A Scottish Duke for Christmas (The Duke of Strathmore Book 4)

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A Scottish Duke for Christmas (The Duke of Strathmore Book 4) Page 3

by Sasha Cottman

  She looked at David, with his tiny hands wrapped around his father's small finger. Sadness pierced her heart. David Radley would never hold ownership of the castle of his father and forebears. He would forever, be a footnote in the castle's long history. A natural born son, never able to inherit either title or castle. She could only hope that Ewan Radley would do everything in his power to give his first born all the advantages that could be afforded to him. Son of a duke and grandson of an earl, yet David Radley was still tainted as a bastard, and nothing could change that fact.

  After passing through the small village which sat in the shadow of Strathmore Castle, the travel coach crossed over the castle's heavy wooden drawbridge and through the gateway. The coach entered the courtyard and drew to a halt in front of the main steps of the keep.

  As the coach drew to a halt, a group of servants quickly surrounded it. Caroline made to rise from her seat, but Ewan held out his hand.

  'Wait,' he said.

  'The Defender of Strathmore is returned!' came the shout from the assembled castle servants. Ewan smiled and opened the door. A chorus of cheers and applause erupted throughout the castle courtyard.

  He climbed out of the coach and disappeared into the throng of well-wishers.

  Hannah seated next to Caroline, clapped her hands and laughed.

  'What a welcome home!'

  Caroline caught the mood and beamed. She had never seen anything like it. Little wonder the castle had held firm all those years. The men and women of the castle truly loved their lord.

  Ewan soon returned.

  'Come,' he said.

  He held out his hand and helped Caroline down from the coach.

  At the sight of Caroline, a collective gasp rippled through the crowd. A nearby servant bowed low as she walked past him. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a smiling Ewan shaking his head. He held up his hand, in a gesture which she took to mean not yet.

  A blush of red raced to her cheeks. She wasn't used to being the center of attention, let alone having crowds of cheering people gathered around her. She looked urgently for Ewan.

  She was intent on taking David from his arms and thus allowing Ewan to greet his steward and staff properly. She was worried about the baby amidst the milling crowd.

  Her searching eyes found him. He was kneeling on the lowest of the steps of the castle keep, his son held aloft in an almost feudal supplication. She imagined a knight kneeling, holding his sword before his king. A medieval tableau laid out before her.

  Standing on the third step, hands clasped together, was Lady Alison, the Dowager Duchess of Strathmore. Caroline had met her several times over the years; most recently at Strathmore House in London when Beatrice and Ewan's betrothal had been announced. Lady Alison had a fearsome reputation as a woman who did not suffer fools gladly.

  The Dowager Duchess was clad in a simple blue gown, with a Strathmore tartan shawl draped over her shoulders to keep the chill winds at bay. Her gaze was firmly fixed on the infant held aloft before her.

  Several steps to the right of her was a middle-aged woman, clad in black, with a tartan sash across her chest. Caroline guessed that she must be Aunt Maude.

  Lady Alison stepped forward and took David lovingly into her arms. But the instant she held him, David let out an almighty wail.

  Ewan got swiftly to his feet as the knightly tableau cracked. Caroline started forward, but before she could reach the steps, Aunt Maude lifted David from out of his grandmother's hands and placed him over her shoulder.

  The crying stopped immediately.

  'Maude, working your magic again I see,' said Lady Alison. She left David with his great aunt and came to Caroline's side.

  She gave Caroline a tender kiss on the cheek. 'I am so very sorry for your loss my dear. You are a welcome guest here at the castle.’

  'Thank you. This was an unplanned visit. Ewan asked that I come to make certain that David arrived safely at his father's ancestral home. My father agreed to my coming.'

  Lady Alison raised an eyebrow.

  'Yes of course. Come in and we shall have a room prepared at once for you.'

  Chapter Nine

  There was no avoiding the inevitable conversation, so Ewan sought out his mother as soon as he knew Caroline had been settled in her room.

