Guarding Presley (Black Spade #1)

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Guarding Presley (Black Spade #1) Page 3

by C. M. Allen

  "Then what happened?" Nat asks.

  "Nothing. Then he let me up and I sat down and we talked. Did you know he was part of the extradition team that brought back that fifteen year old girl who was taken by the Mexican Mafia?"

  "No, ah, wait what girl?" Kat asks.

  I tell them the story about her that Hudson told me, and when I'm finished they both have the same look of horror on their faces that I know I did. "Oh my God, that is so sad." Nat says first.

  "Yeah, I would just kill myself if that ever happened to me. Just the thought of that possibly happening to you Pres, makes me sick with worry for you. Do you think they'll really try and kidnap you? Kat asks.

  "I don't know. I hope not."

  The rest of the lunch we Google more pics of Hudson and all drool over him. "Okay well I'm supposed to meet my step monster at Saks in a half hour. She wants to pick out outfits together for the children's charity ball this weekend."

  Grabbing my hand Nat says, "Oh my God, I just had a thought."

  Rolling my eyes knowing just how her thoughts usually go I dare to ask. "What's that?"

  "Well now that hottie Hudson is your bodyguard, does that mean you get to have him go with you as your date this


  Not having thought about it, I answer "I'm not sure. It just depends if Dominique has set me up with another one of her loser friends again. I swear ever since she's married my Dad all she does is meddle in my love life. I'm beginning to think she's trying to live vicariously through me; being she's only thirty five and married a man almost twice her age."

  All of us laugh and bid our goodbyes. As I make my way out the door first I find Dillion waiting by the limo holding the back door, open for me. Walking up to get in, I tell him

  "Thanks D."

  Suddenly, as if out of nowhere a car appears on the side of us and begins firing shots off as Dillion yells "Get in!" He pushes me into the limo face down on the floor while he returns fire.

  Burring my face in the floor I start to cry uncontrollably and shake remembering the words Hudson told me today about how it doesn't matter who I am, if they want me they'll take me. Hearing tires squeal as the car drives away everything takes on an unreal silence around me as if I've gone deaf. Shaking my head I start to get up when I hear a man yell. "Miss! Miss! Are you okay? Have you been shot too?"

  Registering what he's saying I ask "Shot too? Who else was shot?"

  "Your driver ma'am. I'm afraid he's dead."

  Not wanting to believe it’s true, I begin to get out of the car, "no, no that's not true! Dillion! Dillion! Wake up!" I yell at him as I see his body lying there lifeless on the sidewalk. In shock I keep asking. "He's really dead?"

  "Yes, I'm sorry." The male voice tells me as he directs me back into the restaurant.

  Both of my friends run up to me and pull me in for a tight hug. "Oh my God, are you okay?" Nat asks me.

  "Y...yes...I...I'm fine. But Dillion's dead!" I say before breaking down in their arms.

  "Who should we call Pres? Your Dad?" Kat asks.

  "No, I need to call Hudson first. I have his card from when my father gave it to me this morning on our way to meet him." After I call Hudson and tell him what’s happened he has the manager of the restaurant sequester us all in his office till he arrives. While we wait, I call my father and deliver the bad news about Dillion and let him know that he saved my life before he died. When someone dies saving your life that you were never really nice to, it really alters your perspective on things. I'm a spoiled bitch and I know it. It's a routine for me and has gotten me everything I’ve ever wanted in life, but seeing Dillion lying there lifeless knowing he chose my life over his own makes me feel like the most lost and undeserving human being right now.


  Pulling up to the restaurant, I text Mr. Crawford and assure him that I will bring Presley to him safe and sound. Looking around at the place, it's covered in police cars and yellow tape. As Carter and I exit the vehicle to make our way to the sidewalk area, I spot one of my friends who is a Detective on the force. "Wilson!"

  Turning to look at me, he waves at the officer standing at the "do not cross" yellow tape letting him know that we can pass through. Walking up to him he says. "Let me guess, this has something to do with one of your cases."

