The Naughty List

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The Naughty List Page 16

by Caisey Quinn

  Joey looks almost annoyed by this. “Well get over it, man. I have. Mostly.” His eyes shift to me, then to Jonah. “I mean, damn. Look what’s sitting right next to you. If I was you, I’d be enjoying the hell out of the here and now. Leave the past where it belongs. Behind us.”

  Jonah side-eyes me then nods. “I’m working on it.”

  Joey glances at his sister who lowers her chin subtly before they both turn their attention back to us.

  “And another thing,” Joey begins. “We do appreciate all you’ve done, but I’m not your charity case. Jen and I can afford my medical care just fine. If you hadn’t paid for the house that reporter might not have been able to piece together what happened and published that bullshit article about you.”

  Jonah lifts one shoulder. “I don’t care what they print about me. To be honest, I don’t know if I bought the house for you or to assuage my own guilt for what happened and how I earned the money.”

  Joey smirks. “Doesn’t matter. We appreciate it all the same. But we’re doing good now and I’d rather you put your money toward all that charity stuff you do. Playing Santa for the kids and saving the whales or whatever.”

  Jonah nods. “I can do that. Promise me one thing though?”

  Joey arches a brow and waits.

  “If you ever need anything, you’ll let me know?”

  Joey nods. “If I get truly desperate, yeah. But don’t hold your breath.”

  “Actually,” Jonah begins, “I have a favor to ask of you.”

  A sly grin curves the other man’s thin lips. “Well if you want me to shovel your driveway, you’re shit out of luck.”

  This time Jonah grins back and I feel like I can finally breathe.

  “Nah. Hollis here can handle that.”

  We all laugh and I move to shove my elbow into Jonah’s ribcage. He catches it before I make contact, sliding his hand down to intertwine his fingers with mine.

  “I was going to ask if you’d be willing to come down to the group home. Talk to the kids. Maybe we could do it together. Tell them about the hell we put each other through as kids and how we wish we could’ve found other ways to deal with our anger and our issues. Let them see that their actions have consequences. I train a few kids there with histories of abuse and short fuses and I think they’d really benefit from hearing from you.”

  Joey contemplates the request for a minute then nods slowly. “Yeah, I could probably fit that into my busy schedule.”

  Jonah’s smile is wide and I can feel the weight of his pain lifting. “Cool. I’ll call you with a date and time. I can send someone to—”

  “I can drive him,” Jen breaks in. “We have a van.”

  Jonah stands, pulling me up with him. “Okay, well we won’t take up anymore of your day. It was good to see you, Joe.”

  “Don’t be a stranger,” Jen says as she walks us to the door.

  “Speaking of,” Joey says, addressing me. “You ever get tired of him, you know where I live. I might not look like much in this chair, but you’d be surprised what I can do with all the parts that still work.”

  “There’s the Joey I remember,” Jonah breaks in. “Don’t be playing the sympathy card with my girl, man. I don’t want to have to knock you out again. I can only afford so many houses.”

  The guys do some type of mock boxing, then Jonah leans down and Jen and I watch as they hug. It’s tight and lingering and Joey pats Jonah solidly on the back several times.

  My eyes fill with tears and I’m not even sure why.

  Maybe because I know Jonah needed this. Because I see now why he’s tortured himself for so long.

  Maybe, after today, he can finally stop.


  1 Year Later

  “You sure you’re ready for this?”

  I swallow thickly. Several people inside the house we’re about to enter are armed.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” Which is not ready at all.

  We tread carefully, pretending it’s the snow on the sidewalk slowing us down but most of it has melted to slush. Achilles looks at me like he knows I’m stalling and is annoyed.

  Hollis’s mom opens the door before we even knock and I figure she was waiting for us. She gives me a hopeful smile but I see the apprehension in her eyes. She’s worried for me. Hell, I’m worried for me.

  I take in as much oxygen as my lungs will hold, wishing for the first time in a long time that I still drank. A little liquid courage would be nice right about now.

  Addison gives Hollis a hug and tosses me a thumbs up over her shoulder.

  She must’ve told her then.

  Mikey, Tony, and Hollis’s dad stand and greet us.

