INFLAME: (a gargoyle shifter and witch romance) (Underground Encounters Book 8)

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INFLAME: (a gargoyle shifter and witch romance) (Underground Encounters Book 8) Page 1

by Lisa Carlisle


  Underground Encounters 8

  Lisa Carlisle

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  INFLAME (a gargoyle shifter and witch romance)

  Inflame | Underground Encounters 8 | Lisa Carlisle

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  BAD Alpha Dads

  About the Author

  Also by Lisa Carlisle

  Tempted by the Gargoyle

  Dark Velvet

  Knights of Stone: Mason | Highland Gargoyles series, book 1

  Excerpt from Knights of Stone: Mason

  Author’s Website

  Sign up for Lisa Carlisle's Mailing List


  Copyright 2018 Lisa Carlisle

  Edited by Elizabeth Lance

  The right of Lisa Carlisle to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

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  To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text, please contact the author at [email protected].

  All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination.

  Find out more about the author and upcoming books online at,, or @lisacbooks.


  To E.



  I’m so lucky to work with incredibly talented critique partners, beta readers, editors, proofreaders, and my street team. I appreciate everything you do immensely.

  Thank you so much!



  Underground Encounters 8

  Lisa Carlisle


  That must mean the witch is dead.

  And he wouldn’t have the satisfaction of destroying her himself...

  Lucan, a gargoyle shifter, is finally freed from his stone statue and ready to make up for lost time - a plan that starts with acting on his inexplicable attraction to the mysterious blonde who waltzes into the underground club where he works.

  Elise had Lucan hunted down for one purpose. No way can she allow herself to get distracted by his captivating presence and magnificent eyes.

  She blurts out the news: He's a father.

  He'd conceived a child with the witch who'd cursed him — Elise's sister.

  This complication means she must ignore her attraction to him. A fling with him is strictly off-limits.

  But, when Elise needs Lucan’s help to protect her niece, who’s his daughter, that dangerous desire might be too difficult to resist...

  INFLAME is part of the Bad Alpha Dads project and is a fiery, standalone, paranormal romance in the Underground Encounters series.

  Step into Vamps and discover a thrilling new world of steamy paranormal romance featuring sexy shifters, thirsty vampires, passionate witches, and gorgeous gargoyles!

  Chapter One

  LUCAN WATCHED THE CROWD at Vamps from stone eyes, the way he did each night the club was open.

  Patrons expended frenetic energy out on the dance floor. Clusters of people in tight, black clothing revealed plenty of tattoos that snaked and twirled under the flashing strobe lights. After announcing a psychobilly set ahead, DJ Mistress Mona played a mix of “Graveyard Shift” by the Coffin Nails.

  At least beautiful women swayed their hot bodies in front of him. Their images fueled fantasies to get through to the next night.

  One day he’d break this curse.

  For now, he could only escape his stone cage during danger. Gargoyle magic allowed him to shift to answer the call to protect. Then, he had twenty-four hours before he would return to stone.

  He’d been trapped in this state for thirteen long years, ever since a damn witch had cursed him. If he ever found her, he’d make her pay for the years of torment she inflicted on him and his brothers. He was the one who made the mistake of going off with her. His brothers had nothing to do with the situation. Cursing them, as well, showed how vindictive she was.

  Yes, if he had the chance, he would destroy Veronique. And enjoy every second of watching the life deplete from her body.

  And then he’d be free.

  His brother Mattias communicated from his stone perch at the other end of the underground club where they’d moved to take on guard duties years before.

  A trio of beauties is heading your way. Two with dark hair, one with red.

  Lucan shifted his vision to where Mattias directed and zoomed in on the women. Not bad. Two of them wore minuscule skirts and tight shirts and the third wore a fitted dress, all revealing plenty of skin covered with colorful tattoos. They wore dark eye makeup and silver jewelry.

  I see them, Lucan acknowledged. Maybe Danton can shift us tonight. I wouldn’t want to miss the chance.

  There are three of them, Mattias said. And two of us.

  I’ll take the third.

  Mattias laughed. Not without some competition.

  Amusing, Lucan replied. Too bad Danton’s out.

  He was indeed. After bonding with his mate, Tracy, the pink-haired bartender he’d long admired when entombed in stone, Danton had shifted to protect her one night. And never went back.

  Both Lucan and Mattias knew that bonding with a mate involved such strong magic, it would break the curse—but both agreed—it was too high a price to pay. After being locked up, the last thing either wanted to do was commit to anyone. Why, when there were so many stunning women who came to the club? The brothers each had a running list of who they would seduce when they had the opportunity.

