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Laws of Attraction

Page 21

by Diana Duncan

  His palm cupped her breast, his thumb teasing the crest into a diamond-hard point.

  She arched into his caress, yanking at his shirt. “Off. Take yours off, too.”

  Together, they wrestled the stretchy cotton up his lean torso, and it sailed to join hers on the floor.

  “Mmmm …” She explored the tensile planes of his back, the powerful muscles rippling under her palms like a big jungle cat’s. “You feel so good.”

  “Right back at you, sugar. I can’t get my fill of touching you.” His hand moved to the other breast, teasing the nipple. He moved from one breast to the other, over and over, building the delicious torment until she was breathing in short rasps.

  When he slid lower and his mouth lightly closed over her nipple, her toes curled. He flicked his tongue back and forth, making her writhe with spiraling awareness and anticipation. He lavished each breast with tender affection, giving her almost what she craved, yet not quite enough.

  Her fists clenched as she swallowed a frustrated moan.

  “Don’t hold out on me, Mia.” His mouth captured her nipple again, the strong, hard pull streaking a line of fire straight to her core.

  Her belly contracted, and she let the moan out.

  “There you go,” he murmured.

  He licked and nibbled and sucked, winding the tension deeper and tighter—until a taut ache throbbed between her thighs and she wanted to scream out her need.

  She slicked her palms down to the small of his back, desperate to work his pants over his hips. Damn drawstring. She fumbled between their rocking bodies, yanking apart the tie.

  She skimmed eager fingertips beneath the waistband, glided over the bare skin of his abdomen.

  She reached lower, wrapped her fingers around thick, fiery steel. He jerked in her grasp and hissed in a sharp inhale.

  Exploring the tantalizingly smooth length and moist velvet tip, she slowly stroked, and he groaned out a ragged breath. Delight shimmied through her as she discovered a new wonder. Her touch could make this strong, tough warrior sweat and tremble and moan.

  He was as vulnerable to her as she was to him.

  Every last qualm evaporated on a heady rush of warm desire. They were partners in this wild and crazy adventure.

  Happiness inspired a smile. “The pants have to go, cowboy.”

  “Uh, huh.” He inhaled again. “But you gotta … stop doing … long enough for me to … God!” He made a strangled sound deep in his throat. His unsteady hands yanked down his pants, and he kicked them to the floor.

  Then he quickly stripped her of her panties.

  His hands slid under her and scooped her up, and the room whirled. When her head cleared, she was kneeling on the sofa facing the arm, Dallas kneeling behind her.

  He nuzzled her neck, feathering the sensitive skin with tantalizing nibbles and kisses. “Mia, sweetheart, plant your palms on the sofa arm.”

  What was he … ? She gulped. She trusted him. Mia did as he’d asked.

  Silky lips rewarded her with loving attention at the tender spot joining her neck and shoulder. “I want you to remember you’re in control here. You can either slow things down, or you can pull away completely and stop it.”

  He nipped her earlobe and his deep baritone vibrated in her ear. “Or you can hold on tight and enjoy the ride.”

  She expected him to take her then. But he startled her by lying down on his back on the cushions. His broad shoulders slid beneath her, between her knees … spreading her thighs wide open for him. His hands gripped her hips, and he pulled her down onto his mouth.

  And then … oh God … his magnificent, talented tongue seared her with scalding intimacy.

  Mia gasped, her body going rigid at the lightning strikes of ecstasy, her spine arching.

  Incredible sensations flooded her, pooling in a heavy ache. Heat and pressure, long slow glides of Dallas’ silky tongue followed by bursts of exquisitely rapid flicks.

  Her hips undulated, and Dallas immediately adapted his cadence to hers, letting her lead the erotic dance. Caring enough, taking the time to thoroughly, totally immerse her in passion.

  Nothing, nothing had ever felt this amazing.

  She was churning, drowning in a river of desire, being hurtled down the rapids and toward the falls by the maddening rhythm of Dallas’ tongue.

  A glimmer of something incredible shimmered within sight. Fulfillment she’d never known before drifted closer, beckoned.

