Zahra Unveiled

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Zahra Unveiled Page 2

by Trace Komoros

  I SET ASIDE THE PUZZLE of Zahra for the time being then turned my attention back to the information that sent me out for my aborted walk in the first place. Rumors had been quietly floating around for some time that a few of our locals had been in contact with a renegade group of supers based in a different galaxy.

  Nobody seemed to know for sure what they planned, but the betting crowd leaned toward an overthrow of our current Tetrarchy. Pyrite, a super I'd known and trusted for years, had unearthed some information about it and risked his deep-cover status to get it to me. There wasn't much in the way of detail, but it confirmed an imminent attack. The question of “why” remained, along with exactly who was involved on our end. It was enough to have me losing sleep on a nightly basis.

  My thoughts turned back to the notes in Zahra’s record. That amount of detail shouldn’t be available—not for her, not for anyone—on the central database. The information I’d seen was a blend of medical and someone's private notes, both of which were kept strictly segregated from each other as well as from the general-access information.

  It unsettled me enough that I reaccessed the database and pulled up my record.

  Name/Moniker: Gavin

  Gender: male

  Level: [200] sigma Master

  Powers: strategist, flight, strength, shields, amplifier

  Notes: Suspected to be tau [300] Master although not confirmed. Clandestine operative for the Tetrarchs. Their top weapon. Neutralize him, the rest will fall.

  “FUCK!” There weren't many who knew I sometimes worked for the Tetrarchs. I could count the people who were supposed to know on one hand. That brought up the question of whether other operatives had been outed.

  Name/Moniker: Pyrite

  Gender: male

  Level: [200] sigma Master

  Powers: Earth Master. Can manipulate any material with earth components in it, along with the earth itself

  Notes: Clandestine operative for the Tetrarchs. Currently on deep cover assignment.


  Name/Moniker: Sleight

  Gender: male

  Level: [200] sigma Master

  Powers: illusionist and sleight-of-hand artist

  Notes: Clandestine operative for the Tetrarchs. Currently not on assignment. Does not use Master rank.

  The same kind of results came up for Charis—short for Charisma—Obsidian, Moravio, and Zanzibar.

  I stood there, mind reeling as I tried to process what I'd just seen: for everyone whose record I'd pulled, there was at least one piece of information in the notes which could mean their downfall if it got into the wrong hands.

  Prompted once again by a niggling suspicion that I'd missed something, I captured screenshots of their entries along with mine and saved them to my private folder. A single thought reverberated in my head: this just took on a whole new level of sinister.

  Chapter Four


  ABOUT FIFTEEN MINUTES after I got home from the park, my thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on my front door. A quick tap brought up my wrist holo's screen and displayed who it was as I walked over.

  Name/Moniker: Luminescent, aka Lumi

  Gender: female

  Level: [100] rho

  Powers: produces heatless light in varying intensities in the non-incandescent range

  Notes: Figure out a birthday gift.

  I disengaged the mechanical and biometric security locks. As soon as I opened the door, I was nearly run over by the exuberant blonde bundle of energy who’d befriended me shortly after I arrived on Stratis.

  “Girl, you’ll never guess what news I have for you!” she caroled as she bounced into my living room.

  Following her after closing and re-locking my door, I gave her a quizzical look. “News?”

  “Yes!” She looked like she was ready to dance in place although she was standing still.

  “Well, spill it already before you burst.” My amusement was fully evident.

  “It’s confirmed. Gavin will attend the Fête tomorrow night. Reluctantly, but still. And, I called in a favor and managed to get two invitations.”

  My jaw dropped. It was a few moments before I could respond.

  “The Tetrarchs’ Fête? Seriously?”

  “Seriously. I wouldn’t kid you about that, girl, any more than I’d kid you about anything to do with Gavin. I know you’re intrigued by him. This might be a way for the two of you to meet and have a brief chat.”

  My thoughts immediately went back to the encounter in the park. The look on my face must have given something away because her next comment was blunt and to the point.

