Zahra Unveiled

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Zahra Unveiled Page 20

by Trace Komoros

  “And the risks?”

  “Minimal, and greater for me than her. At this point, the greatest risk is of her trapping me if she panics, not of anything I might do to her.”

  ::I‘ll be fine. He means no harm and will do everything possible to ensure nothing goes awry.:: I brushed my fingertips across the back of Gavin’s hand as I met his gaze, then turned my head toward the healer. “You have my permission, Healer Mithrae.”

  I dropped my shields and waited for his familiar energy to touch me. It felt like a gentle warmth although there was no actual heat involved.

  ::This will take a few minutes, Zahra. Are you comfortable?::

  I twitched a little in surprise, still not used to telepathy, then shifted until I was cross-legged on the bench and leaned back against the wall. ::I am now.::

  ::I don’t see how, but if you say so.:: His amusement was evident. He paused then continued, ::My energy will travel much deeper into your mind than usual. Please advise me instantly if something becomes uncomfortable, or you start to panic.::


  I closed my eyes as the energy resonances I associated with his scans moved into my mind, then became more in-depth than I’d thought possible. As he went, individual sections highlighted themselves in my mind’s eye like a mental map of my brain. I wasn’t sure which of us was doing that, but it was an informative distraction for me. Suddenly, my head rang like someone tripped every security alarm that ever existed as sights, sounds, and emotions buffeted me. I swayed in my seat as he withdrew to the surface levels of my mind in a rush.

  ::Are you okay?:: His question and Gavin’s were spoken almost in unison.

  ::Give me minute. Healer Mithrae, I need to shield. Please fully withdraw.::

  I spun my shields up fast and hard as soon as I felt his energy leave. My breathing verged on ragged as I worked to block everything out. Gradually, as my heightened senses settled and I reacclimated to my new normal, my breathing eased and my body relaxed. I loosened my shields enough to include the four of us in the room.

  I blew out a breath, eyes still closed. “Well. That was an experience. What happened? One minute I was watching the creation of an interesting 3D holomap of my brain, the next minute it felt and sounded like someone hit the damn jackpot in one of the gaming halls on Belcanto.”

  Healer Mithrae sounded a little shaken as well. “I ran across some very deep-seated shields and layers of protection that surround the core where your mental abilities are seated. I also think I encountered the same thing in the areas where other powers usually lie.” He exhaled heavily. “I didn’t see much before I accidentally triggered the alarms woven into the protections, but I can tell you that whoever set them in place was incredibly skilled. Although, and this is purely a guess, I’d also say they were worried about you coming into your full power before you were ready to handle it.”

  Gavin tensed. “What makes you say that? Are you saying she was deliberately blocked?”

  “Peace, Gavin. I didn’t see any attempt to sabotage her abilities. What I caught a glimpse of was a trigger mechanism that seemed tied to her accomplishing certain things to unlock the next stages of her powers. I would need more time to study it—without triggering the alarms and defenses—to be certain if that’s the case.”

  I considered what the healer said as he spoke. Some of it matched what I’d felt, some of it didn’t. “I think you’re mostly right. Although the part about the trigger mechanism doesn’t feel complete.” I fell silent for a moment, trying to put what I felt into words. “It’s less about accomplishing certain things— goals, if you will, although that’s a large part of it—than establishing certain types of bonds.”

  The other three wore thoughtful looks as they considered this. Sari was the first to break the silence.

  “Is that part of how you were able to pick up on Manaqui?”

  I thought about it for a minute or two. “Manaqui and I have spent many hours together, both while he was recovering from the events that ultimately led to him accepting a position, and after when I’ve done volunteer work here. But I wouldn’t say it’s enough for me to pick him up like that without other factors being in play.” I arched an eyebrow at Sari. “I’d say recent events, both before and including being injected with the Zytoclastine, played a much more significant role in that.

