The Family: Countdown To A Curse

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The Family: Countdown To A Curse Page 5

by Ford, S. M.

  This was a long week. By Friday, The Divulgence was complete. Rosi and I were full of more information than our brains could hold. With the extra curse study sessions we had been holding after class, we were both toast by Friday. I looked forward to Saturday when Donna would arrive. Donna! We had been so busy this week! I still had not talked to Rosi about Donna. And she’d be here tomorrow! When class ended I asked Rosi to stay for a bit. When Mom left we sat in my favorite spot by the big windows. “So Rosi, Donna is coming back tomorrow to’s her sixteenth birthday today. And she really wants to help us break the curse. She’s always been a great friend to me.” Rosi nodded. “I can tell cuz. Your lucky to have her. I’ve never had anyone like that in my life.” I turned to face her. “Rosi, I don’t wanna get all gushy. But you never had a cousin like me before, either. I’m here for you. We are cousins. That’s forever.” Rosi looked like she might cry. She turned away and pretended to study the moon outside. “Anyway, I talked to Donna about you and her. She doesn’t have a problem with you. In fact, it’s kind of the opposite.” Rosi turned and stared at me. “What’s that mean cuz?” she asked. I took a deep breath and then blurted it out. “She thinks your hot. She thinks she’s a lesbian. She acted weird because she’s really into you. And she didn’t want you to get freaked out. So she didn’t say anything. After you left we talked. She said you’re delicious.” Rosi’s face was blank for a moment. Then she smiled and her face lit up. “Oh my god, are you kidding?! Cuz, I felt the same way! I didn’t wanna be all over your friend, so I left! There was no way I could have spent the night here without her knowing. I’m delicious?! She’s delicious! Wait, are you gonna be okay with this?” I could not have been more surprised. “Well, ya! I’m totally okay with that! My cuz and my bestie? Aw, I’m so excited for you guys! She’ll be here tomorrow! You have to tell her! Or do you want me to?” I was babbling now. Rosi stood up. “I think I can handle it from here cuz! Just give us some time tomorrow when she gets here, okay? Like, go to the bathroom or something. I’ve gotta get home and do a mani pedi! See you in the morning!”

  Chapter 12


  Saturday morning Mom, Dad and I were sitting around the kitchen table. Mom poured coffee for us all and sat down. “Dad, you know we finished the Divulgence yesterday right?” I asked. Dad looked at me over the top of his newspaper. “Yes sweetie, your Mom told me about it. You girls are making good progress. Learning at record speed, your Mom says. I’m real proud of you!” Mom took a bite of her lobster and sun dried tomato omelette. Funny, now I noticed the foods she ate regularly. Melanin supplementation! Before class I could not have remembered what she ate five minutes ago! “So the next step is going to be the Showing, right?” I asked. “That’s right honey. Don’t worry” Mom said. “It’s really not anything to worry about.” I wasn’t actually worried. I was curious. “So only members of Sophia’s blood line can be there, right? No spouses?” I asked. “That is correct too honey” Mom said. “So Dad, does that mean you’ve never seen Mom showing?” Dad looked a little uncomfortable. He raised his eyebrows and smiled a funny smile. “Actually, since you ask, I have Muffin. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.” He reached across the table and pinched Mom playfully. Wow. I didn’t see that coming! “Ugh. That is too much information Dad. Gross. You could have just lied, you know. Oh my god my parents are freaks! I’m done with breakfast now, thanks Dad. Going to get ready. Donna will be here soon. Please don’t repeat that grossness around her! She’ll probably never come back if you do!” As I left the room I could hear my parents giggling. The thought of them playing vampire in the bedroom was way too much! I put my headphones on and turned up the music to clear my head. Donna arrived just before lunch time. Rosi had already been waiting in my room for an hour. She had shown up while I was still in the shower. Her makeup was perfect and her hair was in long loose curls. She smelled like roses and summer wind. “Jeez Rosi, you smell amazing! Something special happening today?!” I joked. I fully expected her to throw something at me. I was ready when the pillow came flying across the room. “Your so predictable dear cousin!” I giggled. She laughed as I ducked and then threw another pillow. I wasn’t ready and it landed on my face. Donna poked her head through the open door just as I sailed a pillow right back at Rosi, who was distracted by Donna. The pillow hit Rosi squarely in the mouth. As it fell to the floor she breathed “Hi Donna. I... I’m really feelin’ you. Your so fine. And amazing. And I haven’t stopped thinking about you since last weekend.” Donna almost floated across the room towards Rosi. Before I knew it they were drifting, arm in arm, towards my favorite spot by the big windows. So much for me excusing myself to the bathroom! I ducked into the hall and closed the door. By the time I came back they were sitting and going over the charts from last weekend. “So HAPPY SWEET 16 best friend!” I shouted. Donna smiled and squeezed Rosi’s leg. “Thanks best friend! This is an awesome present you got me!” I rolled my eyes. “I’m so glad you guys figured this all out! I was afraid I was going to hafta replace you both! Honestly, I can’t believe you BOTH were afraid to tell me. That you’re lesbians, I mean. I mean, who really cares about that stuff anymore? It’s not like we’re stuck back in the dark ages of the twentieth century! From this day forward, we will all be totally honest with each other, right?” Before I even finished my sentence, pillows were flying again.