  Hollis’s dad is the first to call me out. “So, what’s this big announcement?”

  This past year, I’ve become a part of the Rossi family.

  As a kid, I dreamed about Sunday dinners and holidays and having people to just generally give a shit about me. I never thought I’d ever actually have it. And now that I do, it’s terrifying knowing I might be about to piss them off and risk losing it.

  Hollis ushers her mom and Addi into the kitchen, leaving me alone with her dad and brothers. Ache gets comfortable with Hollis’s mom’s dog by the fireplace and I am on my own. So much for man’s best friend.

  I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans and look her father in the eye.

  “Well, sir, actually, it’s more of a question.”

  Mike and Tony glance at one another then level me with matching stares.

  The three of them together are intimidating as fuck. Like a well-trained firing squad about to unload on my ass.

  A lifetime of insecurity threatens to creep up on me.

  I’m not good enough.

  I don’t have enough to offer her.

  I don’t even have a last name for fuck’s sakes.

  I do my best to shove it into the closet in the corner of my mind.

  For all my shortcomings, I know one thing for certain. Hollis Rossi wants me. Maybe she’s crazy, but she’s my crazy amazing girl.

  “Sir, I think you know that Hollis is a really special woman. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. With your permission, I’d like to ask her to marry me.”

  Someone, Addison I think, squeals from the kitchen.

  But from where I’m standing, no one moves. No one so much as blinks.

  My chest expands with my labored attempt at breathing as I wait.

  After what feels like a lifetime, Hollis’s dad nods slowly. “You’re already part of the family, boy. Might as well make it official.”

  Before I can process his words, Tony, who I’ve learned is another Rossi who wears his heart on his sleeve like my Hollis, wraps me in a huge bear hug. Not exactly something I have a lot of experience with, but I do my best to return it.

  Mikey pats me on the back once Tony has released me.

  He gives my shoulder a firm squeeze. “Take care of our girl, Jonah.”

  I nod. “That’s all I plan to do for the rest of my life.”

  “I’m not getting any younger,” her dad breaks in. “Let’s get her out here and get this show on the road then.”

  Okay, confession: I proposed to Hollis last night.

  While she was out shopping with her mom and Addison, I made dinner at our place, lit candles, and put on her favorite music. Christmas music, of course. And I built the best damn gingerbread house that I could. Sans roof. After dinner, I told her I needed help getting the roof to stay in place.

  Inside the house, sat the ring in a black velvet box.

  When she saw it, she gasped so loudly I thought she might pass out. Thankfully, she didn’t.

  When I slid my ring on her finger, the broken parts of my soul mended as if they were never there.

  But then Hollis frowned.

  “Jonah…my family…my dad is extremely old-fashioned.”

  Instantly I knew I’d jumped the gun. I knew there had been a major meltdown when she’d moved in
with me. But I didn’t freak out thinking I’d fucked up like I used to. I nodded, because I’d anticipated this.

  “I know. We’re having lunch with them tomorrow. I’ll ask your dad for his permission. But I wanted to make sure this was what you wanted first. You will always come first to me.”

  We made love on nearly every surface in our home. When I went to put the ring back in the box, Hollis had smiled shyly at me. “Maybe I could wear it just a little longer.”

  She’d slept with it on and I’d laid awake, staring at the symbol of our forever on her delicate hand, knowing today was going to be scary as shit but necessary.

  “Hang on,” I tell the guys before they bring the women back into the living room.

  I retrieve the red ribbon for Achilles and call him over. Once I’ve tied the ring and the sign that says “Hollis Rossi, will you marry us?” to his collar, I nod for Tony to get the girls.

  I remain on one knee next to Ache, because Hollis deserves this. She deserves for the people who mean everything to her to be apart of the most important moments of her life. And truthfully, I love them all, too, and I’m glad they’re here.

  Hollis comes out smiling, her eyes gleaming with tears because she already knows but didn’t expect Ache to be involved.

  She looks at him, then at me, and nods. Our eyes conveying the silent bond of a love that will never fail.

  I untie the ribbon and stand, slipping my ring back on her finger where it belongs.

