Augustus and Lady Maude

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Augustus and Lady Maude Page 13

by AnonYMous

  Raspail's last bill had to be read to be believed. It will not be paid, of course, for many a month and I do not doubt that he had overcharged in expectation of such a delay. Give me the cure of Lord Augustus's nerves, my friend. I will effect it in short order and at very little cost. We shall make a proper gentleman of him these next few months. There, I feel much better for saying my say. I have asked my father to put off my presentation at court until the spring in order to devote myself to my cousin's cure. I look forward with keen anticipation to the next few months, convinced that we shall have some exquisite moments of delight with the troupe of young sluts at our disposal. A bientot, my friend! My thoughts turn towards England and the pleasures of duty! Your true friend, Maude, Lady


  As soon as all our friends had returned to England, the summer correspondence between them ceased. Yet one who is the friend of them all-the editor of these few chapters-must end the story for them. Lady Maude was as good as her word and came straight home upon hearing that her imprudent cousin Lord Augustus had involved himself in yet another dangerous infatuation. She did not at once take action but hung back a little as if hoping that the crisis might pass of its own accord. Even at that time she was much concerned that those who loved Lord A. should lead him towards a true understanding of the duties which he owed to society-and which were not in the least incompatible with the pleasures he sought. Where pleasure rather than a permanent alliance was intended, her ladyship would never have interfered. Her own brothers had often indulged in such affairs without ever incurring more than her smile. At that moment one of them was riding a pretty blonde of twenty with cropped hair and fringe, a firm suntanned little face and blue eyes. Her lithe and suntanned limbs adorned his couch, the curves of Jane Truman's bottom-cheeks or breasts filled his hands. Lady Maude was no prude and never dreamt of interfering. It was evident at a glance that her brother would never have married a little wriggler of this sort. Lady Maude is among our most respectable and respected younger peeresses. To a lingering affection for her own sex she soon added a fortunate marriage to Lord Rupert N-. He is somewhat her elder and a power in the land. Lady Maude has always had a strong taste for proper morals. No one could be more zealous in advocating the chastisement of young women who stray from the path of decency or propriety. Lord Rupert indulges his beloved in this matter of stripping insolent servant girls and promiscuous young wives who must learn their lesson under the whip.

  Every gaoler and beadle in the county takes his commands from her ladyship. Were you to suggest that the twinkle in Lady Maude's eye betokens some lewd or perverse pleasure, you would be regarded with incredulity and contempt. Her respectability is armed cap-a-pie against all such reproaches. Several times her ladyship has been able to save her cousin from the consequences into which his impetuous feelings might have brought him. In this she remembered the example of her friend Mr. Bowler. Alas, even the unmasking of Julie and Maggie had not taught Lord Augustus to behave with more caution.

  Scarcely a month after her return from Carda, her ladyship called at a temple of fashion in one of the smartest streets, not a stone's throw from the elegant showroom of her friend the saddler. She observed several gentlemen gazing entranced at the long window where saddles and bridles were set out. With some unease, she observed mat her cousin was one of this group. Lady Maude moved unobtrusively to see what might be the object of such adoration. A well-built girl of nineteen was dusting and polishing the floor where the saddles were arranged. Noreen was the girl, quite tall and strongly made. Her lank dark hair was worn loose, cut short at the level of her collar and trimmed in a straight fringe. She had firm fair-skinned features, the points of her cheekbones were wide set and there was a most self-assured insolence in her brown eyes. As was customary in such a place, Noreen wore a simple riding costume well-suited to a girl of her type. The close fit of her white singlet followed the lines of a strong and supple young back, the movement of her firm young breasts was seen easily through the cotton. Noreen wore a broad leather belt which pulled the faded blue-denim of her riding-jeans smooth and taut over her robust young hips and thighs. Though a strapping young wench, she was well-made rather than plump and it was perhaps this which had made Lord Augustus and the other gentlemen look with such longing upon her. At that moment, the girl had knelt down and was sitting on her heels with her back to her admirers as she vigorously polished the floor between the rows of saddles. Noreen worked with her jaw set resolutely and the collar-length of her lank dark hair falling forward a little round her face as she bowed her head to her task. As she leant forward, the smooth denim of the jeans was tight and smooth as skin over the fuller and broader shape of Noreen's bottom-cheeks and thighs. It was understandable that this area of Noreen's arse and thighs should draw the most eager attention of the men who watched her. Yet as Lady Maude spied upon her cousin, it was clear that another romance of the kind which Maggie had inspired was in the making. That an insolent young scrubber like Noreen should be permitted to cause such catastrophe to the social order filled her ladyship with indignation. Presently, in order to stretch and reach between the saddles with her polishing cloth, Noreen had to lift her hips from her heels and go forward on all fours. As she did so, the men drew breath sharply at the provoking rear view which she now offered brazenly to the world. The pale blue-denim was drawn smooth and taut as drumskin over the broadened mounds of Noreen's buttocks. In this posture, Noreen's backside at nineteen years old was big-cheeked but with little hint of flabbiness.