  “Out with it, girl.” Her eyes narrowed as her full focus landed on me. “I know that look. Something has your mind whirring like a spinning top.”

  I chuckled at her analogy then looked directly at her.

  “I saw Gavin in the park today.” All traces of levity vanished from my voice.

  “You saw him? In Zatler’s Park? Wasn’t that where the group ‘performance’ happened? Wait, you mean he was part of it?”

  I held up a hand to stop her rapid-fire questions. “Yes, in Zatler’s Park. No, he wasn’t part of the performance although that’s when I saw him. He stayed mostly hidden in the shadows of a tree—it looked like he was trying to avoid notice.” I hesitated a moment. “He saw me, too.”

  Lumi studied me, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Why do I have the feeling that wasn’t all that happened during this encounter?”

  “Because it wasn’t.” I collapsed onto a tall barstool at the breakfast island behind me. “He saw me, Lumi. It felt like he looked right down into my soul. It was scary as hell—and yet, I felt safe.”

  I drew a deep breath. “That isn’t all of it. What happened next...” I sucked in another quick breath then spoke in a rush, “He spoke to me telepathically.”

  Lumi’s eyes had grown wider as I recounted the events, and now they grew huge as she sputtered, “But...but...but...neither of you are telepathic!”

  “I know. It’s crazy. I was stunned. I had the sense that he was as well.”

  Silence reigned for several moments. “Well. I guess it’s a good thing I got those invitations.”

  A thought struck me, and I’m pretty sure I visibly winced. “Lumi, there’s just one problem with me attending the Fête. I don’t have anything suitable to wear—much less a custom formal gown, which I know is de rigeur—so what should I do?”

  Lumi snapped her fingers. “That’s the other part of my news. C’mon, girl. We’ve got a shopping trip to take.” She dragged me off the barstool, wound her arm through mine and all but marched me to the door, impatiently waiting while I unlocked it. She barely let me lock it again behind us before pulling me in the direction of the nearby shops.

  AFTER A RELATIVELY short but brisk walk, Lumi indicated the turn onto Threadneedle Street. Now that we were here, she slowed our pace, giving us a chance to window-shop as we strolled along. Each display was a masterpiece in its own right since Threadneedle Street was home to the finest clothiers and armorers. The items showcased ranged from classically simple daywear to formal wear to intricately wrought armor and specialty goods, some of which I couldn’t identify and couldn’t imagine wearing.

  One magnificent display caused me to stop and stare at the 3D holographic models of a formal gown and tuxedo that complemented each other in a sophisticatedly understated way. Lumi gave me a few moments to look then tugged me over to the shop’s entrance. She ushered me inside, where cool refreshing air pervaded with a sense of welcome enveloped us.

  A striking, dusky-skinned woman with raven-black hair immediately came over to greet us. Her attire was simple but tasteful. Its primary color reminded me of Chianti and suited her well. “Lumi! So good to see you again. Who accompanies you today?”

  “Sari, please meet my friend Zahra. Zahra, this is Sari, the finest armorer on the planet—perhaps in the entire galaxy.”

  Sari held out her
hand. I gave it a quick but firm squeeze then let go.

  “A pleasure to meet you,” she responded as she visually catalogued my proportions, coloring, and stature. “Lumi mentioned that you require a formal gown for the Fête.”

  “That’s correct.” I shot Lumi a look. “I didn’t know she planned to bring me here, though.”

  Sari chuckled. “Lumi knew I had a rare opening for a new client and arranged it for you. I know from past experience that she enjoys surprising her good friends, which is most likely why she didn’t say anything.” She winked at Lumi. “If you’re ready to begin, Zahra, I’ll take your measurements and get started on the initial 3D model. I have something in mind that I believe will work beautifully with your height and coloring.”

  “Sari, I’m in your hands.” I moved forward in response to her gesture. “As long as it isn’t overly frilly and doesn’t make me look like a caricature of myself, we’ll get along just fine.”

