Zahra Unveiled

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Zahra Unveiled Page 17

by Trace Komoros

  They’d split apart, and obviously intended to force me to defend against one while the other took advantage of the opening. I rolled my eyes. Amateurs. They’d forgotten we were on hoverboards—it was all too easy to evade that move when I could go multiple directions in the blink of an eye. And if that didn’t work, I could call on my flight power.

  I waited until they were committed then slid backward at the last second. Their eyes widened as they tried to avoid each other but wobbled when the unexpected corrections compromised their balance. It proved their undoing—both came off their ‘boards then tumbled ass over heels as they hit the ground.

  I wrapped their wrists and ankles in shields to tie them up then turned and did the same with the woman so Zahra could release her hold.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I STUDIED OUR THREE would-be assailants as Zahra questioned the woman. There was nothing remarkable about them at first glance. They all lay quietly without struggling against their bonds. Neither of the men said a word.

  Just then, the woman broke enough under Zahra’s questioning to spit out, “Stupid bitch. Do you think we’re the only ones after you? Not by a long shot. We just happened to get to you first.” A smug look crossed her face. “And once the next stage of my plan takes effect, everyone else can kiss my ass because I’ll have the ultimate bargaining chip.”

  I’d heard enough to know that we needed to take these three into formal custody for further interrogation. A quick screen to Head Warden Tathut netted me the information that he had people nearby and would send them to collect our assailants.

  Minutes later, three Wardens arrived in an enclosed transport. They put restraints on the attackers’ wrists. I retracted my shields as the Wardens prodded them to their feet and into the vehicle then shackled their feet as well. Once they were secured, two of the Wardens climbed in to keep an eye on them while the third came back over to us.

  “Head Warden wants the two of you to report in person as soon as possible. Screen him when you know your ETA. We’ll hold these three in isolation and question them once he has your reports.” Instructions delivered, he trotted back over to the transport and slid behind the controls. The craft flew off moments later.

  I walked over to Zahra, who absently rubbed the back of her hand as she gazed in the direction the transport had gone.

  “Are you all right, Zahra?”

  Her attention snapped back to me. “Just thinking, Gavin. I picked up something from her that I’m not sure how to interpret.”

  I nodded. “Don’t overthink it right now. Let’s make our reports while everything is still fresh in our minds. We can talk about it after if you’d like.”

  “Sounds good.” She hopped on her hoverboard after tapping something on her wrist holo, then the two of us headed for the Head Warden’s office.

  WE WERE ABOUT HALFWAY there when I noticed Zahra bobble. She recovered, but it was a little odd since I knew her balance was excellent, and we were on a level plane with nothing around that we needed to dodge. I dismissed it as we flew onward—maybe she’d had a sudden leg cramp.

  A few minutes later she bobbled again. This time, she brought her hoverboard close to the ground, stepped off, and then staggered a few paces away from it. I was instantly alarmed and jumped off my ‘board just in time to catch her as her legs buckled.

  “Zahra? What’s wrong?”

  “Don’t know... Everything’s spinning...” She swallowed then added, her voice thin and weak, “Can't ride any farther.”

  “We need to get you to the care center.”

  She shook her head then moaned, “Bad move.” Several heartbeats later, “Not the care center. House of healing. Vine Street. Healer Mithrae. He knows...” Her eyes closed as she passed out and became deadweight in my arms.

  I swore as I hefted her into a better carrying position then got back on my hoverboard. Riding it like this wouldn't be easy. Luckily, Vine Street was only a few blocks away. I cut through a nearby alley that led to Vine Street, keeping my speed down enough to navigate its narrow confines. Once I was out on the open thoroughfare I sent it racing forward until I reached the house of healing she’d indicated.

  I skidded to a stop at the entrance, leaped off the ‘board and rushed through the doors, which slid open at my approach. Once inside, I went straight to the front desk. Zahra hadn’t roused, which worried me. Whatever affected her had hit fast and hard.

