Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear Page 40

by Harmony Raines

  Stuart picked up the papers and looked at them. “I know this farm well. Very productive. Quite an oversight for the rent not to have risen in line with prices, don’t you think?”

  “Well, to some extent, yes. Although some years the yield isn’t so good. I would take the rent along these lines if it was me.” He handed Stuart another piece of paper with his calculations on.

  “If it was you.” Stuart leaned back and studied Eirik, who really wished he had decided to give this a miss. “Eirik. How do you think you are getting on in your role on the council?”

  Eirik now knew he had overstepped the mark. “I hope I’m doing a good job. It’s my intention to serve the council as my forebears have.”

  “Really.” He paused before going on. “Eirik, I watched you grow up, I followed your progress at school. Not just through your father, but directly.”

  “I’m honoured you showed an interest in me, sir.”

  “Stuart,” he said firmly. “We are as equals now, Eirik.”

  Eirik sure didn’t feel like an equal; he felt more like a schoolboy again, the one his uncle had watched from afar. “Stuart. I’m sorry. Old habit.”

  “Look. I understand how tough these last few months have been for you. But you are a capable young man. If I didn’t think you were up to the task, I would have appointed someone else. I know we have a tradition, but sooner or later, we have to move away from that. So I want you to know, it is only through your own capabilities that you are sitting here now.”

  “Thank you.”

  “But sometimes I feel as though I am the only one to believe in you.”

  Here it comes, Eirik thought. “The other council members have their reservations?”

  “One in particular.”

  “I see. Would it be easier if I resigned?” This was not going as he had hoped.

  “No, Eirik, it wouldn’t. You see, you are that council member.”

  Eirik sat in silence, letting Stuart’s words sink in. He was right. Out of everyone, he was the person who didn’t think he was up to the job, and yet he had started to realise he was wrong. The rents proved that he could do the job. “I see that. But I came here to ask for greater authority. I want to be able to deal with some of these things as they arise.”

  “And that is what I want, Eirik. I need to delegate. I cannot watch over every aspect of the Clan. This is your job, as it was your fathers before him and his before that. I want you to take control. But only if you believe in yourself. Can you do that? Because if you don’t, no one else will and you will have a battle on your hands trying to deal with these people. They will think you’re weak and I know you are not.”

  “I apologise.”

  “Eirik. You have nothing to apologise for.”

  “I don’t think that is true.”

  “If you mean your father, then surely you must see he was not your responsibility.”

  “But his blood is in my veins.”

  “Ah, of course, that is what you are afraid of.”

  Eirik hung his head, shaking it from side to side. “I know how important this job is. I know the responsibility involved. I still can’t understand why my father would just give the land away.”

  “He was a very honourable man. And if he was convinced, as he was, that Carson Frasier was his son, then he would have known that the role of Holder of the Deeds would have gone to his first son. He could not break with tradition. But I could. So he kept it quiet. I imagine the secret he held wormed away at him, and that is why he went to his grave before his time.”

  “He broke my mom’s heart.”

  “He never meant that to happen. I know he didn’t. But you have a chance to rise above all that. Put things right. And I know you can. You are mature enough, Eirik. And when your mate comes along, you will be loyal and true.”

  Eirik thought of Drew. “If she ever comes along.”

  “The fates always know what is for the best. Trust in them, Eirik.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Now, let’s do this on a trial basis. You make decisions, and we will confer. Once you see how things work—and I will share as much as I can with you, Eirik—then you can be autonomous.” He got up and held his hand out to Eirik.

  Eirik stood up and shook his uncle’s hand. “Thank you, Uncle Stuart.”

  “My pleasure. You know I’m counting on you knowing the ropes so that when Freyja is chief you can help her.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Eirik moved to leave, and then said, “She’s going to have her hands tied up with the baby soon, isn’t she?”

  “Yes. A couple more months and I will be a grandfather. Never thought I would see that day. And that is why I would like to hand over more responsibility to you, Eirik. I want to have time to enjoy my grandchildren.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Eirik left Stuart’s office feeling a lot happier. He only hoped that everything worked out this well with Drew.

  Chapter Sixteen - Drew

  She wanted to go home, to shower and change, but she didn’t want to see the way her dad looked at her. Not that he would judge her. However, the thought of him knowing what she was planning to do with Eirik, made her feel somehow ashamed. Maybe it was just because he wasn’t her mate. She knew it was tradition for a female to save herself for her mate. But then, she didn’t want her mate. This was just uncomplicated fun.

  That’s what she told herself anyway. But deep down, she had a sneaking suspicion she was fooling herself. She wanted it to be more, and yet it scared the hell out of her. For so long she had told herself she didn’t want a mate. Drew had even made it clear to Eirik she didn’t want a mate; if she hinted that she had changed her mind, he would back away. And she wanted this too much. So, trying to appease those thoughts, she simply told herself it didn’t matter because the chances of her mate simply walking into her life were so slim it would never happen.

  Uncomplicated fun. That was what she told herself again and again while she went to the place where they changed from human to bear. As she entered the trees, she realised she was not alone—Eirik was already there, waiting.

