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Timber Page 9

by Remy Blake

  “Are you ok?” I ask in panic.

  “I could ask you the same question,” she sasses. “Do you happen to know that handsome man? Or why he’s making his way toward us?”

  I don’t even have to look to know who she’s talking about. There’s a magnetic force between us, the connection undeniable, no matter how much I tried to convince myself it wasn’t there. My body freezes at the sight of him, but my heart beats against my chest frantically…hopefully. I drink in every inch of his sweaty body, and the way each step accentuates the presence of his muscles. There’s no mistaking the determination in his stride. He’s coming for me.

  “L-L-Lucy,” he stutters. And my heart breaks that he’s anxious because of me. I know how hard he’s worked to keep it at bay, and I know our usual privacy means it isn’t a problem for him. But standing here in front of my mom and me, I see how far out of his comfort zone he is and it’s all my fault.

  Mom’s arm slips from mine, giving me the push I need to close the distance between us. I lean forward placing my hands on his chest, unable to find the right words to express the rollercoaster of emotions I’ve ridden since I’ve seen him last.

  His big hands cover mine, and the simplest contact becomes all too overwhelming for me in public, “I know I owe you an explanation, but I can’t do that now with everyone here. You deserve more than some rushed words under the watchful eye of my family.”

  He nods in understanding. “Tonight?”

  “If I can get someone to watch J, then yes. Definitely, tonight.” I feel the air of relief leave his body as his chest rises and falls underneath my palms. He kisses my forehead, instead of my lips, and the reverential gesture doesn’t go unnoticed. “I’m getting some weird looks from people who I’m guessing are your family, shall we talk to them?”

  “Ughhh” I groan. “Let’s see what they have to say.”

  Turning around, I’m not surprised when I see the shock written all over everyone’s faces when they notice Magnus beside me. Wes’ face transforms into irritation and Avery has a smirk that screams busted.

  Magnus breaks the ice, by reintroducing himself to Wes.

  “Uh hey, Wes. Good to see you again,” he offers his hand out for Wes to shake, no care for his obvious distaste. “I was on my way to congratulate you, when I saw Lucy on the way. She never told me she knew you.”

  “Thanks, man.” Wes returns the handshake, but all eyes are on me. I wish the ground would swallow me whole.

  “Ah, you must be Lucy’s sister, right?” She’s told me all about you.” It’s in this moment I wish Magnus and I had some sort of extrasensory perception, so he could realize this isn’t the time to be schmoozing with everyone. “The four of us should double date sometime,” he suggests. And I die on the spot.

  Somebody, kill me now.

  Avery winks at me, and mouths ‘I got this’, before making concrete plans for all of us. “We’d love to,” she says, unable to contain her excitement. “I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?”

  Meeting at Tea and Leaves was my idea. It seems like the perfect place to lay my heart out on the table to Magnus.

  A quick knock on the glass door, interrupts my pensiveness. Here right on time, Magnus’ face lights up at me with an unrestrained smile, “Find the place okay?” I ask.

  “Yes. It was closer than I thought.”

  “Pick a seat. Get comfortable,” I gesture toward the empty tables scattered throughout the shop. “Would you like a drink? Coffee, tea, water?” Unexpectedly, I feel strong hands circle my waist, lifting me up on the front counter. “What are you doing?” I squeal.

  Sliding his hands up my thighs, and underneath my skirt, he squeezes my ass cheeks and pushes me firmly into his hard on, “It’s been three fucking weeks, I just want you.”

  Searching my face for any hesitation, I make the decision for him, and pull his mouth toward mine. It’s hurried and uncontrolled, and pent up with so much emotion. I wrap my legs around his waist, fusing my body to his, letting my tongue apologize the only way I know how.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper in between kisses. “I just got scared.”

  “There’s nothing to be scared about.”

  “I’ve haven’t done this in a long time.”

  “Done what?”

