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Frayed Page 16

by Pamela Ann

  “She’s only joking! Come back and join us!” Bass interjected as he tried with all of his might not to bust out laughing, but Emma just sat on the edge of the boat’s footer.

  Emma merely shrugged , nonchalant unamused . “I’m good.”

  Emma was scared of sharks, she couldn’t even stand watching shark week when it came on TV, so that joke was going to traumatize her for a while. Heck, it was funny, though.

  Taylor carefully shifted himself so that he could sit the other way, facing me. “I have an idea. I was hoping you’d want to spend the next two days with me here.”

  “Here, here? Mykonos?” I double checked, taking in how the tan he’d gotten over the last couple of days made his eyes stand out all the more. He looked utterly and decadently divine in my eyes.

  “Yes, Emma and Bass need to get back to filming, but you and I are on vacation. I want to spend more time with you.” He then leaned over and kissed my sea-salted lips.

  Summer in Greece sure as hell was changing me. The hurt, the pain, the darkness and the ongoing battle of evil that lurked in the depths of me were all slowly diminishing. Whatever it was—the heat, sun, having fun—that was causing the change, I liked it. I felt lighter. Each day I woke up with less heartache to weigh me down, when it used to sink its claws into me and try to drown me with it. Now, I felt like I was floating, as if those shackles were actually attached to buoys now, instead of anchors, keeping me afloat. It all reminded me of my past sins and actions, but purposely drove me to look into the future.

  The past had taught me, the present I could continue to learn from, and the future I could embrace. “Sure, why the heck not? I’m honored to be invited to spend the next few days with you.”

  His eyes crinkled as he beamed at me. His hand tucked a wayward hair behind my ear. “Did anyone ever tell you that you’re easy to please? I love how little things make you happy.”

  I hadn’t been easy to please before, but when I started dating a married man, I had learned that it was the little things I needed to be grateful for. “You’re an amazing guy, Taylor and I’m one lucky lady to be spending this summer with you.” Oh, I was bitchy at times, but that didn’t make me blind of the fantastic things when they occurred. I definitely noticed.

  “I can be more than amazing. You have yet to find out.” The man kissed me, baring me—exposing me to him—slowly and deliberately. It reminded me of that expression “kissed by the gods” since it sure as hell felt like I was being kissed by one.


  The first day in Mykonos was practically spent indoors. When the next sunset rolled in, Taylor didn’t want us to spend another evening in bed ordering room service, so here we were, arms around each other, walking the cobbled streets of Mykonos as we figured out where we wanted to eat dinner. We weren’t in a hurry, we checked out each restaurant as we passed. When we spotted a nice, cozy, candlelit diner by the edge of the water, we both agreed to dine there.

  The glassy surface of the Aegean Sea was still tonight, the full moon high; stars dotted the darkened skies, glittering the treasured island with bewitchery and magical allure. The heady essence of romance was everywhere. It caressed and enchanted me. I was moved and most definitely spell - bound. The man before me romanced me just as much as our surroundings. I couldn’t help being a little amused watching as he was rather entertained with the candle in his hand, playing with it as he watched my face.

  The intense, mossy depths of his eyes seared into me—touching me—sparking me alive and setting me on fire. “Do you know the candle highlights your beautiful face perfectly? Whichever angle I place it in, it shows off your contoured exquisiteness.”

  Blushing really wasn’t my favorite thing to do, but tonight I was beet red. “I’m not—I’m pretty in a way, but not like Lindsey or Emma.”

  “Why would you want to compare yourself to them? You’re your own kind of beauty. I see it, I appreciate it and I love experiencing it. Never underestimate yourself, my perfect little vixen.”

  Taylor had the key to my head, and he sure was screwing with it. For the longest time, tonight, I was incandescently happy because he made me feel like the only woman in the world that mattered. Not only that, but I felt like the most beautiful woman. In Taylor’s eyes, I was, and that was enough.

