The Complete Quake Series

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The Complete Quake Series Page 16

by Chance, Jacob

  I left Zack on the sidewalk even though he asked if he could walk me to my door. I didn’t want to run the risk of having to deal with another awkward situation like the one we had only moments ago. I run a hand over my hair and shake my head annoyed with myself while I wait for the elevator.

  The nape of my neck tingles like someone is staring at me. I slowly cast my eyes to the right and don’t see anything out of the norm. I turn my head to the left and see the same maintenance man I saw coming out of my apartment when I first moved in. He continues to stare at me while I pray for the elevator to come as soon as possible. When the doors open in front of me I rush to step on and when I turn around facing front, I lock eyes with him. His stare is sinister and disturbing enough to make me shiver. I breathe a sigh of relief when the doors close; blocking me from his view.

  * * *

  Janny’s lying on her back, the comforter pushed aside. Her arms are stretched above her head. I watch her breasts while they hypnotically rise and fall with each slow breath she takes. She sleeps soundly. That’s something I’ve learned from watching her these past couple of weeks – she never stirs.

  Her tank top is bunched up, revealing a strip of smooth skin above the top of her dark panties. I can’t make out what color they are in the dim lighting, but I know from looking through the bureau drawers that she’s partial to white lace and black satin ones. I prefer the black ones, especially when they still have the sweet scent of her juices on them.

  I want to know if her pussy feels as soft as those panties do when I slide them back and forth on my cock until I come. I’ll be patient for now.

  Soon there will be no secrets between us.

  Chapter Ten


  The walls of my condo are closing in on me more and more each day. I’m going fucking stir crazy. I need to get back to work; back to my normal everyday life. This sitting around doing nothing is driving me to drink – literally. The last two nights I’ve sat here watching TV, drowning my sorrows in a bottle of Jameson because I’ve lost the one person who meant the most to me. Ever since I had that dream about Janny, memories of her have been flooding my mind. I can remember it all now. Every single second we spent together is crystal clear and each night when I lie in bed I replay them all like some lovesick slideshow. It’s the worst torture to think about her and it’s also my biggest pleasure.

  While I sit here at my kitchen table, drinking coffee, I’m lost in indecision about what I should do. Should I go to New York and apologize? Should I stay here and let her get on with her life? She’s probably better off without me; I know I’m not an easy man to be with. She deserves better than what I can give her, but I don’t think I can live without her. I love that girl with an intensity I can’t even explain.

  What if she meets someone else? What if she already has?

  Fuck that.

  I drink back the rest of my coffee and jump up from my chair knowing exactly what needs to be done. I’m going to get my girl.

  I hit the highway before I give Kenna a call to find out Janny’s address.

  “Hello,” she answers, sounding sleepy.

  “Kenny, are you awake?”

  “No, this is a recording. What do you want Kyle?” She sounds annoyed. I smile and think about how happy she’s about to be.

  “Can you give me Janny’s address in New York City?”

  “You’re going after her?” she asks excitedly.

  “I sure as hell am.”

  * * *

  Three hours later I’m checking into a hotel located between her apartment and work. I take a quick shower and change into a clean pair of jeans and a black collared shirt. I’m anxious to see my girl. I’m curious what her reaction will be when she sees me. I hate how we ended things; how I ended things. Janny probably despises me now. I hate myself for what I did to her. She’s been through so much already in her young life and now I’ve added to it. I know I broke her heart. I could see it when she looked back at me before walking out of my hospital room. The hurt reflected in her bright eyes made my stomach clench. I don’t know if I can ever make up for the damage I’ve done, but I’m going to try like hell.

  It’s now noon, and I’m sitting in the lobby of Morrison & Sons Advertising waiting for Janny’s lunch break. I’ll sit here for the next couple of hours if I must, and if she doesn’t come down I’ll return at five o’clock. I don’t care what I have to do to see her. I’ll do whatever it takes.

  The section of the lobby I’m sitting in provides me with a clear view of the elevators and the front doors to the building. There’s no way for me to miss her.

