The Family: Countdown To A Curse

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The Family: Countdown To A Curse Page 3

by Ford, S. M.

  Chapter 8


  We finished eating and Greg snuck back downstairs to grab sodas. I had heard Aunt Kharis sobbing about Rosi turning 15. I didn’t know we were the same age! She had called me ‘big cuz’ yesterday. So I asked. Rosi nodded and said “You are technically the big cuz. My birthday’s February 3 and yours is January 25. Hey, have your parents had ‘the talk’ with you yet?” I wasn’t sure exactly what she meant at this point. “You mean sex?” Rosi made a face and shook her head ‘no.' I lowered my voice. “Oh! You mean the curse talk?!” For some reason I was now talking out the corner of my mouth. Rosi laughed and gave me a shove. “Yes, I mean the curse talk! I mean, you didn’t know about us. So I figured maybe you didn’t know about the curse either.” She waved her arm towards everyone downstairs. “They all pretend none of us kids know whats really going on. But we all do. This is the twenty-first century. We have internet. And smart phones. And sorry, but we’re a little brighter than they were as kids. Greg and I figured it all out when I was like 9.” I was relieved. I was going to have my cousin to go through this process with. Whatever ‘this process’ turned out to be. But I was a little less worried about it now. And a little more excited. Rosi leaned forward and rested her chin on the rail. “Okay, let’s get to it. Take a look over there.” She pointed downstairs towards the fireplace. “See that man? Wait’ll he turns around!” I watched as a tall man wearing a suit and a funny little hat chatted with a group of people. After a moment he turned. “That looks like Gramps, but I don’t think it is! Something’s different. Wait, that must be Umfredo! Dad told me last night that they’re twins!” Greg came back with drinks just then. We all slurped soda while Rosi pointed out different members of the family. I began to understand why Dad had told me to call Iezabel ‘Auntie.' Vampires apparently don’t die. AND our family has the option of making spouses immortal as well. It seems there is a process they call ‘transfusing.' That’s when a vampire mingles their blood with their human spouse. Once this is done they are both vampires and both immortal. I was surprised this wan’t done like it was in the movies! Rosi laughed at me when I asked about neck biting to suck blood. “You’ve been watching too many cheesy movies cuz!” It dawned on me then that every relative since Sophia was still alive. Including Sophia! I couldn’t begin to count how many Aunties and Uncles Rosi had pointed out. “Where’s great Sophia?” I asked. “Is she here yet?” A voice behind us made us all jump! “As a matter of fact, yes she is. I am Sophia. Hello Ambrosia. Gregario you are looking quite handsome today. And you certainly must be none other than Callidora, am I correct?” The woman before us did NOT look 264 years old. This woman looked exactly like her portrait in the book on my bed! “Yes, ma’am I’m Calli.” I stood up and reached out to shake her hand. “Good gracious! I am not a man! Ladies do not shake hands, dear. You may kiss it though.” She took off a glove and held her hand out. I had never been asked to kiss anyone’s hand before. I glanced at Rosi for a cue. She was looking down at her feet. I took a deep breath and decided to take a chance. “With all due respect Great Sophia. I’m really happy to meet you. But ... hand kissing is a sign of subservience. I just ... don't do it. But we could totally hug.” I spread my arms and waited. Rosi and Greg were both looking at their feet now. After a moment Sophia smiled. Then she laughed. “You and I shall get along famously! A girl like minded to myself you are! Do not change. You have substance, and more importantly you have gumption!” She withdrew her hand, swatted my cheek with a glove, and walked away. I turned to Rosi and Greg and whispered “So I guess that means no hug?” It took everything we had to not laugh out loud.

  By the end of the day I had met everyone at the reunion. I couldn’t count the aunts and uncles. By my guess there were about 5 generations still alive. Nearly every one of them told me I looked just like great Sophia. Honestly I didn’t see it. She was sophisticated and graceful and really sexy. Ew. Really awkward to think that about your 5x great grandma! Literally every move she made looked like she was posing for a camera. She dressed and acted like some kind of Victorian era sex kitten.