  The healer at the desk looked up as I approached. I didn’t give the young man time to speak. “I need Healer Mithrae, now.” I indicated Zahra with my chin. “Zahra specifically requested him.”

  The healer, whose name I hadn’t even asked, snapped to attention as soon as I mentioned Zahra’s name and that she’d requested Healer Mithrae. “Of course. This way.” He led the way through a sliding panel into a corridor that quickly widened out into a large, circular hall surrounded by a series of smaller rooms. “Bring her in here. I’ll get him.”

  I settled Zahra gently on the bed as the young man hurried off. Moments later, a different healer entered the room. His lined face reflected his concern as he spotted her lying there, unconscious.

  “I’m Healer Mithrae. What happened?” He laid his hands on her temples as he spoke.

  “We’d eaten dinner at Zanto’s then gone to Sohto Park. While there, three people attacked us. Two came after me while one went after Zahra. We subdued and restrained them, then questioned them briefly while we waited for the Wardens to arrive. After the Wardens transported the attackers, I saw Zahra rub her hand. While we were en route to the Wardens’ offices, she suddenly became dizzy and was unable to continue—said everything was spinning. She managed to tell me to bring her here and ask specifically for you before she fell unconscious.”

  Healer Mithrae’s eyes closed as he concentrated. The waves of energy that passed from his hands into Zahra were so strong that they were almost visible. Several moments later he opened his eyes and lifted his hands from her temples. He reached for her left hand. “Which hand was she rubbing?”

  I replayed the scene in my mind. “Left.”

  I watched as he scrutinized Zahra’s hand, then tensed when his expression changed. “What is it?”

  He beckoned me over. “See this?” He pointed to a faint red mark. “Needle entry. Fine gauge. Probably wouldn’t be visible at all if she hadn’t rubbed it because it irritated her skin.”

  I bit back an oath. “Can you identify what the attacker injected her with?”

  “Most of it, but there’s still an unknown component. That’s the one I'm worried about.”

  My face hardened. “The Wardens have her attacker in custody. I’ll see if we can pry the information out of her.”

  “Have someone else handle it. You need to stay here during Zahra's treatment since I may have more questions.” He looked at me. “Also, we need to remove her armor. I recognize Sari’s handiwork, so we’ll need the code. Do you have it?”

  I shook my head. “No. Sari probably does, though, and I can get a priority message through to her.”

  “Please do so immediately. You’ll need to step out to the front entrance area to use your wrist holo. We block all technology in this particular area, so it doesn’t interfere with our healing. Once you’ve done that, come back in.” He turned back to Zahra and once again laid his hands on her temples.

  I HURRIED OUT TO THE entrance then tapped out a quick message to Sari. Moments later a screen projected from my wrist holo, and Sari’s worried face appeared.

  “What happened, Gavin?”

  “Zahra was somehow drugged during an attack not long ago. She’s with Healer Mithrae now—Vine Street location. He needs her armor removed, but she’s unconscious. Do you have her code stored?”

  “I do. I’ll be there as quickly as possible. Did the attackers get away?”

  “No, all three are in the Wardens' custody, isolated pending interrogation.”

  Her expression became an impassive mask. “Who
is questioning them?”

  “No one, yet. I planned to do it after Zahra and I made our reports. That was my next call since Healer Mithrae wants them questioned—incidentally, it was the woman who drugged Zahra, the two men went after me—but I can’t do it because he needs me here.”

  “I will handle that, Gavin. I have someone available who is extremely effective at ferreting out what others want to keep hidden. I’ll get this person started on that while I deal with Zahra’s armor. Do not try to undo it yourself or allow anyone else to either. Heed me, Gavin, the protocols for hers are stringent.”

  With that, the screen abruptly disappeared.

  I RETURNED TO ZAHRA’S room. Healer Mithrae was still there, although now he appeared to be scanning Zahra’s body since his hand was held just above it as he slowly moved it in a line from her chest toward her feet.

  He spoke without interrupting what he was doing. “What is Sari’s ETA?”

