Rising (Vincent and Eve Book 1)

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Rising (Vincent and Eve Book 1) Page 10

by Jessica Ruben

  I walk into the bathroom in the back, splashing some cold water on my face. Staring in the mirror and gipping the counter, I tell myself to relax. Okay, so I’ve met Antonio Borignone. It doesn’t mean anything.

  I step back to the front and one at a time, in intervals of twenty minutes, seven other men come into the shop. Each man is wearing a suit, but none of them are as good-looking and charismatic as Antonio.

  Angelo comes over to the desk. “Listen. Why don’t you head out early? Someone else is still on his way, but I don’t want you to be here when he comes.” He hands me a wad of cash with a wink. “A little extra for putting up with today, doll.” I take it from him with a smile and grab my stuff to leave the shop, thankful to be away from the Borignones.

  I stop at a small bodega and order a hot coffee while I read my book. I’m not in a rush to go home and it’s not close to dark yet. At the very least, I want to turn my mind away from Antonio and jumping into the book world always helps me to relax.

  A few hours later, I meander toward the bus stop. I’m about to sit on the bench when I see Vincent striding down the street. I stare at him dumbfounded, not sure what he’s doing here. I’m frozen, with my mouth agape.

  “Eve? Is that you?” He walks up to me, shock written all over his gorgeous face. His eyes widen as he takes me in, full lips quirking up in a surprised smile. He’s wearing a fitted gray suit and looks sexier than any man has a right to look. My heart pounds.

  “Yeah, um, I work nearby,” I stutter out, pointing around the corner.

  “Where?” he asks, brows furrowed in question.

  I would bet money he’s never heard of it. Vincent is the epitome of uber-wealthy and finely educated. Trying to sound casual, I clear my throat. “Angelo’s Pawn.” I keep my head up after I tell him, not wanting him to see me as pathetic to work in a dive like that. I know that Angelo is amazing and the work is decent, but to a man like Vincent, it may seem like I work in a complete shithole.

  Surprisingly, his eyes instantly widen when he hears the name, as if he knows the place and can’t believe I work there. Before I can come to terms with the look on his face, he reins himself in. I’m left wondering if I just imagined the whole thing.

  He pushes his hair back with his hands. “You heading home? I can drop you off.”

  The bus pulls up. My eyes flit between Vincent and the driver. Oh, who am I kidding? I’ve been dreaming of this moment for days and there’s no way I’d let this moment pass me by.

  “Okay,” I tell him, biting back a smile. We walk a few blocks together in silence when I finally get the nerve to ask him what he’s doing around here.

  He pauses, thinking for a moment. “I train at a gym nearby.” I want to ask which gym, but don’t want to seem nosy.

  We get to his car, a sleek black Range Rover. He opens the door for me and I jump in. It’s impossible not to notice the beautiful leather seats and high-tech gadgets on the console. I let my fingers touch the buttery leather, trying not to freak out.

  “Do you feel like eating?” he asks, buckling his belt.

  I immediately remember how incredible the food was at the restaurant. Of course, my stomach chooses that moment to grumble.

  “I take that as a yes?” He glances at my stomach as he puts the car in drive.

  “Sure,” I reply nervously, casually lifting one shoulder in a shrug. We pull up to a French restaurant with a black awning. From the outside, it looks incredibly fancy. My eyes scan my clothes and I realize that I’m seriously underdressed for a place like that. I’m in loose-fitting, low-rise jeans and a white T-shirt. I quickly pop down the visor and thankfully, see a mirror. Unfortunately though, the girl who gazes back at me is frizzy-haired and tired looking. A five-star dinner can’t happen tonight.

  “Uh, Vincent, I’m not so sure I can do something so extravagant.” I gesture to my clothes.

  My breath stops as his eyes take me in. “You’re damn near perfect, Eve. But if you want, we can grab some pizza instead. I know a great place nearby.”

  I sigh in relief, trying not to blush at his compliment. “Yeah, let’s do that.” We park the car a few blocks over on the street and walk to Gino’s Pizza on the corner. The bell chimes as we enter the restaurant. It’s small and cozy, with red and white checkered floors and black tables. He tells me to take a seat in the back while he orders. I walk toward a table, choosing one near the window.