  Chapter Five


  WHEN SARI AND I EMERGED from her fitting area sometime later, the preliminary rough 3D render approved, she suggested that Lumi and I return in an hour. We agreed and walked out onto the sidewalk.

  “Let’s get something to eat. I’m hungry, and you’re going to need energy for the live fittings.”

  Right on cue, my stomach growled loudly enough for Lumi to hear it. "Damn it, now you decide you've settled enough to want food?" I grumbled and shook my head. "Figures."

  She laughed. “I guess that settles that!” We headed down the street toward a nearby outdoor café.

  The smell of freshly-baked bread, cinnamon, and other spices filled the air, along with the mouth-watering scent of expertly-seasoned and cooked beef. Or what we called that particular meat, anyway—it didn’t come from cattle as it did on Earth, but it was close enough in taste and texture that the name fit. We both inhaled deeply. “French dip sandwiches!” we exclaimed in accidental unison, then giggled at ourselves.

  We entered the café’s patio through a simple but elegant wrought-iron gate. A waiter greeted us immediately.

  “Seating for two, ladies?” He reached for cloth napkin-wrapped utensils and a pair of menus.

  “Yes please, and no need for menus. We already know what we’d like,” Lumi replied.

  “Right this way, please.”

  He led us over to a table under a leafy shade tree. The light filtering through it created sun-dappled shadows. We sat, and settled ourselves comfortably as he stepped away long enough to get two heavy glass goblets and a pitcher of ice water from a nearby server's station. He expertly filled the glasses then set them in front of us.

  “What would you like today, ladies?”

  “I’d like a French dip sandwich and a raspberry green tea.”

  “Very good. And for you?” He looked at Lumi.

  “I’d like a French dip sandwich as well, and pomegranate juice.”

  “Excellent. Your orders will be out shortly. If there’s anything else you need, my name is Tirone.”

  “Thank you, Tirone.” Lumi eyed him until he’d walked out of sight.

  “See something you like?” My tone was arch, and a smirk played on my lips.

  “Hey, nothing wrong with appreciating the scenery!” she fired back, a sparkle in her eyes. “You’ve got to admit, that’s a mighty fine ass—and the rest of him is equally fine.”

  I laughed when she mimed wiping drool from her mouth. “If you want him, go for it. You’ll get no competition from me.”

  She laughed then sobered as she looked across the table at me before lowering her voice to avoid being overheard. “I know you’re intrigued, and your encounter is adding to it. careful when it comes to Gavin, okay? He’s not someone to mess around with.” She continued hurriedly at my questioning look, “I don’t mean he’s bad, but he’s powerful and does have a past. I’d hate to see you get hurt.”

  I bit my lip. “I’ll be as careful as I can, Lumi, but you know what we discussed about that situation I stumbled across. I don't know if he can help or not, but if there’s even a chance it'll help me unlock my abilities, I have to try. Otherwise, I’m as good as dead if I can’t defend myself against concentrated attacks—or at very least, will wish I were if they ‘acquire’ me and force me to help them. Because you know I won't do that willingly.”

  Lumi reached out and squeezed my hand briefly in reply, a flick of her eyes indicating Tirone’s approach.

  The smell of our food reached us before the plates did. My mouth watered as I anticipated that first bite. Tirone set our drinks down first, dexterously doing so one-handed without spilling a drop. Then he presented the plates holding our sandwiches and small bowls of au jus with a flourish.

  “Is there anything else I can get you, ladies?”

  “Not at the moment, Tirone. Thank you.”

  He left so we could eat undisturbed.

  I noticed Lumi watching him again and smiled to myself.

  Chapter Six


  AFTER WE’D FINISHED our lunch and settled the bill with a couple of quick taps on our wrist holos, we returned to Sari’s shop. This time when we approached the entrance I noticed the name “Sari” in graceful, flowing gold script above the door.

  The cool, fresh air and welcoming feel once again surrounded us as we walked in. I discreetly pulled up Sari's stats on my wrist holo, something I’d been too overwhelmed to do earlier.

