hand.

  “As soon as you are all done out here with the police, feel free to come on back. She’s still out, but I know you’re all anxious to see her. The nurse will show you how to take care of her wounds.”

  “Wounds?” Carter’s voice shook.

  Carter watched the doctor’s mood go somber. He took a deep breath and nodded. “There’s several. I’ll go over everything with you when you get back there.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” James said.

  Carter stared at his hand. The tiny cross, a piece of him she always wore. He closed his eyes and fisted the cross in his hand.

  Brody’s voice broke into his mental self-berating. “She’s tough…she’ll be okay, Carter.”

  He should have been ecstatic at the encouraging words from the one person who tried to keep them apart. Instead, he lashed out.

  “She shouldn’t have to be tough. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t have been in that trailer! I should have protected her. I should’ve kept her safe. I promised.” He glared at Brody and gritted his teeth. The words came out in anger—anger at the whole situation—but mostly anger at himself. “I promised you…I promised her.” Carter had let down the one person he cared about most.

  As Carter began to withdraw, he noticed Mike closing in, ready to console him, brother-to-brother.

  But it was Brody’s arms that went around him first. The shock would hit him later, he was sure. In the meantime, he grabbed onto the lifeline Brody was throwing him.

  “I’m so sorry, Brody. I’m so sorry. I should’ve been there.”


  Brody pulled away. When Carter thought it was safe to finally open his eyes, he looked up to meet Brody’s face, waiting for the I told you so, waiting for the hatred to come bubbling out.

  “Carter, you saved her life.”

  Carter shook his head. “No…I didn’t.”

  “You did, though. When you found out about everything, you demanded your brother come help. Without him…well?” Brody shrugged. “You did that. You knew who could help her and you made it happen…even when I fought you. And you were the one who went straight for Dylan’s trailer. You saved her, Carter. Thank you.”

  With tears welling in his eyes again, Carter looked at the outstretched hand. He gripped it hard then looked up. Brody’s eyes matched his own. It was an understanding, a common ground. Brody was offering his blessing, in so many words. Desperately trying not to cry, Carter squeezed his eyes shut tight and nodded.


  Carter stood by Molly’s head, never taking his hand off of her as visitors came in and out of the small room. The nurse shuffled people around as she attached a new bag of fluids for her IV. Carter watched quietly as she checked the bandages for excessive bleeding, took her vitals, and typed notes on the computer by Molly’s bed. Molly had yet to stir, but they weren’t concerned. The doctor and nurses kept assuring him that the more she slept the better,
that her body needed that healing time.

  He needed her to wake up, though. He needed to know she was going to wake up. Carter needed to know she didn’t hate him.

  “Carter, honey—here, sit.” Karen pushed down on his shoulder as she nudged a chair under him. He looked up at her with a grimaced smile of appreciation. “When Jesse and Eli get back, you’re going to eat. They offered to go get something and you need it.”

  “I’m okay, Karen, really.” His argument was a whisper.

  “You’re going to need to keep up your strength. She’s going to need you the next few days.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Carter?” Karen moved closer to him. “Hey, look at me.” Her words were soothing, but he understood the no-nonsense tone in them. “What do you think is going to happen? That she’ll wake up and blame you?”

  Carter’s head dropped. “I don’t know, Karen. I just don’t know.”

  “Damn it, Carter. This was not your fault. Brody’s right, you saved her. You are the one that brought Mike in. You’re the one that knew he could help and made it happen, even when my son stood there arguing. Mike went in with his gun, but you brought Mike in. You saved my daughter, Carter. For that…I’ll be forever grateful. To Mike and to you.”

  Carter heard Karen’s words, but he just couldn’t let himself believe them, not until he could hold Molly and see in her eyes that she’d forgiven him.

  He glanced up at the clock again. It felt like the hands never moved. Carter rolled his shoulders and shifted in the hard plastic chair. He was stiff, but there was no way in hell he was moving. Hearing the sharp intake of air, he whipped his head back to Molly’s face. Gently, he brushed her bangs off her face and held his breath as her eyes fluttered partway open.

  “Hey, Gorgeous,” Carter kept his voice at a whisper. He wanted her to wake, but if she was going to drift back off, he knew the doctor said she needed it. He ran his knuckle over her cheek. It was so much colder than normal. “I love you.”

  Watching her try to swallow on what must have been a horribly dry throat, combined with the injuries to her neck, was just heartbreaking. “Oh, baby, you want to try a sip of water?”

  Molly barely nodded, but he understood.

  Using the straw to get some water for her, he let a few drops drain into her mouth, and watched her try to swallow again. Better, but still visibly painful. He repeated the motion a couple more times until it looked as if she was done, and then he sat and gently stroked her hand and arm around the IV site. She blinked several times and he could tell she was trying to fight sleep. He rushed to get his words out before her eyes closed again.

  “Molly, I’m so sorry. I should’ve been there. I’m so sorry, Gorgeous.” His ragged plea for forgiveness was said on a choked back sob.

  “Shh.” She was barely able to be heard above the beeping of the machines she was hooked up to, her words raspy and hard to make out. “No Carter…it’s okay. Wasn’t…your fault. I love you.” She attempted a smile.

  His relief came out with a whoosh. He knew she had struggled to get the words out, but even with her being under the pain meds and trying to come out of the sedation, he felt them and he knew she meant them.

  “I love you, Molly…forever.”

