SEALed (A Standalone Navy SEAL Romance) (A Savery Brother Book)

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SEALed (A Standalone Navy SEAL Romance) (A Savery Brother Book) Page 56

by Niles, Naomi

  “Anthony! You are going to cause me to lose my fucking job! What is wrong with you?!”

  He took his gun and used the barrel to scratch his head. His haircut was low and buzzed. His cheekbones were high, and he had the face of a boxer. His olive colored skin radiated a sense of evil as he leaned back on the couch. “You don’t know how tired I am of hearing people ask me that. What is wrong with me? Well, I think I might have some separation anxiety.” He fixed his eyes on me. “Because my fucking GIRLFRIEND LEFT ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING NIGHT AND DIDN’T TELL ME A GOD DAMNED THING BEFORE SHE DID IT!”

  The strength of his voice brought back memories of the times he used to beat me for doing something he didn’t like. I jumped away from him, thinking he was going to raise his fist and send it crashing down to my face at any moment. He laughed. “Oh, shit. You think I am going to hit you, don’t you? You think,” he slowly extended his hand and brushed it against my cheek like he was petting his dog, “I am going to hurt you like I used to, huh? Well,” he removed his hand, “I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about it.” He stood up and paced the room, “Yeah, the thought crossed my mind once or twice, but that’s not why I am here.”

  As he spoke, I slid my shoe off. I had to use my toes like fingers so I could dial Gavin’s number. He was the only person that I could think to call right now and I hoped that he would make the right decision after he heard what was going on. I used my big toe to slide my phone unlocked, then patiently tapped the screen until I landed on his name. Suddenly, Anthony spun back towards me, and I lifted my eyes and slid the phone underneath the table. I didn’t get to dial his number yet. “I am here because I think we need to give ‘us’ another shot. I mean, yeah, I’ve done some fucked up shit to you in the past, and I know that. I know I wasn’t the best guy, but I can change.” He smiled. “I can change, Bethany and that is why I am here. You seem like you got some good shit going on here and since we never officially broke up, I figured that we could still keep going on together.”

  “So, you come here with a fucking pistol aimed at me and think that is the best way for us to talk about this? You had a fucking pistol pointed right at my head, Anthony. Seriously?”

  He looked at his gun, “Oh, this? I mean, this was just in case you tried to attack me or something. Or in case you didn’t want to listen. It is just here to help convince you to keep your mouth shut so I can talk.”

  “There are better ways to do it.”

  His lips pursed together. “Don’t fucking tell me how to do shit, Bethany. I do what the fuck I want to, and how I want to do it! You know what? I’m sick of your ass!” My feet shook as I lifted my toe onto the screen and scrolled to Gavin’s number while Anthony had his back turned to me. I quickly pressed his name, and as the phone dialed, I looked back up towards Anthony. As he yelled, I waited for the phone to pick up. As soon as I saw the timer move past a minute, I interrupted him.

  “Anthony, why did you come into my home with a gun in your hand?! Huh?! Why did you do this? Are you trying to hurt me? I don’t want to be with you anymore, okay? I’ve moved on!”

  “You’ve moved on,” he said as he shot a menacing glare at me. “What the fuck do you mean you moved on? What? Did you take that guy at the school up on his offer to take you out? Because I would hate to have to kill him. You don’t want that, do you? Killing an innocent person because you were too dumb to tell him no?”

  “I did not take his offer, Anthony! He blackmailed me!”

  Anthony laughed out loud, “Blackmailed you? What a fucking bitch.” As he made his way to the couch, I pushed the phone further beneath the table, hoping that he wouldn’t notice the light on the phone. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me, then kissed me on the cheek, “Bethany, you know what? I fucking love you.” I could smell the liquor on his breath. “I love you, and if you think I was going to let you get away from me that easily, then you’ve got another thing coming.” His gun was on the other side of him, resting on the cushion. “But I love you, and I think that after going through all this trouble, you owe me something.”

  “Owe you something?”