  I’m checking emails on my phone and taking care of some work correspondence when the sweetest laughter I’ve ever heard reaches me. I immediately stop what I’m doing. My eyes look up and narrow while Janny walks across the slick marble floor next to some dude. She’s smiling up at him and the way he’s looking at her has me fighting the urge to knock his teeth down his throat. I stand, shove my cell in my back pocket and walk toward the front door. I’m heading right at her, but she’s so involved in her conversation, she doesn’t even notice me.

  “Janny,” I call her name. She sees me when she’s about to pass by; her eyes go wide. She stops so abruptly, the guy she’s with walks by her. It takes a step or two to realize she’s not with him and when he glances over he notices me standing with her.

  “Janny,” I say, enjoying the way her name rolls off my tongue. Her name is my favorite word.

  “Kyle, what are you doing here?” She looks surprised and not happy at all. I knew this wasn’t going to be easy.

  “I came to see you.” She tucks her hair behind her ear like she always does when she’s nervous. I take it as a sign she still cares. I smile at her; I can’t hold it back. I’ve missed her so much. Her lips start to quirk up on the corners.

  “Janny, what’s going on?” The dude she left the elevator with steps closer to her, interrupting us. Her head snaps in his direction for a moment before she looks back at me.

  “This is Kyle, an old friend from Boston.” She smiles up at him. When she turns her head back toward me and her eyes connect with mine the smile disappears. “This is Zack, he’s a friend of mine.”

  My hands stay in my pockets when he reaches out to shake my hand. Fuck him. I’m not shaking his pretty-boy hand. I tip my chin up at him in acknowledgement, that’s all he’s getting.

  “I’m going to give you guys a couple minutes to talk.” Zack smiles at Janny and walks over, taking a seat on one of the chairs grouped around a glass coffee table.

  “What are you doing here Kyle?” She crosses her arms over her chest and lifts her adorable little chin in a look of defiance. I want to smile because I’m so happy to see her, but I know now is not the time.

  “I came to see you.” I step toward her, our bodies are almost touching, our eyes locked together. “I remember everything and I don’t want to be without you. I miss you.” I place my hands on her shoulders and rub back and forth with my thumbs while I study her. She stands there, arms still crossed with an air of indifference. The cold shoulder she’s giving me only makes me want to kiss her more than anything I’ve ever wanted before. The urge to feel her full lips on mine, my tongue teasing hers, is so powerful I clench my teeth. I want to suck and bite on her bottom lip until she’s begging me to kiss her. I want to kiss her until she’s begging me to fuck her. When she takes a step back my hands fall to my sides already missing the warmth of her skin.

  “I’m glad you got your memory back, but this changes nothing. You pushed me away like I meant nothing, and I’m not going to let you make me feel like that ever again.” Her eyes flash their anger at me while she takes another step backward. “I learn from my mistakes so I don’t ever repeat them.”

  I scowl at her. “You’re going to throw our relationship away out of spite?”

  She laughs. “No, I’m not throwing our relationship away at all. You already took care of that six weeks ago. There is n
o us anymore and there never will be. I’ve already been there, done that and have the t-shirt to prove it. Go back to Boston, Kyle.” She turns and walks away from me; I stand frozen in place, watching.

  Fuck. That conversation didn’t go like I planned. Zack stands and walks toward her. He affectionately rubs her arm and leans forward to listen to what she’s saying. He nods his head and they both move toward the door, their steps in sync. When he opens the door for her he flashes me a cocky grin. My fingers clench into fists and I close my eyes while I slowly breathe in and out to calm down. I need to get a grip on my anger right now, before I go after them and snatch Zack up by the scruff of his neck. I’d have the element of surprise working in my favor and before he knew what was going on my fist would be well acquainted with his face. I imagine feeling the crunch of his nose breaking while I picture it in my mind. The urge to fuck him up is calling to me and I don’t want to ignore it. If he thinks he’s going to take Janny from me, he’s going to have the fight of his life on his hands. I’ll do whatever I need to do to get my girl back. I’m not afraid to fight dirty, I smile to myself. Dirty is what I’m best at.

