The Complete Quake Series

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The Complete Quake Series Page 61

by Chance, Jacob

  “The information you gave about pissing during sex is inaccurate. I piss in my wife all the time.”

  “Dave, I can only go by what science tells me. The male body is designed to prevent this from happening.”

  “Are you calling me a liar?” He sounds angry.

  “No, you sir are a special snowflake. Thank you for calling in. The next email I received is from Laura, AKA Mrs. Bateman.”

  How do I convince my celebrity crush we belong together? I’m here, alone, faithful to him and he still hasn’t broken up with his girlfriend. What am I doing wrong? Should I do something drastic like send him naked pics of me? Maybe a visit to his girlfriend to help her see she’s all wrong for him? I’m getting tired of waiting. I’m not getting any younger and I need to have his babies.

  “Okay, Laura. I don’t want to burst your bubble, but you might want to focus on someone who’s more attainable. Put your energy into a guy you already know. Maybe a co-worker who’s been giving you the eye or someone who lives in your neighborhood. Ask some friends to set you up on some dates. Stay busy and keep your mind off the celebrity. Don’t do anything drastic to get his attention. Stalking laws are strict and society doesn’t look favorably on those who abuse them.”

  My next client walks in the front door, pulling my focus to the tattoo I’ll be doing for him. It’s a custom piece I’ve been working on for a few visits now. Tonight, I’m finishing it up.

  Rising to my feet, I shake his hand and dispose of my trash. As I round the counter to pass in front of Tatum, I pause. “What time are you coming over to vacuum tomorrow?”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Saturdays tend to be long days for me. I’m usually booked around the clock with only a quick dinner break. This one was no different. It’s almost midnight and we’re closing shop. Sean, Tatum and I are heading to C’s Pub for a couple of well-deserved beers. My younger brother Owen should already be there with some of his friends. We texted earlier and made plans to meet up. I haven’t seen him in a couple months. He lives in an apartment just outside the Boston University campus where he’ll be entering his sophomore year. He’s only twenty years old, but he looks like he’s at least my age or maybe older. He’s been a gym rat for the past few years bulking up for football and now he’s one of the starting lineman on the Boston University Terriers. He’s a typical jock all the girls throw their panties at. If it wasn’t for our green eyes no one would be able to tell we were related. His raven black hair is from my mother’s side of the family and his personality is more outgoing than mine. Sometimes I envy Owen’s ability to have fun and not think about responsibilities. Even though I’m the middle brother, I feel like a first born. Jam and my father have been fully immersed in the club life for ten years leaving me to look out for Owen, a responsibility I’ve always taken very seriously.

  My eyes take a few seconds to adjust to the dim lighting inside the popular bar. The loud chatter of conversation and music assaults my ears as I move forward. Tatum darts off to some people she knows sitting at a table.

  “I’m heading to the bar. What d’ya want to drink?” Sean asks.

  “Thanks, man. I’ll take a Sam Adams.” I answer absentmindedly as my eyes scan the space for Owen and his football teammates. They’re easy to spot with their oversized shoulders and intimidating height. I’m not a small guy by any means, coming in over six feet, but these boys have a couple inches on me and about twenty pounds of solid muscle.

  “Watch out asshole,” I say, bumping into Owen from behind.

  He spins around, an intimidating scowl on his face which morphs into a large grin when he sees it’s me. “Josh, you fucker. You almost got a face full of fist.”

  “Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades,” I say, echoing words our father has said to us more times than we can both remember.

  He smiles and nods. “Dad and his sage advice. He’s so much more than just an outlaw biker.”

  I bark out a laugh. “He really is. Not that anyone would believe it once they got a look at him.”

  “Right. If they don’t get stuck on the tattoos then the eight-inch beard is the showstopper.”

  “How long has it been since you’ve seen Dad or Jameson?”

