Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series) Page 9

by KD Jones

  Syd’s release was just as brutal. He felt all of himself pour out into this small delicate female. His female. His mate. “Mine.” He moaned as he shifted to his side to allow her room to breathe. He pulled her into his arms to keep her close to him. Heart to heart. Forever.

  Realization took root after a few minutes of breathing and recovering from the most incredible sex she had ever had. Even better than what she had shared with JadEN. What she had with JadEN was really good. But it could not compare to Syd. Fear started to work its way into her consciousness. She had always felt a pull, an attraction towards Syd, but now, it somehow seemed stronger. She pulled back to look at him accusingly.

  “You didn’t pull out.” Her voice was shaky.

  “No, there was no reason to.”

  Kat pushed herself up into a sitting position, ignoring the fact that she was naked. “You didn’t pull out and you didn’t ask for my permission to come inside of me!” Kat was getting angrier by the second. How dare he make such a big decision for her without asking first.

  “You agreed that you were my mate without my having to ask.” He grabbed hold of her wrist to keep her from moving off of the bed.

  “I did no such thing.”

  Syd felt his own anger build up. “You did. I called you my mate and told you to release for me. You said yes twice.”

  She hit him square in the chest with her open palm, which did exactly nothing but confuse him. “I yelled yes from my orgasm. Not yes for you to mate me!”

  Syd rubbed his chest where she hit him. It didn’t hurt physically. But the thought that the female wanted to hurt him was disturbing. She was his whole world, but now she was denying they were mates.

  “Well, we are mated now. As you Earth people say, ‘deal with it.’”

  “Oh, no. We are not mated, because I did not agree.” She tried to get up, but found herself flipped onto her stomach. Syd climbed on top of her to prevent her from moving.

  “Get off.” She only halfway meant it. She was already turned on again from his aggressiveness.

  “We are mated. I will spend the rest of the night convincing you of this.” He would not let her go. Not now. Not ever.

  Syd knocked hard on the door of Kat and Jaxon’s sleeping quarters. He didn’t want to leave his bed, but he and Kyd had somewhere they needed to be. “Prime Commander KydEL, we are needed in the Operations Room. Also, Dr. Morris needs to get a change of clothes,” he said the last part as he looked down at his female.

  She wore her jeans from the night before and one of his shirts. The shirt was too big, but that couldn’t take away from her beauty. He had spent most of the night making love to her in every possible position. She liked it when he restrained her. She was submissive to him in the bed if nowhere else. She refused to admit that they were mates, but it did not matter. If he had to present his case to Ren and the High Council, they would all agree that she was his mate. He would continue to convince her of this.

  “Until later.” He bent and kissed her gently right before his older brother stormed out of the bedroom in a bad mood. It was going to be a long day.

  Chapter 11

  Kat did not sit with Syd on the shuttle taking them down to Kiljor. She refused to even look at the man. How dare he make life-changing decisions for her. She refused to let the irritating man get the best of her. Instead, she tried to focus on the new planet she was being taken to.

  Kiljor looked similar to Earth. Blue water covered most of the planet. She had looked up the details about the new planet on her digital tablet. There were diverse areas of beaches, mountains, and sandy deserts, with a variety of flowers and plants. Unlike Earth, the air was cleaner, the waters were unspoiled, and the planet was severely under populated.

  Syd watched Kat’s enthusiasm for seeing another new world. It made him see things differently. She was his and he couldn’t wait to steal her away somewhere more private. Captain Malone caught him staring at Kat and frowned. That one could be trouble.

  His cousin AriELa was sitting with the Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN. They seemed to be getting along pretty well. The Kiljorn male was pointing and describing parts of Kiljor that could be seen on the viewing screens while AriELa listened carefully, finding it all fascinating. Maybe there would be a prime mating between the two nations after all.

  Kat noticed some differences between the City of Kiljor and the City of Katiera. On Katiera, all the buildings were made of a brick material. On Kiljor, the buildings all appeared to be made out of some kind of metallic material. Instead of having a landing field like Katiera, there was a landing platform built on the top of one of the highest buildings.