  Best of all the stout central seam of the jeans-seat was drawn deep and tight between Noreen's bottom-cheeks, parting those rear hemispheres in a most suggestive manner! The stout seam was also strained tightly under her legs where it seemed to part the very lips of her cunt whose soft flesh was moulded for the admiration of the men by the clinging denim. With her head bowed and the dark hair falling forward, Noreen backed on all fours towards her admirers, working the cloth hard on the floor. Even Lady Maude could sense the ardent images of longing which fired their brains as they licked their lips and smiled secretly to themselves. All of them imagined Noreen positioned thus but with her denim and knickers removed, harness straps holding her down to prevent reprisals by so sturdy a girl. One might be content with thoughts of his stiffness entering between her legs, of the bamboo and the birch rod across her broadened buttocks.

  Another, more demanding, must feel the tightness of Noreen's anus implacably stretched on his erection-then whipcord and the snakeskin lash across the bare cheeks of Noreen's bottom. Another would imagine perversities in the tiled bathroom, Noreen secured bottom-upwards over a pedestal. Next to the squirt, the soap-bottle, the china bowl, and rolled paper, would lie the cane and the lash. So powerful and implacable were the ordeals which they wished to impose upon her in these dreams that they seemed to be communicated to the girl herself!

  As if sensing the presence of these onlookers for the first time, Noreen stopped polishing. Immobile on all fours, she looked back under her shoulder. What she saw of the men caused her to sit back on her heels, two spots of anger glowing at the wide points of her cheekbones. Flicking the lank dark hair clear of her face, she stared round at her admirers. There was defiance in the line of her jaw and mouth, contempt in the slanting glance of her brown eyes. She turned her head away and sat still until the men had moved on. Lady Maude could think of nothing but the danger which a strapping young trollop like Noreen presented to a well-born gentleman of Augustus's sensibilities. She promised herself that such a temptation must be removed and that Augustus must be cured of his incipient infatuation in the most direct manner. It was simple enough to suggest to Lord Rupert and to Mr. Bowler, a fellow magistrate, that Noreen was guilty of indecent and scandalous conduct in the public view. These two gentlemen had a very clear idea of their duty. They were only too willing to convene a closed session of the justices at Bowler Hall, where they were joined upon the bench by old Mr. Snook who could be counted upon to deal out exemp
lary punishment to a strapping young trollop of Noreen's kind. Noreen was brought before them that evening in her blue-denim skirt and white blouse. Even if they never saw her again, the three gentlemen were very excited at the thought of the fate they had in store for her. Behind thick walls and barred windows her proud young breasts and tautly muscled thighs would be at the disposal of the gaoler and his assistants. The pale sturdiness of Noreen's bottom-cheeks would be constantly menaced by the prison cane and the birch. There was fury in her brown eyes and the points of her broad cheekbones glowed with anger when they assured her that the case would be decided against her. Indeed, when the sentence was pronounced by Mr. Snook-looking up to grin knowingly at Noreen from time to time-the warders held her by either arm and her wrists were strapped behind her back as a precaution. They condemned her to eighteen months of penitentiary training, at which she shook her lank dark hair and composed her fair-skinned features into a mask of indifference under her level fringe. Then Noreen gave a sudden look of fright as Mr. Snook added, “The girl to be severely whipped by order of the court one month after the beginning of her sentence. Also to receive such further chastisements as may be desirable in the opinion of the gaoler during the remainder of her training.” When Lord Augustus heard of this, he behaved in the most deplorable fashion.

