Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear Page 12

by Harmony Raines

  She battled her way through undergrowth, earning cuts on her face and torn clothes, while she went over the whole afternoon in her head. Daryl's parents were, perhaps, just happy that their son had found a woman he liked. Daryl had said himself that he didn’t date many girls. This might be enough to explain their behaviour. She couldn’t really criticise other people over their behaviour. Not when she had run out on a family while sitting down having tea. Not just run off along the street, or across town. No, that would be too simple. She had run off into the middle of nowhere and was now lost, with night drawing in.

  A sound made her jump. There was something in the trees. Just a deer. That’s what she kept telling herself. However, deer would run away from her; this was getting closer. Panic built into a scream, but she kept her mouth firmly shut. The scream barred behind her teeth, which now started to chatter. The sound was making it almost impossible to hear anything else around her.

  She closed her eyes and wished she could be back in her warm bed. But Kayleigh knew from experience that wishes never came true. If they did, she would have spent her childhood with her parents, or at least known who her dad was. There was only one person who could help her. But that person was standing still, teeth chattering, while something hunted her.

  Pulling herself together, she walked on determinedly. Trying to keep in a straight line, she headed downhill. If she went in that direction, it had to bring her out at the bottom of the trees. Unless she had managed to turn herself around completely and was now heading into the dark forest.

  No, she would have come across the stream and track first. Trying to build up a mental picture of the terrain she had driven over with Daryl in the truck, she plunged on. Not stopping even when she heard another creature off to the side. Slowly, she was being surrounded. She couldn’t allow whatever was out there to herd her.

  Ahead, the trees looked as if they thinned. She tried to speed up, but the trees caught on her clothes. Kayleigh found it quicker to go slowly and carefully rather than to dash headlong, despite the need inside her to run. In the distance, she could hear another sound, a truck. Daryl was out there searching for her. The engine slowed and a door opened, then closed.

  “Please don't drive off,” she said under her breath.

  “Kayleigh. Kayleigh, are you there? Please answer me.”

  His voice was filled with anguish. And she wanted to answer him, but she was scared. If she shouted, then whatever was hunting her would know exactly where she was. She scoffed at that idea when a snarl sounded in response to Daryl’s voice. Who was she kidding? They already knew exactly where she was.

  “Daryl,” she called. More snarls came from the right of her. They were closing in. “Daryl.”

  Her voice was drowned out by the forest, by the trees crowding in around her. The sky ahead filled with light; she was definitely nearing the edge, exactly what her hunters were trying to stop her doing. A movement in front of her made her hesitate, but she had to push on through to the open ground. To Daryl.

  Veering to one side, she ran for the thinning trees. Her heart lifted when she saw the headlights from Daryl’s truck. There he was coming towards her, but from behind her, she heard snarls and growls. Teeth snapped at her, nearly taking hold of her clothes. She half turned and saw the faces that were pursuing her. Wolves.

  She turned back to Daryl, and began to wave frantically at him, using her precious energy to warn him. “Run,” she shouted. And he did.

  He lowered his head and ran towards her. She tried to warn him. Surely, he had seen the wolves; he had to get back into the truck. There was no use them both being killed. Yet still he powered on towards her.

  Until for a moment his figure blurred, and then he faded away.

  There was no breath left in her lungs to scream. Only her reflexes kept her body moving forward. Her brain refused to process what she had seen. He had disappeared. Although now he was coming back into sight, as though he had momentarily disappeared behind a screen. However, the thing that appeared in his place wasn’t a man; it was low to the ground, and big. Very big.

  With one incredible roar, the bear hurtled towards her. Her legs finally gave out. The sight before her was too wild, too unreal. Had the wolves already killed her; was this her brain’s way of dealing with death?

  Chapter Seventeen - Daryl

  He’d heard her voice and then he'd heard the wolves. What the hell were they doing this way? Their territory ended a couple of miles over the other side of the mountain. There would be trouble when this was reported. All species took invading another's territory as very serious. Even as a scouting party.

  However, that did not excuse their treatment of his mate. There would be blood spilled, and bones shattered.

  Her face as she came towards him was a mask of shock, and possible horror. This was not how he wanted her to find out. However, without releasing his bear they would both end up dead. The wolves were too powerful for him in his human form. If this caused him to lose her, then at least he would have the satisfaction of knowing she was alive in this world. Even if it was without him.

  Then his thoughts merged with the bear. Things became simpler. She would be his, and these wolves would be vanquished tonight. The rage he felt at them being here, on his land, was enormous. It needed to be unleashed, with teeth and claws.

  He transformed in one fluid movement, leaping into the air to land on all fours, his weight propelling him forward past Kayleigh, who appeared to be falling to her knees. He couldn’t think of that, couldn't be distracted from his course.

  The first wolf howled in shock as his full body weight slammed into him. The second shot out of the forest, and launched himself onto the bear’s back. Daryl’s jaws snapped, but only managed to get hold of the wolf’s leg, not his throat. Still it was enough and a howl of pain filled the air.

