Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear Page 61

by Harmony Raines

  Flicking her paw, she sent a spray of icy snow into Trent’s face. Giggling inside, she took off at top speed, the sound of him sneezing in her ears. Faster and faster she ran, her panther body now completely in her control. The thrill of it all was making her want to shout from the mountaintop that she was the happiest woman on the planet. Behind her, the bear was chasing her down, but she had another gear and kicked it up a notch to increase the distance between them. Not that she wanted to lose him; she simply wanted a head start. Willow wanted her bear to find her. Oh, yes, she most definitely did.

  Ahead of her, she saw a rocky outcrop, behind it a straggly belt of pine trees. Not much cover for what she had in mind, but as he said, there was no one up here apart from them. So she leaped onto the rocks, happy to find a small cave behind it. Well, cave might be a little optimistic; it was more of a shallow indent in the rock face. But it would do.

  Changing back to her human form took a little effort. Her body held an excitement that she could barely control, but on her second attempt, she was successful. Taking her courage in both hands, she then quickly stripped down to her bra and panties, instantly realising this was a mistake, because she was freezing. Yet just as she grabbed her clothes to put back on, Trent arrived and the look of pure lust on his face made her drop her clothes to the floor and stand up straight for him to see her.

  In one leap, he was on the rocks and coming for her, changing mid-stride. “I have to figure out how to do that,” she said, and then her words were lost as he took her in his arms and kissed her.

  She clung to him, feeling his fingers going straight to the little bundle of nerves between her thighs, which throbbed and pulsed. Sliding a finger a little deeper, he pressed against her entrance, frustrated when he couldn’t slip it inside her. Pulling back, he pulled the fabric of her panties aside and then, as they stood in the open air, he used his fingers to bring her to her first orgasm, while he kissed her with such passion her knees went weak.

  His thumb rubbed her clit. His one finger was joined by another; he stretched her inner walls, making her ready for his thick cock. He didn’t let up until she was completely spent, almost begging him to stop. But before she had a chance to recover, he urged her to kneel down. Her knees hurt, as the hard stone pressed against them, and when he pressed his hand against her back she wondered what he wanted. Then she knew.

  With her on all fours, he pulled her panties down where they remained wrapped around her knees. Trent moved behind her, dropped his pants, knelt down and positioned himself in just the right place to push his cock against her outer lips. She braced herself, knowing he was going to take her hard, that the fierceness of his kisses were a prelude to this. He had taken her with his fingers to take the edge off her arousal. Trent intended to make this last a long time.

  Thrusting forward, he penetrated her. Slipping inside her halfway, before pulling out. He repeated this, over and over, only thrusting into her half way, until her sex ached to be filled by him completely. “Please,” she begged.

  “In time, my love. I want to linger over this. I never imagined I would mate with you here as the sun set over the mountain. Just a few minutes more.”

  In and out, sliding a little deeper each time while all around them the dark took over from the sun, casting strange shadows about them. Her arousal built, yet he left her teetering on the edge of her climax. Trent moved his hands, placing them on her hips, he moved a few more times, rocking on his knees, and then he withdrew completely. She turned to see what he was doing, what he intended. She saw the hunger on his face but still was not prepared.

  With one swift movement, he took her fully, his cock plunging into her up to the hilt. He grunted his satisfaction and she opened her mouth in a wordless moan as he withdrew again to ram himself into her.

  Trent had incredible stamina. His took her again and again; his strong legs powering his thrusts, and slowly her orgasm hovered in front of her eyes. So close: but she couldn’t fly to the stars, she needed more. She took his hand, pulling it from her hips and pushing it between her thighs. There he stroked her clit while her cries filled the mountain air.

  In her ear, she could hear his ragged breathing, while his cock still penetrated her fully. Then his cries mingled with hers as he came, thrusting hard and deep, to spill his essence into her. His hand went to her hair, fisting it as he lunged into her, burying himself deep inside her as he jerked out his climax. When he had finished, they were both left drained and breathless, but more together than ever. As though all facets of their personalities, human and animal, had become joined, become one.

  Chapter Nineteen – Trent

  The trek back down took longer than their run up the mountain; they were both tired, but happy. So very happy. Tonight she would share his bed, in his house. He didn’t care if all they did was sleep, at least they would be together. She had changed quickly, becoming so much more confident in herself already. He smiled with pride at the woman who was his mate. He could not imagine what it was like for her to suddenly sprout a tail when she had no idea that any of their kind existed, but she seemed to have put it all behind her. Maybe they would get lucky and find her parents so she could know her history. But he hoped if they couldn’t, then she would find contentment in working with him and raising their kids together.

  Going into the small grove of trees, they both changed back into their human form and then walked hand in hand down the track back into town. The looked like any other couple in love who had been up the mountain to look at the pristine snow.

  “I have been thinking about what you said about wanting a job. I think it would be a great idea for you to come and work for me. I have thought about expanding more, but it’s not always possible to get the help I need here in Bear Bluff, and I don’t hire from outside of town. It makes for less questions.”

