Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3)

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Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3) Page 12

by McCoy, SJ

  He groaned. “We can't get started because I won't be able to stop. I've waited too long already.”

  “That's okay, because I don't want you to.” She brought his face down to her and started to kiss him again.

  He pulled back. “We have to though. We're going out for dinner, then if you're not too tired I thought we could go to the club, dance?”

  Missy wrinkled her nose. “What if I said I'm too tired for all that and I need to go to bed? Would you take me straight to bed? Or would you think I'm a slut?”

  All the humor left his face. “Don't use that word. You could never be one of those.”

  She was taken aback by the force with which he said it. “Sorry, hero. I was only joking.”

  His face softened. “I know, but no one, not even you, gets to call my beautiful, little Missy that horrible name. You're so sweet, so soft, you smell so good, you feel so good, I want you so badly. I'd take you straight home, straight to bed in a heartbeat. It's all I've been able to think about. But I'm afraid I'd never let you out again. There'd be no dinner, no dancing, just your body and mine, lips, arms, legs tangling ’til morning. I'm not even sure I'll be able to let you go then.”

  He was melting her with his words. She didn't want dinner, or dancing, just his body tangling with hers. “Take me home, Dan. Please?

  He nodded and drew her back into that kiss.


  A golf cart met them on the tarmac at San Jose and took them to the FBO building.

  “That was quick, Mr. Benson,” said the guy behind the desk. “Want me to bring your car around?”

  Dan shook his head. “I've got it, thanks.” Normally he would indulge the guy, let him have a quick drive, but right now all he wanted to do was get Missy back to his place. All his plans for a memorable evening, the dinner, the club, were forgotten. He just had to get her to his place. To his bed. He'd been proud of himself last weekend, of the restraint he'd shown. But she'd been ill. Now she wasn't and he had no self-control left. He wanted her, and she made it so clear she wanted him too. Nothing else mattered. He held her hand as they walked out to the parking lot. His car beeped and flashed when he pressed the remote. The doors swung up into the air and he threw her bag in.

  Missy stood stock still and stared at him wide-eyed. “This is your car?”

  He nodded, waiting for her to get in. Then it dawned on him that it wasn't exactly an everyday kind of vehicle, and she was always making quips about her old minivan. He shrugged. “It was my dream car as a kid and my one big indulgence when Prometheus took off.”

  She grinned at him. “I keep calling you hero. I might have to change that to Batman. This is like the damned Bat-mobile!”

  He laughed and came to stand behind her, running his fingers down her arm. “I'm glad you like it. If you'll get in it, I'll take you to my bat-cave. Unless you want me to take you out first?” He wasn't sure how he'd survive if she did, but he'd wanted tonight to be about much more than sex. He was relieved when she smiled up at him.

  “I told you, the only place I want you to take me is home, to your bed, or your bat-cave or whatever you call it.”

  He grinned. “Then can you get in the car and let's go?” As they drove away from the airport Dan thought how perfect she looked, sitting there in the passenger seat. He'd love to drive her around, but that would have to wait for another time, right now he was taking her straight home, as fast as he could get there. When he pulled into the parking garage, Billy came to meet them.

  “Hey, Mr. Dan.”

  Dan pulled Missy’s bag out and threw the keys to him. “Hey, Billy.” He didn't want to hang around, Billy was a talker when he got started. He guided Missy to the elevator, which luckily was there at the parking level.

  When they were inside she looked at him. “You live here?”

  He laughed. “Yep. You don't think I’d waste time taking you anywhere else at this point?” The elevator stopped at the lobby and they got out. Dan wished it connected the parking levels with the rest of the building. They'd have to cross the lobby and waste precious minutes. He spotted Herb at the concierge desk. Hopefully this wouldn't take too long.

  He pressed the button to call the elevator before he said, “Evening, Herb. I'd like you to meet Missy. The lady responsible for my happy face these days.”


  Missy looked up at Dan, then left his side to go shake hands. “Nice to meet you, Herb.”

