Falling Hard

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Falling Hard Page 33

by Shelly Bell

  He whispered something in my ear and I could have sworn he said “I love you.”

  Chapter 28


  Last night was incredible. I couldn’t get the image of Cat, bent over with her arms against the wall, out of my mind. She was shameless, thirsty, and completely turned on by being in a public place making love. Fucking! Not making love. We were not in love. I mean, I cared for her, maybe a little too much for my own comfort level. I’d realized just how much she meant to me when I’d watched her have that seizure. But not love, it couldn’t be. We’d just met. Shaking the ridiculous thoughts of love from my mind, I pondered where our next public sexual escapade could be. We’d hit a few places already. We’d messed around on the balcony at the frat house, my Jeep, the library . . . maybe the basketball court could be next. My cock was hard just thinking about it.

  I entered Billy’s looking for Cat. It’d been less than eight hours since I’d had her in my bed, but I was still anxious to hold her. Kiss her. Touch her. Be inside of her. Damn it! I couldn’t get enough of her. The coach wanted to meet with me after basketball practice, so we decided to meet for dinner instead of at the library. I spotted her ponytail and the exposed flawless shape of her neck at a table. But she wasn’t alone. Chase was talking to Cat and my gut twisted into a large knot. I remembered the bet and my chest tightened. The guilt washed over me. I had almost forgotten about it. Tonight was Devil’s Night.

  I took a closer look at Cat and noticed her body language was off. I couldn’t see her face, but her shoulders were slumped and her arms were crossed over her chest. I quickened my steps. My heart pounded in my ears. I nearly ran into Tiffany carrying a tray filled with drinks, but I didn’t care. I heard her scolding me, but her words were muffled in my ears. I was still a good ten feet away when Cat abruptly stood and I saw the anger in her expression. She pointed her finger at Chase and said something I couldn’t hear, but instead of rushing in my direction she headed toward the restrooms. Chase followed her. I balled my hands into fists and ran after them. As I turned the corner, I saw that asshole had Cat pinned against the wall. She was kicking at him and he was laughing.

  “Let her go,” I shouted.

  “Blake.” Relief swept away Cat’s horrified expression.

  Chase released his hold on her and backed away with his hands in the air in surrender.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I pinned him against the wall. Fury raged inside of me.

  “Hey, chill, bro.” He chuckled.

  “You had your dirty hands on my girl. Do you have a death wish?” In an attempt to control my anger, I pushed him harder against the wall.

  “Your girl, huh? So smooth Blake Holland wins another bet.” Chase mocked. “You know you were just a bet to him right, Cat?”

  “What bet?” Cat asked.

  “Shut your fucking mouth.” I slammed him against the wall again. I raised my fist. “I’m warning you. One more word and I’m going to fuck you up.”

  “What bet, Blake?” Cat’s voice quivered.

  “Nothing. It was a mistake.” I attempted to cover up what she’d heard.

  “Betting you could fuck Cat by tonight was . . .” Chase shouted right before my fist met his jaw twice. He pushed me off of him and then got me in the gut. I groaned and swung back. My fist got him in the eye. I prepared to swing again, but the breath was knocked out of me as ice water cascaded over my head.

  I shouted loud enough for the whole bar to hear me. “What the hell?” I turned quickly to find Tiffany with an empty bucket in her hand. “Now you know we can’t have that in here. You boys have got to go.”

  I released Chase and he fell backward. My fist stung and I balled it up. “Where’s Cat?” I looked around anxiously.

  “She’s gone. She told me y’all were fighting back here.”

  Chase chuckled as he rubbed his face. “I guess you won’t be winning the girl after all.”

  “Fuck you, Chase.” I moved towards him again, but Tiffany hit me on the arm with the bucket.

  “Out. Now,” Tiffany demanded.

  Mitch came around the corner. He was at least a few inches taller than me and hovered over us both. He would make a great center for the basketball team, but he refused to play. “Need help, Tiff?”

  “I got these boys under control, they were just leaving,” Tiffany said pointedly.

  “Let Blake stay, that fucker can go.” He pointed at Chase. Chase started to argue, but Mitch moved toward him threateningly and he threw his hands in the air and walked out the back door.

  “Thanks, man. But I gotta go find Cat.”

  “Come have a drink first, you look like shit.”

  My entire body shook with adrenaline. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d lost control and hit someone. And not just someone, but a teammate. I followed Mitch to the bar where I found Hutch nursing a beer. I sat in the stool next to him while Mitch poured me a shot of tequila and placed it in front of me.

  I slammed the shot of golden liquor and the burn heated me from the inside out. “Another,” I choked.

  Mitch smirked and poured another shot.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Mitch asked.

  “I fucked it up with Cat.”

  “What did you do?” Mitch arched a brow.

  “She found out about a bet I made with Chase about being able to nail her, but that was before I knew her. Before I realized . . .”

  “. . . you loved her?” Hutch finished my sentence quietly.

