Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3)

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Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3) Page 4

by McCoy, SJ

  “I'll make you that promise now, Dan. Whatever happens, I will not let it affect Scot, or your friendship with him.”

  “And I promise you the same, Miss.” He stood up. “Want to shake on it?”

  She stood and shook his hand. She had a firm grip and looked him straight in the eye. He kept hold of her hand and pulled her closer. “Want to seal it with a hug?”

  She hesitated. “We shouldn't. Not until you're single.”

  She was right, but he needed to feel her in his arms again. He cocked his head to one side and gave her a pleading look. “Just a little hug?”

  She shook her head, but she didn't move away.

  “You hugged me last night. How about we recreate the moment? He pulled his T-shirt up and off. Her pupils dilated as she looked at his naked chest. He reached an arm around her waist and drew her to him. Her hands came up to his shoulders, setting his skin on fire as she looked into his eyes.

  “We shouldn't.”

  “We're not. Not really. This doesn't count as a new hug. It's just finishing off last night's hug that got interrupted.” Shivers ran down his back when she buried her fingers in his hair. Her full breasts pushed at his chest. He closed his arms around her waist and held her tighter. “Not hugging.”

  “Mm,” she murmured. “Not hugging.”

  He looked down at her upturned face, trusting eyes searching his own, moist pink lips begging him to kiss them. He lowered his head. She closed her eyes. He stopped with his lips a fraction of an inch from meeting hers. He breathed in the scent of her. She smelled like the beach. It was killing him not to close that final tiny distance and kiss her. He could feel that she wanted him to; she was pliant in his arms.


  Missy opened her eyes. She was clinging to him, pressing herself against him. Longing for the moment his lips would come down on hers in the kiss she'd been daydreaming about for months. But he'd stopped. His deep brown eyes met hers. She was tempted to close the gap herself. Kiss him and to hell with it. But it wasn't right. Whatever his story with Olivia might be, Missy had never, to her knowledge, kissed another woman's man. She wouldn't start now. Even though the man in question was Dan.

  “See,” he said without pulling back at all. “Not hugging. Not kissing.”

  His lips were so close to hers, she could feel them move. “Not kissing,” she agreed. “But I want to.” She licked her lips and parted them slightly, bringing them as close as she could without touching. His mouth mirrored hers. She could feel his warm breath. He brought his hands up to cup her face. She clung to his shoulders as he moved his mouth down over her throat. Though his lips never touched her skin his breath fanned her desire. He moved back up, gently blowing the side of her neck, sending hot shivers racing down her spine. They were holding each other so close she could feel his hard-on pressing into her belly. She wanted him so badly she could no longer remember why they shouldn't. He framed her face between his hands again. As his lips came closer, she closed her eyes and held on to him, just to keep herself upright. It wasn't his lips, but his nose, that met hers. She opened her eyes and came back to her senses as he rubbed noses with her.

  “We shouldn't do this should we?” she asked, hoping he might find it too hard to agree.

  “Not yet, beautiful. But we will, won't we?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes, honey. We will.”

  Chapter Four

  The bar was crowded when they got there. Dan smiled at her. “Want to stick behind me this time?”

  Missy nodded. He stepped in front of her and she took hold of the hand he held behind his back. She smiled as she felt the calluses on his fingertips. All those hours on a keyboard had left him with the same scars as Scot. She stuck close as he pushed them a path through the Saturday night crowd. Dan stopped to let a girl with a tray full of drinks pass in front of him. Missy was jostled from behind until she was pressed up against his back. He tightened his grip on her hand and looked back over his shoulder.

  “Are you alright?”

  She squeezed his hand. “I'm good.” She was quite happy to be pressed up against him like this, especially his muscular backside. She was tempted to slide her arms around his waist, but she didn't. Next weekend. She'd be able to do that then. When he was free. One week waiting was a small price to pay. He moved forward again. She followed, wishing they'd been held up a little longer. They found Pete and Holly out on the deck.

  “Hey, guys,” Pete greeted them.

  “Hey,” smiled Missy.

