Love After Marriage (Forever After #2)

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Love After Marriage (Forever After #2) Page 3

by Mia Kayla

  "You know.” He shrugged. “Got tied up in a couple of things. So had to rush lunch. Usually I like to take my meals nice...and slow, to savor every single bite. But today was an exception."

  I kicked him under the table, and he stifled a laugh.

  Faith, Kent's secretary, was wearing a secret smile, and I wondered if she knew about our hot and spicy meet-up.

  I shot him another death glare, but he only continued. "Lunch was great, but dessert was even better."

  "That's good." Dad wasn't paying attention as he squinted at the papers in front of him. He turned to me, pointing at the numbers on the bottom of the page. "Beth, can I get a breakdown of the operating expenses after this meeting?"

  I took my pen out and jotted notes in my portfolio. "Yes, I'll email you the line-by-line breakdown." I gave Kent one more evil stare that seemed to make his smile falter. Yes, be afraid. Be deathly afraid, oh husband of mine.

  Dad lifted his head and cleared his throat. "Okay, let's get this meeting started. I have a three o'clock with a supplier after this."

  Kent was up first. He stood, passed out his presentation, and walked to the front of the room. His demeanor changed, a stark contrast to his playful self a minute ago. I loved watching my husband in action. He discussed the current US operations of Plack Industries.

  Dad had been grooming him to take over. Even though I couldn't imagine Dad retiring and stepping down, the day he did, I knew Kent would be ready to take this firm to the next level.

  With a smile, I watched my man command an audience, which only upped his hotness to an untouchable level. The lazy Kent I had met years ago was now replaced with the confident leader he had been groomed to be.

  His eyes briefly locked on mine before moving amongst the crowd. I shifted in my seat and heat spread throughout my body, just by his look, as thoughts of our lunch date filtered through my mind. Not only was my husband a leader in the boardroom, luckily for me, he was also a leader in the bedroom.

  Chapter 3


  After work, we rushed home to prepare for our little dinner party. In my former life, I swear I could’ve been a chef. I loved the art of cooking——the preparation, the presentation, and seeing the reaction of others to my delicacies.

  As I stirred my cream-based pasta sauce, sweat formed at my brow at the heat emanating from the stove. I had four of the six burners working, and both of my ovens were on. To say I had a nice kitchen was an understatement. I had a state-of-the-art, custom kitchen that had been redone twice by contractors because the first time I hadn’t been satisfied.

  My kitchen was my baby, obviously second to my first baby——Beth. It had a top-of-the-line freestanding Dual Fuel Range with six burners, a primary oven, a convection oven, a warming drawer, and all touch controls. Like a mechanic with his cars, I wiped down and serviced this stove regularly.

  "Are we almost done yet?" Beth popped her head into the kitchen and strolled toward me. I pointed to my apron that said 'Kiss the Cook' and was awarded with a kiss on the cheek. When I pointed to the other cheek, she laughed.

  "You can't rush perfection, Beth. We're almost done."

  "It smells amazing!" she complimented.

  She peeked over my shoulder, and I shifted her toward the door. "Out. You'll get a taste soon enough."

  When she left, my hands worked double time. I distributed the fine china on the kitchen island and began to plate the chicken, vegetables, and pasta. In culinary school, I had learned to arrange food like a clock——the carbohydrate at eleven o’clock, the vegetables at two, and the protein at six.

  I walked into the dining room and dropped the plates on the table. The scent of spices and chicken filled the air, but everyone's attention was focused on Caroline rocking baby Chase in her arms, while Jeff sat opposite her at the dining room table.

  "He's beautiful, Caroline." Beth's eyes focus on the tiny tot with the lightest brown fuzz on his head.

  I rubbed my chin, mystified by my own feelings. How could a grown man be jealous of such a tiny thing...but I was. Beth was oblivious to my arrival. I guess my jealousy did not discriminate against age.

  "He's not so beautiful, screaming his lungs out at three in the morning to the point where our neighbors are banging on our apartment walls." Caroline’s eyes glinted with a tinge of amusement, and I was glad that it was them and not us. I couldn't even imagine.

