Sublime Vanity

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Sublime Vanity Page 1

by Dana Arden

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  What’s next…?

  Preview of Unchaste Fate

  Sublime Vanity


  Dana Arden

  Sublime Vanity

  Copyright © 2018 by Dana Arden. All rights reserved.

  No parts of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons – living or dead – is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer:Reggie Deanching at RplusMphoto

  Cover Model: Andrew Holztrager

  Cover Design: Vikki ~ Fiverr


  There are scenes in this book that may not be suitable for some people. If you cannot handle books with dark matter, then please do not continue. All fictional characters in this book are 18 years of age or older. This book was written for an audience at least 18 years of age or older.


  I’d like to give a shout out to Melissa. You know who you are. You’ve listened to me fret over the crazy bitch in my head for months now. You’ve read each of my books and given me your thoughts as well as your praise, which is much appreciated. Cheers to many more books.

  To the men behind the cover picture, what can I say? Reggie, keep taken awesome pictures and I’ll continue to have them fill my covers. Andrew, continue to pose for the camera every chance you get. I couldn’t have picked a better cover model to portray Trigger. Thanks to you two I have a cover that I’m very proud of.

  To my readers, I know this book was much anticipated since I left y’all hanging in Limitless Torment. I hope you get some clarity and are happy with the ending. Thanks to you all I am able to continue turning the voices in my head into stories for you to enjoy. Keep telling me what you think or just dropping me a ‘hey’.


  Sadie – Age 18

  Today, I noticed the small pouch beginning to show. Today, I realized that batting my lashes and tears didn’t get any gold stars from my dad. Today is the day that my dad figured out that I was just like my mother. Today, he told me that I was an adult with a child on the way and it was time that I grew up and took care of myself.

  How do you take care of yourself when you’ve relied on someone else your entire life?

  Today is the day that I packed up my belongings and took a bus to Cumming, Georgia in search of the next someone to take care of me. Being pregnant is the icing on the cake. Who would turn away a young, pregnant woman who can weave an extraordinary story? No one.

  Arriving in Cumming with only a duffle bag and fifty dollars to my name, I sit in the small town’s little diner. It’s full of old bitties who love to gossip and within twenty minutes of listening, I have my new enabler pinpointed. She’s a single mother of twins who owns her home and a bar. All I need to do is play on her sympathy card and twist the truth a little.

  An hour later I’m sitting at Dani’s filling out an application to be a waitress. I make sure to skip all the information that can be used to do a background check with fingers crossed that I can tug on Dani’s heart strings to help a soon-to-be single mother.

  I hand the application over to the brunette with the sparkling emerald eyes and watch her skim the page.

  “Sadie, you missed some parts of the application.” Dani says softly.

  I nod and blink rapidly as though I’m getting ready to breakdown. “I can’t.” I stammer. “I can’t let him find me and my baby.”

  Dani reaches for my hand and squeezes. “Who honey?”

  “My ex. He’s not a good person.”

  “Sadie, please tell me.” Dani begs with her eyes. “Did he hit you?” I shake my head no. “What did he do to you?”

  “He was hateful with his words. He called me names and made me feel worthless. When he finds out I left, he’ll come for me and the baby. I can’t go back to him. I can’t have my baby growing up around him. What if he talks to my baby like that? What if it gets worse and he starts hitting us?”

  “Shhhh, Sadie.” She coos. “Okay, this is what we’ll do. I’ll have you clock in but I’ll only use the timecard so I can pay under the table.” She looks at the application again. “Where are you staying? There isn’t an address listed.”

  “I just got off the bus this morning. I haven’t found a place yet.”

  She nods. “I have a furnished basement and there’s a kitchen. You’re welcome to stay there until you get on your feet.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t do that. You have your own family to take care of.”

  “No, it’s fine. I insist.”

  I rub my eyes vigorously wiping away the invisible tears. “Thank you, Dani. I promise not to be a bother.”

  “Since that is settled, when can you start?”

  “Right now.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s get you a shirt.”


  I figured working for Dani I’d be waiting tables and getting the roughnecks in leather to fall for me, but that isn’t how it plays out. Dani puts me on day duty of going over inventory and mild cleaning of the bar because I’m pregnant. This baby has done nothing but ruin my life and it hasn’t even been born. I tell myself over and over to keep smiling and acting the victim and one of these roughnecks in leather will want to take care of me. Their caveman instincts will kick in and they’ll want to help the gorgeous blonde raise a child.

  I’ve been here a month and the only significant attention I’ve received is from a teenage boy who is love sick. He’s five years younger than me and doesn’t have two quarters to rub together.

  Who wouldn’t want the arm candy that I could provide them? I’d spread my legs for the older frumpy bikers if it got them to take care of me. I’d just close my eyes and imagine a man who’s tall, dark and handsome. It isn’t that hard. How do you think I got in the predicament I’m in?