  Dallas enticed her closer to the edge.


  Right there.

  Body shaking, lungs panting for air inner, inner muscles clenched, she froze, trapped at the threshold of the unknown. Suspended, trembling, caught between what was—and what could be.

  Her heartbeat tripped into a panicked jog, and she pushed up on the sofa arm, lifting herself and breaking the connection. Cool air drifted across her, and cold and empty, she shivered.

  Dallas’ hands slid down to support her quivering legs, long fingers reassuringly stroking her inner thighs. “It’s okay, baby. Easy, now. It’s your choice.”


  My choice.

  “Dallas.” Her whisper was halting and breathless. “I’m not sure how … but I know you can give me back what the Colonel, Harper and Paul took from me. And I’m not sure why … but I also know you’re the only man in the world who can.”

  He inhaled sharply.

  “Dallas, I choose you.” Mia relaxed, let him ease her back down.

  His low, rumbling groan against her clit amplified the pleasure. His thumbs gently opened her tender flesh, and his tongue dived in, laving her with hot satin strokes, then spearing deep inside—provoking sparkling fireworks through her entire system.

  Further, higher, to where she’d never been before. Until she stood on the precipice, every muscle a taut, whipping wire, her heartbeat roaring in her ears.

  Her fingers sank into the leather, clinging to the only anchor in the whirling universe.

  I choose you.

  Her head thrown back, her body bowed, quaking and shuddering. As every muscle contracted in a brilliant explosion of light and sweet, sweet, burning release, she leapt over the edge … and soared.

  And Dallas’ mouth sent her rocketing to into the stratosphere.

  She lost a few moments of time. When her senses floated back to awareness, Dallas was sitting on the sofa with his back propped against the cushions and she was straddling his lap. His solid arms were wrapped around her, holding her close, and he stroked her hair … as hot tears streaked down her cheeks.

  “D-Dallas.” She gulped. “I— I h-had a climax.”

  He laughed unsteadily. “Yeah, I noticed.”

  “I—I’m s-sorry, I d-don’t know why I’m c-crying. I d-don’t … never used to … cry.”

  “Honey, I think you’re way overdue.” He rained kisses over her face, kissing away her tears.

  “It was … Wow. Just … wow.”

  He rubbed her back, his lips curving against her mouth. “That was only the beginning of wow.”

  “Sorry for bawling all over you.” She inhaled, swiped the back of her hand over her face. “Crap, could I be any less sexy here?”

  “Darlin’.” His erection twitched against her belly, the burning brand impossibly bigger, harder. “In case you haven’t noticed, I find you very sexy.”

  How could she possibly have aroused him so much? And yet the evidence didn’t lie. “That’s fairly massive evidence to support your position, McQuade. Um … it’s very … it seems like it would … do you find it painful?”

  He uttered a graveled laugh. “I believe what applies here, counselor, is the saying, ‘hurts so good.’ But, Mia, it pleasures me to give you pleasure.”

  She leaned closer to kiss his stubbled jaw, the strong column of his throat … enjoying the delectable friction of his crisp chest hair grazing her nipples, which instantly peaked. “I want to give you pleasure, too. Love me, cowboy.”

  He sucked in an uns
teady inhale. Cradling her face in his hands, he kissed her. Long and slow at first, his slow, sensual lips reigniting a firestorm of desire.

  When she moaned, he unleashed the full, formidable force of his hunger and ravished her mouth. The link, the unique connection between them arced and sizzled, binding them in mutual need.

  His hand slid between them, his thumb unerringly circling her swollen, sensitized clit. His tongue mimicked the maddening rhythm as he stroked the flames inside her into a roaring inferno.

  Astonishingly, he soon had her trembling on the threshold again.

  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, could only feel. Her hips rocked into his touch, his iron shaft grinding against her stomach. She broke the kiss. “Dallas, please,” she panted. “I want you inside me.”

  He growled low in his throat. Cupping her buttocks, he lifted her, and blunt heat pressed at the opening to her body. She knew he was big, but the reality staggered her. Her inner muscles clenched in taut resistance at the unaccustomed pressure.