  "I'm afraid so, I was just hired to guard Gordon Crawford’s daughter Presley this morning, and she was with the driver when he was shot."

  "I know. I just had one of my officer’s questioning her, said she didn't see who killed him. Apparently Dillion saved her life by pushing her in on to the floor of the limo after shots were fired. He fired back, but we don't know if he hit any of them. I'd have my guys watching all the hospitals if I thought they actually might go to one to be treated if they had been shot, but you know the drill on that. They'll just burry him if he's hurt bad or stitch him up them-selves if he survives."

  "Yeah I know. Looking to Carter I say. “This is Carter, you remember him right?"

  Reaching out to shake his hand, "yes I do. How are things with you? Keeping out of trouble, unlike your partner here?"

  "Trying to," Carter answers.

  Wilson directs his attention back to me. "The Mexican Mafia Drake, you sure you really want to go down that road again?"

  "I have to. Her Dad has entrusted me to keep her safe and that's just what I plan on doing."

  Slapping me on my shoulder he says. "Well I hope I don't have to attend your funeral before this shits over with. The man you're dealing with is very dangerous and won't hesitate to to torture the hell out of you if he gets a hold of you alive."

  Knowing that what he's telling me is true having witnessed it firsthand I tell him. "I know exactly what Pablo Sanchez is capable of, but you know what I'm capable of. Besides I never back down from a fight."

  "We brother, we never back down, try not to worry about him too much Detective, we'll keep him alive." Carter says putting a hand on my shoulder.

  "Well I hope you do, and remember, let the FBI handle this okay? You just take care of her. No going off half-cocked on your own with this one. Understand?" Wilson warns pointing at me.

  "You have my word; I will try my best to not interfere in this investigation."

  "Now how come I don't believe you?" Wilson asks cracking a smile.

  "Not sure, but you should really work on those trust issues of yours. Now can I collect Presley and take her to her father? I'm sure he's freaking out about this whole mess.”

  "Yeah, we're done with her as far as questioning her, but Drake? I know she's usually a bitch to everyone, but you might want to take it easy on her. She's pretty shaken up over this whole thing. I think she understands just how close she came to dying today."

  "Will do, I'll catch ya at the next poker night yeah?"

  "Yeah, you know I'm always up for taking your money." He says with a chuckle when he sees me flip him off as I walk away.

  Once inside the manager leads me to the office, and after her friends leave I find a very different Presley, than the one I encountered in my office this morning. She's sitting in a chair with her knees up and her face buried in them shaking like a little girl who's terrified. "Presley? It’s Hudson." I say stroking her hair away from her face.

  As she raises her head and looks up at me I can see the destroyed expression she wears across her face. "They killed him Hudson. You were right, they did try to take me afterall." She says with a sobbing chuckle.

  Really getting a look at her I can tell she's in shock. "Let's get you home to your mother and father. They're waiting to see you and want to know that you're safe."

  Shaking again she says. "I..I don't want to go out there again. What if they come back and kill you or him, whoever he is." She says pointing at Carter.

  Stepping forward he crouches down in front of her. "I'm one of Hudson’s business partners, Carter Mitchell. And we will get you home safe I promise."

  Seeing her look from Carter to me I can tel
l she needs my reassurance. "Presley, you will be just fine, okay? Will you let us take you home?"

  Looking up she lets out a sigh. "Just don't die on me okay? I can't go through something like that again. I treated that man like crap and he chose my life over his. What does that say about someone like me?"

  Leaning down I tell her. "That was his job Presley, he knew what he signed up for and he did his job all the way to the end. He died a hero today."

  As she starts to breakdown again I take matters into my own hands and scoop her up in my arms and tell Carter to grab her shoes and purse so we can get her out of here. Walking out to my SUV, Carter opens the back door and I slide in with her still cradled in my arms. "The directions are already in the GPS just punch in her father’s name and it will come up." I tell him as he shuts the door.