  “She said, ‘as soon as possible.’ She’s also arranging for an interrogator.”

  “Good. In that case, I expect she’ll be here shortly. Sari's armor is superb at what it does but can be a trial to deal with when treating someone.”

  “She cautioned me not to attempt, or allow anyone else to attempt, its removal before she got here.”

  At that, Healer Mithrae unexpectedly cracked a grin. “I am far too fond of being alive, with all my body parts attached, to make any such attempt.” He sobered again. “I’m familiar with Sari’s protocols. I can tell just from a simple scan that this set is more complex than any others.”

  That got my attention. Sari was an experimenter, true, but she usually kept her most recent generations quiet until she was satisfied that they met her strict standards. I hadn’t heard that she’d done anything beyond the newest trick she’d built into my tie for the Fête.

  Healer Mithrae interrupted my thoughts. “Do you know when Zahra’s empathic ability manifested?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t.”

  Sari’s voice broke into the conversation as she swiftly moved into Zahra’s room and over to the bed. “She gained active use of it between late last night and this morning. She’s a receptive empath and shows early signs of being projective as well.” Her fingers moved in quick, subtle gestures as she finished speaking. Zahra’s armor unsealed, and Sari pulled it away.

  I whistled soundlessly. No wonder I needed to shield around her at dinner. New talents like that were often hypersensitive, especially around strong emotions. I snapped out of my thoughts as Healer Mithrae nodded and grimaced.

  “That explains part of the drug cocktail in her system. Has there been any progress with persuading her attacker to reveal the final ingredient they used?”

  Just then, the healer from the front desk rushed in. “Excuse me, but I just received a screen asking me to have Sari contact her person at the Wardens’ headquarters. Whoever screened said they had instructions to contact us if they couldn’t reach her directly.”

  “Excuse me, gentlemen.” Sari was out of sight before her words fully registered.

  I stared after her. Sari was swift and efficient in most things, and this situation certainly warranted it. There seemed to be more than met the eye in this instance, however. I wondered if I was reading more into it than I should be, or if this was yet another piece of Zahra’s intriguing puzzle.

  Minutes later, Sari re-entered the room. “Healer Mithrae, the unknown drug is Zytoclastine. It’s a closely-guarded secret and is only obtainable in Valewood, on Aristan. Even there, it remains proscribed except in certain, rigorously controlled circumstances.” She huffed out an exasperated sigh. “Which these most definitely aren’t.” She paused to control her reactions before she delivered the next bombshell. “Zytoclastine is used to crack the shields guarding espers’ minds. From what my interrogator gathered, it’s for last-ditch attempts to recover information from deep-cover Aristanian intelligence agents if they’re unable to speak or write their reports and aren’t responding to established mental protocols.”

  Healer Mithrae’s eyes widened as Sari spoke. Mine did as well. Of all the things I’d guessed, none came close to this.

  “But that’s...” Healer Mithrae sputtered, words deserting him as the enormity of the situation sank in.

  “Illegal? Unethical? Dangerous in the extreme?” Sari filled in, a quiet thread of venom lacing her otherwise even tone. “Yes. It is. The important matter right now is, can you counter—or at very least, buffer Zahra—from any adverse reactions?” She held up a hand before the healer could reply. “This is crucial. If you don’t know, say so. It's a situation where not knowing but thinking we do could prove deadly, and not just for Zahra.”

  Healer Mithrae nodded. “Understood. To answer your question, I can counteract all the other drugs easily—they’re all standard chemicals designed to cross the brain barrier. In this instance, they seem to function as the mechanism to get the Zytoclastine where it needs to be. That one, I’m less sure of countering. I’m confident I can buffer any reactions, so it might be best to let the drug run its course. Since I don't know which protocols the Aristanian agents use, I risk doing more harm than good if I try to counter it.”

  Sari nodded. “Thank you. I think that’s our best approach as well.” She turned to me. “Gavin? Do you concur?”