  I stared at him for a moment, thinking about what he’d said. Did I love Cat? “Does love feel like your heart has been ripped out of your chest and you can’t breathe?” I grabbed the tequila bottle and poured myself another shot.

  Hutch slapped me on the back. “Yup.”

  He and Mitch chuckled as I downed the shot I’d poured. As the amber liquid burned my throat, I realized that I was in love with Cat. And I just fucked it up.

  “You’d better go find her and tell her, or you’ll regret it, bro,” Hutch warned. I nodded and tossed the shot glass down. Hutch was right. I had to tell her how I felt. I knew exactly where to find her.

  Chapter 29


  Somehow I found myself on the bridge. I’d just stormed out of the bar after Blake and Chase started to fight. In the dark of night, I wandered around campus because I didn’t want to go back to the dorm and see anyone. My heart stung. The hollow ache in my chest was unbearable. Tears streamed down my face and my body trembled with fury. Blake had duped me. I wasn’t special to him. I was just a bet, and stupid enough to fall for his act to boot. But most of all, it hurt like hell that he’d taken my virginity on a bet. Was that my fault? He had wanted to stop when he’d realized I was a virgin, but I wouldn’t let him. In that moment, I’d wanted to give it to him because he’d made he feel wanted, needed, and special. But I wasn’t. I was just a stupid bet.

  I heard the rumbling of Blake’s Jeep before it was even close enough for me to see its oddly-shaped headlights. I turned my back and hoped he wouldn’t see me, but he parked on the side of the bridge. The sound of the car door slamming echoed in the silent night. The gravel and ice cracked beneath his feet, but I refused to look at him. Even though every fiber of my being was aching to turn his way, I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. One look at him and I wouldn’t have the strength to keep my composure.

  His footsteps stopped when his shadow was beside mine. The scent of shower-fresh man, spice, and alcohol clung to him and danced in the air around us. I gripped the wall of the bridge with both gloved hands to stop myself from turning to him and falling into his arms. Those damn gloves that he’d gotten me because I kept forgetting to buy some.

  “It all started here,” he said quietly.

  Still, I couldn’t turn to look at him, nor did I trust myself to speak. “It was right here that I fell in love with you.”

  Did he just say he loved me?

  My blood boiled and I swung my arms madly at
him. “You jerk.” He captured my arms so I kicked my legs. “You don’t love me. Blake Holland doesn’t love anyone but himself.”

  “Just listen to me,” he pleaded. “Please, just listen.”

  The tears were now choking me. I was just so furious and wounded I couldn’t think straight. I pushed him away. “You made a bet with Chase Manchester that you could fuck me. You won your stupid bet two days ago, so why did you even bother hanging around me all this time? To make me believe that you cared about me? Why are you here now? Just go. I’m tired of your games and your bullshit.”

  “I love you! Damn it, Cat, don’t you see that? Haven’t I shown you what you mean to me?”

  “I thought I knew . . . but I was wrong.” I turned away from him. My heart literally felt as though it was broken in half.

  He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me toward him. I struggled until his gaze sliced into mine. Pain was etched deeply in his green eyes. “Can you just hear me out, please? Give me a chance to explain.”

  I nodded but he didn’t release me. His eyes continued to stare into mine. “I was a jerk, yes, but you kept things from me, too.”

  Guilt from keeping my illness a secret washed over me and I remember how torn up he’d been after I’d awakened. I stilled in his grip, letting him speak.

  “Yes, I made that bet with Chase the first day we met outside of Kelley’s classroom. It was a douchebag thing to do, I know. But right after that, I started falling for you. I love how your amazing mind works, how fiery mad you get when you point your finger at me. I love watching you sleep when you completely let your guard down.”

  My heart pounded my ears. I couldn’t speak, I just gaped at him as he contained.

  “When I saw you in the library on the ground, my life flashed before my eyes.” His voice cracked and his fingers trembled when he caressed my cheek. “I realized I couldn’t imagine life without you. I love you, Catalina Vega. Please . . .”

  My knees weakened from the desperation in his voice. “Blake?”

  “Yes,” he whispered.

  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  He must have been stunned because he stood staring at me as if he wasn’t sure he’d heard me right. “What?”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me. “I love you too, Blake Holland, even though sometimes I wish I had Superman’s heated vision so I could zap you in the ass with my laser eyes.”

  His laugh was infectious and as I joined him in laughter, the pain in my heart vanished. Slowly, our laughter subsided and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled my body firmly against his and finally, finally pressed his lips to mine.


  Sometimes writing can be a little lonely – especially when your characters refuse to speak to you, but I’m lucky enough to have The Smutastik Team: Aliza, Shelly, Meghan and Heather. You ladies are truly a blessing and I would be lost in this industry without you. Thank you for your encouragement, wisdom, support and (for research purposes only) daily hot guy pictures.

  Special thank you to Aliza for convincing me to attend my first GDRWA meeting. I never could’ve imagined how much this one meeting would change my life.

  My editors, Erika Cooper and Shauna Allen, thank you for cleaning up my story and making it pretty. You ladies rock!