  We had just finished an excellent meal and were enjoying our wine as we waited for our dessert to arrive when Taylor asked me a significant question. “What are you thinking about? You’re in deep thought.”

  “I’m not too sure you would want to know, actually.” My thoughts were kind of my kryptonite, sadly.

  He studied me a moment, considering where this conversation could lead to, before carefully responding to me. “I do want to know, if you care to enlighten me.”

  “I was thinking how different it is when you’re not seeing a married man.” I gave him a sad smile, before returning my gaze back to the sea. “Harry was married to my cousin. I was his mistress.”

  Taylor’s eyes didn’t leave my face. I could see my words sinking in to that pretty face of his. When the waiter brought out our dessert, I graciously thanked him, but no words came out of Taylor’s mouth. “It’s true. Now, I’m not so pretty anymore, huh?” That was only the half of it. I could only imagine what he would think of me once he found out the other truth.

  “That explains a lot of the bitterness, but not its entirety. It sure as hell explains a lot. With your cousin’s husband though, Trista? Isn’t that a—”

  “Bitchy move? Yes, it was. Not that Becka wasn’t a bitch in her own right , but I didn’t care. I wanted to be with him. My stupidity sure ended up making me pay, though. Trust me, karma didn’t ask for an even exchange, but a full fucking refund. I’ve learned the hard way.”

  “I’m not really a fan of cheating, but I believe you when you tell me that you’ve learned from your experience. I hope that someday you are able to make wiser decisions. I understand that some things can’t be helped, but there are other things that we can prevent from happening. Sometimes being selfless is good for the soul,” Taylor said thoughtfully. Selfless, when it came to Harry, I was not.

  For the rest of the night, Taylor didn’t bring up the subject of Harry and our affair. It seemed that the man was content with whatever information I had already shared. I appreciated that he gave me time to be comfortable sharing such shameful facts about my past with him instead of pushing for every last detail.

  What I was truly grateful for was that he wasn’t repulsed by what I had said. He never once passed judgment about my reckless and frivolous actions. People and society aren’t as forgiving, but it pleased me to know that Taylor reserved his judgment, at least for now.

  Chapter 20


  A fter a week and a half after of our arrival in Greece, the main cast s of the movie our actor friends were being interviewed. I couldn’t be any more excited about it. The other side of the island was transformed into a nice setting for the Behind-The-Scenes interview. Lindsey, Taylor and I were standing behind one of the screens that showed Emma, Bass and Dimitris with a beautiful lady named Jill, who was the interviewer. We all had headphones on as we watched the whole thing with a front row pass.

  Jill started with the bright star of the film, of course. “Bass Cole, how are you doing today? I’m thinking the Greek sun is agreeing with you, huh? I’m pretty sure America will think so, too.” She was grinning like a lapdog at Bass, eyeing him like he was the most delicious treat in the world.

  My eyes glanced at Emma, but she was calm and looked like she was enjoying herself. Was she really?

  Bass merely shrugged at that comment before he gave a little laugh. “I’m doing well, Jill. I concur, the Greek sun has been more than agreeable. It’s been fantastic, I love it here.”

  Jill’s face lit-up as she looked at him through her lashes, a flirty look in her eyes. “Blasphemous is gaining a lot of publicity due to its content. What made you sign up for a movie that’s so different from you
r usual endeavors? I heard this movie’s very steamy and graphically raw. Is there any truth to that?”

  Bass gave her a winning smile. “Graphically raw, I like that. Yeah, the movie is definitely raw and steamy. I’ve always wanted to make a movie with Martin and, after reading the script, I knew this film was something I wanted to be in and that’s mainly because it is different from all the other ones I’ve made. It’s more dramatic, allowing me the opportunity to show a wide range of emotion that you don’t see in my other films. You could just say that I gave my heart and soul to it, I suppose.”

  “The way you described it makes me want to see the movie all the more. Do you two agree with what Bass said?” Jill directed her attention to Dimitris and Emma.