  I learned from watching my momma that you can fake just about anything to get what you want even if it destroys the other person. I can put on a front like no other. I can smile and be the perfect Southern woman. I can lie so well that eventually I believe it’s the truth.

  So I’ll continue to prey on the men of Cumming until I find the one who’ll never see past my façade and take them for everything they’re worth.

  Chapter 1


  I’m in love. I’ve never felt this type of rush before. Of course, I felt adrenaline rushes when Razz and I pull our pranks on the unsuspecting, but I’ve never felt the rush that I get when
I see Sadie. She has the body like the women I see in my dad’s Hustlers, golden blonde hair that reminds me of the sun and eyes that remind me of the bluest skies.

  I’m going to marry her one day. I don’t care if she’s older than me and thinks I’m a little boy. One day she’s going to see me as a man and I’m going to give her everything she wants. She’ll be my ol’ lady when I join the Southern Chaotic’s MC. She’ll be my wife and we’ll live in a house just like my cousin’s.

  When I look at her, I see no one else. She’s it for me. My mom says it’s just young love and will change when I get older, but she’s wrong. Sadie will be all mine and I’ll remind her everyday until the day she says ‘yes.’

  I’ll let her do her thing, but I won’t be far. I can’t have her falling for another man before I’m old enough to stake my claim. I’ll make sure all those men know not to mess with what’s mine.

  Just like right now at the clubhouse, I’m watching Einstein circling her like a vulture. He’s a few years older than her. He’s a good guy, but he isn’t good enough for her. He’s a hit it and quit it, but I’m sure Sadie could change his mind. I won’t be allowing that.

  I look around for my best friend, Razz. She’ll help me do about anything. I’ve known her since kindergarten and there hasn’t been a day since that we aren’t wrecking havoc on the folks of Cumming. She’s over at the food table piling her plate high with food. She eats more than me and that’s saying something. I’m thirteen and already six-feet tall, so I’m constantly eating. But Razz can hold her own. When she comes for pizza night at my house, my mom has to order a large pizza for her and one for me. My mom says were human garbage disposals. Whatever.

  Let’s get back on track. I need to find away to get Einstein away from Sadie and Razz is just the person to help me out.

  I sit next to her at the picnic table and watch her devour a chicken leg. “Razz, I need a diversion.”

  She looks at me with a raised brow. She swallows a mouth full and licks her fingers. “Why?”

  I point to Einstein and Sadie. “He needs to go.”


  “Razz seriously?” She nods. “Because he’s getting to close to my girl.”

  She closes her eyes and breathes deeply like she’s calming herself down. “Whatever.”

  “You gonna help me.” I grit out. I don’t understand why she’s being so difficult. She usually lives for this stuff.

  “Sure why not.” She huffs.

  We plot out what to do and after five minutes of going back and forth, we have our plan in place.

  Einstein stands there with a big smile on his face as he continues to flirt with Sadie as Razz pumps her Super Soaker. They never even pay her any mind. She sprays Sadie in the back. Sadie spins around and glares at Razz.

  Razz laughs and sing songs, “You’re it,” and takes off running.

  Einstein laughs at the situation and Sadie spins back around to glare at him. He stops laughing immediately as she stomps off towards the clubhouse.

  Today was the best and worst day of my life. Sadie went inside complaining to my dad and mom about Razz. Instead of them taking it as the joke it was, Razz got banned from the Clubhouse for a month. In all the years we’ve been friends and pulled stupid shit, we’ve never been kicked out of the Clubhouse.

  Today was the day I gradually pulled away from my best friend and got sucked into Sadie’s world.

  Chapter 2

  Sadie – Age 23

  Five years I’ve been in Cumming and the only person I’ve been able to wrap around my finger is the same love struck boy who followed me around. He’s grown into a handsome young man. He’s well over six feet and the years of weightlifting from playing football in high school have paid off. He turned eighteen a couple of months ago. If eighteen year old Trigger had been chasing me five years ago, I’d have allowed him to be my shadow.

  Tomorrow, he leaves for boot camp. To say I’m happy he’ll be gone is an understatement. Only having to deal with Trigger when he comes home on leave will be a dream come true. With him gone, I’ll be able to focus on my endgame. Finding a sugar daddy so far has been a joke. Every time I get close to someone something humiliating happens. All because of that little bitch Razz.

  I’ve made it so that Trigger thinks that in order to be with me he has to cut her loose. It didn’t take much. After she was banned from the Clubhouse, I told him it was either her or me. He, of course, chose me because I’ve made him want to be my world with little touches here and future references of our life together there. He fell hook-line-and-sinker. Gullible doesn’t even break the mold when it comes to Trigger.