  To my friends and family, words can’t even describe how thankful I am for all of you, thank you for being my cheerleaders.

  To the readers, thank you for the support and I hope you love this story as much as I do.


  To my mom who shares my love of the Happily Ever After– thanks for making sure I eat when I’m in my writing cave.

  To my dad who shares my love for the written word – thanks of encouraging me to follow my dreams.

  To my brother who believes I will one day buy him a Lamborghini – thank you for believing in me so much.

  Other Books by Sage Spelling

  INKED HEARTS (part of the anthology, My Sexy Valentine (Soul Mate Collection: Book 1))

  About Sage Spelling

  Sage Spelling fell in love with the romance genre long before she realized her dreams of becoming a writer. As a small child, she was fascinated with fairytales and remembers curling into her mother’s side while her mother would spin tales of faraway worlds, where they all lived happily ever after. Nowadays, Sage tells her own tales of the happily ever after, but with a sexy and passionate twist. She’s a believer of love at first sight, and that love concurs all. In-between her very boring day job and writing sexy stories, she is in the process of attaining her Bachelor’s Degree in English and Creative Writing.

  Visit Sage at:

  Website: www.sagespelling.com

  Facebook: Sage Spelling

  Pinterest: SSpellingAuthor

  Twitter: SSpellingAuthor

  Goodreads: Sage Spelling


  (A Paranormal New Adult Novella)

  By Heather Novak


  Here’s the thing about being as goddamn good-looking as me – everyone expected me to be a giant prick…it’s all about knowing your strengths. My strengths? My good looks, my charm, and my ability to destroy witches.

  I was happy with my West Coast life, 24-hour pizza delivery, and bikini-clad bodies as far as the eye could see. Now I’m in the small-ass town of Hayvenwood to extract the ransom to save my little brother’s life. And that ransom is locked inside of the sexiest witch I have ever met, Hazel Evanora. I need her powers, and I have less than a week to steal them.


  Why do I ride a motorcycle?

  Because brooms don’t really fly. It’s the only thing that makes me feel alive…beside Grayson Lynch.

  But I cannot let a human get close to me. I can’t risk having any more blood on my hands, no matter how magical it feels when he’s near me. Did I just really use the word ‘magical’? Clearly, I’m selling off my brain along with my powers. But the suffocating bills from my mother’s addiction rest on my shoulders. And if I’m late again, they’ll come after everyone I care about.

  Including Grayson.


  It takes a village to get a book done! None of this would be possible without the amazing GDRWA, the late Patti Shenberger, and my favorite authors in the entire world – Shelly, MK, Aliza, and Sage. I love you ladies.

  A huge, ridiculous thank you to every single one of you reading this book! Words cannot express how amazing you are.

  My dear friend and editor Erika: This story is a by-product of our weird (and most likely heavily co-dependent) relationship. Myra.

  My Mike, the love of my life – thank you for making sure I didn’t write hungry (seriously, never write hungry), making sure I had clean clothes, that I remembered to shower, and that rent was paid. LY4E.


  My grandparents: you keep me strong, I love you! My family, thanks for believing. Book club (FYABC) - thank you Susan, Ashley, Haylie, Katie, and Amanda for being my Guinea pigs, and Lauren my #1.5 Fangirl! My friends, especially Tori, Danielle, and Jackie. Veronica who built my website while I slept at my desk. Margaret and Lyndsay, who listen to me ramble about fictional characters all day (and to the rest of my cheering section during the week).

  Penny Reid and her Sharks of Awesome – For always giving advice, support, and unparalleled meme conversations when needed. And of course, the amazing Céline, Phala, Ann-Claire, Julie, Mélanie, and Alleskelle for your epic French translating skills!!

  Thank you, thank you. A thousand times, thank you.

  Wishing You Laughter & Good Books,



  In loving memory of Patti Shenberger. Even in death, you still bring strangers together as friends.

  And in honor of Rita Clay Estrada. Thank you for sharing your dream, so we can live ours.

  Chapter 1

br />   Here’s the thing about being as goddamn good-looking as me - everyone expected me to be a giant prick. And I really hated disappointing people. I’m not saying this because of middle child syndrome, undiagnosed narcissism, or some overinflated ego cultivated by my late mother.

  It’s all about knowing your strengths.

  My strengths? My good looks, my charm, and my ability to destroy witches. Since retiring, I’d been focusing on my looks and charm. Just because I was good at witch hunting didn’t mean I ever wanted to do it again.

  Things I’m not good at: dealing with women who have no interest in me. Especially when their interest in me was vital. Especially when it was Hazel Evanora. The most powerful pure witch still alive.

  Do you know how hard it was to find a witch that had never dabbled in black magic? Super fucking hard. And black magic stained the soul. There was no way to use evil and not get a scar.

  But no matter how many times I borrowed Hazel’s business law notes, cornered her in the library, or tried to pump my roommate Mitch for info, I found myself stuck in the same spot I’d been before school had started - unsure of how to finish the mission and terrified I wouldn’t.


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