  Dimitris chose to respond first. “The movie does need a lot of emotion, be it anger, passion, hate or love. I think this movie as a whole is about passion. I don’t think Martin could’ve done a better job than selecting Emma as the lead. This woman lights up on screen.” He directed his smiling face at Emma.

  Emma was biting her lip, blushing and laughing. “It’s not that hard to light up.” She laughed again. “These men are great actors. I’m new to this, but both have been very generous to help out if I needed to make a certain scene better.”

  Jill was laughing with her. “I can just imagine. You’ve these terribly good-looking men to share scenes with. Women all over the world would die to be in your spot. How did it feel kissing Bass and Dimitris for the first time? Was it awkward at all?”

  Emma looked comfortable on screen. The question barely fazed her. “It was in the beginning, but after the first scene you’re like, ‘okay, here goes.’ Dimitris and I make fun of each other. He’d say something like, ‘I brushed my teeth twice, I’m ready.’”

  Jill was now more than eager to pull out more juicy details. “Who kisses better? Bass or Dimitris? You have to give us an answer. We’re all dying to know.”

  Emma bit her lip and took a sneak peek at the two men on both of her sides. “Dimitris is an amazing kisser. He’s very in control and sets the pace. Bass kisses like he’s consuming you whole. Both men are different. It’s hard to scale it that way.”

  My left headphone was suddenly moved aside as Taylor leaned close. “Do I kiss like I’m consuming you whole?”

  I cocked my head a little so I could do a little consuming of my own with my eyes taking in that gorgeous face. “Why ask if you know the answer, pretty boy?”

  His eyes danced as he gave me a few quick kisses. “Just making sure, a guy needs a little assurance once in a while.” Taylor winked at me before he placed my headphones back. I happily sighed when he pulled me against his chest and wrapped his arms around me. Lindsey caught us and simply stuck out her tongue, smiling.

  Jill gave a little blushing laugh after Bass said something I missed. “Bass your fans sent a lot of questions, but we could only choose a few. The first question is from Sheila M. from Seattle. ‘Are you still dating Lydia Cornwell?’”

  Bass cleared his throat before answering the question. His blue eyes looked very pronounced on the screen. “No, Lydia and I parted ways a couple of months back.”

  “I heard both men are actually single, but not the leading lady. Miss Emma, we did a little digging of our own and we found out that you’re dating a soccer player, Carter Mason from LA Galaxy. Carter’s Facebook was packed with pictures of you both from when you guys started dating. Here, the team made a little video.” All of them were watching the television that was on the left of Jill. Emma was uncomfortable. Bass looked rigid and Dimitris was frowning.

  The screen before us was now filled with Carter’s Facebook page. It was like a timeline of them together from the first night they kissed, them dancing, more kissing, Emma being carried in his arms, Emma writing I love you on his chest with her lipstick, pictures of Emma’s sleeping face, another one of her smiling at Carter and the last one, was of her wearing his jersey from LA Galaxy while blowing him a kiss.

  Shit, Carter didn’t play for the LA team until a few months back. What was going on here? Lindsey and I shared a look of horror as we both turned our attention back to Emma and Bass. They looked the same as earlier, but if you looked closely, there was tension between Bass and Emma.

  “Wow, you’re boyfriend’s definitely gorgeous. I can tell you two are so in love. I like a guy who’s not afraid to tell the world that you’re his girl.” Jill meant the words as she grinned at Emma.

  “Yeah, that’s Carter. He’s very persistent,” Emma murmured.

  After Jill asked Emma more questions in regards to the movie, she shifted the questioning to Bass and Dimitris. It went on for another hour before it finally ended. Jill was going to visit them again tomorrow during filming, so she could get a glimpse of what it was like behind the scenes. Since there wasn’t much space on the island, Jill and her crew had to fly back to Athens instead of staying closer to the cast and crew.

  Taylor and I were making out on the outdoor couch when he heard someone slide the door open. It was Bass heading towards us. They all were supposed to eat at the villa tonight, so I was surprised to find him here. “Would it be okay if I could speak to Trista alone?” He directed his gaze to Taylor. Who simply nodded, stood up and patted Bass’s shoulder.