  I sit and stare at Vincent as he checks his phone. Whatever he sees isn’t making him happy; his forehead is creased, giving him a look of agitation. His turn is up to order and he lets go of whatever was bothering him, making small talk with the guys at the counter. They’re so friendly as if they’ve known each other awhile.

  He turns to me, catching me staring and mouths, “Hi.” He stares at me openly, without any reservation; it lights me up inside. A few minutes later, Vincent walks over to the table, holding a large covered pizza box in his hands.

  “That’s all for us?” My eyes widen. There’s no way we could eat all of that food!

  He places it on the table and drops into the seat right next to me.

  “I’m a growing boy, Eve,” he jokes.

  “Well, I’m starving, so thank you,” I tell him appreciatively. I’m waiting for him to open it, but before he can, a booming voice sounds from the back.

  “Yo, Vincent, you didn’t tell me you were coming by!” A huge middle-aged man comes barreling out of the kitchen, wearing a white apron and smiling ear to ear. His accent is all Brooklyn.

  Vincent stands to greet him. “Pauli, I miss you, man.” They embrace each other warmly as if they’re genuinely happy to see each other. Vincent is much taller, but Pauli looks heavier and undoubtedly solid looking.

  Pauli looks at me, a pleased look on his smiling face. “And what’s your name, darlin’? Always got the most gorgeous girl with ya, huh Vince?” I smile outwardly, but immediately feel slightly let down. How many girls does he bring here? Clearly, I’m not the first. I’m surprised by my reaction. I want to be special to him; I want to be unlike the other girls before me. Because to me, Vincent is all I can see.

  Vincent moves next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Pauli, this is Eve. Eve, Pauli is an old friend of my family.” I smile up at him, standing as I put my hand out to shake his. Before I know it, he swings around to my side of the table and hugs me to his chest. My eyes widen in surprise at his friendliness.

  Pauli chuckles. “Damn, Vince. Sweet as hell, this one.” His touch is kind, but still, I feel shy from the attention. I watch as Vincent’s throat moves in a hard swallow. My reaction to his disapproval is to take my seat. Vincent lets out a half smile, and I feel relief. Something about him is just so dominant; I can’t help myself but try to please him.

  Pauli turns his attention back to Vincent. “So, how’s life going?” He moves back around and drops himself into the chair across from mine.

  Vincent takes his seat next to me, placing a possessive hand on my thigh. “You know how it is. Never a dull moment.” The men chuckle together when we hear a group speaking Russian loudly. Vincent looks at them, his face deadly. I suck in a breath, unsure what just brought on this change.

  “Aw, shit,” Pauli says, bunching up a dishtowel in his fists.

  “These guys been giving you trouble, Pauli?” Vincent asks. “I thought the Russians knew to stay out of your way.” I sit still as he visibly hardens, his eyes impossibly darker.

  I blink for a moment, looking between Vincent and Pauli, who seem to be engaging in a silent conversation. Vincent stands up from the table and stalks over to the group. They all seem to be talking for a second or two until the Russians run out of the pizzeria, practically tripping over their own feet in what looks like terror.

  I eye Pauli nervously. When he sees the look on my face, he begins to laugh. “Oh shit, Vince,” he calls out. “Got yourself an innocent girl, huh? Much better than that redhead.” I’m taken aback by his comment, still not understanding what
the hell is going on.

  Vincent moves back to us, smirking. “All right, Pauli. Get the hell outta here; make some pizzas or something.” They hug again before Pauli leaves.

  “Come back anytime, sweetheart,” he winks at me. “For you, pizza is always on the house.” He leaves us and I’m left with questions.

  “Vincent, w-what happened with those guys?”

  “The Russians? They’re always causing trouble around here. Just got them to move along.”

  “Yeah but—”

  “Let’s eat before this gets cold.” I want to press him, insist that he can’t just silence me. But with one look out the window, all thoughts of the Russians flee my head. It’s almost dark, and I’m still not home.

  “Shit,” I say out loud, anxiety hitting me square in the chest. Noticing my nerves, he grabs my hand.

  His face is full of concern. “What’s wrong?”

  I press my lips together. “I don’t really like getting home when it’s dark out.” I feel a pounding headache starting up in the back of my skull. What if the Snakes are around? I’ll have to find somewhere safe to wait until Janelle can come to me.