  “Yeah.” He took his hand and started to unbutton my shirt, “I remember the days we used to have a wild ass time in the sack. The moves you did on me, wow.” He laughed. My body shook with terror, hoping that he wasn’t going to carry out his intentions. “Those were some moves that I can’t get anyone to replicate. So, since I am here,” he tugged at my shirt, “we may as well give a little roll in the hay. I mean, I’m fucking horny, and I know you are because you are always fucking horny.”

  I slapped his hand away. “No, we are not doing that, Anthony.” I felt tears forming at the bottom of my eyes. With one blink, I sent them tumbling down my cheeks. “Please, Anthony. Please, stop.”

  “Oh, so what is it? Have you given yourself to somebody else? Is that it? Huh?! Have you–” he looked down at the floor, and when he saw the glare of the phone, he immediately reached for it. “What the fuck is this?!” He grabbed the phone and looked at the screen. “Gavin?! Who the fuck is Gavin?!” He put the phone to his ear, “Hello? Hello?! Who the fuck is this?!”

  “Anthony, stop! It’s nobody! The phone must’ve dialed when it fell out of my purse!”

  “Oh, bullshit! How fucking dumb do you think I am?” He took the phone and threw it into the wall. It shattered into pieces as he grabbed his gun, then pulled me up by my hair. “You called somebody else? Huh? Okay.” He smiled, then laughed to himself in disbelief. “I see where this is going. You know what? I tried to be nice. I didn’t hit you once since I got here. I let you talk. I was a fucking GENTLEMAN towards you, but this is how you repay me? By calling another mother fucker while I am trying to talk to you?”

  Drops of saliva exploded onto my face as he twisted a handful of my hair into his hands. “Stop, Anthony! Please!” Flashbacks of times he threw me to the floor after I was in the same position blinked in and out of my mind. My legs shook, knowing that I was headed for the same fate.

  “Stop? You want me to stop? Fuck you!” He threw me to the ground. I tumbled onto the floor and rolled to a stop, then glanced up at him. His gun was aimed right towards me. A fiery rage burned within his eyes. I knew I was moments away from death as my life flashed before me. This is how it is going to end. His breathing intensified. “You know I am going to kill you, right?” He said before a devilish smile spread onto his face. “But first,” he unbuckled his belt, “I am going to take what belongs to me.”

  “Anthony, please…”

  “Shut the fuck up!”

  Suddenly, there was a banging sound at my door. Anthony jolted in his position, then spun towards the knocks. “Who is that?” he demanded, aiming the gun at me, “Who the fuck is that, Bethany?”

  “I don’t know!”

  “Ma’am, this is the police. Are you okay? We got a call that you were in trouble.”

  Anthony glared at me, “Don’t you fucking say a word!”

  “Ma’am,” the police knocked again, “We know that your car is outside. Please, will you let us in, or at least tell us if you’re alright.”

  “Anthony, they know I am in here. Please, just… just open the door. It’s over.”

  “It’s over?” he said, tightening his lips as he looked back at me. “You’re right; it is over. Over for you!”

  Just then, I saw an officer duck down and peek through my window. He made a cup with his hand so he could see inside. Once he saw that I was in distress, he quickly got up. I closed my eyes, knowing that my life was over. Anthony had threatened to kill me before, and with the way he treated me in the past, I knew that dying at his hand wasn’t far-fetched. I shook my head as tears streamed from my eyes and suddenly, in a snap, I heard two loud bangs at the front door. On the last one, the door came flying open as three police officers charged in with their guns drawn. “Put the gun down right now!” they yelled with their pistols aimed right at Anthony.

  Anthony smiled
as he looked at the officers, then back at me. “Shit, Bethany. I gotta hand it to you. You’ve gotten a little smarter over time. Evolution, is it?”

  “Put the fucking gun down! Now!”

  “But that doesn’t matter. I didn’t get what I wanted from you, but you’re still going to die.”

  Just then, one police officer fired a shot into his leg. Anthony screamed out in pain and fell to the ground, dropping the pistol from his hand. “You shot me! You fucking shot me!” he yelled as the officers corralled him.