  “How long have you been here?” she asked, his eagerness a massive turn on, but she wanted to remain cool and collected. Or was her own eagerness visible in the flush of colour in her cheeks?

  “A while. I went to see Stuart; it went really well. So I went home and got a load of work done, but as the time crept on, I found it hard to concentrate. My mind kept conjuring up images of you.”

  “Eirik, I...”

  “You’ve changed your mind?” he asked, disappointment in his voice.

  “No. I’m just ... nervous.”

  He came to her, pulling her into his arms and holding her tight against his chest. Kissing the top of her head, he said gently, “If you change your mind than that’s fine. It really is. Why don’t we run off some of this tension and then see how you feel?”

  “Good idea,” she said. At least as a bear she wouldn’t have to make polite conversation with him, which was about all she was capable of at the moment: meaningless small talk.

  He let her go, then the air shimmered around him and he turned into a great, big, powerful bear. Drew followed, struggling for a moment to keep control of her bear. That side of her was more excited than nervous. Maybe it was because as a bear, Eirik would make a wonderful mate. Big, strong, and capable. Yes, her bear would be very happy if he turned into her mate. But then, her bear had simple needs.

  Eirik turned to look at her one last time and then took off up the mountain. She lumbered after him, picking up speed as adrenaline coursed through her body. Her heart beat fast and her lungs pumped hard to keep air going in and out, as they climbed and climbed. Through the forest and out onto the open meadow, they ran until she thought her legs would give out on her. This was not how she normally ran as a bear—she was built to go long distances, but not at speed.

  And then they headed for a small pocket of trees. There he stop
ped. In one shimmering moment, he changed back into his human form. Drew did the same. Her breathing was still ragged as she caught her breath.

  “Fun?” he asked.

  “I don’t know if I would like to do that every day. But it certainly gets your blood pumping.”

  “I didn’t mean to tire you out, but I thought it would give you a chance to get rid of some unwanted tension.”

  “Who said it was unwanted?” Was she actually flirting?

  He grinned. “Anyway, now I want you to relax.”

  He took her hand and led her under the trees. There was a blanket laid out with a basket next to it.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “A picnic. I thought since you had been working all day, you might like something to eat.”

  “How did all this get here?” she asked, surprised that he had gone to so much trouble but warmed by his thoughtfulness.

  “I could blame it on the fairies.”

  She laughed. “Like they exist.”

  He took her hand and led her to the blanket, and then he opened the basket and took out some sandwiches, salad, and an ice-cold bottle of wine. Conjuring two glasses from inside the basket, he poured the wine and offered her a glass.

  “Thank you,” she said taking a sip. It was wonderful, so crisp and fresh, just what she needed to both cool her down and calm her nerves. Her appetite had completely disappeared, though, and she found herself nibbling on a sandwich whilst wondering what he had planned next.

  Until now, she hadn’t worried too much, but the thought of them making love out here in the open was a little nerve-wracking.

  “And how did your day go?” he asked, cutting into her thoughts.

  “Oh. Good. I printed off some leaflets for this book club your mom and my dad plan to create. I think it will do them good, don’t you?”

  He laughed. “It’s all my mom talked about this morning over breakfast. It’s nice to see her engaged in something. They get on well, I think.”

  “I agree. They are both lucky to find someone on the same wavelength.” Drew took another small bite of her sandwich, and forced herself to swallow. All the time she kept taking surreptitious glances at Eirik and his wonderful body. Her gaze occasionally flicking down to the hard bulge clearly visible in his pants. Her own arousal grew, heat pooled between her thighs and her sex ached for him. This waiting was incredibly frustrating.

  And Eirik mirrored her thoughts. “I feel the same way.” He slid across the blanket to her. “I feel incredibly lucky to have found someone on the same wavelength.” He took the barely eaten sandwich from her hand. Then he kissed her, while her head screamed he would be able to taste the wine on her breath. But Eirik didn’t care.

  And a moment later, Drew didn’t care either. As his lips pressed against hers, she didn’t care about anything except the way he made her body crave him. She threaded her fingers into his hair, pulling him closer and kissing him with an urgency she had never known.

  He groaned against her, and his hands went to her clothes, undoing the buttons of her shirt, almost ripping the fabric in his haste. Beneath her bra, her nipples hardened and the soft flesh swelled in its need to be freed. Eirik’s fingers didn’t fumble with the clasp. He was regaining his composure, becoming sure in his actions. Her bra soon joined her shirt on the blanket next to them. Drew tried not to feel embarrassed as he raked his gaze over her half naked body, and instead let the hunger in his eyes fuel her arousal.

  His big warm hand covered her breast. His palm caressed her flesh, chafing the hard bud of her nipple as he moved it in a circular motion. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations flooding her body, and then they flew open again as he lowered his head and sucked the taut bud into his mouth. Nothing could have prepared her for the jolt of electricity that flew through her body. All her nerve endings were set on fire. Her clit throbbed, begging for the same attention. When he shifted his mouth to nurse on her other nipple, she lifted her thigh and draped it over his body to press herself against him, needing to find release.

