Lone Wolf Pack 03 - Expecting His Alpha's Child

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Lone Wolf Pack 03 - Expecting His Alpha's Child Page 3

by Anya Byrne

  Parker feared that Finn's words would just make this worse. They didn't need the reminder that their separation from their mother would take a while. To his surprise, the boys took it well—or as well as could be expected. "We understand," Kyle said. "Mom said that our brother is a really good man. She said that he'd help us, and it was her fault he never came to see us."

  Jack's lower lip trembled as he added, "She was crying. We thought... We thought that maybe we could call him, so that Mom could see him again. But... then..."

  Jack burst into tears and almost instantly, Finn rushed to his side and picked him up in his arms. "I know, Jackie. I know it hurts. Let it out. It's okay. We're here for you."

  As Finn comforted Jack, Parker focused on Kyle. The older boy shuffled closer to him, discreetly, like he couldn't quite bring himself to hug Parker even if he craved the physical attention. Parker caressed Kyle's hair and finally dared to say, "Everything is going to be all right, Kyle. Your mother will be fine. You'll see."

  For some reason, with Finn here, Parker himself could actually believe it.


  The next day

  At early noon, the park teemed with parents, children and their assorted canine companions. The dogs added a particularly awkward element, many of them seeming drawn to him and dancing around him in a clear show of excitement. Werewolves and regular canines had a tricky relationship. As a rule, they shied away, detecting the more dangerous predator, but this time around, they seemed aware of his enthusiasm at having found his mate, and responding to it.

  Finn would have been put out, but the dogs distracted the kids from their glum demeanor. They laughed whenever another one showed up, and it was a good thing to see them smile a little in spite of their less than ideal situation.

  By Finn's side, Parker chuckled. "You're really good with animals. And children."

  Finn's own wolf did a small happy dance around him, but he struggled to rein his beast in so that he wouldn't act like a complete maniac. "I try," he said. "I grew up in a very tight-knit community, but I do understand what the boys are going through."

  He and Parker sat down while Kyle and Jack played around them. Finn's nostrils were invaded by Parker's addictive scent, and it was almost physically painful to not touch him. Moon be blessed, who'd have guessed that he'd find his mate under these circumstances?

  "I understand too," Parker said after a small pause. "In a way. That's why I want to help them."

  He looked away, staring at the children with a distant expression. Finn took advantage of his distraction to greedily drink in his mate's gorgeous features. There was probably something fundamentally wrong about him being so aroused at such a time, but he couldn't help himself. He never would have thought he'd be jealous of the weather, but when the wind ruffled Parker's auburn locks, that was how he felt. He ached to map every inch of Parker's slender body with his fingers, gaze into Parker's eyes as he sank his dick into the other man's body.

  A tired-looking dog owner manifested by their side, snapping Finn out of his trance. The man managed to pry his pet from Finn's proximity. It probably wouldn't have left, but Finn nodded slightly in its direction, willing it to go on. Just like that, the dog complied with its master and departed.

  The children weren't too disappointed, likely because two other animals were already heading toward Finn. Finn made a mental note to leave the park before things got too creepy, but decided to give the kids a while longer. They needed the distraction, and the fresh air. Heck, Finn needed it too. They'd spent the morning visiting with the kids' mother, and seeing Alicia Cook lying there, weak and bruised, but struggling to put up a brave face, had stirred unpleasant memories in Finn's mind.

  Parker's hand landed on his, like he could tell Finn was upset too. Finn stared at their entwined fingers for a few moments and said, "This whole thing just reminds me of things I'd rather not dwell on. I guess you can never really let go of the death of a parent."

  Parker released a sound of distress. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

  Finn shrugged. "It was a long time ago. Don't let it bother you." The last thing he wanted was for Parker to pity him. He hoped for far different emotions from Parker, and he didn't want to stir past wounds either. The present was already a too heavy burden to bear. "The important thing is that Mrs. Cook will be all right. Meanwhile, I called my brother this morning. Gavin was resting at the time, but Saul said he'd tell Gavin the truth when he woke up. We should be able to meet up with them tomorrow."