  I finally got the story of how the family came to Freedom. Apparently, great Sophia left home after the curse. She would only stay in one town for a few years. When the local women noticed she wasn’t aging like they were, she’d leave. Seemed like women weren’t too fond of Sophia. In the mid 1800s she left Italy and made her way to America. She had heard racy stories of the wild west and the gold rush. Apparently liquor, money and men without wives present were just what Sophia liked. She suddenly came into a large sum of gold near Hangtown, California. Soon after that she moved to Whiskey Hill, which is now called Freedom. Whiskey Hill was a town full of brothels and bars. The residents wanted their town free from it’s wild and wicked ways. Sophia and her adult children took the job and were paid very well. Vampires have superhuman strength and are rather difficult, if not impossible, to kill. The job didn’t take long. Sophia was a sort of hero for the first time in her life. She was finally free, it seemed. She stayed and changed the town name to Freedom. I had learned quite a bit about the family. After everyone left Mom caught up with me in the kitchen. “Well Cal, now that the reunion is done it’s time to start planning. There’s a lot to be done in this year. School starts tomorrow.” What?! I had forgotten all about school! “Mom, tomorrow’s Friday! Can’t I start school on Monday? Nobody starts on Friday!” Mom didn’t look up from the dishes she was washing. “Calli, I’m not talking about school school. Did I forget to tell you? Your on home school for one year. I’m talking about family school! If your going to break this curse you’ve got a lot to learn!” What what?! No school for ONE YEAR?! This just kept getting better!

  Chapter 9


  Class was to begin at 9 a.m. each day. Mom had said she would come to my room when it was time to begin. At 8:55 a.m. there was a knock on my bedroom door. “Hellooo? Calli? Are you ready?” Mom’s voice sounded perky and wide awake, as usual. “Ya Mom, I’m coming out right now.” The doorknob wiggled and Mom said “No no honey. Just open up.” I opened the heavy door and Mom came bustling into my room. Her arms were full of books and papers. Rosi stood behind her, looking sleepy. “I’m sure by now you’ve found there are doors in your bedroom.” She waved her hand towards the hall to the left. She didn’t wait for me to answer. “Anyway, let’s get moving. The classroom is this way.” She headed down the hall. Mom pulled a keyring from her pocket. She stopped at the first door. “Hold this stuff please girls.” She handed each of us a stack of books and papers. She unlocked the big door and swung it in. A rush of cold air blew out. It smelled a little bit like science class had last year. Inside, two long metal tables sat side by side. At the front of the room was a big bulky wooden desk. Behind the desk were rows of shelves covered with books. In the corner was a tall glass and metal case. It was packed full of boxes and bottles of all sizes. “Well, come on in girls. Welcome to your new classroom! Have a seat and we’ll get started.” Rosi and I slid into our seats. On my desk was an assortment of tools. A microscope, magnifying glasses, tweezers, and a few other things I didn’t recognize. Mom sat on top of her desk. “So girls, there are three stages to the education you will receive here. The first part is called the Divulgence. Divulgence is a sharing of information about our past. It also covers behaviors that will present themselves to you this year. And there’s also a bit of myth busting as well. You know, where we compare reality to the movies and television. I will be taking you through most of the Divulgence portion. Thyia may cover some areas. The second stage of training is the Showing. Showing is a ceremony in which your family members take their cursed form. No, no, don’t look like that! It’s really not bad. It’s actually pretty fun.” Mom must have seen the look on my face. I didn’t feel good about being in a room of raging vampires. Even if they were family. Even if I was soon to be just like them. Mom continued. “So the third and final stage of your education is the Animation. That’s whe
n you actually see some physical changes. Vitalization and Odontogenesis primarily. It’s really nothing. I don’t want you to worry. You’ll see. I was a little apprehensive too when Gramps told me all of this. The training will prepare you!” I glanced at Rosi. She looked the same. A little sleepy and only mildly interested. That made me feel better. If Rosi wasn’t freaking out then I certainly could not freak out either! Mom turned out to be a really good teacher. The subject matter was pretty interesting too. Mom gave each of us a stack of books that covered our desks. I looked through my stack. These books were old! The oldest books had been written in Italian and then again in English. Each one was hand written and had lots of little drawings. Each one also had a leather cover. Jeez, I hope this wasn’t human skin! Then I remembered. That would be more of a witch thing to do. At least, that’s what all the movies say. We’re not witches, we’re vampires! It’s probably just leather. I still touched it as little as possible. By the time we opened our first book it was well after noon. We started with Sophia’s Story and how the curse began. Rosi and I took turns reading the handwritten book to each other. Now and then Mom would stop us to talk about something we had read.