  Holly caught her eye and grinned, shooting a look at Dan and back then raising an eyebrow. “I'm glad you came. Is Scot not back?”

  “No, not ’til tomorrow night, by the looks of it.” She smiled at Dan. “But I understand he's having a great time.”

  Dan smiled back, but said nothing. He didn't tend to say much when they were all together.

  “Jack and Em should be back soon,” said Pete. “They stopped in, but Em wanted to run out to her Gramps'. Ben's going to try to join us too, and maybe Michael.”

  Missy felt bad. She'd completely forgotten to call Michael.

  Pete looked at Dan. “Did Jack get chance to talk to you about Four Mile?”

  Missy rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Hemming? Do you ever think about anything but work?”

  Holly laughed. “He does. I can vouch for it, but only one thing.”

  Missy put her hands over her ears. “I'd rather hear about Four Mile! Sorry, Pete. Go ahead.”

  Pete looked at Dan, “Women, huh?”

  Missy watched the slow smile spread across Dan's face as he looked down at her. “Yeah, women.” His eyes twinkled. She really had to wait another week before she could kiss him?

  He looked back at Pete. “Yeah, Four Mile. It's an interesting proposition. A fiber optic community. I'm not sure it would make sense, financially. But you'd know that better than me. Technically, it's feasible and it'd be an interesting project.”

  “Yeah, I'm not sure it'd work financially, but I want to understand it better, to know whether it's even worth crunching the numbers.”

  Holly looked at Missy. “He's about to ask start asking questions, I can tell. Come dance with me, sweetie?”

  Missy looked at Dan. He had that look on his face. She could tell he was engrossed, thinking about the technical details of whatever it was they were talking about. She smiled. “Sure. We won't be missed here.”

  Pete caught Holly's hand as she stood. “Want me to come, sweetheart?”

  She leaned down to him, her long hair swinging in a curtain, behind which she kissed him. “You're fine, Bigshot. We'll be back.”

  As Missy stood, Dan put his foot over hers. “Save me a dance for later?” How she wished she could lean down and kiss him, like Holly had just kissed Pete. She nodded happily and he removed his foot.

  “Holy hell, chica!” said Holly once they'd pushed their way to a space on the dance-floor just in front of the stage. “Last night you had Michael all over you, and tonight it's Dan that's the lovesick puppy!”

  As the song came to an end, Missy caught the lead singer's eye. He smiled down at them and gave a little wave. She liked Chase; all the band members were good guys. Holly watched the exchange.

  “Have you got some new pheromone perfume or something? And can I borrow some?”

  Missy laughed. “You don't need it. Pete's like putty in your hands.”

  Holly grinned, “Yeah, but he doesn't stay like putty for long!”

  “Sorry, Holly, but that is too much information!”

  “Well, that's better than no information! What's the story with Dan? What's happened? It's obvious something has.”

  Missy grinned. “We're going to go on a date!”

  “You are?” Holly's eyes were wide. “Oh, Miss, that's awesome!” Then she frowned. “Didn't you say he had a girlfriend though?”

  “Yes, but he's going to end it with her when he goes back. After that we can go on our date. I'm so happy, Holly. You know
how much I like him.”

  “I do. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you, sweetie.”

  As they danced, a couple of guys came to dance beside them, trying to move in. Tourists, by the looks of them. Missy looked up at Chase as the song ended. He winked and spoke into the mic.

  “Guys?” Holly nudged the guy next to her. He looked up at Chase. “A word to the wise? You couldn't handle the trouble that comes with these two. I'd dance away, if I were you.”

  The guy grinned up at him, apparently thinking Chase meant the fun kind of trouble. Chase shook his head seriously. He jerked his chin over to where Dan and Pete were standing at the edge of the dance-floor

  Holly rolled her eyes. “He does that all the time. Thinks he's so intimidating.”

  Missy smiled as the two guys moved hurriedly away from them. “To most people he is. Very intimidating.”

  Holly grinned. “I know, but right now I'd be more scared of Dan. Look at him! He's like one of those silent ninjas who's going to take people down with some crazy karate shit, before you've even seen him move.”

