Bad Boss (Unprofessional Bad Boys Book 2)

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Bad Boss (Unprofessional Bad Boys Book 2) Page 21

by Clarissa Wild

  I shrug. “He’s a magician.”

  Beau laughs. “Damn right, I am. But I’m not the only one who noticed.” He glances at Gillian and the others.

  “We were all rooting for you.” Gillian smiles. “Although, I was quite worried at times.” She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Which was unfounded, of course.” I guess she’s trying to make up to Lesley.

  “Thanks,” Lesley says.

  “But still, I kinda messed up …” I say, clearing my throat. “Who here saw that newspaper?” I ask the room.

  Everybody raises their hand.

  I close my eyes and sigh.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Beau places his hand on my arm. “We don’t care. We already knew you were a pervert.”

  “Thanks,” I say, snorting.

  “You’re welcome.” Beau winks, making me roll my eyes. “But anyway, stop worrying about it.”

  “I still need to say this to everyone,” I say, raising my voice so everyone can hear. “I just want to apologize for what I’ve done. I put you all in a bad position, and that was never my intention. Everything that article said was a lie except for the panty hoarding.”

  Gasps echo through the room.

  Lesley entwines her hand with mine again, and it gives me the courage I need to continue.

  “Yes, I bought panties. No, I didn’t steal them. I got them legitimately. I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve got needs.”

  “And there’s nothing wrong with that,” Lesley adds, smiling at me.

  I continue. “But I’m not a bad guy. I’m just a guy who’s trying to make his pops proud. Who’s trying to continue where he left off. To make this company the best there is. To make our customers as happy as they can be. And to keep you, my employees, happy.”

  Everyone’s quiet now, and I know I’ve been talking for a while now, but it does feel odd. Like I’m on a podium finally revealing my true self.

  “However, hoarding panties has nothing to do with that. My private life and business do not affect this company, and they won’t. Ever. I almost lost this company today, but it’s thanks to her that I get to stay here and help you achieve the best you can,” I say, swallowing away the lump in my throat. “And I’m not ashamed to admit that I love her.” I gaze into her eyes as I say this. “I love this woman more than anything.”

  The blush on her face makes me feel like I’m capable of anything, and I don’t stop. I need to get it all out there. So I direct my attention back to my employees. “And if any of you have a problem with that, you can tell me now.”

  It’s quiet for a second. Too quiet. And in it, I find the acknowledgement I’ve been looking for all this time.

  “It’s okay if you’re against it. Because I know she is my intern, and that it might not seem kosher.”

  Still, no one says a word.

  “But I love this woman, and nothing will change that. And if you would prefer for me to resign, then please let me know, and I’ll do it.”

  “What are you doing?” Lesley whispers.

  “Just let me do this,” I whisper back, waiting for anyone to speak up.

  “I don’t think it matters, TJ,” Beau says. “Everyone already knew, and they’re fine with it.”

  “Yeah, what are you talking about, TJ? We already knew you were a perv. No need to shout it from the rooftops,” one of them says, and they all laugh.

  “So … you’re all okay with this? With us?” I point at Lesley.

  “Sure,” Gillian says. “As long as you’re being safe.”

  “And just as long as you don’t start sexing up the work floor,” another one says, and that even made me laugh.

  “We won’t,” Lesley says, licking her lips while her face turns even redder.

  “Great. All settled then?” Beau says, folding his arms.

  I wrap my arm around Lesley’s shoulder and pull her closer. “Well, I’m happy you all took it so well.”

  “Could’ve gone worse,” Lesley says.

  “But don’t get all sappy around us, okay?” Beau cringes.

  “Right.” I release Lesley again and hold up my hands. “Okay, show’s over, everyone! Back to work.”

  As I try to walk off, a hand smacks my ass, and I turn around to see Lesley giggling.

  “Sorry, couldn’t help it.”

  “You just had to do it, didn’t you?”

