Bad Boss (Unprofessional Bad Boys Book 2)

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Bad Boss (Unprofessional Bad Boys Book 2) Page 6

by Clarissa Wild

  “Let’s go,” he says, grabbing one of my jackets hanging on the coat hangers. He holds it out to me and waits until I put my arms in, helping me put it on. How chivalrous.

  But then why does it feel like he’s just totally ignoring the fact he complimented me?

  Like he’s trying to forget about it? Weird.

  I grab Pepper’s leash and tell her to come. TJ opens the door, and I smile brightly when he lets me go through first. So I hand him back the compliment by saying, “I like your hair.”

  Which leaves him flabbergasted in the hallway while I saunter off with the dog. Exactly according to plan.

  Chapter 8


  A few days later, and I’m already getting used to working for TJ and his little doggy. Well, my little doggy, I suppose. She’s quite cute if you push the possibility of a Jaws scenario out of your mind. The way she walks is too funny as if she’s some kind of stretched-out, waggling duck.

  And not just that; we’ve really made some progress in the toy department too. I’ve figured out Pepper’s fond of squeakers. The more, the better. I think I can work that into a design. I also discovered she does this weird sneeze every time something exciting is about to come her way, like some biscuits or a toy, and we could definitely use that in a commercial or something.

  While working on the products, I keep eyeing TJ whenever I can. He often passes by where I sit, talking with colleagues and drawing attention from all the female employees. I don’t think he even notices how much they all swoon for him. I see it all the time, and for some reason, it makes me feel stabby. Of course, I ignore the feelings. There’s no room for that when he’s my boss …

  Besides, he must have girls lined up for him. No way I wanna be anywhere near a man who attracts that much pussy. It’s bad for my health.

  No, I’m better off focusing on my job, which is creating a new toy and developing a marketing strategy for it.

  However, right now, I can’t be too busy designing and coming up with marketing concepts because TJ asked me to serve coffee to the board members while he gives them an update on what’s going on with Toys4Dogs right now. He’s been on edge all day, shuffling back and forth between the mirror and constantly adjusting his tie and suit while clearing his throat and practicing his speech. I never realized what a stressful job this must be, to constantly be responsible for everything that happens and still having to answer to a bunch of pricks in suits.

  No wonder I often catch him talking to himself … or dancing with coffee in his hand.

  It’s his way to reduce his nerves. That, and he’s just a really, really weird guy. But in a good way, of course.

  I grab all the coffee cups I have lined up and put them on the tray along with some sugar and cream, and then I walk up to the biggest room in the building. Through the glass, I can see them sitting at the long table, staring at TJ who’s practically sweating out of his suit. I can tell from the beads rolling down his forehead. He’s got it rough, so I hope this little break eases them.

  After taking a deep breath, I knock on the door and wait until he calls me in.

  I open the door and try to look as professional as I can while I walk inside. As silent as I can, I place a cup in front of each of the men, trying not to disturb them. I don’t want to pull the attention away from TJ’s important meeting. So I place every cup down with care and offer some sugar and cream along with it, just as a good intern would do.

  Except there’s one small, teeny-tiny problem I didn’t account for.

  A bump in the rug.

  And my heels struggling with it to the point of making me fall … face first … to the floor.

  The coffee splatters all over the rug, the noise impossibly loud like a drum.

  I close my eyes for a second, mentally punishing myself for not being more aware of my surroundings and worrying that I might have burned something.

  But then his voice makes me lift my head. “Shit. Are you okay?”

  I look up to stare right into his beautiful dark eyes. He’s actually worried about me. More than about the mess I made. Or the men who I pissed off.

  “Shit …” I mumble. “Sorry.”

  He holds out his hand. “Let me help you.”

  “Oh, my god, look at the carpet,” one of the men growls as I grab TJ’s hand, and he helps me up from the floor. “It’s ruined,” the guy adds.

  Another one sighs. “I’ll call Darla. Have her clean it up.”