  “I haven’t seen either of them since they went to Gram’s at Easter.” He raises his bottle of beer to his lips, taking a long pull, before continuing. “I don’t appreciate hearing how my college education is a waste of time and playing football is pointless. If they really think so, they should keep it to themselves out of respect for me.” He pounds on his thick chest for emphasis. “Because it’s important to me. I never shit on the club even though I’m sure decisions they make are questionable.”

  “I know, dude, but you know to Dad and Jam the MC is everything. They can’t see past it and the fact that we’re not joining them has to be a source of disappointment.”

  Sean walks up and hands off my beer.

  “Is this your boyfriend?” Owen asks, with a mischievous grin, lifting his chin in Sean’s direction.

  Sean wraps his arm around me. “You told him about us, honey?” He smiles at me, playing along.

  “Fuck that. You’re not my type.” I shrug his arm off and sip on the cold brew.

  “I’m everyone’s type.” He winks.

  “Owen, this is my buddy, Sean. He’s the other tattoo artist at Canvas.”

  “Hey, nice to meet you, man. You looked too badass to be with my brother, anyway.” He laughs and whacks my chest with the back of his hand.

  “I don’t know, Josh is quite the catch. He’s the owner of the hottest new tattoo studio in the city, and he’s got the broody artist thing going for him. All the girls at the shop try to get his attention, but he doesn’t give them the time of day,” Sean informs him.

  “Really?” Owen questions with a raised brow.

  “Yep.” Sean raises the bottle to his lips.

  “Maybe you are gay. It’s okay if you are, man. I’d never judge you for it.” He looks serious.

  “I’m not gay, dude. I like pussy, I’m interested in one in particular, not any thrown my way.”

  “Dude, they all feel great. Don’t discriminate,” Owen says and Sean holds his fist out for a bump.

  “Yes, they do, but the one I’m interested in is above all others.”

  “Who is she? I might need to give her a ride on the ‘O’ train.” He winks.

  “You mean the O Express? It’s a quick ride.” I smirk.

  Sean chuckles while Owen flips me the bird.

  “So, who’s this girl with the unicorn pussy? Have I met her?”

  I laugh. “No, you’ve never met her.”

  “How can I meet her?” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  “Fuck off with that, Owen. It’s one hundred kinds of fucked up you’d even consider sticking your dick where mine’s been.”

  “Yeah, but if you used a condom then it’s like it never happened. Your dick didn’t touch her pussy.”

  Shaking my head, I look at Sean. “Do you believe this shit?” I gesture at my brother.

  “What?” Owen questions.

  “Dude, please tell me you’re fucking with me or I’m going to think I didn’t do a very good job of instilling decent morals in you.”

  “I didn’t join the club, so I guess you didn’t do too bad.”

  “Yeah, but you’re like a man whore sticking your dick in anything with a pussy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t fuck around, but maybe there should be more criteria than having a pussy for the tail you choose.”

  “Speaking of sticking my dick in someone, can we continue this conversation some other time?” Owen asks, looking across the bar. Following the direction of his gaze, my stomach clenches when I realize it’s Elle he’s staring at. The hair on my arms stands up at the thought of him even considering touching her. I don’t even want her to be a momentary thought in his one-track mind.

  “Dude, don’t even fucking look at
her,” I growl.

  His eyes narrow as they move to me. “Why can’t I look at her?”

  My hand holding the bottle clenches so hard I’m surprised it doesn’t shatter.

  “That right there is the unicorn pussy, Josh was talking about.”

  “Dude,” he holds his fist out and I bump it. “She’s hot as fuck. I’m proud, man. I didn’t think your game was that good.” He shakes his head, his eyes still on Elle.

  “Stop fucking looking at her and stay the fuck away,” I grit out between clenched teeth.

  “No worries, bro. Judging by the way she’s looking at you, she feels the same.”

  “It’s complicated - too complicated,” I grumble then swallow down the rest of my beer. Slamming the empty bottle on the table next to us, I shove my hands into the front pockets of my jeans. My heated gaze locks on Elle. I’ve been starved for the sight of her since the last time we were together at the hospital.