  Yes, tonight would be a good time for his big brother to work his magic. Lucan found Danton standing in his usual position where he worked as a bouncer a few nights a week. With his long blond hair and massive frame looming over the crowd, he wasn’t difficult to spot.

  Danton, Mattias and I would love to shift tonight. We see a few beauties who need a dance partner.

  Danton’s lips twitched into a half-smile, but then he wiped the amusement from his face. I can’t tonight. I’m still restoring my energy from the last time.

  The drawback to using magic was that it depleted energy. Danton needed time to recover.

  As soon as I can, I will, he promised.

  Lucan addressed Mattias, Why don’t you find your mate, t
oo? Then, I’ll have another brother to free me.

  Not going to happen, Mattias replied. I’ll take my restricted freedom in stone over shackles with a mate.

  Lucan laughed. Same here. At least we deal with enough danger here to get frequent breaks.

  Humor was needed to adjust to month after month of this existence. Or else, they might have gone mad long ago.

  Lucan’s body heated from the inside, like someone had turned on a furnace. All his cells agitated as if he was firing up to transform.

  I thought you couldn’t shift us tonight? he said to Danton.

  Right, Danton replied.

  Then why am I shifting?

  So am I, Mattias added.

  What? Danton glanced around the club. Is someone in danger?

  Not that I see.

  In the next heartbeat, Lucan was free from the stone. And stark naked.


  He dropped to the ground and crouched to avoid being spotted. A woman nearby shrieked. So much for that plan.

  Danton rushed over to intervene. While he spoke to the woman, Lucan cloaked himself with gargoyle magic.

  “He came from the statue.” She pointed at his stone shell, which remained where he’d been perched.

  Danton lulled her with a mind trick to convince her to forget what she’d previously seen. Lucan’s stone shell remained, so it was easy to trick humans into believing nothing had changed.

  Lucan rushed backstage. He kneeled forward and heaved with deep breaths.

  Two heartbeats later, Mattias burst through the door, equally naked.

  “What the hell’s going on?” he asked.

  Lucan shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  “I managed to cloak myself just in time.”

  Lucan groaned. “I wasn’t as quick to respond. Danton is dealing with a woman who saw the whole thing.”

  “Why did we shift?” Mattias asked.

  Lucan tightened his jaw. “No clue. But, I’m going to make the best of it.”

  They headed outside and shifted to winged gargoyle form before soaring out over the ocean. The serene scent of the Atlantic wafted up to him. A silver shimmer caressed the moon. His wings tingled with trepidation, waiting for the curse to drag him back into the stone. They remained outdoors for the rest of the night.

  When the early light of the sun rose on the horizon, they lay on the sand and basked in its warmth. Twenty-four hours. That was typically how long they had when gargoyle magic temporarily freed them from their stone curse. Lucan and Mattias frequently checked the clock, dreading when their freedom would end.

  That marker passed. The next night, they returned to Vamps where they met up with Danton and Tracy. She served them each a beer. “It’s been well over a day,” she pointed out. “Do you think the curse is broken?” she asked with a hopeful tone.

  Lucan pictured the vindictive witch who had cursed them. “I can’t see her doing so willingly. The only way I see that happening is if she died.”

  “Here’s to that being the case.” Mattias raised his glass.

  Lucan joined in toasting with his brothers. She had to be dead.

  Too bad. He’d fantasized about what he’d do if he ever ran into her again. The things he would say. What he would do. All the images ended dark, with him ending her life. The one that was most satisfying was strangling her. He’d squeeze her throat, relishing the terrified look in her eyes as life slipped from her convulsing body. She’d know he was killing her, and he’d do so slowly to exact his revenge.

  And still it was far too short. How long would it take before she lost consciousness—seconds? Perhaps a minute or so? That was far too merciful for what she’d done.

  After three weeks went by, the brothers were confident the curse was broken. Lucan and Mattias enjoyed their second chance at life with their new freedom, but in far different ways than Danton. He enjoyed it with his mate, but, he often joined them for night flights. Mattias spent most of his time outdoors. He’d fly whenever he could and would rarely step into Vamps.

  Lucan enjoyed both worlds, making up for the time trapped in stone. Soaring through the night sky was better than sex. Well, almost. He’d had some exciting nights with gorgeous women all too willing to experiment. But, he’d learned his lesson from the damn witch. He didn’t dare lead them on in any way. It was one night and nothing more.

  On a Saturday night, he pulled up a seat at the bar. When Mistress Mona played a remix of “Monster Stroll” by Astro Zombies, the crowd worked themselves into a frenzy. He enjoyed watching them move, especially the ladies. At least now he could approach any if he wanted.

