Guarding Presley (Black Spade #1)

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Guarding Presley (Black Spade #1) Page 10

by C. M. Allen

  Stopping our conversation we both see Porter’s Hummer pull up and the back door open. "Get in!" He yells as we both make a run for it diving in and slamming the door behind us just as several bullets dance off the windows of the truck.

  "What kind of truck is this? The bullets didn't even crack the windows." I ask trying to sit up straight.

  Giving me a wide grin in the rear view mirror as we tear out of his driveway, Porter says. "A bullet proof one, now strap yourselves in and hold on while I dust these assholes!"

  When we make it onto the main road, Hudson crawls up to the front passenger seat and pulls out his phone calling who I assume is one of his associates. "Hey it's Hudson, yeah the ranch and Porter’s place has been compromised. Yes all of us are good, no injuries. We're in Porter’s bullet proof monster so we're safe for now. Good thing too they shot it up pretty bad with a semi-automatic. Where are we heading?"

  Looking to Porter for the answer he simply tells him. "Tell Kelan when we get to the location you will text him and turn on your GPS for three minutes on the dot, so he'll need to work fast. I don't want anyone else locating us."

  Nodding his head, he asks whoever he's talking to "Did you get that? Okay, yes will do." Hanging up the phone he turns around to face me. "Are you okay?"

  Nodding my head as my heart slams against my chest so hard it feels like it's trying to escape, I finally get out. "Yes. I think so, are they following us?" I ask turning to look.

  "Not if they want to live their not.” Porter mumbles.

  "What about your ranch and all your animals? Who's going to take care of them?"

  "Well if there's even a ranch to go back to they'll be fine for about five days, I dumped a shit ton of alfalfa before I left, and turned the water on so they'll all be just fine. Don't you worry about those animals little lady."

  Sitting there listening to him talk about the possibility that his ranch may be destroyed thanks to me and my father I tell him. "Well if anything does happen to it, I will make sure that the damages are all covered as well as send you the best there is to rebuild it back to the way it was or better. Same for you Hudson, you both could lose something very important to you because of me and I'm not going to let that happen if there's anything I can do about it. It's about time I do something good with all the money I have rather than just go shopping with it."

  Silence fills the car after I finish my speech when Porter finally speaks up. "I really appreciate you saying that little lady."

  While Hudson simply turns to me and nods.


  When I see the same reflection in the sunlight I'd seen earlier it's close enough for me to see it's a scope that sitting on a sniper rifle. The only thought running through my head was 'save her,' I didn't care about my own life in that moment, only hers. Not only because it's what I do for a living and hired to do for her, but because I knew a part of me would have died inside had the bullet hit its target. It was definitely a kill shot from where it hit the glass. After we get in Porter’s Hummer heading to his hiding spot, I alert Vance about what's happened so he can send Carter and Brice out here for back up. I may be a Ranger that’s able to handle whatever you can throw at me, and have one of the best snipers known to the Army by my side, but I know when I need backup. Who knows how many men they sent here once they located her, and I can't risk taking a guess at those odds. Looking in the back to check on Presley, she seems to bounce in and out of shock, which for someone who's not used to being shot at like myself, is totally normal. Dealing with the disbelief of what just happened but knowing it's a reality would take anyone a bit to unravel in their heads. Hearing her generous words to help fix mine and Porter’s ranches if need be confirms what I've known about this woman all along, she has a big heart. "Hudson?"

  Turning to look at her I ask. "Yes?"

  "Thank you for saving my life back there a...and not dying while doing it."

  "Told you Darlin’, don't go planning my funeral just yet." I tell her with a wink.

  Turning my attention to Porter, he gives me a side glance and I know he's thinking the same thing I am. These guys may no longer be interested in just taking her, instead only killing her to make the point that they need to with her father. Driving for what feels like forever I turn to see that Presley’s passed out in the back seat. "Guess they've moved on to a kill only order." Porter says in a low voice.