  'Where do I begin,' Ewan said, as he put his head around the door of his mother's sitting room.

  The Dowager Duchess of Strathmore was alone.

  Lady Alison rose from her chair and came to her son, embracing him in a long motherly hug.

  'Maude has gone to the village in search of a wet nurse. In the meantime, the maid Hannah has said they can manage with cow’s milk.'

  Aunt Maude the first and last bastion of pragmatism. Always thinking of the practical side of things. Not one for fancy clothes or exotic food. For Maude, the story of David; and how he had come to be at Strathmore Castle could wait. The babe needed feeding.

  'I received your letter yesterday, so I understand that David is Beatrice's child and that she is dead. Poor girl, what a horrid end.

  What I don't understand is why Lady Caroline is here. And why the devil Lord Hastings let her travel here with you, accompanied only by a maid. You have already ruined one of his daughters, and yet he willingly offered up the second one. Has the man gone mad?'

  Ewan considered his reply. The clear and obvious reason was that David had taken to his aunt, and Ewan's sanity would not have survived the journey to Scotland if he had been forced to share the travel coach with a screaming infant.

  The other possible reason for bringing Caroline with him was still coalescing in his mind. Was Caroline the one for him; and could she meet his soul deep hunger for a passionate and love-filled union?

  Even if she was, he wasn’t entirely certain that he had the power to overcome both current circumstance and past wrongs to make her his duchess.

  'David fussed as soon as he was away from her. Lord Hastings, allowed Caroline to accompany us to Scotland,' Ewan replied.

  Lady Alison frowned.

  They both knew that for an unmarried woman of Caroline's standing to be in the company of a man not of her family, was inviting scandalous gossip of the worst kind. If London society knew she had traveled with Ewan to Scotland, her chances of any kind of suitable match would be dashed.

  'We made certain that no one saw her on the journey here. She and her maid were always careful to ensure that the hoods of their cloaks covered their faces when we arrived at the coaching inns along the way. No one knows she is here.'

  Lady Alison harrumphed.

  'I know she is here and so does Maude. I don't think you have thought through the full consequences of Caroline being under your roof my lad.'

  His mother's disapproval stung more than it should. She was right. Yet again he had gone off and done something without thinking it through. His impetuous nature had got him into this situation in the first place, and all that he was doing now, was likely to make it worse.

  'As soon as things are settled here; and David has become accustomed to his home, I shall make suitable arrangements to send her home to Kent,' he replied.

  Lady Alison took hold of his hand.

  'Can I give you some motherly advice?'

  'Pray do,' he replied, knowing he had no choice but to listen.

  'Think about why you really brought Caroline north to Scotland with you. I think in time you will find that the truth is more than just a crying infant.'

  'If I do, you shall be one of the first to know,' he replied.

  Chapter Ten

  Strathmore Castle was the perfect place to take David. Scotland was far enough away from the prying eyes of London society for Ewan to be able to spend time with his son and plan for the future.

  With constant milk from a healthy local wet nurse, David soon began to put on weight. To the relief of all concerned, he also began to sleep well through the night.

  Caroline having taken it upon herself to be his pri
mary caregiver was thrilled at this unexpected development. She had fully expected to look like Hannah within a matter of days of taking over his care. Hannah, in turn, gave Caroline a look of thinly veiled disgust when she encountered Caroline and David on the stairs one morning.

  'Lady Caroline you are looking well, you look like you are well rested,' Hannah remarked.

  Caroline beamed. 'Yes. David has taken well to my care. Last night he didn't even wake for his eleven o'clock feed.'

  It was wonderful to feel needed. To have a purpose in her life. Caroline was fast gaining a taste for motherhood.

  David was family and therefore her responsibility. She would simply have to manage. Thousands of other women did every day, and so would she.

  She delighted in spending time holding him in her arms and holding her nose close to his face as he slept. His newborn smell was intoxicating. She ran her fingertips over the dark tuft of hair which sat on his head.