  The wolf on Daryl's back couldn't get a grip, despite sinking his teeth deep into Daryl’s fur. With one hard shake, the wolf went flying into the air, to land in a heap on the ground.

  But it wasn’t over. Wolves weren’t that easy.

  Both staggered to their feet and shook. Then they glanced at each other. Daryl knew some wordless message passed between them. They were planning their next attack. Daryl didn’t intend to stand still and let them take the higher ground. Instead, he pushed off with his giant back paws. Opening his jaws wide, he took the nearest wolf by surprise.

  Teeth sunk into flesh, and a loud cry filled the air. The wolf tried to shake the bear off, snarling while the bear shook his head. Teeth biting deeper until blood covered the ground.

  The second wolf took the opportunity to spring onto him again. His foothold slipped and he crashed to the ground as Daryl swung his surprisingly nimble bulky body out of the way. Yelping, the wolf stood with his front paw off the ground. Daryl loosed the wolf from his jaws. Opening his mouth, he bellowed his rage right into his face.

  The message had got through. The wolves staggered off back into the forest. Tomorrow he would be down at the sheriff’s office lodging a formal complaint about their wolf neighbours. A war with the wolves was not something any of them needed. However, their behaviour tonight was as good as laying down the first gauntlet. The wolf council needed deal with these trespassers harshly. If no suitable punishment was given, the bears would take it further themselves.

  Sweeping this aside, he turned back to look at Kayleigh, who still lay on the ground where she had fallen. He went to her, snuffling around her. For just one moment, he allowed himself to enjoy the scent of his mate through his bear’s senses. Then he changed, and his human form picked her up gently and carried her to his truck.

  Behind him, more headlights were coming along the track. Sam.

  “You’ve found her?”

  Daryl nodded. “I’m going to take her home.”

  “What are you going to say to Tia, her roommate?”

  “I wasn’t thinking of that home. I mean my home.” He looked down at her sweet face, and brushed
her hair away from it. “I mean our home.”

  Chapter Eighteen - Kayleigh

  She was warm against his chest. Then she remembered the bear. Her consciousness slipped away from her again. It wasn’t real. Men didn’t change into bears, so if there had been a bear, Daryl must be dead. Her Daryl, the man she should be spending the rest of her life with, had been eaten by a bear.

  That world wasn't a world she wanted to be part of. She knew that now, but it was too late. Movement, she was in a vehicle, someone had found her, maybe Sam. How would she tell his family that Daryl had died because of her? If she hadn’t run off so stupidly, the wolves wouldn’t have been chasing her. Then the bear wouldn’t have caught Daryl while he was trying to save her.

  The wolves. What happened to the wolves? Had the bear finished them off too? Yet she had been spared. Her mind dragged her back to consciousness; she had to know the answers.

  The truck stopped, and there was a sound of a door opening. Close to her, she felt movement and warm arms around her. She forced her eyes open, expecting to see Sam.

  “How?” was all she could say, her hand going to stroke his cheek. “I saw the bear. I thought you were dead.”

  His face lightened, and then a frown creased it. “Let’s get inside, Kayleigh. Then I want you to tell me exactly what you saw.”

  She lay back in his arms while he carried her across to a house she had never seen before. Sam appeared beside of him and opened the front door, his face half hidden in the shadows. From what she could see, he looked concerned and agitated, something she had never seen on his face before. Was it to do with her? Were they angry with her?

  Daryl took her inside, and placed her on a low sofa. “I’ll get the fire lit.”

  “I’m OK,” she replied weakly.

  “I worried the shock will set in and you’ll be cold. It won’t take me long.” He turned to Sam. “Want to grab some logs from the pile? They should be dry.”

  “Sure. I’ll take a look around the property too. Check there’s no trouble coming your way.” Sam went out, and appeared a few minutes later with a large armful of wood. He set them down by the side of Daryl, who was busy setting the kindling out. He was deep in thought, his hands preoccupied with small, dry tinder, while his mind was elsewhere.

  “Thanks,” he said, looking up at Sam, who placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

  “No problem. Keep your phone with you. You need anything, you call.” Daryl nodded, and Sam turned to speak to Kayleigh. “Listen, Daryl will look after you. I’ll come by in the morning to check on you both.”

  “Aren’t I going home?” she asked weakly.

  “You’re best here, Kayleigh. Daryl won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She sank back down onto the sofa. He was right. This was the best place for her. Not only for her protection, but also for the answers to the questions burning in her head. Patiently, she let Daryl light the fire, and she had to agree it was just what she needed. Her teeth continued to chatter every so often, completely out of her control. An occasional shiver ran through her body too, although she was no longer cold.

  “Do you want some tea?” he asked.

  “Yes, please. It might warm me up. The fire is great, but I am chilled inside. I can’t stop my teeth chattering.”

  “That’s the shock. And you did have quite a shock.” He looked at her, searching her face for clues about what she had seen, but he didn’t ask her. And she was pleased; she didn’t know if she was ready, not yet. She needed to get her strength back first.