  "That sounds fine," Parker replied, his voice soft and quiet. "I've already notified my superiors of it that I'll be out of town for a few days."

  A cold chill swept over Finn's spine. He'd simply assumed he had all the time in the world to woo his mate once the immediate problem was solved, but what if Parker refused to relocate? Parker was human, and even if he seemed attracted to Finn, he might simply decide to leave after the children were in Gavin's care. In fact, that seemed exactly what Parker had in mind.

  Finn couldn't allow it, but neither could he protest, at least, not right now. He got up and forced a smile. "We should go," he said. "The kids look tired."

  He wasn't lying, because Jack was indeed rubbing his eyes in that way kids did when they were sleepy but didn't want to go to bed. Parker ushered both boys toward the car and Finn followed them. He couldn't even feel guilty about staring at Parker's ass, not when his wolf was itching to do more than just look.

  By the time they reached Parker's house, Jack was already dozing in the back seat, leaning against his brother's shoulder. Finn picked up the younger boy—he'd have done the same with Kyle if he'd thought Kyle would permit it.

  Together, they made their way upstairs, to the guest room Jack and Kyle shared. Parker's house wasn't very big, but it did have that cozy lived-in feel that reminded Finn of a particularly comfortable pack meeting.

  By now, Jack was sleeping, his head on Finn's shoulder. Kyle seemed to be getting tired too—or maybe it was something he borrowed from looking at his brother. Just the same, he didn't protest when Parker helped him change into his PJ’s for a well-deserved nap. Finn did the same with Jack, who didn't even stir in his sleep. Finally, they tucked in both children, and Kyle wrapped Jack in a protective embrace as the younger boy curled in closer. Normally, siblings would probably protest such a hold, but Kyle and Jack had been through a lot and it had made their relationship very strong.

  Finn looked up at Parker and their gazes met and locked. He didn't know what Parker was feeling, but for Finn... Moon be blessed, he couldn't even describe the emotions bubbling inside him. It was a strangely domestic scene, and Finn could too easily imagine himself doing something similar with Parker, but perhaps with their own kids. After seeing Saul hold his son a few days before, it didn't seem like such an impossible concept anymore.

  On the bed, Kyle muttered something in his sleep, and the moment broke. Both Finn and Parker pulled away and left the room where the children now slept. They went downstairs and walked into the kitchen in complete silence.

  It wasn't awkward, per se. Simply put, without the children around, Finn couldn't really bring himself to ignore the sexual tension between them. Judging by the arousal he could scent from his mate, he wasn't the only one in this predicament.

  But Parker didn't even look at him. He studiously stared ahead as he slipped into the kitchen. "Can I get you something?" he asked. "Coffee?"

  His entire body seemed to be a mass of tension and his hand trembled as he reached for the cup. Before he could help himself, Finn reached for him, his own palms landing on Parker's waist. "It's not coffee I want," he whispered in Parker's ear.

  Parker gasped, his hold on the cup faltering. Quite honestly, Finn couldn't have cared less about a piece of ceramic, but perhaps Parker did. Finn rescued it from Parker's faltering grasp and set it aside. He forcibly turned Parker around, pinning him against the counter.

  "I want you," he clarified, just in case his hard-as-nails dick hadn't alre
ady broadcast the message.

  Parker's eyes glazed with lust and a need so hot it scorched Finn to the bone. Finn had never seen eyes like that in his life, not in a human, or a werewolf, or anyone else for that matter. The deep green orbs seemed almost liquid, and Finn could easily imagine himself drowning in them, drowning in Parker.

  "Finn," Parker murmured back, "God, I..."

  He trailed off, seeming unable to vocalize that he felt the same for Finn. But that was okay, because the beautiful thing about having a male lover was that their bodies couldn't lie. The hard dick nudging Finn's hip spoke volumes of the extent of his desire. Not to mention that Parker seemed to be emanating more pheromones than a female in heat.

  It would have taken a werewolf far stronger than Finn to deny his mate's allure. He crushed their mouths together, claiming his mate's lips in their first kiss.