  Healer Mithrae broke into a sudden coughing fit as Gavin’s eyes went wide and his voice filled my mind. ::You sly minx. Sari? Really?::

  I focused on trying to answer Gavin alone. ::And Lumi.:: I couldn’t help the smug feeling, or stop the devilish smile from breaking out when he went speechless, his emotions tumbling all over each other.

  “Well. That’s certainly an interesting turn of events, and probably does have a bearing on the situation, Zahra.” Healer Mithrae was still trying to regain his composure.

  “My apologies. It seems I need to work on shielding, ASAP.” Although I was serious about that, laughter still threaded through my voice.

  “It’s Gavin who needs to learn.” The healer shot him a pointed look. “Although yours need to become more instinctive, Zahra. Once you remembered to shield, I didn’t hear what was said, only that there was communication taking place.”

  “Huh. Well, at least there’s that. So, the same technique for blocking emotions that I already learned works for telepathy as well? Including imagery?”

  “Essentially, yes. Although there are a couple of other components that should be added to make it impossible for others even to know the communication is happening.”

  “Good to know. May I ask you to teach me, Healer Mithrae?”

  “Of course, Zahra. Although right now isn’t the time to teach either you or Gavin, even though it’ll probably cause me a few more coughing fits.” He chuckled. “I’ll just have to deal with any other slips during the rest of this discussion.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  MY THOUGHTS SPUN AS I processed everything we'd learned. Not only had Zahra proved to be formidably talented now that she’d unlocked at least some of her powers, which was exciting enough, she’d all but confirmed that her two current lovers were Sari and Lumi. That alone was enough to make my blood rush through me, and not just to the head with the brain cells.

  As much as I tried to stop myself, I couldn’t help but picture the three of them entwined on a bed. Even clothed, it was still an erotic scene that had a predictable effect. I knew Zahra felt and saw my reactions—her slight smirk and wicked glee as she whispered, ::You don’t know the half of it,:: didn’t do a damn thing to calm me down.

  However, Sari’s next question did.

  “Healer Mithrae, it’s my understanding that everyone’s powers, whether physical or mental, leave identifying traces about the wielder. Did you by chance pick up on who might’ve put the shielding and protections on Zahra?”

  For the first time in our discussion, the healer looked uncomfortable and reluctant to answer. “Who, specifically, no. It’s not someone who’s known—or rather, was known—to me.”

  Sari watched him steadily. I did, too, curious about his reactions.

  He finally continued, “I don’t know who, but I do know what. Whoever did this is an esper of very high rank and ability.” He looked directly at Zahra. “Which leads me to think it happened while you were on Aristan.”

  “But how? When?” Her confusion was readily apparent as she tried to think it through. “I was a child when we lived in Valewood and hadn’t shown any signs of my abilities. Or at least, none that I can remember. I couldn’t even call my foxfire until after I’d left there, and even then, it was barely more than a nightlight. So why would someone, especially someone of the caliber you’re suggesting, put those kinds of shields and protections on me at such an early age?”

  “I don’t know, Zahra. All I have are guesses, which tell me that the most likely reason was because of how powerful you’d become.”

  Sari pinned him with a look. “You suspe
ct more than that.”

  He held her gaze and didn't back down. “I suspect many things, but it does no good to conjecture and cloud our thinking right now.”

  Zahra broke the tense silence that now filled the air. “Enough. Both of you. You’re giving me a headache. Healer Mithrae, when you’re ready to discuss what you suspect, please let us know. Sari, we’ve been given a lead. It seems clear to me that a trip to Aristan will become necessary very soon.”

  I very nearly protested aloud. Zahra going to Aristan seemed risky in the extreme. I held my tongue, though, and was glad I did when Sari spoke up.

  “Let’s see what my sources say before we plan a trip. It’s possible that we’ll end up going there, but I’d prefer to know as much ahead of time as we can find out. Aristan, and particularly Valewood, are not places to go if you’re underprepared.”

  Zahra nodded. “Agreed.”

  Sari relaxed minutely. “Thank you. And that, I suppose, is as good a segue as any into what we’ve learned from your attacker so far.”

  “So far? That implies she’s still undergoing questioning.”