  After they landed, they were taken down to their suites. Kat shared a suite with Jaxon, AriELa, and Lindsey. Kyd was sharing a suite with his brother, while TarAK was sharing a suite with SilAS and the other two medic team members. Kat didn’t waste any time; she headed to her suite and hid herself away from Syd. She didn’t know what she was going to do about him. Unfortunately, she still wanted to be with him, which made things even harder and even more confusing. Would she be this upset if he had asked her first instead of taking the decision to mate with him out of her hands? She didn’t know the answer to that.

  The next day after Morning Meal, SydEL and the other two medic team members came to get Kat. They were going to meet with the Kiljorn lead medics to discuss the medical issues resulting from the mutated virus. She didn’t speak to Syd and he seemed to be giving her space. She was grateful to concentrate on something else besides their relationship.

  Kat usually got the same two reactions from men everywhere she went. The first thing men noticed was her short hair. The moment she walked into the Medic Wing all eyes were directed to her head. She was glad that her hair was behaving itself today.

  The second reaction she always got was being treated more gently just because she was a woman. The Kiljorns made an effort to escort her to a seat, while the males in the room had to find their own seats. Syd growled a couple of times when a couple of men got too close to her. She eyed him suspiciously when he sat beside her.

  “Welcome to the City of Kiljor, Prime Medic SydEL. It is a pleasure to meet you finally. I am Lead Medic AspER. These are my colleagues, Medics TasEN and RegAS.” He pointed to the two men beside him.

  “Thank you for allowing us to come here, Medic AspER. Let me introduce you to my colleagues, Medic TanES, Medic CostAL . . .” He then turned his eyes to Kat, “And this is Dr. Morris. She is a medic from the planet Earth.”

  “A female medic? I have never heard of such a thing. Where is this Earth you speak of? Are the Earth females compatible?” The Kiljorn medics all eyed Kat from head to toe.

  Kat blushed. She had never had anybody look at her like she was some kind of strange specimen. But that was exactly what she was to them. Something strange and exotic.

  Syd shifted in his seat. He didn’t want to give them too much information without Ren’s approval. “Yes, they are compatible. Unfortunately, I do not have clearance to give out any information. You may direct all your questions about Earth to Prime Leader RendEL. Just a reminder, we are not here to discuss the Earth females. We are here to exchange knowledge of the mutated virus and to each be allowed to conduct our own research.”

  “My apologies, Prime Medic. I was simply taken off guard by the lovely female.” He turned his attention briefly to ask Kat a question. “Do all females from your planet have short hair?”

  Kat laughed. “No, not all. As a doctor working odd shifts, it was easier for me to keep it cut this way.”

  “It is unusual, but very appealing,” Medic TasEN responded, giving Kat an interested look.

  Syd growled low. The other males in the room all looked at him cautiously. “Let’s get back to our mission here.”

  For the next few hours, the Lead Medic and Syd discussed what they would each like the team to explore. Questions were answered. Kat learned a lot about how the virus was first introduced to the Katieran populat
ion. There was even some information about how the Kiljorns split from Katiera mentioned. Kat kept thinking that the Morins had might not have killed off the Katierans as they intended, but they did a lot of damage by the divide and conquer principle. If the Morins returned with the two nations still separated, they would both be vulnerable to attack.

  Syd wanted to take his team to the outer planets to collect samples. The Kiljorn Medics agreed that this was an acceptable start. The meeting ended and Kat stood to leave. She needed to get a few things to take with her on the short expedition. Syd reached out a hand to grasp her upper arm gently but firmly. She looked up into his dark eyes curiously. He didn’t say anything until everyone left the room.

  “Yes?” she asked. He tugged on her arm but he refused to let her go.

  “You will remain here on Kiljor while my team goes to the outer planets.”

  “Hell no! I came here to be a part of this team, not to be sitting on the sidelines.” Kat tried to yank her arm free, but his hold only got tighter with her struggles.

