The Journey (short version)

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The Journey (short version) Page 13

by Don Hatfield

Mark Chapter 13

  The Road of His Return

  Jesus foretells the Destruction of the Temple (1 - 2)

  We had been in the Temple and had been discussing among ourselves how much it had cost to build it and how ornate it was. One of the disciples said to Jesus in passing, Teacher look at the wonderful stones and wonderful buildings. I think he said this because Jesus had seemed to be deep in thought and was not like the rest of us who were gazing around and admiring the Temple. I know I was for I had never actually been this close to it before. Jesus astounded us and sent our heads reeling when He said, "Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down." Of course we all began to question Him as to when this was going to happen. The following discourse is what Peter, James, John and Andrew said that Jesus told them about things to come.

  Signs of the Close of the Age (3 - 13)

  John said they were sitting at the Mount of Olives opposite the Temple when they asked Him when will all these things be and what will be the signs when all these things are about to be accomplished. I must admit as John also admitted that chills ran down my spine and fear gripped my heart when he told me what Jesus said. Jesus told him," do not be led astray for many would come in His name and actually say that they were Jesus. Do not believe them for they are impostors and will lead you to destruction. Also when you hear of wars and rumors of wars do not be alarmed for nation will rise against nation and kingdoms against kingdoms and famines will come and earthquakes but these are just the beginning of birth pains. Be on your guard for they will deliver you over to councils and synagogues because of me." Jesus then said," this gospel that we preach must first be preached to all nations." John then told me some words of comfort when he said that Jesus told them," do not be anxious when they imprison you and are ready to bring you to trial for I will be with you in the form of the Holy Spirit (I did not understand what He meant about being with me in the form of the Holy Spirit at that time but now I do) and whatever is given to you in that hour speak it for it is I who speak with you." Then John without realizing it gave a prophecy about me although at the time I did not realize it either. John said that Jesus said brother would turn on brother and father against child and child against parent and many would be hated just because they believed in Jesus. This brings sorrow to my heart as I sit here in this cell for my own brother turned me in as heretic and then turned my father and mother who had become believers in also. As Jesus prepares me for my death I am amazed that I hold no malice or hatred towards him and only pray that he also would believe. Jesus said that he who endures to the end would be saved and I lean on Him for the grace to do this. As you read this may you also learn to lean on Him for the same grace.

  The Abomination of Desolation (14 - 23)


  Jesus then spoke of what He called the abomination of desolation and the things He told us raised the hairs on our arms. He said when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it not ought to be. I must interject here and say that I am not sure who or what He meant when He used the term abomination of desolation whether He was referring to and idol or a person but things were happening so fast that I had no time to ask Him. He then said if you see this," take no thought for what you have but flee for a great terror is coming do not run and try to collect your things just run." He then stated that," when you see this happening tribulation like no one has ever known will take place, yes tribulation that has not been since the beginning of creation." He then let us know that God was still in control when He stated that God for the sake of His followers would cut those days short for if He did not all would perish. He then told us to be on our guard for many would come claiming to be Him and others would say that He was here or there but not to believe any of them. At the time I could not understand this but now I do for I was there when they crucified Him. I am not able to talk about that right now but will try to later for the memory of it is still too painful.

  The Coming of the Son of Man (24 -27)

  Then as He always did Jesus spread a ray of light for us who followed Him. He painted a scary picture and then changed it into a moment of glory. He said after this tribulation the sun would darken and the moon would not give its light. He stated that the stars would fall from heaven and the very powers of earth would be shaken. Then He told us of all the glory that was going to happen. He said that people would see the Son of Man coming on clouds of glory and power and that He would send His angels to gather His elect from all corners of the earth. Of course being here in this cell I am hoping for that and yet if He does not come I know that I will be with Him one way or another in a very short time.

  The Lesson of the Fig Tree (28 - 31)

  Then again Jesus used the fig tree to teach us something. It is amazing to me how often He used nature to show us the Father. I think He wanted us to take notice of nature so that we also could see our creator in it but often as we men do we just passed it by until He would bring it to our attention. Jesus said watch the fig tree and watch its leaves as you can read the signs of the seasons from it and then watch as the things He said would also come to pass just as He said. I now realize that when He talked about the generation of men that He was talking about the race of man and not the men like we who were with Him. Some of my dearest friends from that group have already gone to be with Him. Some crucified just as He was. I watched one of them die in a terrible manner a young man named Stephen they stoned him to death for talking about the wonders of Jesus. As I watched this terrible scene it seemed as each stone hit him his face became more and more radiant as he gazed up towards heaven. I believe He could see the face of Jesus with arms open wide waiting to receive Him. In some ways I am looking forward to my own death or should I say just the beginning of my new life for I think that I too shall see Him welcoming me Home. Jesus said that Heaven and Earth would pass away but that His words would not pass away. I do not know what will happen after I am gone but I do know that even now His words are being told for I just told one of my guards about His wonderful grace and with tears in his eyes he bowed his head and asked our Savior to save him also. Praise God.

  No one knows that Day or Hour (32 - 37)

  As the morning light approaches the tiny window in my cell I am again reminded of words that Jesus said. Two of them stand out to me right now "Stay awake" He said for you do not know when your Savior will again come. I remember that He said that no man, angel or even He knew the hour when He would come again but only our Father knows. Again He said "Stay awake" for the hour approaches rapidly at least for me it does. I guess for all of us it is rapidly approaches for it seems that just yesterday I was a child and now I am and aged man. "Stay awake" He said and yet I must confess to you that many times I have fell asleep, many times I have let chances to share this great love of God with others slip by without saying a word. Other times I was too busy with other things to even notice but you as you read this you have that chance to" Stay awake." Do not let your life pass you by without getting to know our Savior better. Take the time to" Stay awake" it will be worth everything you have or think that you have when eternity comes to greet you. I have many regrets but the one of the things I do not regret was the time I took with Him to" Stay awake."


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