  “I don’t know, have really strong feelings for someone,” I hide my face in his neck, embarrassed by my admission.

  “I told you from the beginning I would take this as fast or slow as you wanted. That hasn’t changed.” His hands run through my hair, adding to the coziness between us. “I just can’t handle you going MIA on me. So if it gets too much just tell me. Give me a chance to fix it, before you disappear.”

  “I know I never told you what happened with David, Jeremiah’s dad.” Magnus’s grip on me gets tighter preparing for my revelation. “But he cheated on me, and I remember trying to hold myself together, thinking if anything would ever feel worse than this. And then I had Jeremiah, and David didn’t even care to meet him.” I close my eyes to stop the tears, and use the Magnus strength to continue my story. “I gave him my heart and a child, and he wanted nothing to do with either of them.”

  Unwrapping my arms from his body, he stands back and raises my chin with his fingers. My eyes meet his, and I see admiration, warmth and honesty all looking back at me.

  “If I had your heart, LadyLuc, I would never give it back.”



  There’s been a permanent smile etched on my face all day as my mind repeatedly wanders to Lucy. I may have lost the competition yesterday, but I won the more important battle. After our talk last night, I’m on cloud nine. I was proud of myself for how honest I was with her about my feelings and she opened up to me about her past. Now, I understand where a lot of her hesitance stems from. I’m going to keep reassuring her, until she realizes I’m never going to hurt her like David did.

  Tonight, Lucy and I will be going on a double date with Wes and Avery. I can’t believe she knows Wes, of all people. What a small fucking world we live in. This guy's been a mild thorn in my side for the past couple of years since his tree removal service became my biggest competition. He’s a cocky dude, but I can deal with whatever he dishes out as long as I get to spend time with Lucy. She’ll make it all worthwhile.

  I’ve been grinning like a fool at each of the job sites I stop by. None of the guys I employ on my crew know what to make of my mood, even though no one dares to ask me about it. They’re used to a much more reserved version of me.

  Not even Cam has been able to dampen my good spirits with his incessant talking and myriad of instructions. All of which I’m drowning out to a dull droning in my mind because I can’t stop thinking about Lucy. She could easily become an addiction for me. I can already see it happening in the two months we’ve known each other. My life can revolve around working, working out and Lucy. I’d be completely content and never want for another thing.

  “Mags, you’re not listening to me at all,” Cam yells and claps his hands to get my attention.

  “Sure, I am.” Technically, I’m listening, I’m just not really hearing him.

  He rolls his eyes and places his hands on his hips. “I’m going to email you your schedule for this week since you’re not paying attention.” Busted. Cam knows me too well. I can’t pull one over on him.

  “I’m sorry, I really am listening, but I’m having a hard time focusing.”

  “Are you thinking about a woman, perhaps?”

  “Perhaps, I am,” I quip, with a smirk playing about my lips.

  “Would this be the same woman I saw you speaking with yesterday at the competition?”

  “Gorgeous brunette? Sparkling green eyes and a smile that could brighten the darkest day?”

  “That would be the one.”

  “Yeah, that’s Lucy. I’m crazy about her.” I run a hand over my beard and contemplate my options tonight. I’m still worried she’ll give me me the brush off again. We could ste
p outside and talk before dinner. Nah, I’m going to show her how much I missed her and enjoy the date.

  “So, what’s the problem, Mags?”

  “Problem? There’s no problem.”

  “Tell Cam all about it.”

  “Referring to yourself in third person is strange, even for you.”

  “I know you think I don’t have anything to offer since we don’t share...similar tastes when it comes to love, but I’m actually really good at giving advice.”

  “Really?” I raise a brow.

  “Mhm. I’ve helped many couples find true love. I’m just too humble to tell anyone.”

  “Yet, here you are telling me.” I smirk.

  He waves his hand. “You don’t count.”

  “Thanks, I think.”

  “So, are you going to tell me what’s keeping you and Lucy apart or what? Time’s a wasting, Mags.”