  I positioned the china over the charger plates, but still no reaction from my wife, whose eyes were zoned on who Caroline cradled in her arms.

  Jeff peered over at his son, and he planted a light kiss on his forehead. "You're going to be the next Michael Bublé and retire your folks, aren't you, buddy? Tell Mama you're just practicing right now and to give you some time."

  Caroline cast Jeff a look. "Says the guy sleeping soundly beside me while his son is screaming like someone is hurting him."

  I went to the kitchen to get the remaining plates and, when I returned, I stopped mid-step with both plates in my hands.

  Beth's eyes held a longing as she stared at the little man——it was a look that I'd never seen before. I placed the rest of the plates down and rushed to the kitchen to open a bottle of wine.

  She couldn't...could she? I mean we hadn’t even been married two years. It wasn't even remotely possible that she would want to start a family. She had brought it up in passing, but I’d thought she was joking and hadn't given it a second thought. Until now...

  I strolled into the dining room, holding three wine glasses in one hand and a bottle in the other. "I've got something here to start up the party. I'm opening up the Domaine Jacques Grand Cru to celebrate the new baby. It's the bottle we bought when we went to France last year."

  I placed a wine glass in front of each of us.

  Jeff pushed his glass toward me. "Fill me up. I hope it knocks me out tonight so I can get some sleep."

  Caroline kicked him under his chair, and he sat up straighter. "I think you sleep just fine."

  "If you want, I can get you another glass, buddy." I winked and poured us all a round, before disappearing back into the kitchen to get the rest of our side dishes.

  When I entered the room, there was my wife again, holding Chase with that same look in her eyes. My fingers trembled against the plate, and I swallowed.

  "He's precious, Caroline," she said, her fingertips lightly caressing the softness of his baby skin and then I knew——this wasn't a fleeting thing.

  Shit, I'd be needing more than a few bottles of wine myself.

  I filled our glasses, mine to the top, and placed Beth's at the edge of the table.

  Picking up one of her favorite appetizers by the toothpick that held it together, I swayed the scallop and bacon in her direction. "Try this, baby... your favorite." But her attention was on the little tyke.

  "Kent, look." She angled the baby closer to my direction, and my whole body stiffened. "He just loves to be cuddled." She bent down and nuzzled her nose against his button one and jealously spiked within me.

  "Yeah," I muttered, stuffing the appetizer in my own mouth.

  Jeff sighed. "I miss being cuddled. What week are we in right now?"

  Caroline furrowed her brow. "Calm down, I have my six-week appointment in a few weeks. They'll clear me then."

  "For what?" I asked, lifting the glass to my lips.

  "For sex, man.” He cringed as though he was in pain. “It's been a three-month spell."

  I coughed and spit my wine back into my glass. "Fuck! For the love of God, why?"

  Caroline glowered at Jeff, which seemed to quiet him down. "Language, Kent,” she warned me. “And if you have to know, I was put on bed rest for the last two months of my pregnancy, and I have to heal fully down there before... you know."

  "Why would someone put themselves in that type of predicament? I'd die." I tilted my head and fixed my eyes on Beth. "Tell our friends how much sex I need...I mean, we need, on a daily basis."

  "Kent, please!" Caroline glanc
ed at Chase in Beth’s arms.

  "Caroline, I doubt he understands what I'm talking about, but if you must, I can talk baby. Beth, tell our lovely friends how many times we've boom-boomed today."

  Beth's face flushed pink. "Kent." There was an undertone in her voice that told me to shut the hell up. When she didn't answer my question, I felt the need to enlighten the room.

  "Three times. This is not counting how many——" I glanced down at the baby. "——origamis I gave her."

  "Whoa, man." Jeff and Caroline laughed together.

  Beth slapped my shoulder, and I intertwined our fingers and brought them to my lips. "My wife would never put me in that type of situation. And that’s why we have a healthy and happy marriage."

  She tore from my grasp and surprised me. "Unless the doctor ordered it," she said, raising one expectant eyebrow at me.

  My jaw tensed, and I felt the strain rise to my face.