  As we drive to my father’s house, I grip onto Hudson as if I'm afraid he's going to be taken away from me at any moment. After what happened to Dillion today I know it's totally possible to be talking to someone one moment and then see them dead the next. Every time I close my eyes it's all I see; his lifeless body crumpled up on the sidewalk. "You okay in there?" Hudson asks pushing the hair away that hides my face.

  "I'm trying to be, but every time I close my eyes, all I see is Dillion’s body lying on the ground, lifeless in a pool of blood. How are you going to keep me safe when he couldn't? They could do the same thing to you if you're guarding me."

  Moving me onto the seat so he can see my face he cups my cheek. "This is what I do for a living Presley, and even though Dillion was very good at his job, he doesn't have the experience or background that I do. I can and will protect you, and I need you to trust me on that."

  Not knowing if I can really ever do that after today, I tell

  Him. "I'm not sure I can do that Hudson. My father trusted Dillion to protect him and he ended up dead. Right now I can't make any promises it's all just too much, ask me again tomorrow once I can think straight again. At least I hope to."

  Making the rest of the drive in silence, we finally pull up to the house and get out of the car. My father and step monster come running out to greet us. "Oh baby girl, thank God you're okay,” my father says pulling me into a tight hug.

  "I don't know what we would have done had we lost you today”Dominique says pulling me closer with her perfectly manicured nails.

  Not wanting anything other than to be left alone I tell them. "I'm fine really, I just need a bath and a good stiff drink to knock me out."

  Making my way up the stairs, flanked by my father and Dominique, I stop and turn back when I notice Hudson’s not following. "You're not leaving are you?"

  Taking a few steps towards me he answers. "There is a couple of things I need to take care of, then I'll be back to talk to you and your father."

  Shaking my father’s hand he tells him that he's sorry about Dillion, before he turns to walk away. "Hudson!"

  Stopping he turns to look at me, yeah?"

  "Thanks for coming to get me today. I know I didn't give you much reason to after this morning."

  "Just doing my job Presley.” He says before getting in the SUV and driving away.

  "Let's get you out of these clothes and cleaned up, I've got Helga running a relaxing bubble bath for you right now and your father will go down to the cellar and grab a nice bottle of wine for you." Dominique says rubbing my back shocking me at her first time ever trying to comfort me. Usually she just tells me to pop an anti-anxiety pill and get over it.

  "Thank you." I tell her latching onto my father. "I was so scared today daddy...I really thought I was going to die."

  Stopping just inside the house he pulls me in for a tight hug again. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that today baby girl, so sorry. If I had lost you, I...I don't know what I would have done." Kissing my forehead he tells me "Now you go on upstairs and take your bubble bath, I'll get some wine and have Helga bring it up to you okay?"

  Nodding my head, I tell him that I will and begin to make my way up the stairs but stop, "Daddy?"


  "I love you."

  "I love you too baby girl."

  After everyone's done fussing over me, I'm finally left alone like I wanted, and it sucks. All I keep doing is replaying the whole thing over and over again in my head. Trying to shut my mind down, I drink the first glass of wine and pour myself another taking a large gulp of that one before trying to relax again. After about an hour of sitting in the tub and drinking the whole bottle of wine, the water starts to cool down, so I decide it's time to get out. Feeling rung out and tired I grab the robe I always keep here for my self to use when I visit, and wrap up in it and make my way to the bed collapsing on it. I must have passed out because the next thing I hear is Hudson’s voice. "Presley? Presley, wake up."