  I sat on the floor, trying to catch my breath as one officer rushed to me. “Ma’am? Ma’am, are you okay?”

  I was still in shock. I watched the other two officers carry Anthony out of my home as his blood soaked through his pants. “Um,” I said, searching for the words, “I am fine. He… he didn’t touch me yet. But… but how did you know what was going on?”

  Before I could respond, I saw Gavin walk through the door like a knight in shining armor. He looked around the front room until his eyes locked on me. The officer spoke up, “Well, we got a call from a man that knew you, and he told us that we needed to come to your address because a crazy man had broken in and was threatening to kill you. So we came over to check it out, and sure enough, he was right.”

  The officer helped me to my feet as tears cascaded from my eyes. I couldn’t believe what had just happened to me, but I was glad to still be alive.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I made my way towards Bethany, and when we embraced, neither of us said a word to each other. I held her tight as she cried out loud. I had never been happier to see her. After a few minutes passed, the officers took her statement and asked her if she wanted to press charges against Anthony. “Yes. I want to press charges. I want him off the streets and out of my life for as long as possible. Please.”

  The officer smiled, then closed his small notebook. “Alright. We will see what we can do.”

  “Thank you, officer.”

  He walked out of the front room just as I came back in with a blanket and a cup of coffee. I shook the officers hand, “Thank you, sir. Thank you and your men for your quick response. I don’t know what I would’ve done if he hurt her in any way.”

  “We are just doing our jobs, sir. No thank you needed.”

  The officer left us alone as I closed the front door behind him. Bethany was still shaking a bit from what happened between her and Anthony. I sat down beside her and put my arm around her. “It was all so sudden. I mean, I thought I saw his truck a few times, but I wasn’t sure. But after that chase, I knew it was him. He knew where I worked, and even worse, where I lived. I hate that it always seems like my past wants to ruin my future. All the time. Now, it is going to affect my job, and it has already affected our relationship.”

  “No,” I said, holding my hand, “it has not affected our relationship. Well, it did, but like I said, I was just being dumb. Stupid. We all have something in our past that we regret doing, and I was wrong for holding that against you. I was wrong for thinking that I was too good to be with you because of what you used to be. So, I owe you an apology. I am sorry, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I was a total jackass and–”

  She interrupted me with a kiss on my lips. It seemed like she didn’t care that I messed up because we all made mistakes, but we had gone days without so much as talking to each other, so I guessed she wasn’t in the mood to hear me beg for my forgiveness. If I could be honest with myself, I wanted to feel her lips on mine more than anything else. I wanted to feel comfort in her touch the way I used to before everything happened between us. That is what I missed about her. “So,” I said, smiling after we released each other. “I guess you forgive me?”

  “You guess?” she said with a smirk. “You don’t have to guess. I forgive you, no question about it. I just want us to move on from our pasts, but, not before I ask you this.”


  “What did you do in your past that you are ashamed of? Not everything, just give me one thing so that we can be even. I promise I won’t get mad.”


  She crossed her fingers, “Scout’s honor.”

  I exhaled, “Well, I used to be somewhat of a whore. Like, I slept with women a lot. A lot of different women, you know? So, I used to get around, and that took away time that I should’ve been spending with Vinny. I hate that about my past, but it is what it is.”

  “So,” she placed my cup of coffee on the table, “I am dealing with some kind of Duece Bigalow, huh?”

  I laughed. “Well, I didn’t get paid for it, but yeah, I guess so.”

  She looked away from me with a smile on her face. “Well, if we are exclusive, then I am okay with that.”

  “We are definitely exclusive.”

  I leaned in and kissed her on the lips, slowly, while I took my hand and held the back of her head. She was my rose. Delicate. Innocent, but with a few thorns on her stems. That was the roughness she developed because of her hard life. I wanted to know more about it. I wanted to know why she had to do the things that she did so I could get a better understanding of who she was, but now wasn’t the time. Now, I just wanted to show her how much I loved her. I leaned her back on the couch and climbed on top of her, pecking her with kisses in the process. I felt my dick stiffen in my pants, and it never took much, but this time, I wanted to go slow. She had to know how much I loved her.

