The Beta

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The Beta Page 8

by Annie Nicholas

  Joshua and Charles had deserted him and Talon turned to follow.

  Robert watched his female block the door with her slim, fragile human body. Pressure squeezed his chest as his heart stopped.

  Legs apart, Esther took a swing at Talon’s head as he sped toward her.

  With unnatural grace he managed to duck and caught her around the waist. Twisting, he pressed her back to his chest, pinning her arms to the side. The clang of the tire rod hitting the cement echoed. Heavy breathing became the only sound to fill the silence as Talon glared at him. The fiend bent slowly until his intentions became clear.

  Esther screamed and struggled, unable to break free. Their eyes met, and for the first time Robert saw terror in them.

  No amount of speed or magic could have gotten Robert there in time, but he tried. Damn, he tried.

  Talon bit her shoulder.

  The scent of blood filled his nose and her cries of, “No, no, no—” filled his ears.

  It made his soul cringe knowing that pain didn’t cause her shouts but her awareness of the infection Talon gave her. Robert reached them before Talon could make the kill, grabbed his jaw, and pried it from her flesh.

  Wrestling to the floor, Talon’s claws dug into Robert’s back, a spur of force driving him as he pinned Robert. Suddenly Talon slumped against his body, a dead weight crushing him.

  He shoved the beast off and saw Esther looming above them, a bloody tire rod back in her hands. Robert shifted to his human form and scrambled to his feet, then removed the blunt weapon from her clenched fingers. “Esther?”

  “The—the bastard bit me.” She kicked the unconscious Talon. “Rabies filled cocksucker.”

  “I’ll take you to the hospital. I heard that General is offering an experimental vaccine to treat the infection.” He dressed in his discarded clothes.

  * * * *

  Watching Rob pull his shirt on inside-out and cram his feet into his shoes, Esther’s distress eased. Things like this happened. Getting turned into a monster was one of the many risks slayers faced, but most died when it happened, some at their own hand. She owned a special bullet to use in this type of emergency, but watching Rob made her doubt she’d need it.

  She removed her jacket and glanced at the wound on her shoulder. Blood seeped into her black shirt, leaving a dark wet spot. No way would she avoid being infected. The punctures were too deep.


  “Let’s go.” Rob picked her jacket off the ground, wrapped her in it, and lifted her in his arms. Worry lines creased his forehead.

  “He bit my shoulder, not my legs. I can walk.” If he got any sweeter she’d get a cavity.

  He shoved the door open using his elbows and knees.

  “We’re just going to leave Talon here?” She tried to get a glimpse of the inert werewolf on the floor before the door closed.

  Rob stomped toward his sedan when he did a double take. “Did you take Daedalus’s car?”


  “Better not take you home after the hospital. He’s going to skin you alive.”

  “No, he’s not.” A familiar male voice spoke from behind them. “You’ve both been busy bees while I slept. Theft, assault, breaking and entering… Anything I’m missing?”

  The vampire looked less than pleased, and Rob only clutched her tighter.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot stupidity. What the hell is going on?” Daedalus planted his feet firmly on the pavement and crossed his arms over his chest. His pupils dilated, making them appear black. “I smell blood.”

  “She’s injured. I’m taking her to the hospital.”

  The vampire stared at her, and for a split second she feared she’d be getting a second bite. He shook his head as if coming out of a dream.

  “You’re hungry.” Rob made it a statement, not doubting what they’d both witnessed.

  “Robert?” Esther used his full name for the first time and finally got his attention. “I’m not going to any hospital.”

  “Esther, you’re in shock. You’re going to at least get—”

  “I’m not getting used as some lab rat.” She raised her voice. “Put me down.”

  He blinked, then set her feet on the ground as if she were made of glass. “What about the virus?”

  Her gut clenched. She pictured the special bullet she kept just for this occasion, then stared into Rob’s concerned gaze. “I’ll deal with it.”