  “No, it’s okay. I can do it,” I say, turning to the men, who all look extremely annoyed.

  “No thanks,” the bald one in the front hisses. “You’ve done enough.”

  Ouch. That kinda hurt.

  “We were in the middle of an important meeting, girl,” another one says.

  “I know, and I’m so sorry for the mess I made,” I say, quickly picking up some of the cups I dropped. It’s no use, though, because all the coffee’s spilled. “I’ll get you some new coffee right away.”

  “No, that won’t be needed,” an older man in the back says. “TJ, who is this?”

  “My new intern,” he says, clearing his throat. “She’s still learning.”

  The old man chuckles. “Learning? Morrows is not the place for that.”

  “She applied for a job; I accepted,” TJ says.

  “Your father would have hired a useful assistant. Not this bumbling idiot,” the bald one says, laughing a little as if I’m just a dumb blonde to him.

  Fuck these men.

  I’m about to storm out the room, but TJ’s firm grip on my shoulder keeps me from moving my feet.

  “Now, hold on. She just made a mistake, and it happens to the best of us. No need to be so angry.”

  “She ruined the carpet and our meeting!” a bearded younger man says.

  “Who cares? I can start over.” TJ shrugs. “It’s no big deal.”

  I’m impressed he’s handling this so well. I would’ve been pissed too if someone did this to me at an important meeting. But he’s so calm and collected. Like he really doesn’t think it’s that bad. And it surprises me.

  “I care,” the older man in the back says. “If your father was still here, he would’ve known how to deal with it. And you know exactly what I’m talking about.” He throws TJ a dangerous look, one that I can tell means business. We all know what he’s talking about. They want me fired.

  “But my father isn’t here. I am. So you’ll have to deal with me, and I’m not going to just throw away her opportunity over one mistake,” he growls, tapping his own chest. “She’s my responsibility, and I can vouch for her. She’ll be an asset to this company. Trust me on this.”

  The men sit back in their chairs, watching him with hawk-like eyes. Some play with their pens as if they’re judging him without saying a word.


  “You’re responsible for her,” the older man at the end of the table says, narrowing his eyes.

  TJ nods, and for some reason, it feels like they just made some kind of compromise.

  “Give me a second to solve this, and I’ll be right with you,” TJ tells them, and then he pushes me and escorts me out the room.

  Right before he closes the door, I turn back to the men. “I’m so sorry about my mishap. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

  TJ quickly shuts the door and flips me around so he can talk face to face. “Don’t come back here. Just let me do my thing. I’ll have Darla bring new coffee and cookies to shut them up.”

  I snort from the idea of them choking on cookies. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” He places a hand on my shoulder. “It happens.”

  “You didn’t have to do that,” I say.

  “What?” he asks.

  I smile tentatively. “Stick up for me.”

  “No,” he replies, smiling softly. “But I did it because I like you.”

  He likes me?

  He’s actually admitting he likes me? Well, that’s something I didn’t expect to hear from his

  “Uh …” I swallow away the lump in my throat, thinking of what I should say. “I like you too.”

  The door suddenly opens, and we’re interrupted by the older man who growls, “Can we get back to business now?”

  TJ clears his throat, distracted as he glances over his shoulder at the man. “Yeah, of course.” His hand disappears from my shoulder, but I can still feel the imprint as he turns and goes back inside. Before the door closes, he whispers, “Good luck with Pepper. Let me know when you’ve got something good.” One final wink and he’s got my heart soaring.

  Fuck me. This is so not going how I thought it would.

  Chapter 9


  With a letter opener, I cut through the paper and open it. A small card is the only thing tucked inside with handwritten text on it.

  I know what you’re doing. Don’t think you’ll get away with it.

  I flip the card, but there’s nothing else. My nostrils flare, and I wonder if I should do something with this or not. As a CEO, it’s not unheard of to get threats, verbal or physical, and I usually shrug them off, since they’re mostly directed at the company.