  Chapter Thirty


  He leaned forward and planted his lips on top of mine, and that was all it took. I put my hand on the side of his face, reversed our position, then climbed on top of him. My skirt rose above my hips as I straddled his waist with our lips intertwined like strands of DNA. With one hand, he grabbed my backside and guided me closer to him. I leaned my head back as his tongue danced down the middle of my neck until he met with my breasts. I pulled my shirt from over my head and tossed it to the side.

  I reached behind and unstrapped my bra, releasing my breasts from their momentary prison. He wrapped his lips around my nipples, twirling them in his mouth before he suctioned my breast. I bit my lip as I held the back of his head. I could feel him rising beneath me, poking the outer portion of my undergarments. He shifted his attention to my other breast as heavy, passionate breaths escaped my lungs in bursts of ecstasy. My panties were soaked, and my mind was conflicted as we danced together in flames of hell.

  I squatted over him so I could unbuckle his pants. He yanked his pants down to his ankles, then his underwear followed right after. His dick shot straight up. My vagina dripped onto the tip of it as I gazed into his dark brown eyes. I lowered myself onto his penis. The tip of it cracked my vagina as I eased down onto him. His dick burst through my pussy lips. I fixed my mouth to utter moans of pleasure, but nothing escaped.

  He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me down further as he exhaled passionate groans. My lips fit tight around his dick, and at that moment, I felt his head climb to chambers in my vagina that hadn’t been touched in years. I bounced up and down on top of him. My tits moved like basketballs as I dug my nails into the back of his neck. His chest glistened with sweat as he leaned his head on the back cushion of the couch. He grabbed hold of my waist with his hand and guided me back and forth on top of him, smacking my behind as I moved according to his command. Suddenly, he grabbed my neck and pulled me in. His lips pressed against mine moments before he stood up with my legs wrapped around his waist.

  He slammed my back against the wall. His muscles contracted as he pushed himself deeper inside of me. I screamed out of pleasure and pain as I dug my nails into his back. He pinned me against the wall. The passion drove me up the wall as his muscular frame pressed against my body. His dick slid in and out of me. “Shit,” I yelled out, “shit!” I could feel myself building up for a release. My pussy lips pulsated as sweat dripped from his muscular chest.

  “Kiss me!” I said, pulling him closer to me. As his tongue swam aro
und in my mouth, a tidal wave flooded from my vagina and exploded onto his dick. I screamed out in ecstasy, my voice bouncing off the walls in the front room. He moaned, and just moments later, I felt his dick pulsating inside of me. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he yelled out obscenities. His words mingled together with my screams as we shared the same pleasure. We laid next to each other on the floor inside of the living room, out of breath and completely satisfied.

  “I needed that,” I said as I laid in his arms. “Especially since,” I elbowed him in his side, “I thought you were leaving me.”

  “Ouch,” he chuckled. “Yeah, I deserved that, but like I said, I was a jerk, and I am sorry.”

  “It’s alright, but yeah, you did deserve that.”

  “So, I mean, since we are past that anger now, do you mind telling me a little bit about who you are? You know, why you did the things you did before I came along.”

  I sighed. I didn’t want to empty my past out to him because it was so embarrassing. From being shifted around to different foster homes when I was younger, to having to strip and do things like that for money. I had a rough past, but it was about time that I finally let it all out to him. “Yeah, um, I did it because I had to. The stripping part. It was easy money and... and I needed money. I needed more money than a regular minimum wage job could offer. So, I got involved with it, and I ended up meeting Anthony. It started off good, but as you can see, he was not a good guy. I did a lot of things that I am not proud of, but I learned a lot from it.”

  I went further into my story, and I hoped that he didn’t judge me for it, but the more I spoke, the more comfortable I felt around him. It was weird how the two things went together like that, but as we went on, I didn’t want to stop. He held me tight, and for the first time, I felt like my past didn’t matter. As we laid on the floor, I glanced at one of the books on my table. The more I thought that those love stories weren’t real, the more I believed that I was finally living my own version of one of them.


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