  The weekend went quickly. Donna left Sunday night with the promise to return again Friday after school. Before I knew it Monday was back again. Mom knocked on my door at 9 a.m. I opened the door and found her wearing a robe-like dress. “I know, I know. Weird dress, right? It’s for the Showing. It’s just what we wear, I don’t know why. This tradition could definitely use a makeover! Here’s yours. Put it on and meet me in the second room down your bedroom hall. Everyone’s already there waiting.” I must have looked confused at that. How did ‘everyone’ get in there without me seeing them? “Oh, honey, there’s another entrance to that room” Mom offered. Rosi was standing in the hall. She was already wearing her robe dress. She looked down at it. “Really? I mean, we’re vampires for pete’s sake. Couldn’t we wear something a little more sexy? This looks like the shower curtain! I did NOT know this was happening today, did you?” I shook my head no, and grabbed the ugly dress from Mom. As I pulled the heavy material over my head, I wondered what was about to happen. A shiver ran down my back. As soon as I had changed it was time to go in. We headed down the hall and pushed open the door. This room was bigger than I imagined it could possibly be! Rows of long curved benches were arranged in semicircles around the room. The benches were filled with members of our family. Everyone was wearing the silly robe dresses, even the men. Their heads were all covered with huge hoods.The center of the room had been left empty, except for a small platform. As Rosi and I entered the room, everyone stood. Mom waved for us to come forward, and positioned us on the platform before taking her place in the crowd. I grabbed Rosi’s hand under the long sleeves of our ugly dresses. A slender figure standing nearest the platform stepped forward and raised her arms dramatically. “Greetings my children.” I instantly recognized both Great Sophia’s voice and her flair for drama. “Greetings” the crowd murmured back. She removed her hood and surveyed the crowd. “Before we begin this age old ceremony, I do believe it would be helpful for Callidora and Ambrosia to understand the impact of this manifestation they are soon to see and later, experience for themselves.” The crowd nodded their hooded heads in agreement. Great Sophia continued. “Girls, by this time I am certain that your tutelage has encompassed the verbiage of our Curse.” Rosi and I nodded. “Excellent. Then you will be familiar with the verse In perigee thee and thine take rest. Lo, ‘tis apogee thee & thine shall detest! Have you yet learnt the meaning of this?” Rosi and I now shook our heads. Great Sophia looked displeased, as though she were smelling an extremely unpleasant odor. I tried hard not to smile, and didn’t dare to look over at Rosi for fear we would both break out in a fit of la
ughter. After exhaling a humongous sigh and dramatically dabbing her brow with a hanky, Great Sophia continued again. “It’s meaning is this: during the perigee phase of the moon, when the moon is closest to the earth and every day before and after that, WE have control over The Showing. If we choose, at any time, we may induce Showing. It is completely within our control. BUT during the apogee moon phase, this is when the moon is at it’s very furthest point from the earth, we are stripped of all control. Without the strong gravitational effect of our moon, every member of this family is powerless to control their Showing. For one day each month, we are forced to hide ourselves from the world, lest they begin anew the vampire hunts of old. Do you understand?” My mind was reeling. In my head I was watching a flashback of my entire life, remembering all the times my Dad had said Mom was traveling for a day, or too sick to come out of her room, or so busy that she had locked herself in the den to work. “Yes, Great Sophia” Rosi and I both whispered. The lights dimmed a bit. One by one the family pushed back their hoods. Their heads began to move. I whispered to Rosi “Ew. They look like cats when they’re about to puke.” Rosi nodded under her giant hood. With their mouths open and their necks heaving forward and back, our family looked like a herd of cats about to hark up some hairballs! Saliva began dripping onto the floor, making little drool pools. Their breathing became louder and louder. Finally their fangs erupted as their sheaths were drawn back. Their nostrils flared and saliva dripped from their tongues. It was really a very ugly sight. The sound of their breathing was raspy and heavy. Rosi and I turned slowly and surveyed the crowd. Neither of us spoke, this was just too interesting! I caught sight of my Mom. She really looked frightening. This was definitely not cute like in the movies. In the movies, vampires just pull back their lips. And suddenly their fangs are exposed. Not true to life, apparently. This process really seemed to take some work. Everyone was covered in sweat and drool, and were making really unpleasant sounds. Super. Most girls kick up their cute factor at 15. New makeup, new hairstyle, more grown up fashion. Nope. None of that for me and Rosi. We get to wear ugly dresses, sweat profusely, drool buckets, and grunt. Awesome. But then, suddenly it was over. Everyone wiped their mouths and smoothed their hair and it was finished. Just like that. Rosi and I had apparently made it through The Showing! The whole family clapped and cheered for us. Mom came forward and put her arms around both of us. “I’m so proud of you girls! See, it wasn’t so bad, right?! A little messy, but we brought napkins!” She waved her hanky in front of us. “Good job!” And she hugged us both. “By the way, Thiya was supposed to cover that part of the curse with you. You know, about perigee and apogee? I’ll be speaking with her... But that was enough for today girls! Take the rest of the day off!” She didn’t have to tell us twice. We were off the platform and at the door by the time Mom finished her sentence. I glanced back and waved, but Mom was already busy Swiffering the drool off the floor. Rosi and I both rolled our eyes. “Jeez, where’d she get the mop from so fast?!” I muttered. Rosi giggled and whispered “Maybe she had it under her dress. These things are big enough for a mop AND a vacuum!” I stopped and stared Rosie squarely in the eyes. “Seriously, though, cuz. THAT was intense. AND totally unattractive. Did NOT see that coming. You know what this means, right?” Rosi returned my stare and in a slow, steady voice said “Definitely. We gotta break this curse. We are NOT going to look like THAT any more than we have to. So not cute. Curse, consider your days numbered.”