  “Mia, look at me.”

  She looked up into his beautiful eyes, pupils dilated nearly black, irises alight with cobalt fire. The sensual burn whipped through her in a backlash of erotic response.

  “It’s okay baby, just breathe. Relax and let me in.”

  I want this. I want the ultimate bond with you.

  “Yes.” She inhaled, and his thick shaft sank inside, stretching her … filling her to the hilt. Completing her.

  “Ohhh. Yes.”

  His hips rolled in an electrifying cadence, and her system caught fire.

  “Oh, my God.”

  White teeth flashed in a fierce, primal grin as his hands clamped onto her waist and he started to thrust … and she lost the ability to breathe.

  She might be on top, but she was being taken on the most thrilling ride of her life.

  His gaze compelled her to stay with him, and she couldn’t look away. Didn’t want to. She tumbled into the warm, deep blue pools—intimately, intensely joined with Dallas, both body and soul.

  The emotional connection was so much more heartrending than she’d ever dreamed.

  She tangled her fingers in his hair, clinging to him. She’d felt alone all her life, but he’d banished her loneliness … banished her fear.

  They were both shaking violently, panting, sweating, straining toward completion. The rasp of ragged breaths, the erotic slick of damp skin against damp skin, the heady scents of arousal mingling in the gleaming moonlight.

  Having Dallas with her, inside her, sharing the overwhelming desire, exhilarated her. Freed her.

  “Mia,” he rasped. His strong thrusts drove her inevitably toward the allure of something richer, more powerful, more incredible than she’d ever known.

  She clutched his shoulders, his quivering muscles like rigid iron in her grip. Clinging to him as the storm raged, sweeping her away to a place where only they existed, their bodies locked in the rapidly spiraling rhythm. Pleasure built and built, deep inside, boiling lava through her bloodstream.

  “You’re safe, sweetheart,” he said hoarsely. “With me. Come with me.”


  For the first time ever, she was safe.

  Mia surrendered … and finally released the control that had sustained her through a lifetime.

  Dallas’ eyes went tender as silent communication arced between them. He understood what she was offering him. The price it cost her.

  “Yes, Dallas,” she whispered.

  Those beautiful eyes fired. Commanding her gaze, he slammed upward, detonating a white-hot explosion that ricocheted through every cell.

  Held in his turbulent embrace, she shattered into prisms of bright, shimmering light. She threw back her head, crying out her joy.

  Dallas’s big body shuddered beneath her and his hoarse shout rang out to join with hers as he poured himself into her.

  His thrusting gradually slowed, but didn’t stop … sending aftershocks rippling through her again and again. Until she finally collapsed against his chest.

  Stunned and trembling, she reveled in his thundering heartbeat that drummed a savage duet with hers.

  She hadn’t known, hadn’t guessed. Hadn’t come close to understanding the truth. Dallas had shared his body with her, opened his soul … and given her freedom from her past.

  And in return, Mia gave him something she’d vowed to keep only for herself.

  She gave him her heart.

  Chapter 16

  Beneath Mia’s cheek, Dallas’ warm, damp chest expanded and contracted jerkily with jagged breaths. As his galloping heartbeat eventually slowed, she breathed in his essence.

  The future was uncertain, but they had right here, right now. And she wasn’t going to waste a precious moment with doubts.

  He stroked her hair with an unsteady hand. “You still with me, sweetheart?”

  Mia smiled. “All the way.”

  His lips feathered over her temple. “I could feast on you forever.”

  “I wouldn’t object. As long as I get my turn to spread you out on the banquet table. Hey, do you have any chocolate syrup in your cupboards?”

  The low music of his mirth rumbled beneath her ear. “Sweet thing, I do believe I’ve corrupted you.”

  “Totally.” She joined in his amusement. “Please, feel free to corrupt me again … anytime.”