  “You are safer here, where there are many males to protect you.” Syd saw that Kat was getting angrier and angrier. Secretly, he found her anger enticing. Her cheeks turned slightly pink, her lips puffed up, and her hard breathing drew his eyes towards her sweet chest. Often during their assessment sessions he had debated things with her just to watch her reaction.

  “I am a doctor, Syd, just like you are a medic. Start treating me with the respect I am due. Either I go with the team like I am supposed to, or I will remain here on Kiljor when the research expedition is finished. I am sure that the Kiljorns will more than welcome a female medic. Medic TasEN seemed very interested in me.” The ultimatum she gave him was the wrong thing to do.

  “You belong with me. You are mine!” Syd grabbed both Kat’s arms and dragged her roughly into his arms. His lips took hers with a fierceness that made her respond with exhilaration. He took her with him as he walked to the door. He reached out and closed it, locking them inside. He then walked her backwards until her thighs hit the edge of the conference table.

  Kat should protest. Push him away. Scream for help. But she didn’t do any of those things. She was ashamed to admit it, but she clutched the back of his head to keep his mouth on hers. The moment he touched her, a stream of strong, uncontrollable emotions exploded within her. It happened every single time he touched her.

  Syd pulled on the hooks to Kat’s pants, opening them up. He didn’t waste time to get them both undressed. He needed to be inside her immediately. He pushed her pants down to her ankles. Kat kicked off her shoes and the pants. Syd gripped her panties and ripped them off her body.

  “Shit,” Kat whispered. She was completely turned on. No man had ever affected her this way.

  Syd lifted one of her legs up to his waist as he managed to unhook his own pants and shove them down his thighs. And then he surged forward into her warm wetness. To the hilt. He only waited a heartbeat for Kat to adjust to the invasion. Then he started to pump inside of her. She was his. His mate. “MINE!”

  Their coupling was frantic and brutal this time, not gentle or sweet. It was a claiming, a conquering in every sense. And Kat loved it. Loved him. Oh God, she loved Syd. Totally and completely. When did that happen? All thoughts left her as she lost herself in the moment, in him.

  As they both released at the same time, Syd felt horrible that he had taken her so roughly. His mate deserved better than that. He looked down and found tears streaming down from Kat’s closed eyes. Kitana! Did he hurt her? He pulled out of her gently.

  “Kat?” He checked over her body, but other than being flushed from the lovemaking, nothing seemed broken. “Kat, please speak to me.”

  She opened her eyes and saw his genuine concern. It made her feelings for him even stronger. “I need to do my job, Syd. I am a doctor. I would never keep you from performing as a medic. Please, let me do my job,” she begged him.

  His heart wrenched at the pain he saw in her eyes. Pain he caused because he had kept her from doing what she trained her whole life to do. It was wrong of him. He needed to fix this or could risk losing her forever.

  He nodded. “Very well. You will come with us on the expedition.” He lowered himself to his knees before her and helped her step into her pants and shoes. He grabbed her torn underwear and tucked it into a pocket on his pants leg. When he rose again, he kissed her gently on her forehead and then headed for the door.

  Kat was confused. How could he just walk away? She didn’t think she could walk at all. She grabbed a chair and pulled it closer so that she could sit down. She wasn’t sure if she should feel insulted that he gave her what she wanted. Did he only agree to let her go because of the sex? The man made her crazy, but he had agreed to let her go with his team to the outer planets surrounding Kiljor, so she didn’t question him.

  On the outer planets, she shadowed the team, lending a hand where needed. She wanted to do more. But the moment she asked a question, she was shot down. Syd’s most common responses were, you are from Earth, your procedures are hardly used here, or her favorite, you wouldn’t understand.

  She put aside her own ego and soaked up all the knowledge she could get. For six hours she watched the other medics’ procedures and followed them. She may not understand, but she was determined to learn. It also gave her a chance to really observe Syd in action. She had to admit, SydEL was brilliant. He could simply look at samples by sight and know if they were useful or not. He stimulated her, not just physically, but mentally as well. If Syd had his way, he would continue to spend weeks, even months, collecting samples and performing tests.