  He frowned yet nodded. “Okay.” Rubbing his chin, he glanced from her to Daedalus and back. “How did you both find me?”

  Daedalus shrugged. “Easy. I have a tracer on my car. What I’d like to know is how Esther stole it. I have every security device known to man on it.”

  Quirking an eyebrow at him, she couldn’t help but be impressed. Not many vamps his age converted to modern tech. “I took your keys.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” He grinned, flashing fang.

  “Last I checked you already are.” She faced Rob. “I do this for a living, remember?” Then she poked him in the chest with her finger at each word. “You always take back-up.” She dropped her hand. “They would have killed you.”

  He stared at her, his expression softening. “You could have left the city or gone after him.” He gestured to Daedalus.

  “I know.” She cleared her throat. “But I already watched you almost die once. Couldn’t stand the idea of Talon finishing the job.” Her gaze roved the ground going from discarded gum to pebble to crack until she felt a set of strong arms wrap around her. She lifted her face to find Rob close, his piercing green gaze boring into hers, then she winced as he tightened his grip. Searing pain shot through her shoulder.

  “Sorry.” He loosened his hold.

  She touched under her jacket, and her fingers came out covered in blood.

  “Fuck.” Daedalus’s fangs extended and he spun away, pacing as if caged. “Take her home already.”

  The door to the warehouse opened and Talon in beast form filled the space. A growl rumbled from him as he rubbed his head.

  Rob shoved her behind him. “Talon, I’d like to introduce you to my buddy, Daedalus.” He gestured to the hungry vampire. “Daedalus, I’d like you to meet dinner.”

  The Nosferatu’s ears perked up. “Really? What happened to no killing?”

  “I changed my mind.” Rob turned to face her. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter 11

  The hot water from the shower stung as it cascaded over Esther’s head and trickled into the bite mark on her shoulder. She stood still with the bar of soap grasped in her hand and her eyes closed.

  She was a werewolf.

  Losing her humanity had never seemed an option before today. She’d always kept a spare bullet to put through her head if she got infected. Rob changed everything. Now she had something to live for.

  Who was Esther if not a slayer?

  Daedalus had better take his time draining Talon dry and make him suffer for what he’d done to her. She tossed the bar of soap against the tiled wall.

  The bathroom door creaked open. “I brought some fresh towels.” Her uncertain future tied her soul in knots, but Rob’s voice, filled with promises, melted something tight inside her chest.

  Alone most of her life, Esther never understood how forlorn she’d been until meeting Rob. Even her dreams held a seat for one. How empty her life appeared, a big void of violence, money, and casual sex, which never touched her heart or her soul.

  “Esther?” The shower curtain slid over. Rob held a folded thick, white towel and still wore his fucking shirt inside-out.

  God, he was the most precious thing in the world. With a sudden sob, she hid her face in her hands, unable to stop the emotional onslaught that shook her shoulders and back.

  “Oh no, Esther— Please, no.” He shut the water off and wrapped her in the towel. Carrying her in his arms, he spoke gentle words that didn’t penetrate the dark cloud of despair around her.

  She didn’t make much noise as the tears burned her cheeks. Her
throat was out of practice when it came to crying and it got sore from the effort. She wiped her cheeks while the sobs faded and realized she sat on Rob’s lap as he leaned against the sink cabinet.

  “This is all my fault.” He stroked her wet hair.

  Pulling the towel tighter around her chest, she rested her head on his shoulder. “I don’t remember you biting me.”

  “No, but I had the chance to kill Talon the night we met and I chickened out.”

  She lifted her chin to gaze at his face.

  His thin lips frowned, regret filling his eyes.

  “Well, if we’re going to play this silly game, then I can be at fault too. I didn’t need to follow you or try and block the door.” She turned his face toward hers and placed a chaste kiss on his mouth. “Your turn.”

  He rewarded her with a small, crooked smile.

  She grinned back. “What now? I mean, how long does it take for me to—to change?”