  Missy laughed. He did have a don't-mess-with-me air about him when he was rattled. Apparently, right now, he was rattled. She knew she shouldn't, but she liked it. She smiled at him and watched his face relax as that beautiful smile spread. His eyes only left hers when Jack and Emma appeared through the crowd and Jack clasped a hand on his shoulder. As Dan turned to greet his brother, Emma spotted Missy and Holly and waved. She pecked Jack on the lips and started elbowing her way across the crowded dance-floor to join them.

  “Hey, girls! Isn't this great? I get back early and we get Miss out for once. We need to make the most of this, close the place down.” She waved up at Chase. He smiled at her, then scanned the edge of the dance-floor, no doubt checking for Jack.

  Missy laughed. “He still likes you, Em, but Jack put the fear of God into him.”

  Emma looked more pleased than she should as she denied it. “He doesn't. He's become a friend to both of us. Anyway, do either of you know what's up with Dan? He was with Pete and the two of them looked ready to kick some serious butt.”

  “They thought the tourists were moving in on their women,” said Holly.

  Emma stopped dancing and stood still. “Their women? Dan's girlfriend isn't here is she?”

  “No,” said Holly. “He's done with her cos he wants to be with our Miss.”

  Emma squealed and clapped her hands together. “Oh Miss! Really? That's so cool! You're going to be my sister-in-law!”

  “Slow down, Mouse! We're talking about going on a date after they're finished, not getting married!” Marriage wasn't on Missy's wish list.

  Emma laughed. “That's what I said. And Holly. And look at us now!”

  “Yes, and I'm very happy for you. Getting married, settling down and no doubt having kids soon. But I'm a bit different, Em. I don't do things the way most people do. When you reverse the order and you have the kid first, like I did, you settle down by yourself and you get on with it. Marriage gets knocked off the list.”

  Emma smiled her sweet smile, the one that always meant she thought she knew better and was so smug in the knowledge she wasn't even going to argue about it.

  “Forget it, hon,” said Missy.

  “Yeah,” Holly grinned. “You should know by now, Em. You can't convince people of things they're not ready to hear. It didn't work with me, did it?”

  “No, but you got there eventually.”

  “And so will Missy. Come on. Let's go get a drink.”

  Missy followed them off the dance-floor. She loved Emma and Holly, but they had no idea what life was like for her. She'd raised Scot by herself, always had to work hard for everything, and lived a very different life than they had. She couldn't expect them to understand.

  Ben and Michael had joined the guys at one of the big picnic tables out on the deck. Missy headed straight for the end of the bench and squeezed on next to Dan. She could do without Michael stirring things up with his flirting tonight.

  “Hey, ladies,” said Ben. “I brought us a bucket of beer, thought that was easiest, but I can go get whatever you like.”

  “I'd love a beer,” said Holly, plucking one from the ice.

  Dan looked at Missy. She nodded. He grabbed one and twisted the top off before handing it to her.

  “Thanks, hero,” she murmured. He winked at her before he turned back to the others.

  “Are you starting to rejoin the living, Miss?” asked Ben. “Getting you out two nights in a row is a big deal these days.”

  “I know,” she said. “But I think I might be using up my quota. I'm not staying late tonight. I'm too tired and with all the cleaning I've got lined up, you might not see me again for months.”

  “Okay, so there are two things we need to talk about,” said Ben. “First, I'm thinking I'm not going to give you any more contracts ’til you hire a team to help you.”

  Missy was horrified. She needed the money. This trip of Scot's had been a big expense, and now she would have another night's hotel cost on top. She couldn't afford to be paying other people to do work she could do herself.

  “Don't look at me like that, Miss. I mean it. You're doing the work of at least four people. I'm not surprised you're always exhausted.”

  All heads around the table turned towards her. Dan edged closer to her on the bench. She was grateful for his silent support. She felt incredibly uncomfortable. Everyone there was worth millions in their own right. Everyone except her, and maybe Holly. The rest of them would never need to work another day in their in lives, if they chose. While she needed to clean multiple toilets every day, just to make ends meet. It didn't normally bother her. They were her friends. But in this moment she was acutely embarrassed.