  “I’m going to drive you home and walk you straight to your apartment door.” His eyes are full of reassurance and understanding. “Nothing to be nervous about when you’re with me, yeah?” He is confidence and strength. Rubbing his thumb across my knuckles, I’m immediately put at ease. I trust that when I’m with Vincent, no one will ever hurt me.

  As he strokes my hand rhythmically, I let myself get lost in his dark eyes. They’re gleaming, reminding me of the ocean at night—endless. He lets go of my hand and I feel immediately colder. He moves to open the pizza box, and I’m awakened from my trance.

  He smiles. “Still hot.” We eat together while he tells me about the best pizza spots he’s ever been to.

  “Last summer, I went to Capri for a few weeks. The food was incredible and the pizza was something else.” He takes a huge bite.

  I move in closer to him, wanting to hear more. “Who did you go with?”

  “Remember Tom from the fight?”


  “Yeah. I went with him and…a few other friends.” His eyes look down for a moment. “We took a flight to Naples and then a boat to Capri. It can get too touristy, but the beaches are insane and the food is probably some of the best in the world.” He tucks a stray piece of my hair behind my ear, and I move closer to him.

  I lick my lips, the motion bringing his gaze down to my mouth. “I’ve never even left New York,” I tell him honestly. “I can’t imagine what it must be like to travel so… freely.”

  “Never?” He seems surprised. “Not even to like, Jersey?”

  I start to laugh and then click my tongue. “Not. Even. Jersey.” I punctuate each word in a way that has him laughing. My tendency is to feel ashamed, but he isn’t looking at me like I’m pathetic for never having traveled. Instead, he’s looking at me in what feels like wonder. “You know, there are people in this world who don’t just pick up and go whenever they feel like it.” I raise my eyebrows at him.

  “Yeah, yeah. But you’re the type who’d love it. Maybe one day we—” He starts but immediately stops himself. Picking up a napkin to wipe his mouth, my chest warms with the words he didn’t say.

  “Yeah. One day, maybe.” I sigh. “Anyway, as of now, I go lots of places. In books, of course.” I wink.

  “Cheapest way to travel, eh?” His eyes sparkle.

  Our conversation picks up again and before I know it, I’ve eaten three slices and it’s after eight o’clock. He stands to throw away the empty box and takes my hand to leave.

  Arriving at the Blue Houses, I’m relieved to see that the elevator works. He brings me upstairs and walks me to my door, as promised.

  “Thank you for dinner and for bringing me back,” I tell him quietly.

  “My pleasure, Eve.” I wait a moment, wishing he’ll kiss me. Instead, he looks at me with a satisfied smile on his face. He can tell what I’m waiting for, but for whatever reason, he’s decided not to give it to me. I sure as hell won’t ask for it if that’s what he’s waiting for.

  I clear my throat. “All right. Well, bye, Vincent,” I say in an exaggerated voice, waiting for him to go before I let myself inside my apartment.

  “If you say bye, you gotta go inside before I leave,” he tells me, as if everyone in the world knows this.

  “No.” I place my hands on my hips. “You walk away first. After you leave, I’ll go inside.” What the hell? I’m not backing down. It’s not even that it matters who walks away first, but I’m tired of him always deciding everything.

  His face turns to stone and I immediately take a step back. “Eve. Walk through your door.” He points behind me. “I’m not leaving until I hear it click shut and until I know you are safely behind it.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest, stance wide. His face is serious, but I’m not going to budge. Sure, he’s huge and sexy and strong. But screw that! I’m not a docile idiot he can order around!

  “No one is going to snatch me away from the door, Vincent. You go first!” My voice is laced with attitude and he raises his eyebrows at me in surprise, lips quirking up. “I refuse to do what you say. You think you can just push me into doing what you want like you probably do to everyone else? Wanna throw me out like you did those guys at the pizza shop?” I cock my head to the side. I don’t usually give this kind of lip, but it feels freaking good.

  He takes a step closer, crowding me. I step back, my hands pressing against the door. I’m technically trapped, yet surprisingly, unafraid. “When I tell you to do something—” his voice is gruff as he moves even closer “—you should listen to me, Eve.” The way he says my name, like a warm caress, sends a flutter straight through me. Common sense is telling me that I should be afraid, but I want him so badly, I’m aching. Is it possible to be nervous and this turned on at the same time? Apparently, my body says yes.