  Tracy brought him a beer. “You’re turning into a bar fly here. Surely, there’s something else you want to do with your time.”

  He tilted the glass of beer and took a slow sip while he considered her words. The cold liquid rolled over his tongue and he savored the refreshing taste. It was much better than watching as an onlooker as others drank.

  Tracy was right. He had to do something. Although he’d enjoyed every moment of the last few weeks, there had to be more to his life than flying and fucking.

  But, for now, why the hell not? He wasn’t bound to anyone. With his freedom, he could explore his options. Maybe he’d travel more. Or, try art, music, painting. Perhaps he’d open a bar like this one day in a different city. That had an appeal to it. They’d open earlier and serve food. Right. More dining and less dancing. A restaurant. And supes would be welcome. Since he didn’t have the money or experience to open a restaurant, it might be a long road. He’d have to start by soaking up knowledge.

  “I was thinking I could pick up a shift or two helping at the bar.” He’d overheard one of the bartenders mention that he was moving in a couple of months and as far as Lucan knew, they hadn’t hired anyone yet. “I’ve picked up some things as I’ve watched each night.”

  She tapped her lips. “That’s not a bad idea,” she said. “I’ll talk to the boss.”

  Tristan, the owner, had hired Danton as a bouncer. After all, gargoyles naturally excelled at protection. Lucan hoped Tristan would be as open to having a gargoyle shifter behind the bar.

  When he was half-way done with his beer, a woman with honey blonde hair entering the club caught his attention. She wore a maroon shirt over a pair of jeans and black boots. Fresh, clean skin without any makeup. No outlandish jewelry. Nothing that would make her stand out in a typical crowd, but in an alternative crowd such as this, it marked her as a newcomer. Or an outsider.

  Vamps had a dress code and jeans weren’t on the list. The guideline of “when in doubt wear black” was adhered to by the majority in the club. He was surprised they let her enter. Maybe she had a reason, and they gave her a pass.

  Lucan watched her move across the club and eyed her subtle curves. She was lithe and of average height with firm breasts and a pert ass. He admired her figure from afar the way he’d done with many women while in stone. But now he was flesh, and nothing would stop him from approaching her.

  Forget those other women. This one would be his conquest for the night.

  She was alone. With the way she scanned the surroundings, she might have been searching for someone. Well, he could be that someone tonight.

  As she moved past the bar, he strode over, careful not to prowl, although the song playing encouraged it. It sounded like an ultra-sultry version of “Little Red Riding Hood” pounding out the tempo of his advance. He strove to walk against the beat and keep his pace slow and confident. As he approached, he focused on her face—a pretty one with familiar features. He’d seen many faces every night and had a good memory for those who were return visitors. He hadn’t seen her before, he would’ve remembered that. But, there was still something about her he recognized, something he couldn’t place. He inhaled, but couldn’t detect anything with so many competing scents in the room. He’d have to breach her personal space to get a closer read.

  “Hello. Can I help you find someone?” he asked.

>   She turned to him and scanned his face. “Why do you think I’m looking for someone?”

  Her voice was like top shelf brandy with a French accent. He’d recognize one from his homeland, no matter where he was. And the way she asked her question wasn’t done in a flirtatious manner, but an inquisitive one.

  “You’re French.”

  “I am,” she noted. “And you as well?”


  “What part of France?” she asked.

  He waved his hand. “Here and there. I moved around.” No need to give the details of his past. It would lead to more questions. “You?”

  One side of her mouth curled up into a half-smile. “Same.”

  Ah, so she was being just as evasive. He had a good reason for being unforthcoming—he’d been locked in bloody stone.

  “How did you end up here?” she asked.

  “I was about to ask you the same thing.” He flashed a wide grin. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Spending time in a club watching attractive women in tiny outfits dance to energetic music was far more stimulating than watching tourists taking photos of Notre Dame in Paris and dealing with pickpocketing.

  “And now?” She didn’t smile back, but peered at him with a deeply inquisitive look from under dark lashes.

  His heartbeat stuttered. What was it about her that was so damn disarming? He didn’t like the way it set him off-guard, like knocking his internal axis off balance. She wasn’t flirting with him. How she asked questions struck him as her truly wanting to know the answers, and not the playful banter he’d tried to strike up.

  He tried again with the flirtatious edge. “It depends on how the night goes. Can I buy you a drink?”

  She studied him for a few moments that made his heart beat quicker. What was her deal? If she was going to shoot him down, fine, but the way she stared at him as if trying to uncover a secret made his palms heat. His muscles coiled with tension.

  “Oui, merci.”

  Relief flowed through him as if he’d just asked her a loaded question, not one as carefree as offering a beverage.


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