  Finding out a local attorney, he employed the man to see if the verdict could not be overturned, even at the cost of bringing the matter before the Lord Chancellor himself! Here was a pretty pickle and no mistake! Fortunately, the attorney was old Silas Grabham, a tenant of Mr. Snook. Though it cost a little, he was soon persuaded to impede his client's case and ensure that no appeal was forwarded for eight more months, by which time it must be invalid.

  In the meantime, Lord Augustus himself was appointed a Justice of the Peace. You may be sure that his brother-in-law Lord Rupert and his friend Mr. Bowler took excellent care that he was not chosen to hear such cases as Noreen's. However, on Lady Maude's advice, it was arranged that he and the rest of us should be present to see Noreen receive her judicial whipping. Nothing was said to him of what would happen and the young man thought merely that we were to make a tour of inspection round the gaoler's premises. One Saturday night, which is sacred here to sports of all kinds, was the time appointed for Noreen to receive her chastisement: However, it was an hour or more earlier when Mr. Bowler arrived with his valet to exercise his right of examining the culprit. A door was opened on to the dimly lit room where Noreen lay sleeping. She had been positioned face-down on the bed with no sheet or blanket covering her, soft leather cuffs attaching her wrists to the frame of the bed on either side as a measure of precaution. Noreen's head was turned aside on the pillow, the light showing her firm young profile, eyes closed and lips parted gently in slumber, while the lank collar-length of her dark hair lay round her white neck and jaw-line. The guardians had undressed her completely, except for her short white singlet. Yet even the singlet hem had been pulled high so that Noreen's arse and hips, her thighs and flanks, were completely bare. The turnkeys had wedged two pillows under her loins, to emphasise the spread of her strong young thighs and to give a fuller and broader swell to the firm cheeks of Noreen's bottom. Without waking her, Mr. Bowler sat gently on the edge of the bed at the level of her hips. He bowed his head and examined the area of Noreen's anatomy which interested him. The hem of her white singlet had been pulled right up to the small of her back at the rear. In the faint light he was able to admire the pale nudity of Noreen's seat and thighs. So he studied the swelling cheeks of Noreen's backside, keenly and closely. The line of his mouth was hard and his eyes unsmiling, as befitted a magistrate. He showed no softening nor affection towards the nineteen-year-old girl. Such sentiments were improper for a disciplinarian moralist. Her body was admirably relaxed as she lay sleeping. Mr. Bowler pondered on the sensitive hollows at the backs of her knees, a blue vein showing here and there. He lingered over the rear of her young thighs, so robust yet trim. All this time Noreen lay with her firm young profile on the pillow, the lank dark hair across her face, unaware of the man's intimate prying as she slept. Her thighs had relaxed in slumber and she had parted them a little so that the folds of her sex were visible from the rear. Mr. Bowler inspected her so closely with his eyes that she might almost have felt his breath on her feminine slit.

  A healthy and well-built working-girl of nineteen gives rein to her sensual fancies in sleep. In the warmth of the summer night Mr. Bowler was able to enjoy the faint mineral scent of her arousal between Noreen's thighs. He spent quite fifteen or twenty minutes musing on the rear view of her open legs and the lightly moistened state between them. Next he turned to the full and broadened swell of Noreen's pale bottom-cheeks, which he had condemned to the lash. His mouth grew tighter still and his eyes more intense with disciplinary severity.

  His gaze mapped Noreen's bare backside. While the girl continued to sleep, unaware of his sadistic contemplation, he brooded on her smooth rear cheeks with tyrannical longing for at least half an hour. His thoughts turned to the objects on the table, designed to subject her behind to certain indignities of the toilet as she lay over the pillows. Such ordeals must often accompany the caning of her bottom by the turnkeys who visited her at night and inflicted summary discipline. Those who saw the array of objects on the table could guess why Noreen was made to lie bottom-upwards over the rubber pillows. They knew quite well what the gaoler would make her do as she lay there. Indeed, a bamboo cane and a loop of whipcord had been placed by the toilet articles to enforce her obedience. Mr.