  “No time like the present.” Giving Mia a wicked grin, he leaned her back over his forearm, thrusting her breasts up. His hot, wet mouth suckled her nipples, and ribbons of heat coiled in her breasts, then flashed downward to curl between her thighs. Her inner muscles clenched on him as he again surged to hardness inside her.

  Mia gasped. Lightning reflexes, indeed.

  Then he slowly, teasingly pulled out of her, scooped her up into his arms, and rose, striding toward the door. “We’ll start the debauchery in the tub … and work our way around to the bed.” His deep laugh sparkled in her bloodstream, heightening her rapidly spiking arousal. “Eventually.”

  * * *

  Thirty-six hours of bliss.

  Dallas propped an elbow on the mattress as a gloomy, pale dawn crested the horizon, and watched the flickering firelight play across his slumbering wife’s delicate face. With Esteban in the hospital, he and Mia had spent the past two-and-a-half days making love, eating, laughing, talking … and making love.

  Once she’d shaken loose her inhibitions, Mia had burned up the sheets. He grinned. He’d taken great delight in, and had the most fun ever in his lifetime, showing her the multiple advantages of being a woman.

  And when she’d made good on her threat to lay him out and feast on him … His dick twitched. Her warm, sweet mouth had eagerly learned every sensitive spot he possessed … and she’d exploded the top of his head right off.

  Later, their naked game of naughty poker—with each of them inventively raising the stakes at every bet—had damned near killed him.

  His gaze roved over her flushed, creamy skin, closed eyelids, and softly rounded breasts that rose and fell in an even rhythm beneath the edge of the rumpled sheet. She looked like a woman who’d been thoroughly loved. And to his ultimate satisfaction, he was fully responsible for her condition.

  He was the happiest he’d ever been.

  He sobered. But downstairs, the computer was still running … and they were running out of time. The inevitable showdown loomed on the immediate horizon.

  His gaze caressed Mia’s face. Tiny blue veins trailing beneath her pale lids and the pulse fluttering at her slender neck made her appear fragile. Like one of his mother’s porcelain teacups, translucent and delicate. So easily shattered. The world perceived her as fragile, and tried to take advantage.

  But he knew better, now. Mia was the most resilient woman he’d ever met, and he admired the hell out of her determination and spirit. She swung at the curveballs life threw at her and knocked them clear out of the park.

  His gaze drifted to her full, enticing mouth, pink and moist, lips slig
htly parted. A crazy cocktail of tenderness, desire, and fierce protectiveness coursed through his bloodstream with the same potent kick as the Southern Comfort her eyes resembled.

  Sleeping beside him so trustingly, so peacefully, long dark lashes fanning rosy cheeks, shiny brunette locks gilded by firelight, she looked like an angel. Pain wrenched him. If he hadn’t decided to go to the factory, she would be an angel.

  Dallas drew a shaky breath. He’d intended to walk away when this mess with Montoya was finally cleaned up for good. But the moment he’d made love to Mia, everything had changed.

  In his office, right before she’d surrendered, she’d looked at him as if he held the secrets of the universe. He’d waited so long for her to give him her trust, and when she finally did, she’d become engraved on his heart.

  There was no way he could let her go now. Mia was his.

  Yet he didn’t see how he could stay.

  Either way, they were headed for heartbreak.

  Once she learned the truth, would she understand? Bile rolled in his stomach. Could he give her everything she needed? Be the man she deserved? He wanted only the best for her. Which meant making the toughest choice of his life.

  Dallas clenched his jaw. He had to protect Mia, at any cost. Even if that meant protecting her from himself.

  He’d do anything for her.

  Although it might cost him everything.

  * * *

  The delicious aroma of fresh coffee and the cozy patter of raindrops on the roof roused Mia. Her eyes blinked open. She smiled at her long, tall, bare Texan walking through the doorway. “A favorite fantasy of mine … a naked hunk fetching me coffee in bed.”

  Grinning, he strode over, handing her a steaming mug as she sat up. He set the other on the tray beside the bed before climbing back beneath the covers with her. “I aim to please, darlin’.”

  She wiggled mischievous eyebrows at him. “Please me much more, and I’m definitely not going to be able to walk.”


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