  "I mean, if I was pregnant and the doctor somehow felt like it'd hurt the baby..." She spoke softly, the vulnerability evident.

  I blinked at her. Where was this coming from? We'd never had a serious talk about children. I had the sudden urge to pinch the bridge of my nose to prevent a migraine from coming on.

  My gaze dropped to the floor, and the room filled with silence. It was the type of silence where seconds seemed like hours.

  Maybe we had married out of convenience, but when I had married her, I already knew I was in love. I’d been prepared to let her go at the end of our arrangement, but now I couldn't imagine my life without her. Normal couples discussed their future children during the process of dating, which was something we’d never gone through.

  I stared at the baby in her arms, and in the next second, I desperately needed something to do. "Let me get the salt and pepper."

  I left the room, disoriented and confused, but not before I heard Caroline's voice. "Kent wants kids, right? You've discussed that, right?"

  I wished I could’ve seen my wife's face to see her reaction, but there was no need. I heard her answer instead.

  "Of course he does."


  Dinner was pleasant. Light, comical conversation had ensued during our meal around the dining room table. The awkwardness from earlier had disappeared, but the dread and the tightening in my stomach only intensified.

  I moved my food around on my plate, filling the void of silence by clanging my fork against the fine china.

  "Kent, this was truly amazing. Thank you," Caroline said, patting her belly with satisfaction.

  Jeff nodded. "I'm just glad we can finally get a home cooked meal. If it wasn't for Caroline's mom, we'd be having McDonald's daily."

  Caroline pinched Jeff's arm. "Try being bone tired after watching the baby all day and see if you're in the mood to cook."

  Jeff placed his hand on top of his wife's to placate her. "I know, baby." He leaned in to kiss her lips. "That was inconsiderate of me. I'm sorry." Guilt replaced his once playful eyes.

  "I just need to get into a schedule,” Caroline commented. “I'm trying here, babe." She squinted up at the ceiling, blinking back tears.

  I frowned at the pair of them. What had just happened?

  "You're the best wife and mother, and I'm sorry I even said that." Jeff’s eyes bled sincerity.

  Caroline nodded against his lips. "I forgive you." She wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him. In the next second, they started making out in front of us, while the baby sat perfectly still in his car seat, staring up at the mobile hanging from the handle.

  Kent cleared his throat and stood. "Okay then, I think I'll get dessert."

  I coughed really loud, but they did not let up their heavy make out session. Caroline really needed to get cleared so they could get their groove on. Three months did sound like an awfully long time to not have sex, but I was also sure they weren't the only couple that couldn't have sex because of a pregnancy.

  Kent strolled in holding a tray full of coffee and desserts. He lifted an eyebrow and nodded toward the couple basically groping each other and making out like teenagers. We both shared a lighthearted smile.

  He dropped the tray onto the table, causing everyone to jump, and Caroline and Jeff finally broke their connection.

  Caroline glanced around, remembering where she was. "Oh gosh." She flattened her hair, and her chin dipped downward. "Sorry about that. It's been a while."

  "No worries. It was a good show while it lasted. I could go get the video camera if you wanted to continue," Kent joked.

  I slapped his shoulder and everyone laughed.

  Kent distributed the plates. "Tiramisu." He grinned with pride.

  The sight of the mocha-flavored crème concoction had my stomach doing flips.

  "Dude. We need to move in." Jeff reached for his fork and dug his silverware into the sweet dessert. "Because you are one amazing cook, man."

  The baby stirred in his car seat and let out the cutest whimper. "I'll go get him." Slowly, I bent down and picked up the baby, bringing him close to my chest. A smile crept up my face in a quick, ninja-like fashion, the reaction automatic. Like there was no way you could hold Chase and not smile.

  There was a strong connection to the feeling of weightlessness in my limbs. Endorphins filled my veins, making me smile bigger. "Gosh, I could stare at him forever." Although Caroline was the first of my friends to have a child, everywhere I went——whether it was walking down the street or to the grocery store——newborns seemed to surround me. Like there had been an internal switch inside me these last couple of months.