  I just wish this one wasn’t so ominous … and personal.

  Grinding my teeth, I tear the card into tiny pieces and chuck it in the bin. Then I pick up my coffee and walk out of my office.

  I lean over the balustrade and watch Lesley play with Pepper on the work floor down below. I can’t take my eyes off her. I admit, I’m a little bit obsessed to the point that it’s becoming unhealthy, but I don’t wanna look away either.

  It’s just too damn cute. The way she’s dragging the dog along with a makeshift toy, and how she tries to get her attention with a treat, or how she pets her and says, “Good girl,” after Pepper ran after the toy and brought it back to her. Or how she smiles so brightly when she sees how much Pepper adores her.

  Lesley even managed to teach Pepper to raise her paw and give her a high five. The smile on Lesley’s face is infectious. I can’t help it. I think I’m losing the fight.

  I should’ve stopped after buying her panties. Shouldn’t have looked her up. Shouldn’t have hired her. But it’s too late to turn back time now. She’s here, and I have to deal with that… and this rising urge to kiss her.

  “You like her, don’t you?”

  Beau’s sudden voice makes me jolt up and down.

  “Jesus, Beau, why do you always sneak up on me like that?”

  He laughs and places a hand on my shoulder. “You’re sexy when you’re terrified.”

  “You know I don’t swing that way,” I say.

  “No, you swing that way,” he jokes, pointing at Lesley, who’s still running around with the dog just below us.

  “Don’t point at her!” I bark, swatting his hand down.

  “Or what? Afraid she’s gonna notice?” He raises his brow. “Honey, that ship has long sailed.” He pats me on the back and says, “Good luck with that.”

  “What are you talking about?” I ask as he’s already turned around to sashay off. “What ship?”

  He stops in his tracks and glances at me. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed. She keeps looking at you with those sheepish eyes. Every time she’s near you, she can’t keep her eyes off you. She has the hots for you.”

  My eyes widen. “What? How do you know?”

  He points at his eyes. “Honey, I see things around here.”

  “Right … because you’re the company gossiper.” I roll my eyes.

  Beau laughs and says, “Oh, TJ … when will you ever learn?” He shakes his head. “Never mess with an employee.”

  “I’m not messing around with anyone,” I hiss, trying to keep everyone else from hearing.

  “No, but I know it won’t be long until you do,” he says, shrugging. “I’m just telling it how it is.” He waves. “Anyway, gotta go back to work.”

  “You’d better show me that new design you’ve been cooking up today, Beau!”

  “I know. It’s coming fast and hard!” he jests, making me chuckle.

  With a soft smile, I grab the railing and peer down below at the girl waving a toy around. She chucks it far when the dog is all pumped up, causing Pepper to sprint off like a rocket. I love watching her play with Pepper. It’s like she’s really getting to know the dog. Getting to know how it works around here. Getting to know me.

  I shouldn’t get so close. Shouldn’t get so lost in her beauty. But I am. And I can’t stop.

  I’m becoming hooked.

  And the moment she looks up and returns my stare with a smile, I know I’m in deep.

  But when I realize what I’m doing, my eyes grow big in shock, so I look away and whistle.

  Right. Because that’s exactly what you should do when you get caught staring at the girl you’ve got a crush on. You whistle.


  When I’m finally home after a long day at work, I unwind by taking off my tie and jacket and pouring myself a scotch. Dozer’s already made himself a nice little bed on a pair of baggy pants I wear on the weekends, so I’d better not wake him up or face the whining for three hours while they’re in the washer.

  I look around the room and take a sip of my scotch, but no matter how much I drink, the alcohol never out burns the need I feel inside me. Whenever I’m alone, all I do is think of her and how much I want to touch her, taste her, smell her.

  I don’t know why. It’s just this … energy she’s got. It’s invigorating. It makes me smile. And worse. Her grin and brazen eyes make me wanna do bad things to her.