  "It would seem so, but the way I see it she's dead no matter if they shoot her or kidnap her, you know that as well as I do.”


  "So when did you buy this thing?"

  "What, my little baby Hummer?"

  "Yeah this little bullet proof monster of yours.” I say with a chuckle.

  "I bought it and had all the extras done to it about two years after we all got out of the military. You know the motto."

  "In Peace Prepare For War." We both say at the same time. "That's right brother.” Porter says slapping me on the shoulder.

  Feeling a heavy weight on my heart for bringing this shit storm literally to his doorstep and disrupting his peaceful existence out here I tell him "Look, I'm really s___."

  "Don't even say it man.” He cuts me off shaking his head. "I know you didn't mean for me to get involved in this whole mess, but what kind of man would I be, or human for that matter, not to step up to the plate when you needed me most? When she needs me most, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you and yours, just the way I know you'd do the same for me."

  Looking back to see if she's still asleep I look over to him, “thanks man, even though she's really not mine, I appreciate it all the same."

  Shaking his head he stifles a laugh. "There's that damn Romeo and Juliet bullshit again, how about you be the Hudson Drake I know that fights for something he believes in no matter what, and stop all this 'poor us we can't be together' crap. Man the fuck up and claim what's yours, what is silently begging you to claim it." Smirking at me he says. "Or you can just step aside and give me a crack at her, ‘cause I'd have no problem fighting for a woman like that."

  Anger rises up in me at just the thought of him touching what is mine. "The fuck you will! I catch you even staring at her and I'll shoot your ass myself!"

  Chuckling he says. "There's the Hudson Drake I Know, bout time you showed up."

  "Fuck you." I say laughing at what I know was him lighting a fire under my ass.

  "What are you yelling about? Have they found us?" Presley asks with a sleepy voice.

  "No they haven't little lady, so don't you worry. I was just striking a match under Hudson’s ass."


  "Never mind don't listen to him, just go back to sleep we'll be there soon."


  Laying back here pretending to be asleep while I listen to them talk gets really hard the moment Hudson says I'm not his. I just want to open my eyes and shout at him, "yes I am! As much as I don't want to be, and as much as I know this won't work out between us, I'm yours dammit!" But that's of course in my fantasy, now my reality? Not so fun to think about. But when Porter threatens Hudson with taking me for himself I have to admit Hudson’s reaction has a large smile breaking across my face as I try not to laugh. When I ask what all the yelling is about, I wonder if they'll be truthful with me, and of course no shocker they’re not. But Porter of course does allude to what I overheard just to give Hudson a hard time. Laying there pretending to be asleep again, I listen to them talk about 'the old days' when all of them were in the Rangers together. One story that Porter’s telling about some girl that Hudson was with has me opening my eyes from the jealousy that forces me to a sitting position. "So who was this girl you were almost captured for?" I ask.

  Turning to look at me, Hudson’s face goes pale when he realizes I've heard them talking. "It was a long time ago Presley, and it only happened once."

  Crossing my arms I can feel the anger rise when I realize just how parallel the woman he's talking about and my life are where
he's concerned. "Sounds so familiar, it sounds like our story, only once. Must be one of those hit and quit it types, huh Hudson?"

  With anger boiling over in his glare when he turns to look at me he says. "I'm sorry but where the hell do you get off telling me what kind of man I am? I think I've damn near had enough of your presumptions about me Presley!"

  Turning in his seat the car falls into a very uncomfortable silence before Porter finally says. "So are you kids ready to go to Wally World?"

  Both of us look at him and say in unison "What?"

  Shrugging his shoulders. "Well someone had to take a knife to this tension between you two because it's damn near so thick in here I can't breathe."

  "It's fine Porter, better this way, now I know just where I stand."

  "God dammit Presley! It. Was. A long time ago! You and her or what we have or had isn't even on the same planet as what she and I had, but you go right ahead and sit back there with your smug indifference and do what you do best where I'm concerned. Assume the worst!"