  “Obviously, since we’re now officially a couple.”

  I raise a brow and turn around to face her again, and I grab her chin. “Oh, really? So I get to call you my girlfriend now in front of everyone? Officially?”

  “Only if you don’t embarrass me. Because if you do, I will pretend I don’t know you.”

  “What? You mean I embarrass you?” I joke, and I’m just about ready to moon the fuck out of everyone here, but Lesley’s hand on the waist of my pants stop me from doing just that.

  “Showing my ass to the world. Now that would be embarrassing, wouldn’t it?”

  “Not like you haven’t done worse,” she quips, making me grin.

  “Fine, I’m a bastard. Sue me.” I pull her close.

  “Maybe I will … Mr. Panty-snatcher.” Her hand dives into my pocket, and I’m barely able to keep her from grabbing my cock along with her panties.

  She quickly tucks them away before I can grasp them. “You know what happens when you don’t give those back, right?”

  “Do tell,” she taunts. “Because I think you’ve stolen enough of my panties for now.”

  “Oh, no, I’m not even close to being finished with hoarding your panties yet,” I murmur. “And I will get them from you …”

  She narrows her eyes. “You can try.”

  I get up close and in her personal space, grinning like the motherfucker I am. “Oh, gladly.”

  “Get a room!” Beau yells from behind his desk.

  “Yes, please!” Gillian adds. “I’ve heard and seen too much already.”

  We both burst out into laughter … and afterward, I lock my mouth with hers, finally claiming her for real.



  With my feet perched up on the desk, I call my brother.


  “Flynn? It’s TJ.”

  “Hey dude, how are you?”

  I relax in my chair. “Pretty good, considering the circumstances.”

  “That article, right? Did you manage to get it solved?”

  “Yes. Actually, that’s why I’m calling. I want you to tell Mom it’s all going to be okay. The article has been retracted. All the newspapers posted a statement. Oh, and I’m not losing my spot as CEO.”

  “You almost lost it?” he growls.

  “Almost is the key word here.”

  “But you did.”

  “I didn’t,” I say. “I’m still sitting here behind my desk at work.”

  “Tell me you didn’t risk Pop’s business by being a panty-stealing pervert.”

  “Hey, I can’t help myself. You know that.”

  He sighs. “You should. You gave Ma quite a scare.”

  “I gave myself a scare too.” I snigger. “But everything’s sorted now. You and Ma can relax. I’ve got it all covered.”

  “You sure you don’t want me to come over and help?”

  “Oh no, god no,” I say, laughing it off. “Please don’t.”

  “Well, since you ask so nicely,” he says.

  “Sorry, I just … I know this isn’t your thing. And I really wanna make Pops proud by doing it right.”

  “Without me, you mean,” he says.

  “Uh …”

  He laughs. “Relax. I’m the one who chose not to get involved with the company. I don’t even wanna be there anyway. Narrow spaces give me anxiety. A desk job wouldn’t be right for me.”

  “I’m glad because I really don’t wanna work with you.”

  “And I never wanna work with you.”

  Now we’re both laughing.

  “I’m going to do it,” I tell
Flynn on the phone.


  “That thing I talked about. Remember?”

  “Ooh … right. I get it. And I guess you need my help?”

  “If you could be there, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Sure, why not. It’s not like I have anything better to do,” he says.

  “Great. I’ll text you the time, date, and place. I really need your input here. You’re the playboy, not me.”

  “Who are you calling playboy, perv?”

  I grin. “I wonder what Ma and Pa used to be like when they were our age, considering the way we are.”

  “Oh, god no, please don’t,” he groans. “I really don’t want to picture that. Fuck. Why’d you have to bring that up?”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Sorry, had to.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “No, thank you … for helping, I mean.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Just text me the details. I’ll be there.” He hangs up the phone before I do, making me smirk even harder.

  Damn dude is just as savage as I am. No wonder we get along so well.