  My cock springs up at the thought of grabbing her and taking her on my desk, but that would be so wrong. What if someone catches us? No, don’t even think about that.

  I’ll just have to settle for giving myself exactly what I need. I just have to hope it’s enough to quench my thirst. But as I look at the bedroom, my eyes can only focus on one thing.

  The pair of panties lying on the nightstand.

  I admit I’ve already held them close and smelled her scent. I just couldn’t resist, despite knowing exactly who they belonged to. In fact, it made me only more attached to them. They’re like my dirty little secret. Addictive. Dangerous. Just like her.

  I’m ignoring all the warnings in my head when I put down my scotch and go to the bedroom, grabbing the panties to take a whiff. The moment I smell her scent, blood rushes through my veins down to my cock, instantly making me hard. There go my good intentions. I never had them anyway.

  My hand automatically slides down my pants to ease the hunger I feel, rubbing my raging boner as I picture her wearing these. God, I’m such a filthy bastard. But at this point, I don’t care. If I don’t do this, I’ll end up seducing her in my office, and I already know how that will end. No, I have to keep up the charade. I have to satisfy myself in order to stay away from her.

  In the middle of rubbing one out, my phone rings, and the damn thing just won’t shut up. It gets to a point where I snap and throw the panties on the bed, growling as I grasp the phone and press the button without looking.


  “Oh … I’m sorry. Is this a bad time?”

  It’s Lesley. I completely forgot I’d given her my cell phone number back at the office.

  And shit. I was raging at her.

  “No, no, it’s fine,” I lie, rubbing my hands on my shirt like it will hide the evidence. Like I’m not alone in my apartment, and she can see straight through the phone. Am I starting to sound paranoid?

  “Are you sure? You sound agitated.”

  Agitated? Oh, yes. But sexed-up is more like it.

  “Uh … I was just … working out,” I say, laughing awkwardly. Guess what? Zero points to TJ for half-assed lying. Gryffindor would lose badly if I was in the house.

  “You sure? If you need me to call the cops, just say ‘cuckoo,’” she says.


  “Okay, I’ll call the cops.”

  “No! Wait.” I clench the phone tig
ht and yell, “Don’t. I’m fine. I’m just amazed you’d use that word.”

  “Well, I had to use something, didn’t I?”

  “What’s wrong with ‘yes’?”

  “I don’t know? They always use these special code words in movies too.”

  Her weirdness makes me laugh. “I could not imagine this if I tried hard enough.”

  “Well, it happened. But anyway, you’re safe, right? No burglars, no random people trying to stab you?”

  “Of course, I’m fine. Why would someone try to stab me?” I frown, putting the panties away as if she can see them. I don’t know why I have the urge to hide this from her. She’s not even here.

  “You’re really strange; you know that?” I mutter.

  “I’m not strange. You’re a CEO of a company. People could be after you for all I know.”

  “Right, because all CEOs are wanted by the mafia. Got it.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  I close my eyes and rub my forehead. “I’m fine, Lesley. Why’d you call me?”

  “Okay. Well, I know it’s weekend, and you probably want a day off.”

  “Spill it,” I interrupt.

  “I finally have this idea about a dog toy that I wanna discuss with you.”

  “All right. And you had to call me for that?”

  “Yeah, well, I was thinking we could just meet somewhere, so I can show you the idea.”

  “What, now?” I rub my stubbly jaw, looking at myself in the mirror. I don’t look too shabby… but I could do with a trim. Especially if she wants to meet.

  “Why not?” she asks.

  “Because work doesn’t start until Monday maybe?”

  “But I can do extra work. I already screwed up big time for you in that meeting, so I wanna make it up by showing you what I’ve got so far. I know you’ll love it.”

  “And Pepper approves?” I say, smirking to myself.

  “She loves it!”

  The enthusiasm in her voice is infectious, and it makes my smirk even bigger.


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