  'You are perfect my little man,' she whispered.

  'Good morning,'

  Ewan poked his head inside the nursery, a smile coming to his lips at the sight of Caroline holding David in her arms and cooing gently to him.

  Caroline walked over to him and handed him his son.

  'Support his head, by holding him this way,' she instructed.

  He looked at her face. She was positively glowing with happiness. A look he had last seen on her face the night he took her to the opera. The last night they had spent together as a potential couple.

  You threw a good woman away for the promise of unfettered sex. Admit it, Ewan Radley, you behaved as a blackguard.

  'He looks as if he has put on weight,' he said.

  'I think so. His wet nurse says she is struggling to keep up with his feeding demands. At this rate, I expect he will be on solid food before he is much older. Something tells me he will be a strapping lad and a fine figure of a man, just like his father,' she replied.

  An awkward silence descended upon the room.

  Ewan looked down at David, while Caroline fussed about with the peridot birthstone ring on her finger.

  'My mother is pressing me to secure the services of a nursemaid for David. Not that you are not doing a magnificent job, but she is firmly of the opinion that a young lady of your station should not be made to undertake the work of a maid. Considering that I have no experience with regard to the raising of children, I have to listen and accept her counsel.

  In the meantime, Hannah will take over some of the nursemaid duties. This will give you the opportunity to get out of this room for at least part of the day,' he said.

  'Oh. I see,' she replied.

  Disappointment echoed in her words, but Ewan pressed on.

  'I would love to show you around the castle grounds and Strathmore Mountain. Besides, you and I haven't had an opportunity to talk since all this began. I think you would agree we have much to discuss.'

  Caroline's face brightened at his offer, and Ewan took heart. If they could patch things up to the extent of actually being lukewarm friends again, he would consider himself most fortunate.

  If he could manage at least that small miracle, who knew what else lay ahead for them. He would capitalize on every step forward.

  'Scotland is at its very best when the early Winter colors are on display. The woods and the mountain are a wonderful palette of gold, brown and green at present. The heather is still in a deep purple bloom. '

  He pointed toward the window through which a thick wood was visible some half mile up the mountainside.

  'Thank you, Ewan, I would like that very much,' she replied.

  Chapter Eleven

  'It's wonderful up here. You can see for miles,' Caroline remarked.

  She turned to see a red-faced Ewan struggling up the hill after her.

  She stifled a satisfied grin at the sight of the duke huffing and puffing, while the climb had barely raised her heartbeat. Even in London, she walked long distances most days, rather than take the family carriage.

  'I need to spend more time here. London has me bound to a desk and eating poorly,' replied Ewan.

  Caroline pulled an apple from the pocket of her skirts and broke it in half. She handed a piece to Ewan.

  They walked on, quietly munching until they finally came to a stone bench deep in the woods. Caroline sat down and stretched out her legs. She patted the seat next to her.

  'Sit. Rest. Catch your breath, Ewan.'

  Here in this private place, she felt brave enough to use his first name. To show a familiarity she had once expected to be able to use with him by right of marriage.

  Too much had now happened for her to care what he may think of her boldness.

  'Thank you, Caroline.'

  She pulled a piece of fruit cake, wrapped in cloth, from out of her other pocket and handed him a piece. The look of bemusement on his face brought forth a cheery laugh.

  'No, I don't have half a side of lamb in my skirts. The cake is the last of the food I salvaged from breakfast. Cook gave me the cloth.'

  'I'm sorry.'

  She handed him the other piece of the cake, but he waved it away.

  'I don't mean sorry about the food. I mean I am sorry for all that I have done to cause you pain and embarrassment. I treated you terribly and all you have done in return is be a rock of support. I don't deserve your good graces,' he said.

  Caroline pushed her tongue against her lower teeth. She had rehearsed this scene in her mind so many times, that it felt like second nature. It was the oddest of feelings. At the very moment when the opportunity to tell him the depth of her heartache finally presented itself, she found herself backing away.