  A few weeks later

  On my way home from work, I can’t stop thinking about my own future business. I’ve got everything covered. From the products to the marketing plan and the website. I just need to start everything up. The only thing I’m missing is the cash, but I’m working on that. I refuse to accept TJ’s money, even though he’s offered it so many times. I don’t want him to, despite being thankful. I want to do it on my own. Make it on my own.

  So I decided to start from scratch. And last night, I quit selling my panties. It was a huge step; so huge, I lost my shit the moment I cancelled my website. I almost panicked for a moment, but Hailey was there to remind me why I’m doing it. I no longer want perverts I’ve never met to smell my panties and do dirty shit to them. I just want this one perv who I actually know to do it.

  I grin when I think about TJ, who’s probably huddled up in bed right now, waiting for me to come home. I wonder which of my panties he sniffed today. He’s got loads. He wants so many that I can barely keep up, so it’s part of the reason I stopped selling them. I didn’t have any left. TJ stole them all. And I’m not even mad.

  Why? Because it usually follows a whole lot of kinky sex, and I’ve got no problem with that. None at all. In fact, I think I’m more than ready right about now as I’m walking back up to his apartment. After working a long day, longer than him even, I can’t wait to get back to his home. He said he wanted to go home sooner because he wanted to prepare a surprise for me, so I’m curious what he’s cooking up.

  Although, I’m happy either way. We’re together, and I even moved in with him. Everything feels right. Exactly the way it should be.

  I even told my parents about him. My mom loved it, and like I predicted, she wanted to know everything there was to know about him. And my dad did want to know why I decided to date my boss and make life so complicated. I told him love wasn’t a choice, and that was that. I didn’t hear another complaint again.

  In fact, they even came to visit us last week. It was so weird having everyone in one room, but the awkwardness soon faded the moment TJ made an office joke that my dad liked. Something about losing pens every time they’re at their desk.

  I don’t really care. The point is, we’ve settled down and everything feels good.

  Except it’s eerily silent when I get home and throw my keys on the cabinet.

  “TJ?” I call, but there’s no response.

  When I look around, Pepper and Dozer are also nowhere to be found. What the heck?

  I walk around the house, but it’s so damn quiet I can hear my own heartbeat. “Are you here?”

  Still, no response. He’s not in the kitchen, nor anywhere else, so I walk upstairs. “Stop playing around and just answer me.”

  But he isn’t in bed either. I frown and talk to myself. “Where the hell is he?”

  I check the bathroom, but he’s not there either. Did he just run off without telling me? He could’ve at least texted me he’d be gone. Maybe he’s walking the dogs and forgot to text me.

  Suddenly, the doorbell rings, so I go downstairs and open the door. And holy fucking shit. It’s actually Thomas. Hailey’s guy. And … my old teacher.

  “Hey, Lesley,” he says.

  “Thomas, uh … so nice to see you.” I clutch the doorframe while cocking my head. “What are you doing here?” I ask. “Sorry, that probably sounded way too angry.” I clear my throat.

  I’m just surprised he’s here.

  He laughs. “It’s fine; I get it. Hailey isn’t here, so you must be wondering why I am.”

  “Right. She isn’t?” I glance behind him, but he’s right. There’s no one there. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” He leans in and whispers, “I’m not supposed to tell you.”

  A smile slowly spreads across my lips. “Oh, really. What?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Don’t spoil it for yourself, Lesley.” He bites his lip and adds, “But Hailey asked me to come and get you.”


  He raises a brow. “Why else do you think I’m here?”

  He’s got a point. Under normal circumstances, Thomas wouldn’t just show up at my door. He’s got better things to do. I’m just his girlfriend’s best friend.

  But I wonder why. “Right,” I mutter, and I fold my arms. “So what’s the plan?”

  “Just follow me,” he says, beckoning me with just a look as he walks off.