  “Everyone is different. It all depends on how much virus transferred into your system. Usually, it takes a week to a month before you can shift shape.” He looked at the floor and cleared his throat. “There’ll be nightmares. It’s how the beast develops, and you’ll be on probation for a year, living with a mentor so you stay in control.”

  She blinked at him, her mind gone blank. A mentor? Live somewhere else? What about her apartment in New York?

  “If your beast takes over completely and you kill someone, no jury in the world will have mercy. They’ll destroy you. Having a mentor is important and non-negotiable with the Vasi.”

  Overwhelmed, Esther nodded and stared at him, unable to ask the thousands of questions racing through her mind.

  He must have sensed something, because he looked up from the floor at her. “If you want to be part of a different pack I’m sure my alpha can make arrangements. Don’t feel like you have to— I mean, I’d—we’d never force you to stay.”

  Stay? Rob kept her safe, he understood her. Why would she go anywhere? “Can I stay?”

  Relief flooded his expression. “Yes, of course.” He hugged her. “You’ve got time to adjust. It’s a big change, but we’ve all been through the same process. You’re not alone.” He squeezed her. “I’ll be there for you.”

  Those five words were the nicest things anyone had ever said to her. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him back. “Can you be my mentor?”

  Stroking her hair, he leaned away and gave her a shy smile. The same one he’d given her the night they met. “I hoped you would ask. You’ll have to live here with us. I can move into the office across the hall, and you can have my room.”

  “Your room? But I want…” She couldn’t finish her sentence. No matter what she did he wouldn’t ever trust her.

  “What do you want?” Pushing some loose strands of hair behind her ear, he gazed into her eyes.


  * * * *

  Robert released the breath he’d been holding. The drumming of his heart was the only thing he could hear. It made him lightheaded. “You say and do all the right things but…” There was always a but with Esther. Could he live with buts complicating his life?

  Vulnerable, she clung to him, pleading with her eyes, not even trying to defend her actions. He didn’t think many people ever saw this side of Esther, his hardcore slayer.

  He didn’t want a difficult relationship. “Are you going to break my heart, Esther?”

  “What?” The shock on her face appeared genuine.

  “I could fall in love with you.” He cupped her beautiful face within the palms of his hands. “I’m willing to take that leap and place my faith in you. Just—answer my question honestly.”

  She placed her hands on his. “I’d never hurt you. Not on purpose, not even if you broke my heart.”

  She was going to become a werewolf. Her life would change, which meant no more slaying. She’d come to his aid when it was a three-to-one fight. Maybe he should trust her now.

  He tossed his doubts out of his heart and mind. Esther belonged to him and he to her. As she developed into a werewolf their bond would grow and he’d have a true mate. Something he never considered possible. He grinned as he drew her mouth to his.

  Dropping her towel, she draped her limbs around him.

  The sharp flavor of mint greeted his tongue as he slipped it between her lips. A thousand pounds of responsibilities, anxiety, and stress dissipated with her taste.

  With an aggression born of her nature, Esther tore at the buttons of his jeans.

  Groaning as his erection strained in their confines, he removed her hands, not wanting their first time having sex to be on the bathroom floor. In a few hours Eric would be home and nothing short of the end of the world would take Robert from Esther’s side.

  When he stood, she clung to his hips and ground her pussy to his hard, needy cock. It pulsed. Damn, he would so fuck her senseless.

  She squirmed in his arms while he hurried to the unmade bed, her soft, warm flesh inviting his hands to explore. With his knees, he hit the edge of the bed and he set her down.

  Lying back, she stretched along the mattress in all her glorious nudity.

  Robert stared. Words didn’t exist for the gratitude he felt toward the odd series of events that led them to this moment. He undressed, then crept over her body.

  Skin slid over skin. Her hard nipples traced along his chest, and she arched her back with a low moan.

  He loved the way she reacted to his touch. It nurtured his confidence and hell, boosted his ego. She’d climaxed for him last night and called out his name. Tonight he would make her beg for it to never stop. Although, with the way she stared at him at the moment, it was possible he might end up being the one on his knees begging.