  Railing against the past would serve no one.

  'It is what it is. We cannot undo what has happened.'

  Ewan reached out and took hold of Caroline's hand.

  'I hope someday we can be friends,' he said.

  Tears welled in her eyes as she pulled her hand away.

  'I don't know. I am not certain that my charity can stretch that far. Ask me again in another few years, but only if you see me happily wed and with a husband who loves me. If I am not, then it would be best left in the past.'

  She rose from the bench.

  'I had better get back to the castle. David will be up from his sleep soon and if I am not there at feeding time to calm him down for the wet nurse, he will scream the house down.'

  Ewan followed Caroline back to the castle.

  He was about to apologize to her once more when she gave him a quick farewell wave and marched purposefully up the steps and into the keep.

  She hadn't actually accepted his first apology and he knew there was much she was holding back. As he watched her walk away, Ewan swore under his breath.

  Only a fool would have thrown over a fine woman such as her for someone like Beatrice. And yet he had. While Caroline was a fair English rose, her sister had been a raven- haired temptress. Their short-lived affair had been full of passion, blazing rows, and soul changing sex.

  After having taken her to his bed, he felt obliged to marry her. Beatrice was still the daughter of an earl. London society dictated that once he had known her in the biblical sense, she was his to marry and manage.

  He hadn't managed her, nor got her to the altar. Instead, he had lost her and been handed his very own bastard child to raise. A scandalous mess.

  'No Caroline. I'm not done. You will hear me out before you leave here. If I cannot have your friendship, I shall have your forgiveness,' he muttered after her.

  He was determined to have that much before she left for home. Before she walked out of his life.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ewan left the warm comfort of the downstairs sitting room early that evening.

  Caroline had been mostly silent as they ate supper and had retired early claiming a headache. The presence of Aunt Maude and Lady Alison at the table restricted the conversation to that of social small talk and David's sleep patterns.

  Once ins
ide his bedroom, Ewan poured himself a glass of whisky from the fireside decanter and placed it on the bedside table. He kicked off his house shoes and lay back on the bed.

  He was soon in a deep dream-filled slumber. His valet knocked several times before finally giving it up as a lost cause and heading to his own room.

  In his dream, Ewan caught sight of a woman in the distance. At first, he couldn't make her out, but as she slowly came into focus, and he saw her light brown hair he knew her name.

  'Caroline,' he murmured.

  'Lord Strathmore,' she replied.

  He snorted with frustration, much preferring her to call him by his Christian name.

  She smiled. The dream Caroline could read his mind.

  'Ewan. I know it pleases you when I call you Ewan. I expect there are other things I could do which would also please you,' she purred.

  He pulled her roughly to him capturing her lips in a searing kiss. She, in turn, slipped her hand down and unbuttoned the front placket of his trousers.

  He groaned as she took a firm hold of him.

  Dream sex was always wonderful. There were no rules, no strictures to delay the event. Women were willing and ready to do his bidding. He, in turn, was able to satisfy their every sexual need.

  'I always knew you would be well endowed Ewan. I cannot wait until you are naked and on top of me. Let us not delay the pleasure any longer,' she whispered enticingly into his ear.

  Asleep on the bed, Ewan rolled over and took hold of a large pillow. Holding it tightly against him, he continued to seduce the dream state, Caroline.

  He tore open the top of her flimsy gown. It disappeared into thin air, leaving her naked form open to his gaze. Her perfectly formed breasts verily begged for his attention. Without hesitation, he bent down and took one of her peaked nipples into his mouth. When he sucked, she let out a deep sigh of pleasure.

  She prised his fingers from her breast and went down on her knees before him, taking his swollen member into her mouth. When she sucked hard, Ewan thought he would go blind. She ran her tongue skillfully along the length of him, teasing him with her hot lips. He speared his hands through her hair as she ministered to his needs.


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