  For a few moments, it almost seemed like Parker would protest. He tensed ever so slightly and opened his mouth, as if wanting to say something. Finn just took advantage of the offered opportunity to thrust his tongue into Parker's wet cavern, all the while grinding against the other man. Just like that, his mate succumbed to the kiss, melting against Finn.

  His flavor exploded over Finn's taste buds, and Finn groaned in delight. He buried his fingers in Parker's hair, reveling in the softness of the auburn curls. Breathing became unimportant as he devoured Parker's mouth, taking no prisoners, exploring, tasting, trying to sate his desperate thirst for Parker and, of course, failing.

  Frantically, Finn reached between them, groping for Parker's belt. It was a little hard to gain access to Parker's nether regions since he was unwilling to separate their bodies even for that, but he did manage to rub Parker's dick through the material of his slacks.

  Unfortunately, that touch made Parker push him away. Even if it hurt to stop touching Parker, he complied. "We can't," Parker panted out. "Not here... Not now. The boys..."

  It took a significant effort for Finn to step back, but he did so nonetheless. Fair enough. The kids were still in the house, and maybe now was not the perfect moment for him to pounce his mate. "You're right. I..." He wished he could say he was sorry, but the words simply wouldn't come. "Once the kids are safe, we'll discuss it. How does that sound?"

  Parker nodded, although Finn wasn't sure the other man heard him at all. He was staring at Finn's mouth, then tracing Finn's body with his eyes, eventually fixing on Finn's crotch as he licked his lips.

  Shit. If Finn stayed here for one moment longer, he'd bend Parker over the kitchen counter and fuck him right then and there. "I have to go," he blurted out. "I... I'll drop by tomorrow, okay? Make sure everything's packed."

  Finn forced himself to pull away and fled the kitchen like a thousand rogue werewolves armed with silver daggers were after him. Miraculously managing not to look back, he got in his car and drove off.

  It must have seemed like an extreme reaction, but he knew himself and could feel his control inches away from snapping. After so much time spent craving a mate, actually finding him and not being able to touch him like he wanted to hurt him to the very core. To think that, after breaking up with Lisbet, Finn had been worried his wolf would never respond to the right person. Moon be blessed, he'd been so wrong about that. He didn't even care that Parker was human and a male. All he wanted was to take Parker into his arms and claim him. The rest seemed irrelevant.

  Perhaps for that reason, every inch away from his mate was like a dagger plunged into his heart. His wolf howled in protest, telling him to go back in there and take what was his. But Parker had said no, and Finn couldn't go against that. He wanted to shift, to at least let his wolf roam and release some of the frustration inside him, but he knew that if he did that, he'd go straight to Parker's house to resume their little exchange.

  Instead, he drove to his hotel, stopping the car in the underground parking lot. He was briefly tempted to go on a drinking binge, but the only thing that would earn him would be smelling like a brewery and an inflated expenses account at the hotel. His werewolf metabolism burnt out alcohol far too quickly for it to make a difference. Besides, he doubted any kind of hallucinogen could dull the edge of his need for his mate.

  Dragging himself to the elevator, Finn traveled to the third floor and took refuge in his room. Despite his earlier resolve, he couldn't keep himself from following his instincts. No sooner had he locked the door behind him than he tore his clothes off, his shape already shifting into that of a wolf.

  He dropped to the floor on four paws, shaking off the remnants of his garments as he howled his distress. This wasn't the way things were supposed to be. He and his mate should be together by now. Or at the very least, he should be wooing Parker, not dancing around the matter, not pulling away when he wanted something entirely different. Releasing his wolf wasn't the best course of action, so he only allowed himself to let go for a few seconds before he turned back into his human shape. Shit. He couldn't afford to lose control like this, not now, not when it was so important to remain calm if he had any hope of convincing his mate to stay with him.

  Holding onto that thought, Finn turned on the television and set it to run a wolf-related documentary. If anyone came looking, they'd blame the TV for his howl rather than believe he'd sneaked in an animal, or had turned into one himself. Gathering his tattered clothes, he tossed them in his bag.