  Herb grinned. “It's very nice to meet you too, Missy.”

  Dan loved that Missy did that. Olivia had never spared Herb more than a quick nod. The elevator doors opened behind him and he stepped inside. “Come on, Miss. Good night, Herb.”

  “Good night. I hope to see you again soon, Missy.”

  “You too,” she said. As she turned away from him, Herb smiled over her shoulder at Dan and nodded his head approvingly.

  Dan smiled back, he'd known the old guy would like her.

  Once the elevator doors closed he pulled her to him. “Almost there, beautiful.” She smiled at him, but she looked nervous now. That wasn't what he wanted. “We can go dump your bag and go out for dinner if you want?”

  She smiled again, but still said nothing. He wasn't used to her being nervous—or quiet. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. His was the only door up here. He opened it and ushered her in ahead of him. He put her bag down and took her hand. “So, what do you think?” He'd wondered what she would make of the place. Now she was here. She looked so small and unsure of herself.

  She looked around the huge, open plan space. “I feel like the country mouse come to visit the big city! And we may need to have a talk about false advertising.”

  He cocked his head, not understanding.

  She laughed. “Just last weekend you were feeding me the ‘I'm just a poor, dumb, country boy’ crap!”

  He held up his hands. “I am! Well, I never claimed dumb.” He slipped into his Texan drawl, “But jus' a good-ole, country boy done good.”

  She smiled. “By the looks of your car and this place? You done real good!”

  “Do you like it?” It mattered to him what she thought. He'd trade this place for her house any day. Her place may be small, but it was full of life, full of her and Scot. It was a real home, something he'd never known as a kid, and couldn't imagine he'd be able to create for himself. He wouldn't know how.

  “I love it,” she said. “It's just....” She frowned.


  “Well, it’s just not you, is it? Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this is you and I don't know you like I thought I did.”

  He put his arms around her. “Miss, you're right. This isn't me. You already know me better than most people do. This isn't me at all. It suits the life I somehow slipped into, but it doesn't suit me, the man I am. The kind of man I want to be.”

  She looked up into his eyes. “What kind of man do you want to be, Dan?”

  “I want to be the man I am when I'm around you. When I'm with you I know what to do. I know what I want. I can see what you need and I can see what Scot needs, and I can make it happen.”

  She clung to him now. Her little hands on his shoulders. “Can you see what I need now, Dan?”

  He nodded. He could, and he was damned sure going to make it happen. He scooped her up and carried her through to the bedroom.

  She smiled. “So you don't think this is cheesy anymore?”

  He shook his head. “I do not. I think it's a great way to get you to what you need that much quicker.” Instead of placing her on the bed, he climbed on himself and lay down with her in his arms. “Are you sure about this?” he asked. “This is your last chance to change your mind, because I guarantee you I'm not going to be able to stop anymore.” The look in her eyes told him all he needed to know.

  “You'd better not even think about stopping, hero!” She was already unbuttoning his shirt.

  Chapter Eleven

  Missy's hands trembled as she unbuttoned Dan's shirt. She
'd waited so long for this. Hoped it would really happen someday. Now she was here, in his place, in is bed, looking into those big, brown eyes, now glazed with desire. She got his shirt undone and pushed it off his shoulders. He shrugged out of it and threw it. His warm mouth came down on her neck. She sighed as his hands found their way inside her top. His callused fingertips felt deliciously rough as they moved up over her ribcage. At the same time his tongue burned a trail down her neck, over her collarbone. He filled his hands with her breasts as his lips worked their way down between them. He mouthed at her nipple through the fabric. She had no clue how, but within seconds her top and bra were gone. His hot wet mouth came down over her bare flesh, teasing the hardened peaks with his tongue. She moaned and squirmed as she fumbled with his belt, needing to get him out of his pants. She sighed as his mouth left her breast, but it soon covered her own.