  “She’d been avoiding me after we had sex.” There. I said it and it was easier than I thought.

  “Was the sex bad?”

  “What?” My eyes open wide at his question. “No, it was hot.”

  “Was it hot for her too?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “Of course it was.” I scowl, insulted at his insinuation. “I made sure she enjoyed it.”

  “Did you call her at least?” He smooths a hand over his perfect hair.

  “I tried, but she didn’t answer my calls or texts.”

  “Did you send her flowers or a gift?”

  My fingers drum against the wooden desk as I ignore Cam’s question. “Flowers could be a good idea for our date,” I mutter. But maybe I should make it chocolate since she works in a florist shop. Decisions...decisions.

  “Mags, Mags, Mags,” he says, shaking his head with disappointment. “It’s a good thing you’ve got all this muscle and that face because you’re a meathead when it comes to women.”

  “Hey, I resent that. I’m always good to the women I’m involved with.”

  “I’m not saying you aren’t, but you’re not really involved with her yet. You have to reel her in and not talking to her isn’t the way to do it.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I lean back in my leather chair and let Cam continue on with his love advice. It’s much more entertaining than telling him that things are better with Lucy. “What do you suggest?”

  Cam scoots forward on the couch that’s situated against the longest wall of my office. “You have to woo her and show that you want her. She’s feeling insecure. You’re Magnus Fucking Andersen. Women and men,” he pauses to wiggle his eyebrows lecherously, “all over the world want a piece of you. If the situation were reversed and she was a famous, how would you feel?”

  I don’t need to imagine the situation being flipped because she already makes me feel insecure and unworthy. Hell, I could barely speak around her at first. Even now, I still get tongue tied. She’s got so much to offer beyond her beauty. I can see how loving she is when she speaks about Jeremiah and the rest of her family. She cares deeply and would do anything for any of them.

  “I see what you’re saying, but what should I do about it?” Smoothing my beard with my fingertips, I wait to hear his suggestions.

  “How did things go yesterday?”

  “We actually resolved things and are going on a double date tonight with her sister and boyfriend.”

  “Where are you going on this date?”

  “We’re going out to dinner at Medieval Way and then I’m hoping she’ll come back here for dessert.”

  “You can call it sex, I’m not naive to what dessert is code for.”

  I bark out a laugh. “I really meant dessert. I made a pie last night.”

  “That’s even worse, Mags. Tell me you’re going to ravish that girl if she comes back here. If you don’t then she’s going to think she’s not sexy enough for you.”

  “Maybe she’ll think I want her for more than her body if I don’t?”

  “Mags, you’re such an innocent when it comes to the ways of the female brain. You need to think about what your instincts tell you to do and then do the opposite. How can you look like such a stud and be such a dud?” He slaps his knee and chuckles.

  “If you’re done insulting me then I’m going to get ready for my date.” Pushing my chair back, I rise to my feet.

  “What are you wearing?” Cam questions.

  “Oh, no. I got this. I’m not giving you any reason to see my ass,” I jest.

  “Hey, a guy can hope.” Cam shrugs innocently.

  Stepping inside Medieval Way, my eyes immediately hone in on Lucy sitting next to Avery on the couch in the waiting area. My stride is brisk as I make my way to her. Leaning down, I kiss her cheek. “Hey, how are you?” I smile, reassuringly as I straighten up.

  Her eyes lower and her cheeks flush an adorable shade of pink before she’s brave enough to connect her gaze with mine. “Hi, I’m good, thanks.” She jumps to her feet, and shoves her hands in the back pockets on her jeans. “You remember Avery,” she tips her head in her direction.

  “I sure do. It’s nice seeing you again.”

  “Likewise.” Avery mischievously winks when Lucy isn’t looking.

  I smile as it occurs to me that she wants to see this thing between her sister and I work out. I like having an ally in this situation. I’ll take all the help I can get.