  “Do you have a cookie or something sweet? My blood sugar levels seem to have plummeted through the floor.”

  “I’ll see what I can find. I’m sure you expended a lot of energy when you were running. You covered a lot of ground. Kayleigh ... I’m sorry if either me, or my family, upset you.”

  “I overreacted. It just felt as if you all presumed we would be getting married and having babies. Like you didn’t want me to work for Will, because you didn’t trust me or something. When, like I said, it’s not really any of your business.”

  “It was my fault; I’ve let things get out of hand. I’m such a fool; you could have been killed tonight. If I’d told you more, explained things better, then I could have prevented it. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “I don't know what I’m supposed to forgive you for. I have no idea what’s going on here, Daryl. Will you please explain it to me?”

  “I’ll get your tea, and then we’ll talk. I think it’s time you knew everything. It won’t excuse my behaviour. But it will hopefully make it a little easier to understand my motives.”

  She lay back down while he went out, to what she presumed was the kitchen. During that time, she took the opportunity to look around the room he had brought her in to.

  It was cosy, comfortable; that was how she would have best described it. A man’s room. Yes, but the furniture was matching, the cushions plump and soft, all decorated in soft hues, evoking memories of the mountains and the woods. Greens, splashes of orange, with thick drapes at the windows. She could imagine being snuggled in here in the winter. The wind battering the windows, and feeling safe and warm next to the big fire. Curled up next to Daryl on the sofa, reading a book.

  That was what struck her; there was no TV, nothing electrical of any kind really. No computer or games console. This man either didn’t spend much time here, or had plenty of other things to do when he was. He wasn’t the kind of man that lazed around and did nothing. No wonder he had such a remarkable body. He must never stop to relax.

  “Here, I didn’t know if you wanted sugar.”

  “No, thanks.”

  “I might help with the shock.”

  “I hate sugar in my tea.”

  “Then eat one of these. My mom made them,” he said, and she smiled.

  “Your mom likes to look after you. She cares about you a lot.”

  “Yes. We might have left the den, but we’re still her cubs until we find mates of our own.”

  She listened to his words, the inflection not lost on her. Taking a sip of her tea and a bite of the cookie he had given her, she took a moment to gather her thoughts. She needed to ask him the questions that burned inside her.

  While she had waited for him, the image of what she had seen had played over and over in her mind. There was a never a bear and Daryl. There was Daryl, running towards her, and then there was the bear. They were not two separate things; they were one and the same.


  “What are you, Daryl?”

  He looked at her, and then looked away, almost ashamed. “I’m different.”

  “We’re all different in our own way.”

  “Not this different.”

  “Will you tell me? Will you trust me with your secret?”

  “You already know it. What you saw, why you passed out.”

  “I thought the bear killed you. One minute you were there, and the next you were gone.”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “How?” she whispered, still not able to comprehend that a man could change into a bear.

  “Magic,” he said, shrugging again. “I don’t know. None of us does. It’s just the way we are.”

  “All of you in Bear Creek?” What had she been living amongst all these months?

  “No. Not all. But most of the people who have been here for a long time know. We tend to be quite trusting when we’ve known them long enough. A few decades or more.”

  She let that slide for now. “And me?”

  “I didn’t know how to tell you. I’ve known you were my mate since I first saw you. But I didn’t have the courage to tell you, or even ask you on a date.”

  “I thought you didn’t like me,” she admitted.

  “I understand that now. I’m sorry.” He came to kneel before her. “I’ve waited so long for you to come into my life.”

  “How long?”

  “Hundreds of years.”

  The room spun around, and
she felt lightheaded again. However, she was determined to see this through to the end. “And you just know. You don’t choose or anything?”

  He shook his head. “No. No choice. Although you can always walk away, I won’t force you to do something you don’t want. I don’t know how it works for humans, but for us, it’s written in our DNA. There is no choice, fate has already decided.”

  “And what happens to you if I walk away?”

  He took her hand, and stroked it gently. “I live a lonely life. There is no second choice. There’s sex, or there’s your mate.”

  “And that’s what I am? Your mate.”

  “Yes. My mate.” The way he said the words. Savouring them on his tongue as if he had waited all his long years to say it in her presence.

  She lay back down, staring at the ceiling. It was a lot to take in. She still expected to wake up and find the whole thing a dream. That she had hit her head when she was out in the woods. That was where her body was while her mind was here, lying in front of the fire. While a man knelt by the side of her telling her had been waiting for her his whole life. That didn’t happen every day. Especially not to a woman like her, who had never known loyalty from anyone but her sister.

  Chapter Nineteen - Daryl

  This was the longest moment of his life. If she denied him now, then he would be lost, cast out of his true future forever. All he could hope for was that she felt something for him. That she would at least give him another chance, after he had messed it up so badly.

  Yet, if she didn't feel it the same way as he did, then why would she give him that chance to make it right? Instead, she could get up. Demand he take her straight home. He would do it too. There was no way he would ever force himself on her. She meant too much to him for that to ever be an option. No matter how much his body craved her.


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