  When I leave the Crawford’s estate I get on my phone and begin making all the necessary arrangements to take Presley up to my grandfather’s ranch in Wyoming that he left to my sister and me after he passed away. Both of us have used it a couple of times for vacations here and there, but I'm thinking it will make a great hiding spot for me to keep Presley. She'll be out of the spotlight and most importantly, alive. It's out in the middle of nowhere and sits on about twenty acres and the closest neighbor is about five miles down the road. A couple that worked for my grandfather before he died stayed on at the ranch and have taken care of it for us, and the few animals that still remain there. It was his wish for them to stay on after he passed since there's not much work out there for an older couple. After getting a hold of them, I tell them it's time to take that month long vacation they've been saving all these years for to Italy; thinking that should be enough time for this whole thing to be done and over with, and it will for sure keep them out of harm’s way not being around if someone should find us. Getting back to the Crawford’s after I've collected a couple of things I need for the trip, I head up the stairs to the front door. The house is something out of a fantasy. It looks like it could be close to the same size as the White House. The grounds are pristine and well-manicured and there are no neighbors for miles. The only other buildings on the property that I can see are the servant’s quarters, guest house and stables for the horses. Ringing the doorbell it plays some classical

  music alerting them that I'm here.

  When the door opens I'm greeted by Presley’s step mother Dominique. She's quite beautiful and about the same age as me. She's a small petite woman with long wavy auburn colored hair and a rack on her that screams boob job! "Well hello there again Mr. Drake, do come in." She says in a sultry voice stepping aside so I can pass.

  "Thank you ma'am," waving her hand she says. "Enough with the ma'am stuff you can call me Dominique, or as Presley likes to call me, step monster." She says with a giggle putting her hand on my chest. "Oh she thinks I don't know about her little nickname for me, but I do." Watching the way she's swaying on her feet and speaking, I can tell she's helped herself to a couple of drinks since I last saw her. "Would you care for something to drink Mr. Drake?" Not wanting to get into the whole little seduction scene she's trying run on me I answer. "No thank you. I'm good."

  "Well you do look good that's for sure." She says with a wink.

  So much for staying out of her sights, "Actually if you could just point me in the direction of where Presley’s at, I'd really appreciate it."

  Frowning at me she walks over to a table to pick up a glass filled with amber liquid taking a drink and waves me in the direction of the stairs. "She's up in her room hiding out."

  Wanting to be out of this situation with this woman like yesterday, I thank her and head upstairs.

  "It's the third door on the left!" She yells as I approach the top of the stairs.

  Nodding I continue down the massive hallway decorated with several paintings; making me feel like I'm walking through a museum rather than someone's house. After what seems like about a half hour
of walking I finally find the door I'm looking for. Standing outside of it I lightly knock. "Presley?" Not hearing a response I knock again. "Presley?"

  Suddenly I hear her scream out. "No!"

  Not waiting any longer I burst into the room only to find her spread out on her bed in the middle of a bad dream. Her robe that she's got on is covering little to nothing. "Ah shit!" I say turning away and running my fingers through my hair not knowing whether to yell at her to wake her up, or cover her up first then wake her. Deciding she would be more embarrassed that I've seen her naked if I leave her that way to wake up, I take option B and decide to cover her with the blanket on the bed before I wake her. Walking over to the end of her bed I grab it and quickly lay it over her before my dick decides to rise to the occasion any more than it already has. Then lean down and nudge her trying to wake her. "Presley. Presley, wake up."

  Groggy, she starts to open her eyes "Hudson?"

  "Yes it's me, I need you to wake up Presley, we need to talk."

  Rolling over she knocks the blanket off of her revealing her breasts again. "Jesus this has to be some kind of fucked up test." I tell myself as I cover her up again.

  "Mmm, hottie Hudson is here." She says slurring her words. Just great! She's drunk! "Presley, wake up!" I say in a louder voice.

  "I'm up. I'm up. What the hell are you yelling at me for?" She says rolling over knocking the blanket off again.

  "Jesus fucking Christ! Please just get up!" I say loudly again as I turn my back on her.

  "Oh my God!" She yells as she gets up and bolts past me into her closet. "Please, please tell me you didn't see anything."

  Not answering her she peaks her head back out. "Are you going to answer me or not?"

  "Not if you're going to ask me to lie to you."

  Her mouth drops open as she sinks back into her closet.

  "May God strike me now," She mumbles making me chuckle.

  "You have nothing to be ashamed of." I tell her trying to help the situation.

  Poking her head back out she asks in an irritated tone, "What are you doing in my room anyway? Don't you knock?"


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