  “Isn’t it always complicated? Does an uncomplicated relationship even exist?” Owen asks.

  “I don’t know. Janny and I weren’t complicated.”

  “Right, and you didn’t last. You guys were more friends than lovers. Maybe, complicated means passionate. If there’s no back and forth with someone and you agree with them all the time maybe things get boring.” He shrugs, raising his bottle to his lips.

  Thinking over the words he said, I find them to be strangely insightful. Maybe he’s right. I’ve never been afraid of hard work. Maybe, Elle is no different.

  Have I been too quick to give up on her? Does she need me to pursue her and show her she’s worth it?

  Drinking her in, she’s more beautiful each time I see her. Eyes trekking down from her face to her chest, I notice the way her blue sundress hugs her full tits. Before I realize what I’m doing my feet are in motion and I’m closing the distance between us, purpose in every step I take. She notices me approaching and must sense the determination in my stride because she places her glass down on the nearest table and waits as I approach.

  Barely slowing down, I grip her hand and continue toward the back of the bar without a single word. Coming upon a hallway with doors on both sides, I try the handle on the first two and find them both locked. With the third I luck out when the door opens to a decent sized break room. Tugging her inside, I thrust it closed with my hand, locking the handle. Hands still clasped, I direct her toward a table and chairs on the side of the room. Kicking one of the chairs to the side, my hands slip to her waist. Lifting her onto the table, I step between her legs. My hands cup her cheeks as our lips hungrily connect. Her legs wrap around my hips and urge me closer. My chest tightens uncomfortably from the varied emotions Elle stirs up in me. The way she makes me feel...I can’t find the words to express what she makes me feel. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. She brings out passion, need, hope, worry, love and so much more.

  Our tongues dance around, seeking and retreating, both of us driven by an unquenchable desire. Her fingers press into the muscles of my back, long fingernails digging through the Van Halen 1984 concert tee I’m wearing. The small sting drags me out of the moment and reminds me of all the things I wish I could say to Elle. I don’t know all the right words, but I know some. And something needs to be said. We can’t keep physically connecting on such a powerful level and then going our separate ways. Merely stealing moments with Elle is not enough for me and I hope it’s the same for her.

  Tearing my lips from hers, I place our foreheads together. Both of us are physically and emotionally rocked from our kiss and struggling to catch our breath. Each of her exhales are a gentle caress, like the hairs of my favorite fan brush softly stroking over my lips.

  “We say so much with a simple touch, Elle. This is how we communicate. It’s no different than when I paint. I convey whatever I want the viewer to feel on the canvas without a single word.” Smoothing her hair back from her face with both palms, my fingers glide down the back of her head and slip between her thick brown tresses, holding her in place. My eyes roam over the elegant angles of her nose and cheekbones before locking on hers. Hints of copper and gold glint from her brown irises, captivating me. “Elle, we’re like a blank canvas. We can paint our relationship any way we want. We don’t have to fit the mold that works for others. Both of us get lost trying to find the right words to say and when we can’t - we say nothing. Or we say something hurtful when it’s not our intention. Words can be misconstrued, but actions are the true measure of a person. We should do what we do best...forget the words and let our hearts speak for themselves.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  He’s giving me the perfect opportunity to be with him. All I have to do is be brave enough to say yes. But what if it doesn’t work out? What if it does? My heart battles it out with my head.

  “Elle,” he whispers my name. Staring into his light green eyes, might have me agreeing with anything he wants. I have no control when he’s near.

  “What?” I question, my voice hoarse with all the emotions he’s pulling out of me. No matter how much I want to shove them back in, I don’t think I can. I want this too much. Whatever it is he’s offering me, I’m not going to refuse.

  “Are you and Johnny together?” He holds his breath, waiting for my answer.