  “Whatever. We can talk about that on Monday. What's the other thing you need to talk to me about?” God, she hoped it was nothing else that would embarrass her!

  Ben seemed to realize he'd made her uncomfortable. “Yeah. The other thing is about you saying you won't be out again for months. You have to come out for your birthday. Seeing as you've been working your ass off, I thought you should have a party. You haven't had one for years. Missy's costume party used to be something we all looked forward to. Now everyone's back up here most of the time, I thought it'd be good to kick-start the tradition. What do you say?”

  She smiled. She used to love her birthday parties, and she knew the others did too. They'd been expensive and a lot of work to organize though. She hadn't had the time or the energy to pull one together for the last few years. She'd done one for Scot's birthday a few months ago and had decided that would be her annual goal now. “It's a nice idea, Ben. Thanks for thinking of it, but there's no way I could fit in.” She wasn't going to say ‘afford it’. “It's only a couple of weeks away.”

  Ben grinned. “All you'd have to do is organize your costume and show up. I'll take care of the rest.”

  “I'll help,” said Holly.

  “And me,” added Emma. “Say you will, Miss? We all used to love your parties and you deserve one.”

  Dan leaned against her. She didn't dare turn to him with everyone still looking at her, but it felt like encouragement. She looked at Ben. “You really wouldn't mind organizing it?” She did love the idea—especially if she didn't have to pull it together, or foot the bill.

  “I wouldn't have offered if I did,” said Ben with a smile. “Go on, say yes. You know you want to. Let it be my birthday present?”

  She wrinkled her nose. He was such a good friend. Always had been. What was there to think about really? It'd be fun, and boy could she use some fun. “Okay, yes. Thank you. Let's do it.”

  Everyone smiled. Everyone except Pete. He fixed her with his supposedly powerful stare. It didn't bother Missy though, never had. He was such a big softie really. “What, Hemming?” she asked. “What does perfect Pete want now?”

  He laughed. “I have one request.”

  Holly groaned. “Always so demanding.
Sorry, Miss.”

  “Don't worry, Holly. He's been this way since we were kids. You're not going to change him now.”

  “My request is, if you're going to pick a theme, we don't have to wear anything too demeaning.”

  Missy burst out laughing remembering a very grumpy Pete, a few years ago, in a ridiculous pixie costume she'd made him wear for losing a bet. Emma and Ben joined her laughter.

  Pete glowered round at them. “If it's anything too degrading, I may have to be in San Francisco that day, whatever day it is.”

  Holly grinned at Missy. “You have to fill us in?”

  “No, Miss,” said Pete. “You don't. You really don't! Just tell us what the theme is for this one, so I can decide if I can handle the humiliation.”

  Missy was still laughing. “I'll need some time to think about it, Pete. Let's eat, can we? I don't think well on an empty stomach.”

  “Good idea,” said Jack. “I'm starving.”


  Dan picked at his fries. He was enjoying himself this evening. He liked these people. They'd become his friends over the last few months. He liked that he could dip in and out of the group up here. He only stayed as long as he felt comfortable, then he went back to his computers and his work. No one minded. Usually he spent more time with Scot than with the rest of them, but not this weekend. This weekend he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

  He was still sitting a bit too close to Missy, but she hadn't moved away, in fact she kept giving him a grateful little smile. She was enjoying herself, being with her friends, laughing and telling jokes. She brightened the whole group. He enjoyed seeing her happy. She still looked tired though. She'd finished eating and he noticed that her beer was empty. He pulled another from the bucket and offered it to her. She smiled at him. “Thanks, hero.”

  He popped the top with a grin. He liked it when she said that.

  The band was playing a set of country music. “What do you think?” asked Ben. “The guys thought some country would go down well with the weekend crowd in here.”

  “Works for me,” said Jack. “But then we're just country boys, huh, Dan?”


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