  Before I know it, he lifts me up in his arms, pulling me hard against him as my legs wrap around his waist. His lips move to mine as my hands grab his thick hair. We both moan as our lips lock. He pushes me against the door, his kiss demanding and controlling. I’m completely helpless, but God, it feels amazing. I want him to come inside my apartment, but there’s no privacy. For all I know, my mom is home. I’m feeling frenzied as he puts his mouth on the side of my neck and sucks in deep. It feels so good that my mouth drops open and I gasp. I can’t control the sounds coming out of my mouth as I feel his hot wet tongue on my skin. I pull his shirt up from his suit pants and with my shaking hands, manage to open a few buttons. I need to feel him. Oh. My. God. His chest is hot and taut over hard muscle. I move my hands upward and feel him tremor; I’ve never felt so powerful in my life. All thoughts disappear as he continues to kiss me like his life depends on it. He sucks on my tongue and my entire body bucks forward, asking for more.

  I’m in a daze by the time he puts me down. I look him up and down, trying to commit to memory his sexy, rumpled appearance. “Forget the Bull. You’re Batman.” I put my fingers to my numb lips, giggling.

  “Why Batman?” His eyes shine.

  “Because you’re like, underground fighter one second and all suited up the next. The duality, you know?” I cock my head to the side.

  He shakes his head from side to side. “Baby, you have no idea how right you are. My entire life is duality. One foot in one world, one foot in another.” I’m not sure what he’s talking about, but the way he’s staring at me has me wanting to jump back on top of him.

  “How’s it going?” I bite the side of my lip, trying not to smile.

  He sighs. “It fuckin’ sucks. But hopefully soon, I’ll be able to simplify.”

  “Simplify?” I repeat, my voice full of question.

  “Yeah. Simplify.”

  He leans against the doorway, legs crossed. He’s clearly waiting for me to let myself in. With a sigh, I turn my body around and finally turn the key i
n the lock. Before I can step inside, he gently pushes me into my apartment and shuts the door on my face. I can hear him laugh and I mentally curse him. He always wins, damn it! I stand on my tiptoes to look through the peephole, watching as he leaves, a smile on his face.

  When I go to the bathroom to shower up, I notice he’s left a huge bruise low on my neck. What the hell? He marked me! I start smiling like a fool. Maybe I won, after all.


  It’s three fifteen on Monday, and my mom just walked into Ms. Levine’s classroom. Surprisingly enough, I haven’t heard any yelling yet. I tried telling her earlier this week that meeting with Mom is pointless, but she insisted that maybe a different tactic would work. Hearing their voices increase in volume, I know I made a big mistake letting them meet.

  Sitting on the floor of the empty hallway, I keep myself busy by reading the graffiti on some of the lockers. Apparently, Joaquin has a small dick and Chanel likes to suck it. Another locker is tagged with Snakes’ symbol: a red circle with a capital S inside. My stomach does a slow churn as I stare. I try to turn my thoughts to Vincent, but there’s no room for beauty in my mind right now.

  When I hear Ms. Levine yell, I close my eyes and raise the hood of my black sweatshirt over my head. It’s a men’s hoodie and completely hides my shape, but I feel more comfortable having armor between my body and the world.

  “Your daughter should go to college. Look at these scores! Her SATs are unbelievable. Don’t you want her to go places other than here?”

  “Ms. Levine,” my mom screams, her voiced laced with aggression. I can only imagine her standing tall right now, getting all up in Ms. Levine’s face. “How many fuckin’ times do I have to tell you people? When she’s done with high school in a few months, she’s going to get a job like everyone else we know! Stop putting nonsense in her head! Do you think living is free? That I can just continue to support her while she studies?” I hear my mother’s sarcastic laughter. “You don’t know shit about our reality. If she’s going to survive, she needs to thicken her skin. Not be deluded into thinking that there’s a way out. There is no way out for her; this is her real life. You want to do her a favor? Toughen her up. Teach her some goddamn street smarts in that class of yours; don’t I know she’s got none of those!”


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