  Sitting here thinking about what's just transpired between us I come to a realization. Shit! I did it again! I really need to invest in a shrink if I live through all of this mess, because I need to know just why I'm so hell bent on sabotaging anything good between Hudson and me. I know part of the reason, but it doesn't give me the right to be so…so the old me, the woman Hudson would never believe I was no matter how hard I tried to play the part. Knowing I can't just sit here and let him think I really believe he just uses women for sex, I finally clear my throat and speak up. "I'm sorry, I know that's not the type of man you really are Hudson."

  Letting out a heavy breath he turns to look at me. "When we get to where we're going you and I need to sit down and have a talk."

  Nodding my head I simply say. "Okay."

  After about another hour of driving and no conversation between Hudson and myself Porter announces "Welcome to the beautiful town of Green River Wyoming!"

  When I look around all I see are mountains and creeks. "So are you going to tell me where this hiding spot of yours is?"

  Hudson asks looking around the area. "Why it’s right there how can you not see it?" Porter remarks pointing straight ahead with a chuckle as we turn onto a dirt road.

  Leaning closer to the front seats I look for any buildings, but see none, when Hudson looks to Porter and says. "You didn't?"

  Laughing he answers. "Of course I did brother, and I even made a few changes to the place."

  "You really have been left out here too long, but I'm really glad you have."

  Not having a clue as to what the hell these two are talking about I lean up between the seats. "Does anyone want to fill me in on what the hell you guys are talking about?"

  "My cave," Porter says like someone would say my house."

  "A cave? B...but what about the amenities? You know bathroom, bed, that kind of stuff?"

  Hudson turns in his seat to look at me for the first time since I lashed out at him, and I can see the anger has faded away from his expression. "Trust me. This is no ordinary cave.

  Shrugging my shoulders I simply reply. "Okay."

  As we pull up in front of a mountain side Porter gets out and walks up to the rock wall pressing something on one side of it and Abracadabra, part of the rock formation opens up. As he gets back into the car he turns to look at me. "Grandpa was very prepared for dooms day."

  "I'd say." This coming from Hudson and myself at the same time.

  "The door itself is not actually rock, just painted to look like it. It was just an actual cave my grandfather found, and him and his buddies made it into one of the first original man caves until it was going to be needed for its real purpose, which thankfully never came." Looking to Hudson Porter tells him. "Text Kelan now and then turn on your GPS because once we enter the cave you won't get a signal."

  After Kelan gets a lock on our location for Carter and Brice to find, they set up a meeting time before we drive into the cave as Porter turns the car off and gets out again shutting the door behind us that we've just come through, making it very dark inside. "Shit."


  Having heard about his grandfather’s infamous 'cave' when we were in the military, but seeing it in person finally, the descriptions he gave us never did it justice. This thing is way beyond cool. When Presley asks about the amenities I cringe inside a little from not having thought about that beforehand. See when you're in the Rangers or any other branch of the military for that fact you are forced to learn how to survive out in the elements without ‘real’ food or amenities. We had our one blanket made from parachute material, thinnest and lightest thing you've ever seen but damn it kept you good and warm, and the only food we had was our MRE's (meals ready to eat). Nothing like what she's used to that's for sure, which leaves me hoping Porter at least stocked up with some soup or something for us. Or. We. Will. Be going out to get something, this I already know without even having to ask. Hearing Presley cuss I know she's scared of how dark it is so I turn the overhead light on in the truck. "Thank you." "You're welcome."


  Cut off by Porter’s return we end our conversation as he grabs his back pack and a large flashlight. "Ya'll ready to go see where we'll be staying the next couple of days?"

  Both of us nod our heads and get out of the truck following behind him. We walk for what feels like to be about a quarter mile twisting and turning our way through the cave before he finally says. "Okay now wait here, I'm going to turn on the generator."