  My name is Sophia Roccatagliata. At this writing I am newly 16 years. I was born in Viareggio, Italy in the year 1751. In my fifteenth year I was told I was soon to wed. My husband to be was from the farm up the road. His family raised the pigs for meat. He is less than a man and more a monster. Always, there is dried blood under his fingernails. An odor of death is always about him. He is nearly twenty years older than I. His hands upon me are rough and greedy. His breath in my mouth is stinking and hot. His flesh wavers and is riddled with pustules. He sees no wrong in striking me for resisting him. I once came upon him forcing himself upon a poor sow. He laughed at my disgust and bade me to join them. I would have rather died than given myself fully to this foul man. But a good marriage it would be, my parents said. His family owns land and they have plenty. None of us would ever need or want for anything. Except me. I would have wanted for love. And lust. And passion. And happiness. So I did what was needed. The only way to avoid this marriage was to dirty myself. I took a lover. He was married to another. His fingernails were square and clean. He smelled of soap and fresh pipe tobacco. He was nearly twenty years older than I. His hands upon me were strong yet soft. His breath in my mouth was sweet and warm. His flesh was rippling and tight. He saw no wrong in me and I could not resist him. I would have rather died than not given myself fully to him. A good marriage he did not have. His wife was bitter and cold. She had not welcomed him into her bed for many months. Her life was consumed by potions and magic and casting. Her nights were spent in the coven instead of his bed. But rapture! I was saved from a foul and passionless marriage. My pig farmer would have nothing of me since I was not new. How hypocritical from one who consorts with beasts. But a blessing to be sure! With the blessing then came the curse. The wife of my lover had become suspicious. The night before my sixteenth birthday she found us in his bed. I was clothed in nothing but the jewels he had placed upon me. She flew into a rage. He met her rage with his own. I quickly left at his bidding. The next morning she came to me at the shore. She screamed that a curse would be upon me and all of mine. We would creep only at night, since she found us in darkness. Never again shall we touch pure silver, since she found me wearing only hers. Most grossly we must drink the life blood of others for sustenance. This because I had shared her husband’s life giving force. I did not believe her. And I did not care. He and I would be together again. And again. And again. I told her this. And I was free of the foul pig farmer. I laughed at her and turned to leave. She recited a horrible verse, what I now know to have been the curse. She spat in my face. I was drenched in warm, sticky, red liquid. Disgusted, I bathed in the sea and then I went to him. I found him. He was naked. His body was dry as though the life had been sucked from it. Yet no blood was around him. His fingers and his instrument had been cut off. Or horribly, perhaps ripped or chewed away? The skin of his hands and groin were torn and ragged. Somehow, I knew then. His vile wife had drunk his blood and vomited it upon me. I left Viareggio that day and have never returned again.

  “Well, then.” Mom cleared her throat. “So now you know that part. Class is done for today. First thing Monday morning, we meet here again. Also, I get that it’s Friday. And I know Donna is coming for the weekend. But time is of the essence. We have a deadline that you ladies are well aware of. Sooo, there’s homework. I need you girls to get through the rest of Sophia’s Story this weekend.” Rosi and I didn’t say a word. This was the most interesting thing I had ever read. I couldn’t wait to read more!

  Chapter 10


  Donna arrived that evening. It felt like a million years had passed since I had seen her! So much had happened in such a short time. I needed to tell her but I was scared she might leave. After her mom left, Donna and I headed upstairs to my room. “What Calli?! This room is unreal! I mean, it’s crazy! It’s almost like you have your own house! I’m diggin’ the little stairway that leads to your door! Sooo, now that nobody’s around... How’s things in Freedom?” I hesitated. I wasn’t sure where to start. We just stared at each other for a moment. “Okay Cal. Awkward moment here. What’s going on? Something’s totally going on. We have known each other too long for you to hide it. What’s up?” I looked out the big windows and across the valley. I just started talking and I didn’t stop until I had told her everything. Donna hadn’t made a sound. I turned back towards her. She was digging through the tiny drawers on the wall shelf. I wasn’t sure if she had heard anything I said! “Um, hello? Donna! Were you listening at all?” Donna kept poking through the drawers. She didn’t even turn around. “Ya, Cal. I got it. You and your family are vampires. Sophia’s a bit of an old trollop. There was a curse. Some bloody vomit. Yuck, by the way! Rosi’s your cousin. She’s about to be fifteen too. There’s a lot of stuff that needs to be figured out. And fast. Shouldn’t we get to work on this?” I was blown away. There were no words I could say to Donna right now. I have the best friend anyone could have! I tackled her from behind and bear hugged her. “Thanks friend! I wasn’t sure you’d believe me. And if you did, I was afraid you’d freak out!” I whispered. “Lookie here girl. You and I have been through a lot of stuff, Cal. Of course I believe you. But hey, your choking me a little!” I let go and Donna turned around. I grinned at her. “Sorry Donna! Just wait until I vitalize! Then I can really squeeze the stuffing outta you!” Donna rolled her eyes. “I don’t have a clue what that means. But I’m totally not in a hurry for that to happen! Whatever it is! And hey, let’s lay some groundwork. No sucking on me, alright?!” I frowned for a second. “You know, I never would Donna! But honestly, I don’t even know how that part works yet. I haven’t seen my mom just drop and start sucking anybody’s blood. So I think it must be something we can control. But I promise I’d never hurt you.” Donna laughed so hard that she drooled. “OMG Cal! I’m kidding! Sort of. Jeez, being a vampire’s got your panties in a touchy feely bunch!”