  “She is. Her interrogator informed us that she knew more and planned to continue questioning her until she revealed the information.” Sari’s lips quirked. “I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes. Her interrogator’s methods are...let’s say, out of the ordinary.”

  Zahra and Healer Mithrae both seemed to pick up on an unspoken nuance in Sari’s comment because the latter coughed to disguise his “Oh!” and Zahra murmured, “I see,” in a knowing tone.

  “At any rate,” Sari continued, “we’ve learned that Gratayana, the woman who attacked you, originally accepted a snatch-and-deliver contract that Wyvern posted in certain circles after you killed Pyrras. According to her, you interfered with more than one ongoing plan, and Wyvern wants revenge, easy money, or both.”

  “That part ties in with what Zahra has helped me investigate, but doesn’t explain the Zytoclastine cocktail,” the healer commented.

  “No, it doesn’t. However, Gratayana decided to try and subvert her instead of turning her over to Wyvern.”

  Zahra shook her head in exasperation. “Ok, I’ll bite. She took a snatch-and-deliver contract, then decided to double-cross him because she thought of something better?”

  Sari smiled, but there was no amusement in it. “Close. She took the original contract, then learned a few more things while she planned that, as she put it, sounded like a better deal for her. She essentially stated that having you under her control would be the ultimate bargaining tool, giving her the power and leverage to get what she wants once the Tetrarchy falls. That’s when she decided to try subversion first.”

  “And if she failed?”

  “Then she'd deliver you to Wyvern as planned.”

  Zahra shuddered. “I don’t know who Wyvern is, but that doesn’t sound good.”

  “It isn’t,” I spoke before Sari could continue. “Wyvern is bad news from another planet. He’s a bottom-feeder with his fingers in several very shady ventures.” I flicked a quick, questioning glance at Sari and received a small nod in return. “We’ve confirmed that he’s also involved in a widespread black-market deal that involves women, although we don’t yet have anywhere near enough details about it or how it’s run.”

  Zahra’s look turned thoughtful. “That...seems to tie in with what we’ve found.” She gestured between herself and the healer. “It certainly fits the profile, wouldn’t you say?” She waited for his reply.

  “It does. And while it’s an urgent matter, let’s save it for a separate discussion and stay focused on you for the moment, Zahra. While several things seem to have you as a common factor, they could still be coincidental.”

  She scoffed lightly. “I very much doubt I’m anything more than a coincidental factor, new powers aside. I’m not a political player. There are several other people far more powerful than I who’d be much better bargaining tools. And while anyone who’s ever partnered with me enjoyed themselves, it’s not likely that anyone thinks they could pimp me out as a reward for high-stakes favors.”

  I watched in fascination as Sari choked at Zahra’s last comment. She disguised it quickly, but I’d seen it. Judging by the look on Healer Mithrae’s face, he’d seen it, too.

  “Don’t sell yourself short, Zahra,” was all Sari said before she shut up, the faintest tinge of a darker shade showing across her cheekbones.

  Damn. Now I really want to know what they’ve been up to. My brain went down several proverbial burrower holes as I wondered what it would like with Zahra gracing my bed—::Or you, mine,:: came her faint but mischievous interjection—and whether there was any possibility of all four of us playing together. The images that thought conjured made me shift on the bench as my cock started to harden.

  Sari snickered quietly. “I don’t know about the three of you, but I need a break before we continue this discussion. Healer Mithrae, I’m sure you have patients you need to check on as well. Would it be acceptable to continue our conversation after dinner? I promise we won’t keep Zahra from resting tonight.”

  He snorted. “I might be old, but I’m not that old, Sari. If Zahra doesn’t sleep tonight, you’ll answer to me. However, you’re correct that I do have patients awaiting my attention, so a break is definitely in order.” He wagged a finger at Sari. “No playtime here, missy. Not even a kiss. You’ll disturb everyone in-house. Take it back to your place, since I know you’ve got a secure means of getting there and shields that make the ones on the Tetrarchs’ building look like a second-rate company did the work. Make sure you’re all back here by six o’clock, though.”