  Standing there as Porter walks away, I feel Presley slide her shaky hand into mine and squeeze. "It's okay, don't be scared."

  "I'm not afraid Hudson...well actually that's a lie, I am afraid of something."

  "What's that?"

  "I'm afraid of losing you, I'm afraid that the reasons I keep picking fights with you is so I can protect myself from well you know, how this might all end."

  Porter gets the lights to finally come on and I turn to her cupping her face "I'm not going to let anything happen to you Presley."

  "That's not what I'm afraid of Hudson, because if there was ever anyone who could protect me, it's you. What I'm afraid of is losing you after this whole thing is over."

  Realizing what she's talking about, I lean in and brush my lips across hers before sliding my tongue over the seam of her lips asking her for permission to let me in as I deepen the kiss when she does. Hearing Porter clear his voice, we break apart and really look around for the first time, "holy shit! This is, this is very cool!" I tell him.

  "Yeah, I can't believe we're really in a cave.” Presley says walking around and looking at everything.

  Slapping his shoulder I tell him. "You know what this place reminds me of, one of those homes that I saw on the History channel that people were having built under ground after 9/11."

  "Well that's probably because one of my father’s friends who helped him build this place was one of the founders of a company that does that kind of work. His son Trevor still does it to this day and helped me with the updates I did, he's a multi-millionaire now, those homes aren't cheap you know."

  "Yeah I do, like five hundred thousand to three quarters of a million a pop."

  "Try upwards of a million or more, depending on what exactly the person wants done. Hell one of the pictures he showed me of work they do, they built the home inside a cliff underground so they can still have windows with sunlight and they actually live there year around, it's really something to see."

  "Well this is something that's for sure." I say looking around the cave. It's probably a good thousand square feet and has private sections to it for sleeping and bathroom facilities, the furniture looks like something you would see in any home.The floor is cement with rugs covering a lot of the area. Looking in the makeshift bedrooms they all four have a double bed with a nightstand and lamp. Not the Ritz, but quite nice compared to the places I've slept when I was in the military. Cold hard ground was the best we coul
d hope for.

  "Wow this place is incredible!" Presley says almost as if it was a thought she was saying out loud.

  "Thanks little lady, I know it's no five star hotel but it does come with cable TV and,” reaching into what looks like a small refrigerator he brings out three bottles. "Beer!" We all laugh as each one of us takes a bottle and clang them together raising them in the air, "to outsmarting the bad guys!" Porter says before Presley and I repeat it and take a drink. Looking between the two of us Porter puts his empty beer bottle down on the kitchenette counter. "Well,

  I'm...going to go back to the truck and grab a few more things were going to need out of it, so I'll be back in a bit." Knowing he's giving us a moment to talk I give him a nod thanking him in silence.

  Pulling Presley over to the couch I sit down next to her knowing this is a talk we definitely need to have. Taking her hand in mine I clear my throat. "Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you in the ca_."

  Placing her finger over my lips she says. "No, you did nothing wrong Hudson, if there's anyone who should be apologizing here it's me." Taking a deep breath she says, "I said that I would never let another man see me vulnerable ever again, because each time I did, I got burned, but for you I've already done it once and I'm about to do it again. I know this, what we have, has nowhere to go, but I can't help the tickle of hope I feel at the back of my heart that prays we find a way for it to. And when I feel things with my heart I tend to go into ultra bitch mode or something, to protect myself, to fool myself into thinking that I don't really want what I do, and what I feel for you? It scares the hell out of me, more so than this situation my father has put me in because it means I have to be honest with myself, how I feel about you and with you.I don't know how else I can explain it, but I guess the best way would be, after the last time my heart was shattered by a man, I picked up all the broken pieces and placed them in a dark corner under lock and key and left them there without so much as a backwards glance. And now after being with you, I feel like the lock has been picked and there's light shining inside the darkness once again." Taking another deep breath she continues "But for how long? I don't know how I'm supposed to keep letting you in when I know I'll have to eventually let you go."


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