  “No.” I shake my head. “We never have been. Are you and Liberty?” I brace myself for his answer, prepared for the yes, he’ll more than likely utter. What that will mean for us, I’m not sure.

  “No. She’s just a friend. There’s never been anything between us.”

  My eyebrows rise as high as they can on my forehead. “Really?” I ask, afraid to be hopeful.

  “Really.” He smiles and I echo one back at him. “I couldn’t get you out of my head, no matter how hard I tried.” He rubs the tip of his nose against mine. “But you know what’s even better?”


  “You’re in my heart too and I never want you to leave.”

  My eyes fill with tears at his sweet words. No one has ever made me feel so special before. He’s the only person who’s ever delved beneath the surface layer everyone else gets from me. He’s the first person I’ve allowed to. I don’t like to be vulnerable. Avoiding it at all costs has become a defense mechanism for me. It’s only with Josh, I’m willing to be in this position. Only he can make me brave enough to open myself and hope for the best.

  “Don’t cry,” he soothes, catching the tear slipping down my cheek with the tip of his index finger.

  “These are happy tears. I thought I’d ruined any chance of us being together. I’m sorry for running out on you that morning.”

  “It’s over and done with, Elle. None of that matters now.”

  I place my index finger over his mouth to stop his words. Sliding it back and forth, I enjoy the sensation of his full bottom lip against my fingertip. Cupping his cheek with the same hand, I stare up into his intense eyes. “Please let me explain. I was so scared of my feelings for you. I wanted to let you in. I wanted to stay with you more than anything, but I was afraid to get hurt. I still am. I’m petrified.”

  His arms wrap around me, tugging me closer between his legs and my hands rest on his chest. “Elle, I promise I’ll never hurt you on purpose. Will there be times when we fight or have hurt feelings? I’m sure there will be. It’s unavoidable, but I think the risk is worth it. I want whatever time I can have with you. If it means a week or the next ten years, I’ll be grateful for whatever we get.”

  I’m ecstatic at his words. I never imagined this opportunity. “I want the same.” I smile through my tears.

  “Are you sure? I’m not letting you go once you say yes.” His smile is crooked.

  “I’m sure. I’ve wanted this for a long time. Unfortunately, I let my own fears stop me from telling you. I’m sorry I wasn’t braver, Josh.” My hands caress over his muscular chest. “Are you sure you want this? I can’t promise being with me will be easy.”

  His hands slip i
nto my hair, holding my head still. He lowers down, bringing his face closer to mine. “I already told you how I feel, Elle. If I have to tell you one hundred times a day before you believe it, then I will.”

  “Maybe you can convince me with some silent communication.” I smile up at him.

  “I like the way you think. Silent communication is what we do best,” he says, his lips capturing mine. My stomach flutters uncontrollably with the contact, as we lose ourselves in each stroke of our tongues. I’ve never experienced such a powerful connection with someone before. All awareness of time disappears as we show each other how we feel in the most convincing way. His hot, commanding kisses remind me of our night together. I moan when his hands slip down to cup my ass, pressing me against his hard cock. I rock against him lost in the endless hunger he stirs in me.

  He groans into my mouth when my heels dig into his ass urging him closer. Tearing his mouth from mine, he struggles for breath. “God, I want you. So fucking bad, but I don’t want to rush. I want to show you what you mean to me over and over.” His voice is a deep, husky whisper against my neck. I shiver when he skims his lips behind my ear and all the way down to my shoulder. Placing a slick line of hot, wet kisses along the front of my neck, he climbs higher until he catches my bottom lip between his teeth. Playfully tugging on it, he sucks it between his lips. His tongue is a warm caress as it glides from one corner to the other, before slipping between my lips, reminding me of when it was buried in my pussy four months ago.

  When one of my hands slip under his t-shirt to stroke the lean muscles of his stomach, he catches it with his and wraps my arm behind my back. “Are you trying to drive me fucking insane?” he growls the question against my mouth.


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