  Chapter 13


  The next morning at breakfast, Dad wasn’t in his usual spot at the table. As Mom moved slowly around the kitchen making breakfast, I noticed her stacking a tray with food, coffee and Dad’s paper. “Hey, what’s up with the tray? Crap, it’s not Father’s Day is it?!” Mom kept piling food on the tray, and looked up with a grimace. I noticed she looked tired. Mom never looked tired! “Honestly Callidora. Father’s Day is in June and this is January. Your birthday is almost here! And watch your mouth. Crap is so unnecessary a word. It’s a crappy word.” Pleased with herself at the little joke she had made, Mom giggled. “Right Mom. Terrible joke, by the way. So, what’s with the breakfast tray for Dad? He sick?” Mom had the tray hoisted off the counter now and was headed towards the stairs. She paused. “No honey. He’s not sick, exactly. Remember the fancy little trunk that your Dad dragged into the living room on the day we moved in? It contains my transfusion setup. Last night we both decided it was time to use it ... to transfuse your father. It was his decision! I would never pressure him, you know that! And, he’s feeling a bit ... worn out this morning. We’ll both be good as new in a couple days. It usually takes a bit to adjust.” I remembered from our Divulgence training... Transfusing is when a vampire’s human spouse decides they want to be with their mate forever and stop their own aging process. They mingle their blood together, actually transfusing the vampire mate’s blood into their human mate and then right back into the vampire. It’s a long process; a tiny bit of blood isn’t enough to cause the change from human to vampire. It takes a lot of blood, and several hours. And it’s exhausting to both people involved. When it’s all said and done, both are vampires and both must then live their lives in the same way, avoiding silver, taking stem cell treatments, and forever supplementing their body’s blood. But they will be together forever, and they will never look a day older than they did at the moment of the Transfusion. I wasn’t quite sure what to say, so I said the first thing that popped into my head, as usual. “Wow. Ok ... so is this now an anniversary of some sort? I mean, do you guys buy each other gifts every year on this date from now on?” Mom smiled “I haven’t heard that before, Cal. But it’s a mighty good suggestion... I’ll tell your father it’s a tradition. I won’t mention it’s a new tradition that started today!” She grinned and headed for the stairs. “By the way, Cal, no classes this week. You and Rosi study together on your own. I’ll order pizza tonight; let me know what you want tomorrow and we’ll call for delivery. Or maybe Thiya will pick up something for us. I’m off to bed, sweetie.”