  “Okay … can I get my coat at least?” He doesn’t even stop, so I quickly snatch it and put it on while following him out. Goddammit, I wish I knew what was going on. I don’t know why, but I have this feeling Hailey and TJ are in cahoots. I hate not knowing what’s going to happen.

  Thomas walks me outside and points me to his car. “Get in.”

  I give him a quick glance, wondering what he’s up to, but then I get inside. He sits down behind the wheel and drives off. It’s quiet the whole way there. Exactly the way it always is when we’re on our own. He and I just don’t share a lot of common ground. That, and I bet all he can think of is Hailey with that super dirty mind of his. Goddammit, I wish I could forget seeing them together when I was in college. My teacher with my best friend. It was so damn weird.

  But I guess it all worked out for them. I mean, Hailey’s happier than I’ve ever seen her, and Thomas seems content too. And if they’re happy, then I’m happy for them.

  After just a few blocks, we stop, and he gets out. I follow him, and we go into the park. It’s the same one I first walked through with Pepper after meeting her for the first time. It brings back such good memories; I can’t help but smile as we walk over that same path down toward the lake.

  “So what does she have planned?” I ask Thomas.

  He just shrugs, ignoring my question. Either he’s forbidden to tell me, or he actually doesn’t know.

  Right in front of us is the edge of the lake where I fell with TJ, and in front of it is a bench. Thomas sits down and pats it, inviting me to come sit down too.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, confused.

  “C’mon.” He beckons me, so I do what he asks.

  I wonder what this is all about.

  “Why are you being so secretive? And where’s Hailey?” I ask.

  Music in the distance seems to come closer. Too close. Because the herd of people playing the music stops walking … right in front of me. And the music instantly stops … only to be replaced by something else entirely.

  The moment I hear what it is, I begin to laugh.

  “Sexy and I Know It.”

  Shaking my head, I watch them dance, and suddenly, Thomas gets up from the bench and moves away. “Where are you going?” I ask, but he doesn’t respond; he just winks and walks off.

  What the fuck?

  That’s when the whole pack of people looks at me … and begin a synchronized dance.

  My eyes widen.

  In the middle of it all is Hailey, dancing alongside them.

  What the hell is going on?

  I feel lost in the sea of people, not knowing whether to laugh, cry, or run away … or all at the same time. Meanwhile, shirts are thrown overboard, and pants are flying everywhere. Soon, everybody’s stripped down to something that looks like swimwear, and all of them are doing vulgar dances.

  After a while, I notice Flynn is in there too, dancing his ass off. With that body of his, he’s attracting most of the eyes that surround us. People from all over the park have gathered here to watch the show, and boy … it is one heck of a dance.

  Near the end of the song, the group splits into two halves, creating an opening. In the midst of it all, a figure bursts out into the front.

  It’s none other than TJ motherfucking Morrows.

  He’s in a Speedo doing the wiggle-dick dance.

  And I lose it.

  Like for real, I’m laughing my ass off, crying so hard that I almost feel sorry. I should be embarrassed, but I’m not. It’s crazy. Too crazy, even for him.

  He mouths the lyrics to the song while everyone goes nuts with their dance, breaking a sweat to impress me. But most of all, he’s doing his best to make me laugh and smile.

  And when the song nears the end, he strides through the opening toward me. “Hi!”

  “Oh, my god …”

  “No, it’s just TJ,” he says with a wink, making me chuckle.

  “Are you crazy?” I murmur, still laughing. “Am I dreaming?”

  “No, I’m not crazy, and no, you’re not dreaming. This is real, and it is happening.”

  Suddenly, he goes down on one knee.

  My laughter stops immediately.

  And my eyes widen the moment he grabs my hand and stares straight into my eyes. “Lesley Fischer … you know I love you.”

  I wipe away a tear from what he’s doing right now.

  I can’t believe this is happening.

  “You probably remember this spot better than I do.”

  I nod, biting my lip because I can’t stop grinning.

  “Our first semi-date. With a dog. And some water running down our shoes.”


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