  Wes steps in beside Avery, sliding his arm around her shoulders. She looks up at him adoringly and my chest aches. I want Lucy to look at me in the same manner.

  “Andersen,” Wes says, holding out his hand.

  “Steele,” I counter, as we both grip hard, squeezing the other's hand firmly.

  “Follow me please,” a waitress interrupts holding menus in front of her. We walk single file, Avery in the lead, followed by Lucy and I’m next. My eyes are stuck to her ass like gum to the bottom of a shoe and it’s only as we reach our seats that I’m able to look away. The table is rectangular with four chairs all on one side so we can watch the entertainment. Wes takes the seat on the far side of Avery and I hold out the seat on the other side of her for Lucy.

  “Thank you,” she murmurs as she sits.

  “What’s good to eat here?” I ask, searching for something to say.

  “I’ve never been here before.”


  “Yes, really. Why does that surprise you?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess I imagine your past boyfriends taking you everywhere and showing you off.”

  “Hardly. David was all about free booze so we went to a lot of parties. Once he went off to college we didn’t see each other that much.”

  “I’d like to take you out. We can go wherever you’d like.”

  “Magnus this…”

  “You better not say this is just sex.”

  “Actually, I was going to say this is a really cool place and tell you that I’d love to go out with you wherever you want to take me.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed what you’d say.”

  “It’s okay. I haven’t really given you a reason to think I’d be telling you anything different. I know we talked last night, but I’ve been so wishy washy with you, I’m not surprised you still thought those words might be said.”

  “I hope tonight is just the beginning of me taking you to fun places and doing whatever else you want to.”

  She leans toward me. “Does that include having more sex?” she whispers.

  “Fuck yes. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what your pussy tastes like.”

  “Shh.” She flushes.

  My lips move to the bottom of her ear, gently kissing a path behind it. “I mean it. I can still feel your wet heat squeezing my cock.”

  Her hand grips my thigh. “Magnus, we’re in a restaurant. Someone might hear you.”

  “Lucy, no one can hear me, but you.”

  “Can I take your order?” The waitress steps in front of our table. Lucy’s hand clenches my thigh tighter. I place my palm on top and rub i
t soothingly.

  “Ladies, do either of you know what you want?” I question.

  Avery jumps in, and places her order. Lucy waves to Wes and while he’s placing his order, she turns to me. “Will you order for me? I can’t think straight right now.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m just thinking about what comes later.”

  “Later tonight? Or later as in some other time?”

  “Tonight. Can I come over?”

  “Are you serious?”


  “You don’t have to ask me that, Lucy. Of course you can. I was planning on dragging you back there one way or another. Can you spend the night this time?”

  She presses the bottom of her top teeth into her lower lip, smiling. “I can. Avery already told me that she’d check in on my mother and Jer before she goes home. I’m yours for the whole night.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I growl against her neck and she giggles.

  A throat clearing has both of us looking toward Avery. “Do you guys want to order now or just skip dinner and head home for dessert?”

  “Avery,” Lucy, scolds, rolling her eyes.

  I place our order while the two girls bicker back and forth like sisters do. As archaic as it is, there’s a part of me that likes how she deferred to me on ordering for her.

  “So, exactly how long ago did you two meet?” Avery questions.

  Lucy sucks a breath in, her fingers digging into my thigh.

  “We met on Timber a while ago.”

  “Hmm, funny that I knew nothing about it until I met you yesterday. My big sis likes to know everything about my life, but she’s extremely tight lipped about her own.”

  I pat Lucy’s hand while I look at Avery. “Now that you know, how do you feel about it?”

  “I don’t like it,” Wes, cuts in.

  “Wes,” Avery gasps. “He was talking to me.”

  “What? I don’t.”

  “What’s not to like?” I ask, leaning back so I can see him clearly.

  “You’re,” he waves a hand and sputters, “all wrong for her.”


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