  Eirik slid his hand between them, lifting up her skirt inch by inch while she held her breath. It bunched up over her thighs, giving his fingers access to her heated sex. Another wave of embarrassment hit her, he would know just how desperate she was for him. Slowly he inched the fabric of her panties to one side and slipped his finger into her. Her whole body tensed, she thought she would explode there and then around him, yet she held it together. He drew his finger along the length of her slick sex and rubbed her clit lightly. All the time his mouth sucked and licked her breasts.

  Her arousal grew, and she knew she was going to come. Her fingers dug into his back as she tried to keep herself together, but it was no good. Her sex contracted, gripping the two fingers he eased inside her. At that moment, he hooked one of his fingers to rub against her inner walls, hitting the magic spot that sent her over the edge. Her hips moved, thrusting backwards and forwards on his fingers. His thumb rubbed her clit and everything seemed stop while her body let itself go in a way she never knew possible. He played her body expertly, making each part come together as one, in this crushing wave of pleasure.

  And then it passed, leaving her drained and breathless.

  “Wow,” was all she could say.

  “A good wow, I hope,” he said, kissing her neck.

  “Most definitely.” Her breasts heaved as she fought to calm her breathing.

  “I want you to come around me, Drew. You know what I mean.”

  “Yes.” Of course, she did and now she wanted that even more. To feel him inside her, to hopefully please him in the same way. Although she doubted she had the same level of expertise.

  When his fingers went to the zip on her skirt, she knew she was about to find out what mating was all about. And she was glad it was Eirik who would be her first. It felt so right.

  Chapter Seventeen - Eirik

  His conscience no longer bothered him, which was a relief. All day he had tried to talk himself out of taking her. But now it seemed so right. He kept telling himself that she wanted this, that she had no intention of seeking out her mate. Yet up until now, it had still weighed heavily on him. But with her lying next to him, so beautiful and so soft, he couldn’t deny what they both wanted.

  Slipping her skirt down over her generous thighs, he stroked her skin. The way she reacted to his touch was amazing, as though her skin rose to meet his fingers. He eased her panties off next, and then gave himself a moment to look at her body, at the flush of pink that covered her skin and the shadow between the thighs that led to the place he wanted to bury his cock.

  That thought propelled him into action; he took his clothes off in record time, casting them aside. Then he eased her down onto her back, slipping between her thighs with his bulky body. Another perfect fit. Easing himself up onto his elbows he hovered above her, kissing her neck and down over her breasts. He knew how wet she was, but still he slipped a finger inside her and made sure she was aroused, ready for what was to come. It would be uncomfortable for her this first time, and he wanted to do everything he could to make it a very pleasurable experience for her.

  Satisfied and incredibly eager, he moved forward, guiding himself into her. The head of his cock met the warmth of her sex. He pushed forward, feeling her surround him for the first time. For a moment, he had to stop, his senses too overwhelmed by the feel of her. Beneath him, he felt the rise and fall of her breasts, her hard nipples scraping his chest; how he wanted to suck on them again. Her skin, everything about her, was like honey to his bear. But, one thing at a time. His senses were too overwhelmed to multitask.

  His control regained, he eased himself deeper into her. Feeling her inner walls gripping him, her moist skin sliding against his cock, sheathing him so snugly, it was as though she were made for him. Then he felt the barrier of her innocence, and knew he had to be careful not to hurt her. He pulled back, and then thrust forward harder, breaking her.

  She tensed all around him, h
er fingers digging into his arms, a small cry escaping her lips. He eased back again and then began to move, rocking backward and forwards with his hips, massaging her internally until she once more relaxed. That was it, he had taken her virginity, and he hoped she would never live to regret not saving herself for her mate.

  Chapter Eighteen - Drew

  Now the discomfort had passed, she tried to relax and enjoy the sensations flooding her body. Not hard, when he used his mouth on her breasts again in such an exquisite way. First sucking her nipple inside and then rolling his tongue over it until she squirmed beneath him. Slowly her orgasm climbed, taking her higher and higher. She realised the small whimpering noises she could hear were hers; she sounded like a wounded bear cub.

  Opening her eyes, which she had screwed up when he entered her, she watched the top of his head as he sucked and licked her nipple. Trying to concentrate, when all her brain wanted to do was absorb these new sensations, she began to stroke his skin and kiss his neck. The taste of his flesh was tangy, with the scent of the pine forests mixed with the sweet grass of the meadow. Delicious to her taste buds in its own way.

  His thrusts became harder, and she knew he was climbing towards his own release. His whole body seemed to vibrate, so virile, so very powerful, as he lunged into her. Her hands went to his back, her nails scratching his skin, urging him on. Her need to come was tremendous, but she wanted him to come too. He had satisfied her so much and now she wanted him to feel that same satisfaction. Over and over, he slid in and out of her, each time his thrust was harder and deeper. And then he erupted inside her, his cock pulsing as it spurted the seed from his body to hers. A chain reaction began within her body. Her sex contracting around him, gripping him tightly as he moved, the friction becoming increasingly intense.

  When she came, it was more than she could ever have imagined. More intense, more pleasurable, and more right.


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