  He lowered his head until it was on the bed beside her and draped his arm over her leg. He continued to run his finger carefully over her hand and fingers until he felt her lift them. When she threaded them through the back of his hair like she had done so many times before, he lost the battle against his emotions. Silent tears fell against his will and dripped onto her blanket as he gripped her necklace in his other hand.


  “How did you sleep, Gorgeous?” Carter asked as he brushed her bangs off her face.

  Molly stretched gingerly, the pain over various parts of her body a cruel reminder of yesterday’s hell. The alarm had gone off several moments before, and she knew Carter needed to get up, but she refused to let go of him. She wanted him with her for just a few more minutes, or maybe forever. Curling into his side, she snuggled in and hoped he’d stay in the warm bed with her.

  Last night after she’d been released from the hospital, everyone had come back to the motorhome to eat take-out for dinner. As spacious as it felt on a regular basis, the small space had closed in fast, but it seemed no one had wanted to leave her side. Sitting on the couch wedged between Carter and Mike had felt like the safest place in the world. Molly had quietly listened and watched the conversations going on around her. Tom and Connie had come in last minute to support her and their sons. They all needed comforting. With the threat gone, everyone had seemed to relax and let go, and Molly sat in contented silence and listened to the old tales being brought out against Carter, Eli, and Jesse. Molly had known they were trying to take her mind off of the horror and it had worked. She couldn’t help but laugh when Mike threw in some added details to a few of the stories that had seemingly slipped past their parents, conveniently.

  Molly had even quietly teased back, smiling up at Mike beside her. Molly had grown quite attached to the gentle giant who had saved her life. There weren’t even words to describe her gratitude. Though she’d tried, they just didn’t seem like enough. But sitting there last night between the two men who were now her personal heroes, listening to their childhood stories while she shared some of hers, had made the evening perfect. Low key and quiet with humor mixed in, and safe.

  No one had woken her as she’d slipped in and out of sleep, tucked under Carter’s arm. Being surrounded by her friends and family had allowed her to relax enough to finally find peace.

  Molly knew that this morning her parents would be anxious to hear if she’d slept through the night without a nightmare. She’d sensed how hesitant they were to leave her last night even though it was clear they completely trusted Carter with her care.

  Molly was just as relieved as they were going to be that she’d made it. She’d woken twice, but neither time with a nightmare. Both times Carter’s strong arms had tightened around her and pulled her back against his warm chest. He’d whispered soothing murmurs and words into the darkness, and each time she’d fallen right back to sleep.

  Molly kissed Carter’s bare chest and pulled away to prop herself up so she could see him. “I slept fine.” She smiled down at him.

  “Good, I’m so glad, Gorgeous.” Carter pulled her close for a quick kiss.

  “I guess I should let you get up, huh? You know I don’t want to. I want to stay in bed all day.”

  “I know, baby, me too.” Carter grinned and she could see the relief in his eyes.

  His eyes weren’t sad and heavy like they had been yesterday. It was a new day, time to put it all behind them as best they could. Their families were supposed to come back over for breakfast and then they’d planned to hang out in the pits and enjoy race day. Carter had been doing so well this season. Molly could only hope that yesterday wouldn’t harm the second place standing he was in. She’d have to make sure he stayed in the game.

  Molly could hear bikes being kick started and revved all around her, the drawback to parking so close, but really, she loved that sound, loved the smell of the pits, loved it all.

  She was ready to ride.

  Mentally preparing herself for battle, Molly knew there were going to be some men who would try to stand in her way. She grinned to herself, ready to take them all on.

  “What’s the shit eating grin for, Gorgeous?”


  Well ding, ding, ding—round one, now only James and Brody to go. Crap—she hadn’t even thought about Karen.

  Here goes nothing.

  “Um…well, I was just trying to decide…I think I’ll ride without my chest protector on. I’m afraid it will rub the stitches in my side.” She bit her lip and waited.

  “Excuse me?”

  “And I’m going to see if James will mind…I think I’ll leave the neck brace off too, just this once. I won’t pull anything too dangerous. I’ll be okay.�

  “What the hell are you talking about? You really think you’re riding? Tonight?”

  If Carter’s eyebrow went up any further, it’d reach his hairline. Molly giggled at the mental picture.

  “Honey, I really don’t think you should push it.”

  Damn, that was easier than she’d expected. After years of battling like this with James, she knew which words to clue in on. He had said think. Bingo.

  “I’ll be fine. I really need to, Carter. I know you of all people understand that, right?”

  Carter took in a deep breath. Molly knew that signal. He was almost there.

  “Okay, Gorgeous, if you think you’re up to it.”

  “I am, I promise. Now you can help me convince James and Brody.”

  “Oh, no.” Carter shook his head, his tongue in his cheek. “You’re on your own with them, baby.”


  “You thought you were playing me? I’m smarter than you think, apparently.” Carter started laughing. “And don’t think for a minute I won’t start calling the boys to vote against you. You might make it past your dad and Brody, I’m not sure…I doubt it. But just in case you do, I highly doubt you’ll convince Jess or Eli. And then there’s always Mike.”

  Molly lay back on the pillow, contemplating her next move. George.

  “And don’t even think about, George,” Carter snickered. “I can see the steam coming from your brain, it’s working so hard. Nice try. I only agreed to give you false hope.”

  “You’re a mean boy.” Molly crossed her arms over her chest. The longer she lay there, the harder it became to hold in the laughter. “Mean, I say.”


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