  I spend the next day exploring the streets of lower Manhattan. I love the chaos this city offers. I don’t think I’d ever want to live here, but it’s a great place to visit. It’s a different feel than Boston, which has a great energy to it, but it’s a more controlled chaos.

  I didn’t go back to see Janny last night, not after the cold reception she gave me. I meant it when I said I wasn’t giving up though. Leaning my shoulder against the brick front of Morrison & Sons, I wait so I can walk her home. It’s 5:30. I’ve watched people hustling through the automatic doors, spilling out like drones, for thirty minutes. I’m not moving until I see her.

  I catch a flash of golden blonde hair before I see her gorgeous face when she steps outside into the muggy evening air. She walks with purpose in the direction of her place. I follow behind her and wait until we’re out of the immediate crowd of people to call her name.


  She stops and looks around until her eyes rest on mine. She doesn’t answer me. She watches me as I move closer and closer. Her breaths increase in speed when I’m standing in front of her – close enough to make her want me – close enough to remind her how powerful the attraction between us still is.

  “Can I walk you home?” I ask. In her blue eyes, I can see how much she wants to say yes, but the stubborn lift of her chin is a clue she won’t make it that easy for me.

  “Kyle, I don’t think this is a good idea. I told you yesterday, we’re over, for good. Why aren’t you back in Boston?” She shakes her head as if my presence annoys her.

  “You told me yesterday you learn from your mistakes, well you’re not the only one. Letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life and I can’t walk away from you again.” I smirk at her. “I guess you’re going to get used to seeing me around because I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I guess you’re going to have to get used to me telling you we’re over then.” She raises her eyebrows up at me, turns and walks away. Damn I love this girl.

  I sleep in the next morning and order room service for breakfast. After a quick shower, I work on the computer for a few hours. I’ve resumed some of my duties at KD Investigations and it helps give me a sense of purpose. I’ve worked full time since I was twenty-two years old and the past two months when I couldn’t, were really trying for me.

  I wrap it all up and walk to Morrison & Sons in time to meet Janny when she finishes up. It’s only a couple of minutes after five when she walks out and thankfully she’s alone. She stops briefly to rifle through her red leather messenger bag and pulls out an iPod and earbuds. I make a mental note to fill her playlist with all the songs that remind me of her; show her everything she means to me. She doesn’t see me observing her. I wait for her to get a head start before I subtly blend in with the crowd moving along behind her. I pace my steps to match Janny’s and keep some people between us; she won’t notice me if she turns around. It’s a short walk to her apartment and when she’s entering the building I call out to her.

  “Janny, wait.” I walk up behind her, put my hand on her back and usher her inside before she can resist. I need to talk to her and I know I’ll stand a better chance of that happening, if we’re not standing on the sidewalk. She walks through the lobby, over to the bank of elevators, presses the button to call for one and turns to me. “You can come up with me. We’re going to talk and then you’re going to leave.”

  We ride up to her floor in complete silence and I take advantage of the opportunity, studying her. She stares straight in front of her like she can’t wait for the door to open. Her hair is up in a ponytail today and it’s all I can do to stop myself from trailing my lips along the delicate skin of her neck. I want to kiss below her ear and inhale her sweet scent forever. I have to make her see we belong together.

  The doors open on the thirtieth floor and I follow Janny down the hall, enjoying the way her ass looks in her knee-length skirt. She has heels on today and I’ve never seen her wear them before. How many other things about her have changed in the past six weeks?

  Once we’re inside her apartment my eyes scan around the room, noticing all the windows along the far wall. I’m thankful she’s on the thirtieth floor, and there’s no way for anyone to break in, aside from the front door.

  “Have a seat.” She disappears down a short hallway. The interior is comfortable and I can already see Janny’s personal touches here and there. Her red pillows are on the couch and I can see two of Josh’s colorful paintings hanging on the wall over the television. Seeing the plaid blanket, we used to cuddle under on my couch, now draped over the back of hers, makes my stomach clench. I know this distance between us, literally and figuratively is because of how much I hurt her. I pushed her away and she ran off at the first opportunity.