  There was nothing slow or gentle about his kisses now. His tongue plundered her mouth while his hands unfastened her jeans and pushed them down over her hips. She struggled with his belt, then his button and zipper. He broke the kiss to get rid of his pants and pulled her jeans down and off. He rolled her onto her back and knelt above her.

  “You are so damned beautiful, Missy.”

  She reached up to run her hands down his sides. His cock jerked at her touch. She wanted to know about the tattoo, but not now. “So are you.” She licked her lips. She'd wanted this for so long, but now she was nervous. He looked so big.

  “Are you okay?” His voice and his gaze were so soft, he made her wetter.

  She nodded. “Just be gentle with me? I'm out of practice at this.”

  He nodded and came down to kiss her again. He slid his hand between her legs, making her moan. He barely touched her, tracing his rough finger over her opening, circling her with the slightest touch. She lifted her hips, wanting him to touch her fully, wanting the pressure of his hand on her, inside her. He was driving her crazy. She stroked her hand down over his abs, then closed it around him. He throbbed in her hand. He was so hard and thick—what was she supposed to do with all that?! He slipped the tip of his finger inside her. She writhed on the bed, wanting more. She stroked him from base to tip, but he pulled away from her hand, working his way down, covering her body with little kisses ’til his face was between her legs. He spread her thighs with his hands and gripped them tight as he trailed his tongue over her. She yelped and tangled her fingers in his hair as he repeated the motion then closed his mouth around her and sucked. Oh, god! He had her at the edge already. She tugged at his hair. She wanted to feel him inside her.

  He came back up to lie beside her, his breath coming fast. “You taste so good, don't make me stop.”

  She closed her hand around him. “I want you, Dan. I want to feel you.”

  He nodded and opened the drawer in the nightstand to get a condom. He tore the wrapper with his teeth, but Missy took it from him. Her hands as she rolled it onto him. She lay back and looked up at him. His body was amazing, lean and well-defined, narrow hips coming down towards hers. He settled himself between her legs, big brown eyes so tender.

  “We only get one first time, Miss.”

  She nodded, she'd waited long enough for it already! Her need was almost feverish now, she couldn't speak, couldn't even think straight. She put her hands on his shoulders and spread her legs wide. He pushed at her opening, the very tip of him pressing inside her, opening her up. He reached down and stroked her, looking deep into her eyes as he did. She was desperate now for the moment he would enter her. The look in his eyes and the touch of his fingertips filled her with hot waves of pleasure. Then he plunged deep and she felt as though she was spinning away into outer space, his hard cock the only thing pinning her to reality as every thrust stretched and filled her. She wrapped her legs around his as his mouth sought hers. She gave herself up to the rocking of his hips, thrusting into her, carrying her along. All she could do was cling to his shoulders as their bodies melded into one and her orgasm shook her. All the tingly excitement he'd filled her with for weeks burst in a thousand tiny explosions as he laid claim to her body.

  When she regained control, he slowed his pace, slowly, sensuously pulling almost all the way out then just as slowly filling her so deeply that it seemed he filled her soul as well as her body, becoming a part of her in every way. His smile had never looked more beautiful as he lifted his head and looked into her eyes.

  “Come with me, Dan?” she breathed. She'd never had an orgasm anything like he'd just given her, but she wanted to share with him, go there together. He thrust deep and hard and buried his face in her neck as he picked up his pace. Missy was powerless as he swept her along, he owned every single cell of her body and filled every last one with pleasure. She grabbed his ass, hoping to take him with her as the mounting pleasure began to explode again. She felt him tense, his thrusting harder and deeper still. He found his release, taking her to new heights as he pulsated inside her, their bodies soaring together.

  Finally he slumped down. She rested her cheek against his. “Jesus!” she muttered when she could catch her breath.

  He turned his head and smiled. “Nope, just me.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, loving the feel of his lean, naked body. “Yep, just my hero.”

  He grinned. “Like I told you, call me anytime you need a hero.”