  She kisses me, much longer and deeper than I’d expected with her brothers and parents watching but who am I to deny her? Her tongue is sweet and soft against mine. Achilles barks between us and everyone breaks into laughter.

  “Right?” Mikey mutters, patting Ache on the head. “No one wants to see that.”

  “Some people would pay good money to see it,” Addison argues.

  “Actually, we have another announcement,” Hollis pipes up, glancing at me to make sure it’s okay to share.

  I nod for her to continue.

  Her family waits patiently, but I see the furtive glances at her mid-section. I know the conclusion they’re all drawing, the sign they’re looking for. I hope she hurries this along before someone decks me.

  “Jonah bought a gym,” she says, practically bouncing on her toes. “With his friend Joey. He’s still going to run the WDA but he’s also going to train troubled kids in mixed martial arts and anger management.”

  The relief on her dad’s face is visible.

  “That’s wonderful, Jonah,” her mom says, hugging me tightly. “I’m so happy for you both.”

  I wrap my arms around her, returning the hug. “Thank you, Mrs. Rossi.”

  She leans back and her eyes meet mine. “Jonah, I think you’ve been without a family long enough. Let’s say you call me Mom, yeah?”

  I wasn’t expecting that. I’ve never had anyone to call Mom. Or Dad. Or my brothers or my sister.

  I glance around at all of their faces, still stunned by how much love I see on them. For each other. For Hollis. For me. For our future.

  “I’d like that. A lot,” I say, choking out the words over the emotions rising in my throat as she steps aside so Hollis can take her place in my arms.

  Another confession: I knew the day I laid eyes on Hollis Rossi that she was going to change my life. I just didn’t know quite how drastic that change would be.

  Or that it would be a permanent change.

  Looking at her, at those beautiful warm brown eyes and that infectiously gorgeous smile, holding her and knowing she’s mine and I’m hers, I no longer hold a single ounce of bitterness or resentment about my past.

  Yeah, it was rough and dark and lonely most of the time.

  But it was a road worth traveling. Because I ended up exactly where I was meant to be.

  Holding onto my future.


  Sign up for my newsletter to receive a FREE Hollis and Jonah novella in your inbox for Christmas!


  After two years of training troubled youth in his own gym, Jonah X thinks he can handle anything. But when a mysterious young girl shows up needing his help, he isn’t sure training her is a great idea. After Hollis convinces him to give her a shot, Jonah begins to see that there’s much more to the story than just a girl wanting to become an MMA fighter.

  This one is fighting for her life.

  Hollis and Jonah might be the only ones who can help save her.


  Did you know there’s an even naughtier version of The Naughty List? Halfway through writing this book, I realized that Jonah X unfiltered was a bit too hot for Amazon so I have a special edition for sale on my website for a limited time! It’s available in both eBook and paperback! Grab it while you can!

  About the Author

  Caisey Quinn is the bestselling author of more than 17 full-length books, including the Neon Dreams, Nashville's Finest, and Kylie Ryans novels. She lives in a small town in Alabama with her husband and two young children.

  Since beginning her career with the indie release of Girl with Guitar (Kylie Ryans #1) in May of 2013, Caisey has achieved a great deal. Keep Me Still was a top 10 Amazon best seller for 3 weeks in 2015. Both Last Second Chance and Falling for Fate made it into the top #40 rankings on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and remained there for several weeks in 2016. Her first traditionally published novels, Leaving Amarillo, Loving Dallas, and Missing Dixie, were published in 2015-16 and were followed by the Nashville's Finest novels (Intermix/Berkley) Lit Fuse and Live Wire in 2017.

  Her first traditional publishing deal came from Avon/William Morrow (HarperCollins) and was a significant 3 book deal for the Neon Dreams series. She continues to publish independently as well as traditionally. Recently Blood and Lace (Dark Net #1) was published by Pocket Star Books (Simon & Schuster) under her erotic suspense pen name, Trinity Scott.

  Caisey is a huge fan of her fellow romance authors and enjoys reading, trying new recipes from Pinterest, and pushing herself to run long distances without passing out. You can find her online as @CaiseyQuinn and

  She is represented by Kevan Lyon of the Marsal Lyon Literary agency.




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