  Cupping her breast in his palm, he brought her tight nub to his mouth and sucked in hard draws.

  She grasped his shoulders, digging her nails into him. Her breaths came quickly.

  The sharp pain aroused him more. It called to his beast who recognized the act as possessive. He growled his approval and worked her other firm mound. The scent of her arousal grew stronger. Dipping his hand between her thighs to her wet pussy, he slipped his fingers into her hot velvet.

  Her moans grew louder, more desperate, while he thrust his digits inside. With his thumb, he searched for that special spot, the elusive clitoris. Her sharp cry signaled his discovery and he massaged the spot, taking it for a test drive.

  Her hips rolled in an inviting manner. Rotating and grinding, she helped him stimulate her pleasure point.

  The beast and human side of Robert shared his body equally, both wanting Esther. Instinct became logic as her new scent carried the innate flavor of pack, and more importantly, she smelled like his. He nipped the bud he suckled with his teeth, experimenting with the fine edge of pain and pleasure.

  The muscles in her pussy clenched around his fingers, wetness soaking his hand. Her moans became higher in pitch as she achieved her climax. The first of many, he hoped.

  As if melting, Esther’s body molded to the mattress and pillows. Pride swelled his chest as a lazy smile graced her face.

  He finally understood why some wars were fought over women. Nothing would take her from him without a fight. His cock pressed against his abdomen, demanding attention.

  Esther spread her knees. Glistening and slick, her nether lips were flushed the same shade of pink as her cheeks. “Do you need a written invitation?”


  She gave a deep laugh. “Damn right I am. I’ve wanted you since the day we met.” Reaching between his thighs, she stroked him with a feathery touch.

  A shiver shook his body. He closed his eyes, resting his forehead on her shoulder while he growled his approval.

  “Three days is a long time to wait, Rob.” Esther’s advances grew more aggressive. Stroking with both hands, she showed no mercy and milked his cock.

  Of their own accord, his hips thrust in time. He gripped the bedding and tried
to catch his breath. By some miracle he kept from coming, even though her hands felt so fucking great. After a few more strokes he noticed his erratic breathing, and he sat back between her bent legs and removed her hands.

  She was perfect for him, driving and challenging him in life and in bed. He grabbed her ass and lifted her pussy to meet his cock. The heat of her cream slipped over his tip and he rubbed his stiff rod at her entrance, barely penetrating.

  It drove her wild.

  And she drove him over the edge. He shoved inside of her to his balls.

  His name left her lips and she dug her nails into his ass, pulling him even deeper.

  Everyone in the house must have heard her. He grinned and thrust harder, faster, so she’d do it again. Once he started pounding inside her, he didn’t care if she shouted out the alphabet backward. Secret muscles squeezed him like no hands ever could. Smooth and soft, her pussy enveloped him as he burrowed deeper.

  He wanted more, needed to spread his scent all over her so every male would know she belonged to him. His momentum drove Esther to the headboard.

  To avoid getting a concussion she sat and grabbed his shoulders. She wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Unbelievably, he sank even deeper. From the shocked expression on her face he knew his eyes had changed color again. She always seemed taken when they became his beast’s amber. The transformation was close, only a fraction of will kept him and the beast from merging, but he’d been this close before and knew how to control his change.

  Esther’s gasp rewarded his efforts as he channeled the beast’s size into his cock.

  “Oh shit, Rob.” She flung her head back, exposing her graceful neck.

  Bracing her back to the wall by his bed, he bit her shoulder. Thrust after hard thrust, sweat beaded on her smooth skin and some trickled down his back. The springs of his bed squealed, and his wall creaked from the abuse.

  Esther’s cries of encouragement kept him going. They changed in pitch all of a sudden. Her pussy grabbed hold of his cock as if made of iron, leaving him at her mercy until his seed poured into her. A howl tore from his throat.


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