  She mock-saluted him playfully although her voice was sober. “I wouldn’t dream of disturbing anyone in-house and would ask you to kick my ass if I did.”

  She stood and stretched. Zahra followed suit. Healer Mithrae stood as well, although he immediately moved toward the door. “I’ll see you at six.”

  Sari hurriedly dismissed the privacy shield as he hit the apparent limits of its field.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  I WILLED MY COCK TO settle down before I stood. I wasn’t especially successful, but at least I could walk without too much being obvious.

  Sari gestured for us to follow her through a back corridor. No doors marred its walls, and there was no indication that anyone other than those who kept the place clean ever came through here. When we reached the end of the hallway, Sari set her hand on the wall in front of us. A small panel slid aside, revealing hidden retina and palmprint scanners. She completed the scans, and then her fingers moved as though she were using a holo-keyboard.

  “Zahra, please step up to the scanners so I can add you as a registered user.”

  Sari slid to the side as Zahra took three steps forward, then laid her hand on the palmprint area and faced the retina scanner unflinchingly. She had to bend a little to line up with it. “Damn short people,” she mumbled as she did. I saw the red lights as they recorded her eyes, and a muted green flash as her palmprint was accepted.

  “Good. You’re in. Gavin, your turn.”

  Zahra moved to the other side as I walked forward and went through the scans in turn. I had to bend even more than Zahra. I didn’t say anything, although I agreed with her sentiment.

  Once we were in the system—and I wondered why it was necessary—Sari twisted her fingers in a gesture I recognized as her giving something a command. A door-sized section of wall slid aside to reveal more hallway. It didn’t look much different than this one. Sari stepped through and gestured for us to follow her.

  Once all three of us were through the door, it closed behind us. Five paces after that, the world suddenly spun around me in a kaleidoscope of shimmering colors. I felt like I was being turned inside out and upside down at the same time. As abruptly as it began, it ended.

  “What the fuck?” The exclamation burst from my lips as I looked around in astonishment. Instead of a bare but clean utilitarian-
looking hallway, we stood in one with a sandstone floor, rich golden oak walls, and swirling pastel-colored paintings hanging in edge-to-edge glass frames. The scent in the air—crisp apple contrasted with something light but exotic—made me sniff appreciatively.

  A moment later, it hit me. This was Sari’s home, and we’d just used... “A portal? You have a fucking portal in your house?”

  Sari laughed merrily. Zahra chuckled along with her.

  “I’d say she has more than one since we’re in a different hallway than the one I first experienced.”

  Sari laughed even harder at the look on my face after Zahra’s comment. “Yes, Gavin, I have portals in my house and workshop. Not many and they're each programmed for one specific destination. They also have separate databases so even if you're authorized to use one, you can't use all of them. They’re part of my security system, and highly effective.” She paused then added, “You and Zahra have access to use this one now but be extremely cautious about how often and when you do. It’s designed more for clandestine or emergency use.”

  I nodded. Zahra did as well. I wondered aloud, “Why use it now, then?” then rolled my eyes at myself. “Clandestine. Duh. We don’t want people to know that Zahra isn’t still in the house of healing, much less anything else that’s going on.” I shook my head ruefully. “Don’t mind me. It seems that my wits are still spinning somewhere in that damn portal.”

  Zahra snickered but didn’t say anything as she turned to Sari, who strolled forward. Zahra fell into step behind her, and I brought up the rear. While unplanned, I soon realized it was an excellent vantage point to watch Zahra’s ass as she moved. Maybe it was my imagination, but I swore she added some extra sashay to her stride soon after I started watching. Either way, I certainly appreciated the view.

  A few minutes later, we reached Sari’s spacious living room. I didn’t pay much attention to it as we walked through and into a different hallway, this one with several doors along its length. Zahra stopped at the first door on the right. “I’ll meet you both in the living room in a little while if you don’t mind. I need to deal with this tension headache before it grows any worse.”


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