  It was in that moment that Finn heard his phone ring. To a certain extent, it didn't surprise him. He had been expecting it for a while now, and he wasn't shocked when the display showed him Gavin's name. With a sigh, Finn took the call. He hoped Gavin had understood Saul's decision, but he knew better than to believe Gavin wouldn't have liked to be here himself. Oh well. At least focusing on someone else's problems would keep him from dwelling on his own.

  Chapter Three

  The next day dawned to anxious preparations and last-minute packing. Most of the kids' luggage was already in order, since they'd never truly settled in for an extended stay in Parker's house, but he had to double check and make sure things like Jack's favorite teddy bear weren't accidentally left behind.

  Parker had slept very little the night before, so he drank a large cup of coffee to compensate for his lack of rest. Of course, no amount of caffeine could have prepared him for Finn's arrival. Was it possible for the other man to have gotten even more handsome overnight? It certainly seemed so.

  Struggling to gather some composure, Parker gestured for Finn to come inside. "Good morning," he said. "Is everything in order?"

  Finn nodded. "I spoke to Gavin yesterday. He's very anxious to see his brothers."

  "Well then, let's hasten things along. I'm sure Kyle and Jack are very eager, and we need to go visit Alicia before we leave."

  With Finn's help, the bags were quickly transported to his car, and soon they were off. Just like the day before, they dropped by to see Alicia. She looked a little better now, but her recovery would still take a while. Parker was glad that, at the very least, she'd allowed him to temporarily shoulder the medical bills.

  "Mrs. Cook," Finn said as the kids settled down next to their mother, "we let Gavin know about your predicament. I thought you might like to talk to him, at least on the phone."

  Alicia froze. "Does he want to talk to me?" she asked, her voice slightly slurred—perhaps from painkillers.

  Finn nodded. He probably knew more about Alicia's past than he was saying, but maybe he realized that it was better not to intrude. In the end, it was Alicia who needed to make the decision. "Should I dial his number?" he inquired.

  The boys watched the exchange in silence, but Alicia couldn't have missed their anticipatory attitude. Finally, she softly replied, "Yes, please."

  A few swipes of Finn's finger on the screen of his smart phone had him contacting Gavin. As far as Parker could tell, Gavin must have been waiting for the call because the phone didn't ring for long. Parker could only hear one side of the conversation, but it was enough. "Hi, Gavin." Pause. "Yes, I'm there."
Pause. "Yes, the kids are here too. She wants to talk to you."

  Without further ado, Finn passed the device to Alicia and stepped out of the room. Parker followed his example. This particular conversation would be awkward enough without him being present. Once outside, he couldn't help but address Finn. "Do you think Mr. Price will forgive his mother for what happened?"

  He didn't know the exact details, but whatever it was that had kept Alicia and her son apart had to be serious.

  "Gavin isn't one to hold onto past resentments," Finn answered. "He and I didn't start out as friends, because of one significant mistake I made, but he didn't hold it against me. I can't imagine he'd reject his mother now."

  He cleared his throat and tentatively reached for Parker's hand. "Anyway... About yesterday..."

  Parker allowed himself a few moments of reveling in the warmth of Finn's hand. He realized this was not the best place for PDAs. He'd sworn he wouldn't lose his focus. He'd told himself that he needed to keep things professional. Getting sexually involved with Finn Simmons would only make things more complicated, but no matter how much he tried to focus on that, his body wouldn't listen.

  "I know," he said after a small moment of hesitation. "I... We'll figure it out. I can promise that much."

  Finn didn't push him, which was probably a good thing, since Parker was on the brink of embarrassing himself by forgetting why he'd come here in the first place. Thankfully, Alicia's conversation with Gavin didn't last all that long. Soon, the children said goodbye to her, and once Parker and Finn returned to the room too, they did the same.

  "Thank you for everything you've done for me," Alicia said.

  "Don't mention it," Parker replied. "It's been my pleasure."

  She kissed her kids, but she also hugged Parker. Finally, after the tearful farewell, Parker guided everyone out of the room, knowing Alicia needed her rest.


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