  “I would enjoy working with you. I think we should make a good partnership, don’t you? I mean, surely with this bond thing, we should get on well and not argue.”

  He laughed. “You would think so. But I have known bonded couples to argue like mad when they spend too much time together. Bonded does not mean that our brains are fused. We all have our own ideas.”

  “Oh, I thought it would be one of the perks of the job, always knowing what my boss was thinking.”

  “Unfortunately, no. The only thing it’s helpful with is that I can tell if you are lying, and you can tell if I am.”

  “Ah, so that was why it was so easy to believe you when you said you were not interested in other women.”

  “Yes. I can’t lie to you. I can try, but it’s hard and you would know.” He turned and pulled her into his arms, kissing her on the mouth. He sighed as she responded, deepening the kiss and running his tongue along her lower lip. “Our bodies are so attuned to each other. They are connected on a level no ordinary human will ever experience, except with one of us. You kind of have to pity them.”

  He took her hand and they walked back to his house. It wasn’t far now, and he looked forward to taking her straight to bed. If they got hungry, he might order in takeout from the local restaurant. If he tipped them enough, they were usually accommodating, even if it wasn’t their policy to deliver.

  But as they drew nearer the house, he could see Declan, the sheriff, waiting in his car.

  “It’s late for him to be here,” Trent said, worried it had something to do with his enquiry into panthers and Willow’s parents. He hoped it wasn’t bad news, he would rather she went on not knowing for a while than be told they had died some awful death and she would never meet them.

  “Maybe it’s just routine,” Willow said, and he could hear the nervous edge to her voice. He wanted to tell her it was OK, that Declan was just here to shoot the breeze, or welcome her to the town. But Trent knew that wasn’t Declan’s style, not at this time of night.

  The sheriff opened his car door and got out, putting his hat on his head. Official business, thought Trent, and a cold sensation gripped his heart

  “Evening, Declan,” Trent said.

  “Hello there. I’m sorry to have to do this to you, Trent,” Declan said. “But I need to ask Willow to accompany me back to the station.”

  “Surely if it’s bad news about her parents, you can tell us here. We can go into the house,” Trent said. By his side he felt Willow freeze, a small tremor passing through her.

  “It isn’t about her parents. No news on that at the moment. This has to do with something else.”

  “What?” Trent said, squaring up to the sheriff.

  “Please, Trent, there is no need for that. I have been asked to come and get Willow. Stuart is waiting for us there.” Declan used his voice to calm Trent down. Damn, Declan was good at his job; he had the authority and the tact to avoid making situations worse.

  “Stuart? What has the chief got to do with this?” Trent asked, his anger still obvious.

  “I’ll explain when we get there. You are requested to come too, Trent.”

  “Of course,” he said, taking Willow’s hand. Numbly, they got into the sheriff’s car; he was concerned that she hadn’t put up any kind of fight. In fact, there was no reaction from her at all. As they drove back into town, he had an uneasy feeling that this was going to be bad. Very bad.

  Chapter Twenty – Willow

  “You want to keep us separate?” Trent asked.

  Willow could tell he was close to losing control and she didn’t want that. He was such a good man, so much better than she deserved. “It’s OK, Trent. I don’t mind.”

  “Well, I do. Declan, will you tell me what this is all about?”

  “I’ve asked him not to, Trent.” A well-dressed man with an air of authority came into the station, which was only really a couple of small rooms with a corridor leading off to the cells in the back.

  “Stuart. I don’t understand what is going on.” Trent spoke more politely to the older man.

  “I know, Trent. I appreciate you coming down here. First, I would like to introduce myself to Willow. You and Trent are bonded. That right, Trent?” Stuart shook Willow’s hand, but his concentration was on Trent and the answer he gave.

  “Yes. We met yesterday at the gas station over by Cougar Ridge. I got stuck on the way up there. So it’s been a long day and we were hoping to get some rest.”

  “I understand, but Willow is new in town and there are a couple of questions I need the answers to. So if you will wait here, I will take her to the interview room.”

  “There’s nothing you can’t say in front of me, Stuart.” Trent was not going to give her up without a fight. She loved him for that, but she didn’t want him to ruin his life for her by assaulting someone. Yet she lacked the willpower to open her mouth and speak; her brain was on the verge shutting down, panic mode was setting in.

  “Are you sure? Willow might have a past she doesn’t want you to know about.” Stuart’s words resounded in her brain, pushing through to be processed. Did she have a past she didn’t want Trent to know about? She had told him everything.

  “There’s nothing she can’t tell me,” Trent said confidently.

  “Is that OK with you, Willow?” asked Stuart.

  She wanted to say no, it’s not OK. None of this was OK. But she had to know and if it was something Trent couldn’t live with, then it was best he knew now rather than when she had conceived their child. But she wasn’t too worried; she had been very honest with Trent about her past. “Yes,” she answered.

  “Then let’s go through. I think coffee all-round; I’ll get it, if you would get everything set up, Declan.”

  “Sure, come through, Trent. Willow, take a seat. I’m sure we’ll have this all cleared up in no time.”

  “Does this have anything to do with what I asked you to look for, Declan?” Trent asked.