  “I agree that it’s our best course for now. I might be able to learn some additional information, but don’t count on it. I’ll pursue that avenue and see if anything comes of it. Healer Mithrae, is there anything else you need from me right now to further Zahra’s care?”

  The healer glanced between Sari and me. “Which of you should I contact with questions or concerns?”

  I tensed. Sari answered before I could speak. “Both of us, please.” I relaxed, then caught her knowing sidelong glance.

  “Very well. Gavin, if you would please concentrate on reassuring Zahra that everything will work out, I’d appreciate it. She’s semi-conscious at the moment. Incidentally, there’s no question that she’s a projective empath as well as receptive—for someone with newly-awakened abilities mixed with some very disorienting side effects, she’s remarkably clear and emphatic in making her wishes known.” He delivered that last line with a small grin.

  Sari laughed. “I can believe that.” She turned to leave, then added, “Gavin, once you’ve reassured Zahra, would you please meet me in the front entryway? I’ll accompany you to the Wardens’ headquarters since I have business there as well.”

  “Of course, Sari.”

  I approached the bed and laid a hand on Zahra’s bare shoulder, then dropped my shields and projected reassurance as strongly as I could. I wasn’t sure if she could hear me with the drug scrambling her system but took a moment to speak telepathically as well. ::You’ll be fine, little one. Rest, and let Healer Mithrae help you.:: I felt her wordless agreement, and then she seemed to drift off again.

  “It’s okay, Gavin.” The healer correctly interpreted my look of concern. “She’s in a more natural sleep now rather than unconscious the way she was earlier.”

  I nodded. “Thank you.” I gazed down at Zahra for a minute more. Her dark lashes against fair skin and subtly defined cheekbones drew my attention. “I’ll return after my business with the Wardens is concluded, unless you screen me sooner.”

  Healer Mithrae walked with me to the room’s doorway and shrewdly assessed me. “Get some rest, Gavin. I don’t need you as a patient, too.”

  I chuckled. “Noted. Although I don’t make promises I’m not sure I can keep.”

  The resigned expression on his face spoke volumes. “At least you’re honest about it.”

  I lifted my hand in farewell as I strode toward the doors to the outer entryway.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I MET SARI IN THE ENTRYWAY. Although time was still a factor, Sari chose to walk to the warden’s headquarters. I soon discovered why as a privacy shield sprang to life around us. I raised an eyebrow.r />
  “You’ve been holding out on me.”

  She smiled, although it was lip service only. “It’s not one of my inventions, Gavin, although I had input in its specifications. This one is similar to the shield I used at the Fête but more fluid to accommodate motion. I’ve never put its full blocking capabilities to the test, but I know they’re strong enough for us to talk without being understood, although anyone close enough will still hear our voices.”

  I nodded. “It would be suspicious, otherwise.”

  “Precisely.” She strode on for a half-dozen or so more steps. “What happened tonight? The full details you’ll put in your report, please.”

  I took a moment to order my thoughts. “I met Zahra at Zanto’s. I kept an eye out during dinner but didn’t see anyone or anything suspicious while we were there. When we left, we headed to Sohto Park. Zahra chose to get there by hoverboard—I discovered when we got there that she wanted to play on it for a while. Damn, the girl can pull off tricks!” I chuckled and shook my head. “She even challenged me to try.

  “Not long after that, she sensed three people coming—her exact words were, ‘We’ve got trouble.’ They came around a nearby hedge on hoverboards shortly after that and flew straight at us. The woman told the two guys to take me while she went after Zahra. Zahra clotheslined her as she went past—took the woman right off her ‘board, then put her in a hold that looked painful as hell and questioned her while I took out numbskulls one and two.”

  Sari’s lips twitched. “Numbskulls?”

  “They came at me from either side in an obvious attempt for one to distract me while the other took me out. Since all three of us were on hoverboards, it didn’t play out like that. So yes, numbskulls. Although I believe my thought at the time was ‘amateurs.’ I set them up and watched the fun as they fell off their ‘boards trying to avoid each other, then wrapped their ankles and wrists in shields before I did the same to the woman.”


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