  When Rosi showed up at 9 a.m. I told her the good news. “No class for the rest of the week!” She grabbed my hands and started to do a little dance. “Whoo hoo! No school, no school, no...” I pulled my hands away and burst her bubble. “No CLASS, but we still have school. I mean, we don’t have Mom this week, but you and I still hafta work on the curse.” Rosi grabbed my hands again. “Okay, so no school, no school, no school! Whoo hoo!” She finished our little dance and did a mock curtsy. “Studying the curse is all I really want to do anyway! Don’t get me wrong, I love Aunt Ellie, but the curse is what we need to be spending our time on! I mean, your birthday is coming quick, and mine’s not far off! I want us to crack this curse thing before we both hafta start Showing. Ugh! That was so incredibly UNattractive!” I agreed, and we headed upstairs, grabbing bags of chips, cookies and sodas on the way.

  In my room, we decided to start going through some of the books that lined the floor to ceiling bookcases. We had discovered they were old family journals, kept by each family member during their fifteenth year. The journals were sure to hold clues that would help us break the curse. We sprawled across my giant bed, and started reading. After about an hour of silence, Rosi swatted my arm. “Cuz ... you've gotta hear this! I’ve got Auntie Despoina’s journal and...” I looked up, confused. “Who’s Despoina? I’m pretty sure I’ve never met her, and I’ve met everyone now, except Pellegrino, ‘cause he’s not here.” Rosi rolled her eyes and gave a sigh worthy of Great Sophia. “Despoina is Auntie Ina. Anyway, she wrote something that you should hear. She said As Gualtiero... Gualtiero is Uncle Terry who is Despoina’s twin brother by the way... Any, she said As Gualtiero and I peruse the curse over and again, it has become clear to us the meaning of several lines. I will list them here, followed by what we believe to be the hidden truths of each. Line 29: Something from all... We believe this means that in order to break the curse, we must use an artifact from each and every family me
mber. What that is, we do not yet know. What we are to do with it, we do not yet know. However, we will speak with Great Sophia about this finding, and will ask her to require every family member to contribute personal effects. Perhaps hair and fingernail clippings and even their discarded teeth! Now on to Line 30: Nothing from none ... we believe it is a literal meaning written in a purposely confusing manner. Nothing from none simply means that we must have something from everyone, and no one can contribute nothing.” Rosi stopped reading and looked up. “So that’s why there’s drawers and jars full of fingernails and hair and teeth!” I couldn’t believe it! Only a few hours into it, and we had found a major piece of the puzzle! “That’s awesome cuz! But we have to figure out the weird labeling system on those drawers to be sure we have something from each and every family member!”

  By nightfall we had located the drawers’ Master File Book, which enabled us to decipher the alpha numeric code system that had been used to label and store family artifacts. I was so excited that there was NO way I could think of sleeping. “Listen Rosi, I know we broke this filing system code, but how are we gonna know if we have something from everyone? I mean, don’t we need a list of the ENTIRE family to do that?!” Once again, Rosi gave me her best Great Sophia stink face. “Cal, remember that huge book that you found on your bed your very first night here? It was called Le Persone Di something or other? Remember, you showed it to me that first weekend? It has a page for EVERY FAMILY MEMBER...” My mind raced back to that first week here. It seemed like so long ago. I did remember that huge book. Rosi and I had looked up our moms’ pictures, and Gramps and Uncle Fred’s too. As soon as we turned 15, Rosi and I would add our pictures to the massive book as well.”Holy crap Rosi! Your right! I’ll grab it, you grab some sticky notes and we’ll see if we’ve got something from everyone! I don’t know why nobody mentioned that Auntie Ina and Uncle Terry had solved this part...” Rosi stopped and thought for a moment. “Well, it could be that they just forgot over the years, since no one figured out what to do with all this stuff they collected. I mean, Aunt Ina and Uncle Terry turned 15 over 200 years ago! They’re Great Sophia’s twin kids.” This was confusing. “Why’d they call her Great Sophia in their journal then? Shouldn’t they have said ‘Mom’ or ‘Mother’?” Rosi’s response did not surprise me a bit. “Actually, Great Sophia never let any of her kids call her ‘Mom’ or ‘Mother’... She said it made her sound old, and her boyfriends didn’t need to know she had kids. I guess having kids would’ve killed her game!” No surprise there. Great Sophia was a walking, talking sex machine. Rosi leaned in and continued in a conspiratorial whisper “You know, family legend has it that Great Sophia actually started the original Playboy Mansion with Hugh Hefner! Can you believe that?! Ya, so she wanted a place that would always be full of hot men when she came to town! She figured, if she filled a huge mansion with sexy women, odds are the house would always be full of sexy men, too! Ya, the whole world thinks the Playboy Bunnies are Hef’s idea, but actually it was Great Sophia’s idea just so she could be sure to have enough men around for herself!”


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