  Here we are at his going away celebration at the Clubhouse with his arm slung over my shoulder talking to his brothers while little miss Razz is off in the corner about to cry. She’s just as naïve as Trigger.

  Do I feel bad for busting up a friendship? Nope. Do I feel any regret in playing Trigger? Nope. Do I plan to use his love for me to get each and every thing I want? Hell yes and nobody is going to stop me.

  Trigger goes quiet and I look up at him. He’s staring off in the distance and when I turn my head to see who he’s watching, it’s Razz walking towards the parking lot. He doesn’t take his eyes off of her, so I begin to rub my hand up and down his chest. When that doesn’t work, I decide I best give the horny eighteen year old something he thinks he deserves.

  “Trigger.” I whisper in his ear making sure my nose grazes the outer shell of his ear. “Tonight is going to be a night you won’t ever forget. Meet me in your room in fifteen minutes.” He swallows harshly and nods his head. I can feel him watching me walk away and into the Clubhouse.

  It’s his first time, so I know I won’t have to fake it long.


  Trigger promptly arrives fifteen minutes later. He takes me in from head to toe. When his eyes connect with mine, his are glazed over and hooded. I curl my index finger and motion him towards the bed where I’m spread out only in my bra and panties. He slowly treads to the edge of the bed.

  I sit up and scoot closer to him making sure to move as much as possible to keep his focus on my tits bouncing and praying the disgust I’m feeling isn’t plastered over my face. He stands like a statue as I unbutton and unzip his jeans. I tug them down to his thighs and grip the elastic of his boxer briefs slowly gliding them over his erection. I grip his impressive shaft in my hand and squeeze. He groans loudly, but doesn’t make a move to touch me. I lean forward and swirl my tongue around the tip sucking his cock fully into my warm mouth. When the head touches the back of my throat I swallow causing Trigger to fist the back of my head roughly. A few more jerks and swallows and Trigger explodes into the back of my throat.

  I make a show of licking his cock clean as well as smiling mischievously as I lick my lips. He slumps on the bed beside me with his jeans around his ankles breathing heavily. I push off the bed and put my clothes back on. When I’m ready to leave the room, I glance at him as he looks at me confused. I go to him and place both of my hands on his cheeks. Bending forward and taking his lips with mine, I kiss him slowly not deepening the kiss, but giving him enough to remember.

  Pulling back, I look into his eyes. “I’ve got to go home. Lyla has school in the morning and I hope to be at the bus stop to see you go. If I don’t, be safe and come back to me.”

  “Sadie, I can come home with you and help with Lyla. We can drop her off at school and then we can go to breakfast before I have to leave.”

  I shake my head no. “You stay and spend time with your family. I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow.” I whisper praying I can find an excuse that is suitable to get out of having to see him tomorrow. Not because I’m going to be heartbroken to see him leave for boot camp, but because I don’t want to do it. I don’t enjoy doing anything if it isn’t benefiting me.

  He concedes and grabs my hands squeezing. “Okay.” He pecks my lips. “I love you, Sadie.”

  Since I don’t know how to love anyone other than m
yself, I just nod, smile and leave.

  What I didn’t expect was just by giving him a little here and there would keep Trigger latched on for another four years.

  Chapter 3

  Trigger – Present Day

  Starring into Razz’s bright blue eyes in our yard surrounded by our family saying our vows is the most magnificent day. Today, I’m getting everything I ever wanted; a wife and kids, my own family just like my sister, Greer and my cousin, Dani.

  Pastor Glenn speaks. “Tanner, repeat after me.”

  I repeat my vows to Razz. “Raquel, I give you my life. With all that I am and all that I have, I honor you.” I slide the thin gold band on her finger.

  “Raquel, repeat after me.”

  Razz clears her throat. “Tanner, I give you my life. With all that…”

  Before she can finish her vows, “I object,” is shouted over the sea of leather.

  I turn as the sea parts and the one female who has strung me along for so many years of my life is coming towards us. She hasn’t changed much since I last saw her almost four months ago. Her hair is longer, but that seems to be the only change.

  A gasp sounds beside me and I look to Razz. I follow her gaze back to Sadie and see her rounded stomach. I link my fingers with Razz’s and squeeze letting her know that we’ve got this.

  The feelings I once had for Sadie aren’t visible. I don’t have the overpowering need to touch her or be near her. After spending my time with Razz, I’ve realized that love isn’t one-sided. You either feel it or you don’t and if you don’t you let that love go. Razz and my relationship is give and take. Sadie and my relationship was her giving very little, me giving everything and her always taking.

  Now she’s here on my wedding day ruining what was perfect. If she’s pregnant with my child so be it. I’ll always take care of what is mine, but Sadie is no longer mine. She stopped being mine the day she left and didn’t have the decency to call.


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