  Commander KydEL called an end to the expedition that day. Syd tried to argue with him, but it was pointless. Kat found it interesting to watch the brothers interact. When in public, they addressed each other formally, but in private, they were just two brothers arguing. She had never had that. As an only child, a prodigy at that, she was never really given an option to play with other children. She was expected to be perfect and to act like an adult. What she wouldn’t have given to be normal. To be part of a real family.

  Chapter 12

  Kat was helping the other medics pack up when she noticed a commotion. Commander TylOR and the other warriors were running around shouting out orders. She moved closer while trying to stay out of the way. She noticed Jaxon standing alone looking deathly pale.

  “What’s going on, Jaxon?” she asked.

  “The Katieran transport ship traveling from Earth with more female refugees is being tracked by the Morins,” Jaxon told her.

  “Oh, crap.”

  They didn’t go back to Kiljor. They were closer to the transport ship, so that was where they headed. The ride in the shuttle to the Kiljorn transport ship was tense to say the least. Both Prime Commander KydEL and Commander TylOR were on their comm links coordinating with their people. Jaxon was watching and listening to the two men closely.

  Kat glanced over to the other side of the shuttle. Her soft brown eyes locked onto Syd’s darker eyes. They just started at each other without saying a word. She knew he wished she was still safe on Kiljor, but she was glad to be where he was.

  On board the Kiljorn transport ship, they were shown to their sleeping quarters so that they all could get some rest while they traveled to the location where the Katieran transport was last reported. She watched as Prime Commander KydEL pulled Jaxon into a room and closed the door. Everyone else found their rooms. She turned to look at Syd, who stood before an open door. She blushed.

  “Come, Kat. I wish to make love to you while I can. Who knows what will happen when we reach our destination.” Syd’s deep voice held a note of trepidation.

  Kat nodded. She wanted to be with him too. It wouldn’t solve all their problems, but she needed to be as close to him as possible. She walked into the room and stood by the bed, waiting for him. He really was beautiful. She wanted to touch him everywhere.

  When he stood before her, Kat reached out to undo the ho
oks to his shirt. The moment the skin of his chest was revealed, Kat ran her fingers up and down, teasing him, learning him. She was eye level with his nipples. They were a golden brown. She leaned forward and sucked one bud into her warm mouth.

  Syd was caught off guard. Never had he felt anything so wonderful. It was too good. It was almost too much. He was going to lose his control. “Kat, you need to stop” he growled.

  She shoved his shirt off his shoulders as she moved to suck on his other nipple. His skin tasted sweet. She wondered if he tasted like this everywhere. Her hands went to the hooks of his pants. Once undone, she released his nipple and started to trail kisses down his chest to his navel, where she licked the small indention. She slowly pushed his pants down as she kept kissing her way down.

  She knelt on her knees and helped him remove his boots and pants. Katierans didn’t wear underwear of any kind. His magnificent shaft stood proudly straight out toward her. Wow, he was really hung. She looked up and saw him watching her intently. His eyes darkened with desire. The gold pupils sparkled at her.

  She took his hard member into her hands. She needed two because one hand wouldn’t fit all the way around him. She pumped him up and down, causing him to groan with pleasure. She saw some of his pre-cum and dipped her head to lick the droplet up. Sweet flavors exploded inside her mouth. He tasted delicious. This was one thing she almost never did with men, but she could tell she could become addicted to doing it for him. The taste of him did things to her.

  Syd grabbed Kat’s head, holding her to his member. “Kat!” His warm seed spilled into the female’s luscious mouth. His breathing was rapid. His knees felt wobbly. The female completely undid him.

  Kat released him with a pop. She licked her lips clean and smiled up at him. She was surprised when he reached down and gripped her under her arms. He picked her up and threw her onto the soft bed. He came at her like a man crazed. He didn’t waste any time as he unhooked her clothes and removed them from her body. He immediately went after her breasts, nuzzling between the two soft mounds. Then he took one nipple into his hot mouth. He sucked hard, causing Kat to call out in ecstasy. He squeezed her other breast while he suckled her. She was going to come just from him sucking her breasts. That never happened to her before.


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