  I stand in front of the large windows and glance out at her impressive view. I’m amazed I can see the statue of liberty in the distance.

  “Do you want a beer? I have a couple left over from when Josh and Elle were here,” she asks pulling my attention back to the most amazing view of all. Her button-down shirt is now untucked and she’s barefoot, her tiny little toes painted red. I want to bite on each of those toes and work my teeth and tongue up each sexy as fuck inch of her body until I finally get to her lips. My dick is already hard like steel and I haven’t even touched her yet. Her eyes go wide when I stalk toward her, closing the space between us. I’m crazed with the need to taste her mouth – to swallow her gasps and make her tremble with every thrust.

  I grip her arms, pull her body against me and slam my lips into hers. It’s been way too long since I’ve kissed her and my muscles tense up. I fight for restraint when our tongues become reacquainted. Her fingernails dig into my scalp. Buttons ping against the window when I tear open her shirt. All my fucking control is gone. My lips dance over the silky skin along her neck and down to her collarbone. My tongue tastes the honey sweetness of her skin while my hands undo the clasp of her white bra. I push her back against the wall; my lips brush back and forth over her nipple. When I suck it into my mouth she grips my head and moans. God I’ve missed that sound. My mouth wraps around her other nipple while my hands skim up the outside of her thighs, lifting her skirt. The sight of her in her white lace panties is too much to take and I grip each side, tearing them off. I drop to my knees and push her legs apart hungry for her dripping wet pussy. The first swipe of my tongue has me groaning against her clit. “You taste even better than I fucking remembered.”

  Her head falls back against the wall with a thud and her fingers clench my hair, as I lift her leg over my shoulder. I need my face to be buried in her cunt, I can’t get enough of her taste. She’s so hot against my tongue and the soft texture of her pussy has me groaning with desire. I can’t wait to feel the heat of her tight walls gripping my cock. I’ve missed her so much – missed this so much. I circle my tongue ar
ound her clit and then suck on it while I push my fingers inside her. She gasps and moans. I feast on her with wild abandon and curl my fingers back. When she’s almost ready to come, I pull back, teasing her clit with the tip of my tongue and hold off her orgasm. She whimpers and pushes her hips forward, toward my wet mouth.

  “Please, Kyle.” Her whisper hoarse with passion.

  I pull my fingers from her and spread her juices along her slit and around her clit. She moans when I suck her clit between my lips and hum; enjoying the sweet taste of her. I increase the suction until she screams out my name and trembles through her orgasm. I set her down on shaky legs, wipe my face on my arm and spin her around to face the wall. My pants are undone and pushed down to my thighs in seconds. I grip her hips, pull her ass toward me and slide the length of my cock back and forth along her slit. She moans and places her palms flat against the wall.

  “Do you want my cock, baby? Have you missed it?” I slide forward, teasing her clit with the tip, rocking it back and forth. She moans when I pull her hips back and arches her back for me.

  “Fuck.” She’s so sexy. I thrust inside her. She gasps. When I pull my hips back and push forward again, she cries out my name in a desperate tone.


  Jesus, how have I lived without her?

  There’s nothing in the world that can compare to the feeling of her tight pussy wrapped around my dick. I want to take my time and savor this moment but it’s been too long and the need to fuck her kicks in. I can’t wait any longer. My hand wraps around her ponytail, tugging her head back so I can suck and bite on her neck while my cock pumps into her over and over. I want to fuck her so hard she’ll never be able to erase this moment from her mind.

  I growl in her ear. “I own this pussy and no one else can make you feel the way I do.” Her answering moans and gasps, the sounds of my cock moving in and out of her wet cunt and the slap of our skin, all have me on the verge of exploding. My hands lower to grip her hips, my fingers dig into her and the sight of her ass thrust toward me is so fucking hot I can’t hold back any longer. My body jerks with the force of my orgasm when I mark her pussy as mine. She’s always going to be mine.


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