  Bowler inspected more closely the broad curving pallor of Noreen's bottom-cheeks. They were slacker in sleep. The pillows packed under her loins also raised and filled out the swell of her seat, causing the two rear mounds to part lightly but suggestively. Thin-lipped and vindictive he gazed from a few inches into the cleavage where Noreen's buttocks curved in together. So close did he sigh over her backside that his breath gently warmed the two cool globes of her behind. He settled down to enjoy this view of Noreen's sturdy young arse at little more than kissing distance. The night was warm and heavy. It excited him to breathe the humid and intimate girl-scent emanating from between the cheeks of Noreen's bottom. With disciplinary relish his eyes lingered on the dark tight little vortex of Noreen's anus. How different was his expression from the meek adoration of Lord Augustus! Mr. Bowler longed to have Noreen at his disposal in a harem like that of Ahmed Pasha. The sight of Noreen's arsehole and bum-cheeks, her thighs and what lay between them, made him dream of extreme and exemplary punishments for her insolence and defiance. He longed to rid society of her malign influence. As he inspected her robust and vulgar rump, he dreamt of penalties which less resolute moralists call torture. Bowler Pasha imagined himself concluding all this by tightening the sinister leather collar round her throat, slowly and inexorably. He was not dismayed at his desires, for such were the images which Noreen inspired in this worthy magistrate.

  He stroked her lightly along the inward cleavage of her bum-cheeks. Noreen woke with a start and tightened herself instinctively against his intruding fingers. Mr. Bowler smiled.

  “Lie still while I inspect you, Noreen!” he said sharply. “Don't clench yourself! The bench of justices condemned you to a prison whipping. You'll be getting it tonight! Ah, that makes you tense your buttocks with fright, doesn't it, Noreen? The pony-lash across your bare bottom-cheeks will smart like red-hot wire! But first we must make you wait an hour or two for it, just to make sure you're really in the mood!” He began to examine her robust bare thighs with his hands and, when Noreen tried to twist away from him, he pinioned her legs firmly by a strap just above her knees. “In a while, you'll hear the gaoler cracking the whip to test it,” he said teasingly.

  “It's a sound that will make those strapping young bottom-cheeks tingle with fear, Noreen! He badly wants to acquaint himself with your bare backside and teach you a lesson in obedience. You'll get your punishment in the soundproof vault late at night I'm sure you can
guess why!” He coaxed the warm folds of Noreen's cunt back through the rear of her legs, his fingers playing with her lightly as she panted and squirmed in a futile resistance. “I must slide my other hand under your bare belly, Noreen. Excellent! I can feel the first flutter of panic there. I promise you that the cheeks of your bottom will itch with fright before you receive the first kiss of the snakeskin lash across them!” He stroked the soft folds of her cunt, holding it gently in his fingers, as if he might be comforting a nestling bird. Noreen bowed her face, allowing the short length of her lank dark hair to fall about her features, as if to hide herself from him and deny him the pleasure of watching her reactions. She gasped through clenched teeth at the indignity of his masturbation of her.

  The line of her young chin was still firm and resolute in her defiance of him. “Calm yourself, Noreen! It is your bottom that interests me most of all tonight!” Flicking back her hair, she watched in dismay as he chose the jar of vaseline. One heard the light sound of a gentleman unbuttoning himself. For some time, Mr. Bowler had secretly wanted to show Noreen his prick, to make her stare at it in dismay while he described the manner in which she would get it. One does not spy upon a gentleman in his private enjoyment of a young bitch like Noreen. Yet some most suggestive words and glimpses merit consideration. Mr. Bowler's obsession with the girl's broad-cheeked backside left no doubt that it was where he wished to pay the tribute of his loins. One applauds his moral prudence for there was no danger of giving Noreen a baby there. Thus the parish was saved the expense-and the girl avoided the shame-of a swollen belly and a brat to feed. The marriage of December and May is sometimes frowned upon by ignorant persons. Noreen was nineteen. The erection which Mr.


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