  Name/Moniker: Sari

  Gender: female

  Level: [300] tau Master

  Powers: Master armorer. Inventor of state-of-the-art biometrically sealed material used for clothing/armor, also wearable weapons. Strategist. Fighter

  Notes: Do you wish to add a personal note?

  Sari appeared moments later. “Ah, you’ve returned in good time. I’ve just completed the design, Zahra. It’s ready for viewing. Once you’ve approved it, we’ll proceed straight to the live fittings.” Her glance included Lumi in the conversation. “Let’s go into the fitting room. Lumi, if Zahra agrees you may come as well since I’m sure she’ll want your opinions.” She opened the door to her fitting area, and the three of us walked in.

  Once we were inside, the door sealed behind us. The opaque walls, ceiling, and floor all emitted an omnidirectional glow that cast no shadows. The light was a hue and brightness that showed colors and designs without distortion. I removed my street clothes and folded them neatly onto the small shelf provided.

  Sari turned in time to see this and chuckled. “I see you remember the drill.”

  My look and tone were both wry. “It’s rather difficult to forget this soon after experiencing your measurement system for the first time. Something as intimately thorough as ASA does leave a lasting impression.”

  She laughed, and Lumi did as well. Once her laughter faded, she got down to business.

  She clapped her hands sharply together once and called out, “ASA-seven-nine-one-seven, 3D model, center floor, three-inch lift, delayed rotation.”

  A formal gown shimmered into being in the center of the room and hovered a few inches above the floor. It was a stunning sleeveless creation in a deep midnight blue with delicate silver tracery accents. The flow of the décolleté neckline drew the eye to follow it, and the deceptively simple lines of the slim-fitting skirt with its thigh-high slit provided another equally enticing view. Thoroughly entranced by its beauty, it took me a few minutes to notice a faint shimmer above the bodice. Curious about what caused it, I stepped forward for a closer look.

  Sari noticed where my gaze landed. “This gown is also armor. It’s a highly specialized blend of polymers I created that allows the material to flow and move in ways which other armor simply can’t.” She gestured toward the shimmer. “I used an illusion polymer on the neck, shoulders, upper chest, and arms. It's tailored to become an exact match to your skin tone once it’s on.”

  She pointed to the skirt of the dress. “Pull one side of the slit wider. See that same shimmer undernea
th? More illusion polymer, this time for the leggings I’ve incorporated into the design. Again, remember that this is armor. Stunning and fashionable, but armor nonetheless. You’ll be covered from neck to foot even though it won’t look like it.” She paused then added, “While I’m chagrined to admit it, it’s all too likely you’ll need armor at the Fête.”

  Lumi shifted uncomfortably. “She’s right. For the last several years, things have gotten...heated. More than once it’s come to outright blows, and those swords the men are required to carry as part of their formal dress code aren’t purely decorative.” She fell silent as she leaned back against the glowing wall.

  Sari directed my attention back to the gown. Armor, I reminded myself, although it was difficult to think of it that way. The dress had begun to slowly rotate on its axis while Lumi spoke, which allowed me to see it from all sides.

  As I watched, the delicate silver tracery worked into the material caught the light, which drew the eye here and there in a bewitching dance that led to you view the entire masterpiece while still wondering if you’d missed seeing any portion of it.

  “It’s truly stunning, Sari. I love it.”

  She wore a pleased smile as I once again gazed raptly at the gown, admiring its intricacies.

  Lumi spoke up. “Sari’s creations are second to none. You’ll look every inch the goddess you are tomorrow night. The other guests won't know what hit them.” She winked roguishly, adding a layer of innuendo to her compliments.

  I smiled even as my face flushed.

  “Are you ready for the live fitting?” Sari moved to stand at my side as I answered in the affirmative. A quick twist of her wrist stopped the gown in place, the back of it facing us. She stepped in front of me, her hands moving in precise motions before she slid aside and motioned me forward.


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