  “Oh, I'll be calling you! Every day if this is what I get when I do.”

  He rolled to the side and got rid of the condom, then pulled her to him, pressing his face into her hair. “Told you we'd be worth the wait.”

  “You did and you're not often wrong, but that may have been an understatement.” She pressed closer and kissed his soft lips. “That was unbelievable!”

  His eyes twinkled. “Then we'll have to keep doing it ’til I make a believer out of you.”

  That sounded good.

  His hand closed around the back of her neck and she closed her eyes as his lips came down on hers. The way he kissed her did funny things to her insides. He made her heart race and her stomach flutter. She clung to him as she kissed him back. His hand was firm around the back of her neck. She loved the feel of it. It felt like he was in charge, like he had her where he wanted her, but that wasn't scary or smothering, because it was where she wanted to be. Eventually his lips left hers. He rubbed his nose against her own with a smile, his fingers still stroking the back of her neck.

  “You okay, beautiful?”

  She nodded. “So much better than okay. When you hold my neck like that, I feel like a little kitten.”

  He grinned.

  “You know how mother cats pick up their kittens by the scruff of the neck and they just go limp? That's me. I just go limp and you can do whatever you want with me. I might even start purring, I'm that happy right now.”

  He closed his hand tighter. “Whatever I want?”

  She nodded happily.

  “In that case.” He reached into the drawer and pulled out another condom. “Would you help me with this?”

  Her eyes widened. “Already?”

  He tore open the package and gave it to her. “You tell me.”

  She rolled it on to him. “Not just already, but more than ready!”

  He lay on his back and pulled her on top of him, closing his hand around the back of her neck again. “Whatever I want, right?”

  She nodded, her breath coming hard as she lay on top of him, supporting herself with her hands. His hands closed around her ass and drew her down as he thrust up inside her. “Oh, God, Dan!”

  He rocked his hips slowly. “Is this okay?”

  She bit down on her lip and nodded. She hoped it was, he was so big! She could feel him throbbing. He drew her down so her breasts were in his face. He teased her nipples with the tip of his tongue. At the same time he grasped her ass tight, holding her still as he pumped up into her. Oh, God! What was he doing to her? His mouth closed around her breast, sucking hard. His fingers dug into her ass, squeezing and kneading as he h
eld her against his rocking hips. His cock thrust deep, stimulating the bundle of nerves between her legs. The sensual friction in so many places had the tingly pressure building inside her again. She may be on top, but there was no question he was in charge, taking her exactly where he wanted her—to another mind-blowing orgasm! She could feel him getting closer, his thrusts and his cock harder as he squeezed her ass tighter and his tongue tormented her breasts. The heat in her belly exploded into an orgasm that had her gasping. His mouth on her breasts sent electric currents shooting through her to connect with his pulsing cock. She moaned as the sensations kept rolling through her. He came hard, straining into her.

  “Oh, God, Dan,” she moaned, and collapsed onto his chest.

  He brought one hand up to caress her neck, the other still holding her ass, rocking her against gentle thrusts that had her quivering and moaning as aftershocks shook her. She gasped as he clamped her ass with both hands and rolled his hips one last time.

  “Daaan!” she screamed as the last few explosions had her seeing stars.

  He kissed her neck. “Yes, beautiful?”

  “What are you doing to me?”

  He wrapped both arms around her, holding her tight to his chest. “Whatever I want, just like you said I could.”

  She slid off him and lay there spent. “I had no idea you'd do something like that!”

  He turned and put his arm across her waist, nuzzling his face into her neck. “We're just getting started, beautiful. That was the warm up. I told you you'd need all your strength.”

  She turned to look at him. That was more sex than she'd had in years, and better sex than she'd had in...well...ever! And he was saying they were just getting started?

  His eyes twinkled. “But you can have a break before we get to the real thing if you like?”

  She nodded; she needed a break after that.

  He tightened his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. “You're so beautiful, little Missy. So perfect.”


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