  Willow hated the concern in his eyes, hated the way he was willing to defend her against these people of his. People he had known his whole life. They were a part of who he was, his business, everything he worked for was here, wrapped up in this town. If her presence was going to ruin that for him, then she would leave.

  She got up abruptly. “Would you excuse me?” She went out to find Stuart, needing to talk to him on his own. Behind her, she heard Trent’s voice and Declan telling him to stay put.

  She pulled the door to, closing off the world Trent had offered her. It had been a dream after all, one she was not allowed to live in.

  “Hello, Willow, good of you to join me,” Stuart said, he was seated at Declan’s desk, two coffees on the table before him.

  “You knew I’d come out?”

  The old man smiled. “Hoped.” He indicated the seat in front of him. “Now we need to get some things cleared up.”

  She sat down opposite him, but didn’t touch the coffee; her throat was too constricted to swallow. “I’m not sure what you mean. Or am I here because I’m different to the rest of you?”

  He shook his head. “No. Not at all. You are here because when Declan did a search on your name, it led him to an Oliver Creswell. I see the name means something to you.”

  “Yes,” she said quietly, unable to believe that Ollie had found some way to track her, to ruin her life after all.

  “Is it true?” Stuart asked, sipping his coffee, but watching her intently.

  She tried so hard not to cry, but the tears came to her eyes quicker than she could blink them away. Reaching out, she took the coffee cup and sipped it just to buy herself some time and give her dry mouth enough moisture for her to be able to speak.


  “These are serious allegations. Does Trent know?”

  “Yes.” She looked at Stuart. “Please, it all happened before we met. It has nothing to do with him.”

  “It has everything to do with him. He will not rest if you go to prison.”

  “Prison,” she repeated her voice a soft whisper.

  “Normally crimes are dealt with internally, not that we have any trouble here in Bear Bluff, the bears all answer to me as the chief of their clan. But you are not one of us.”

  “No. I understand. What do you want me to do? I certainly don’t want Trent involved.” She wiped away her tears, knowing she had to be strong, at least until she could safely leave Trent. “I still don’t understand. It was all an accident.”

  “I’m afraid a judge will decide that. All I ask is that you keep the other side of yourself a secret.”

  She lifted her head and looked at Stuart. “How am I supposed to keep it a secret? That is the whole point, isn’t it?”

  “There is nothing in the report to say you attacked him as an animal. It was a knife.”

  “A knife. I didn’t. No … I haven’t ever attacked him.”

  Stuart watched her closely. “Then why don’t you tell me what did happen?”

  She felt so stupid telling Stuart how she had lost control and ended up with a tail. But as she spoke, he seemed to relax a little, the tension leaving him. “And that is what you told Trent?”

  “Yes. That’s what happened.” She reached in her pocket for her phone. “Here, these are the messages he keeps sending me.” She showed him the freak messages, and as he scrolled through them, he began to look different, angry.

  “Thank you, Willow. For being so candid in your story. I understand it all a lot better now. These messages prove that you were also with Trent when the alleged attack happened.”

  She got up. “Will you explain to Trent? I think it would be better if I just left, I’ll go and turn myself in and leave you all out of it.”

  Stuart smiled at her. “That won’t be necessary. I will get this whole thing sorted out. After all my long years, I have enough connections. Trent is a good man, he deserves to be happy. You understand why I had to watch out for him. There is no telling how a bear will react to save his mate.”

  “I understand. He is so lucky to have been raised here.”

  “It’s a good place to bring up some bear cubs, which brings me round to my next
suggestion. Get married to that mate of yours as quick as you can. If that’s what you want?” He grinned again. “What am I saying; of course it’s what you want. I have a couple of free hours on Friday; if you can arrange it, I’ll marry you then.”

  “M … marry? On … Friday. That’s in two days’ time.”

  “Things move fast in Bear Bluff, Willow. I just think it would be better if you had a different name. Then the chances of this Oliver guy finding you are fairly slim. And if he ever shows his face in Bear Bluff, well … let’s just say we look after our own.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he put his hand up and said, “And you are not on your own now, Willow. You are part of our community.”

  “Thank you,” she said and got up from her chair.

  He smiled. “Now let’s go and release that big bear of yours. Poor Declan will have had to use his best restraining techniques, I suspect.”


  “I can’t believe I’m married,” Willow said. They were up on top of the mountain, looking down on Bear Bluff.

  Trent chuckled, reaching out to take her hand. “I know, that was fast, even by Bear Bluff standards. Met and married in under a week.”

  “But you’re sure?” She looked at him, her eyes holding such hope.

  “Never been surer of anything. We are purrrrfect together.”

  “Funny.” She laughed at his joke. His friends had given him some stick about having a “pussycat” for his mate. “I can’t believe I have to put up with your sense of humour for the rest of my life.”

  “There is a lot about me that you will have to put up with. One of those things is the constant need to fuck you.”

  “So romantic,” she said, but his words always made her hot, in all the right places.

  “Shall we go home? I’d like to carry you over the threshold now, Mrs. Savage.”


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