  “What’s up B?” I asked when Taylor disappeared inside the cottage.

  “I have questions, and I think you’re the only person that can truly answer them for me.” Bass sat on the other end of the couch and stared at the sea, deep in thought. “What are the chances Emma will go back to him, Trista? Please be honest. I know you love her, but I don’t think I could stand it if she left again. I’d rather be prepared if there’s a chance she would, so I can separate myself away from her sooner.”

  Oh, fuck. I was really getting punished. What the heck do I tell him? “Bass…maybe you should ask her that, not me. She’s the one you should be talking to.”

  “I did. She brushed me off like it was not a big deal, but it is. To me it is. Those pictures brought everything back. Emma looked happy and it was plain to see how much love was shared between the two. So, please, just answer me truthfully. Where does Carter stand with her?”

  The man really was hurting. “Back in February, something major happened, like a deal breaker, I guess. Around that time she caught him with five girls. Since then, he’s been begging for forgiveness. She’s crazy about you now, Bass. Don’t let old pictures from her past ruin what you two have.” Bass just shook his head and didn’t utter a damn word. “You do love her don’t you?”

  Bass made a sad laugh, running both of his hands through his hair. “I don’t know if even should.” He then stood up and looked at me. “Thank you, I know there’s more to the story, but I know you won’t tell me, anyway. I also know that you’re protecting her, but you have to understand that I cannot go through this the second time with Emma. I’m going away for the night. I need to think away from her. Tell her I’ll be back tomorrow morning before the shoot, so she doesn’t worry.” He left by way of the beach, looking torn and sad all together.

  “He doesn’t look good,” Taylor said behind me.

  My heart ached for Bass. He really was crazy about Emma and my friend was crazy about him, too, but she still felt something for Carter. I think that’s what Bass realized today and deep down, I think he knew that. “Yeah, I hope they sort that out. They’re great together.”

  “They are, but for him to come out here and talk to you means that he’s had his doubts for a while. One thing is for sure, he would have a hard time dealing with it if he did walk away.” Taylor took my feet and placed them on his thighs while he gently massaged them. His hands applied enough pressure to subdue my mind and body.

  Man, this dude was awesome.

  “Gosh, I wonder what other skills you have up your sleeve. You keep surprising me, Taylor.” I sagged against the couch, my body floating away from me as I lavished in the heavenly feeling.

  “So foot massages get me praises? I
should’ve known you’re a sucker to being serviced.” He pulled at my toe, teasing me.

  I simply giggled at his touch. It tickled the hell out of my foot. My soles were quite sensitive and he seemed to be enjoying it. “Tell me one person in this world who doesn’t love being serviced, pretty boy? I bet the pope even has his own personal fetch-me person.”

  “You and your nicknames, does it ever end?”

  I lounged back, comfortable and satisfied with my ongoing present relationship with Taylor. “Nah. It’s fun and quirky when you make your own catch-phrases. That’s just the way I am. Don’t count on it ever changing.”

  “I never said I wanted you to change, Tris. You’re unique, quirks and all, and I like that about you,” Taylor said before planting a kiss on both of my big toes.

  “That’s the sweetest compliment anyone has ever given me.” I was way more than touched. My heart soared for a bit.

  “Anymore services you wish, Lady Princess?”

  This guy was utterly killing me. I sat up and moved to straddle him. Intertwining my arms around his neck, my lips touched the tip of his nose. “I want to do the dirty underneath the stars.”

  “I think I can easily make that happen,” Taylor murmured as his lips hovered around the side of mine.

  Chapter 21


  Two weeks later, For two weeks, we explored the entire island. All the fruit orchards, the few small caves, creeks and we tried to learn the Greek language (I failed this miserably) . The most enjoyable part was trying all the exotic food and kissing Taylor in between bites. Yeah, we tend to kiss quite a bit. And I shamelessly adore it.


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