  Although I always wanted kids in my future, it was as though something internally had altered, and I wanted that future to be sooner than my five-year plan. Maybe in a couple of years, we would try.

  Kent sliced a piece of Tiramisu and guided it in my direction.

  I shook my head. "Later," I said, staring back down at the little sweetness in my arms.

  When he huffed, I tore my eyes from the child and noticed him frowning at me. I glared at him, and he erased the scowl. Love how he could throw me attitude, but when I gave it back, he couldn't take it.

  My hands patted the small of the baby's back, and he began to coo. I let out a slow breath, studying every single feature from his button nose to the soft brownish blonde hair on the top of his head. I already loved this little man, and he wasn't even mine. I could only imagine how much I would love our own child.

  " may be time for his feeding," Caroline said, her mouth full of cake.

  Kent picked up a glass from the tray. "And don't you worry, Chase, I brought you some dessert, too. Vitamin D. Milk does a body good."

  We all laughed.

  "What?" Kent tilted his head, his eyebrows raised. "You said the baby drank milk."

  My mood lightened. At least my husband was thoughtful. "It's okay. The baby only drinks breastmilk, right, Caroline?"

  She nodded. "Yep, give him some of that vitamin D, and I swear he'll be shitting for days."

  "Kent, come here.” I waved him over. “Get a closer look at their munchkin."

  He complied and pulled his chair closer to mine, throwing his hand over my chair. I exhaled a sweet sigh as we both stared at the piece of heaven in my arms. "He's so adorably cute."

  "He looks a little high maintenance. What's up with his face?" Kent asked, eyebrows furrowed. Little red dots were formed on his cheeks and upper forehead.

  I glared at him and Caroline laughed. "It's called baby acne. It'll go away after a couple of months. At least that's what the doctor said."

  "And his head?"

  Good God, did my husband have a filter? No.

  "What about his head? Is there something wrong with his head?" Jeff voice heightened with concern, and he angled closer to examine his son.

  Kent blinked a couple of times in the baby's direction and pointed to the top of Chase's hair. "Uh...his head. It has a pulse."

  I wished I could erase the dumbfounded look on Kent's face as I rolled
my eyes.

  "Oh," Caroline giggled. "That's his fontanel. It's part of his skull that's not fully closed yet. That's perfectly normal."

  "Hey, bud." Jeff patted Kent's shoulder. "It's all good. I used to be freaked out about everything when the baby came home. Everything scared the crap out of me."

  Caroline nodded in agreement. "Yeah, when the belly button first fell off, Jeff screamed throughout the whole apartment, running around like he’d broken his baby."

  Jeff just rolled his eyes. "But you'll get used to it, Kent. Trust me, bro."

  Kent blinked, but the look of bewilderment could not be erased. "I think I need another drink. Anybody want anything? I've got vodka."

  "Actually, we should get going. If tonight is anything like last night, it's going to be a long one." After Caroline stood and extended her arms, I transferred Chase carefully to her care. Her lips went automatically to his forehead. "Thanks, guys, for dinner. We really needed this."

  I embraced Caroline, but I was careful not to squish the baby. "Let’s do this again, and if you guys need date night anytime soon, we'll watch him."

  I glanced back at Kent for confirmation, but he just rocked back on his heels, hands in his pocket, and that throb of dread knotted up again in my stomach.

  After Jeff gathered their belongings and Caroline placed Chase in the car seat, we walked them to the door where Kent and Jeff did their signature handshake, hug, and pat on the back.

  "Bye, Caroline. Call me tomorrow." I crouched down on the balls of my feet, leaned into the baby carrier, and stared at their baby boy. I reached for his little hand and watched his eyes flutter in his deep sleep. "Bye, sweet Chase," I whispered, letting out a slow breath.

  I blew kisses to Caroline and escorted her out the door. Her laughter echoed through the elevator banks. After the doors closed behind them, Kent walked back into the condo.

  I let out an exaggerated sigh and slammed the door behind me, which caused Kent's eyes to widen from where he was sitting on the couch. I stalked to where he was against the leather cushions.

  "You are so flipping rude," I snapped, placing a hand on my hip.


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