  My cell phone bleeped noisily in my back pocket. Rosi and Greg were on the way up. I had asked them to stop by and meet Donna. “My cousins are on the way upstairs. Remember, I don’t know how much Greg knows. I mean, I know he knows a lot, but I just don’t know how much. He’s pretty quiet. In fact, I don’t think I’ve even heard his voice yet!” Just then my bedroom door pushed open and in came Greg and Rosi. I introduced everyone. It seemed like Rosi and Donna might not like each other. Neither one said anything rude, but I got a weird vibe from them. Great. That was not what I had hoped for! Greg must have felt it too. He stood up after a few minutes and headed for the door. “Hey, Greg! Are you leaving?!” I called after him. He turned, nodded, flashed a peace sign and was gone. Confused, I turned to Rosi. “Does he ever talk Rosi? I really don’t think I’ve heard him speak a word yet!” Rosi smiled and leaned back on the bed. “Greg’s pretty deep. He says people should do more listening and less
talking. He has a theory that the smartest people say the least. And he’s pretty sure the dumbest ones talk constantly. So, ya, he talks, but only when it’s pretty important. He’s a bit of a nerdy but lovable brainiac.” We spent the evening pooling all the information we had so far. Rosi knew a lot more than Mom had told us in today’s class. Just being around the family had given her years of experience that was really valuable. We made a chart and listed everything we knew. Rosi and Donna seemed to be getting along okay now. I still had a funny feeling. But I think they were working hard on being civil. Probably for my sake. I was pretty lucky to have a great cousin and a great bestie! By the time we looked up from the chart it was 2 a.m. We were exhausted. I yawned and said “Rosi it’s awful late. You should just spend the night.” Donna got a weird look on her face. Rosi grabbed her backpack and started stuffing things into it. “Naw, I’m gonna bounce. My house is just next door remember.” I looked at her like she was nuts. “Ya it’s next door, but like a half mile away! Are you seriously gonna walk this late?” She threw her bag over one shoulder and smiled. “Cuz, I’m a vampire. What could possibly happen to me?!” I stood up and walked her to the door. “Okay, but I don’t like it.” Without looking back Rosi called out “Later Donna.” I stepped out into the hall with Rosi and pulled the door shut. “Alright. What gives? Why won’t you just stay?” Rosi looked uncomfortable. “Look cuz, I don’t wanna cause problems, okay?” I took a deep breath and blew it out hard. “It’s really important to me that you and Donna get along. But I don’t want you to feel like your not welcome. Whatever feelings you guys have about each other just need to be discussed. I’m sure that once you both say whats on your minds it’ll be okay. Can you both at least try? It’d be so great if we could work through this curse thing together.” Rosi started to say something but she changed her mind. “Ya cuz, I’ll try. See ya tomorrow.” When I got back to the bedroom Donna was looking out the windows. I sat down on the floor next to her. “Hey. I know somethings not right with you and Rosi. I just asked her to please be open and let’s figure this out. Your both way too important to me to not get along. I can’t imagine working through this curse thing without both of you!” Donna sat down too. “Calli, I think your cousin’s hot.” What?! Ew. “Greg is like 12, Donna! Is that what this is about? I’m sure he’d be flattered. I’m also sure there’s plenty of other guys around here somewhere. Not that I’ve seen a single one. But I’m sure there’s others that aren’t just barely out of diapers!” Donna smiled and shook her head. “Nope Calli. I mean Rosi. I’ve known for awhile that boys just aren’t my thing. I was gonna talk to you about it. But then this whole moving thing came up so fast. I was gonna wait, but seriously, your cousin is delicious. I felt like I couldn’t stop looking at her. So then I tried to not look at her. Then it just got awkward. Are you mad?” I picked up a heavy pillow from the floor. After a second I threw it right at Donna’s face. “Are you serious?! What kind of question is that?! Of course I’m mad! Why wouldn’t you trust me enough to tell me something so important?! I told you I’m a freaking vampire! You couldn’t even tell me you might be a lesbian? Why would I even care about that?! It just means more guys for me when we go to the mall!” Donna looked surprised and then relieved. “Really? Your right. I should’ve known that. I couldn’t ask for a better friend Cal. I mean it.” I just had one more thing to say on the subject. “So put away your touchy feely panties for a minute. Let’s lay some groundwork, okay? No checking out my booty when we’re changing clothes alright? I mean, if I can’t suck your blood you can’t mack on me!” Whack! The heavy pillow came flying back into my face. We both fell over laughing on the floor. Now, how to break the news to Rosi. I wasn’t sure if this would freak her out even more. She already didn’t like Donna. This might be too much for her to deal with.


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