The Ganging of a Hotwife - Volume 2: 10 Book Erotica Bundle!

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The Ganging of a Hotwife - Volume 2: 10 Book Erotica Bundle! Page 5

by Sylvia Redmond

  Chapter 6

  I was watching Mark as he spoke to the contractors in the backyard. It was a brief conversation, long enough for Mark to hand the man a check as our down payment and then they started doing a walk around of the garage. He had a crew of three men, who were busy unloading their stuff from their truck. I watched them work as Mark disappeared behind the garage with the man in charge.

  The other three men were lifting gear out of the bed of the truck. One of the smaller ones was wrestling to lift some kind of machine they needed to get into the backyard. He was a small man, Mexican perhaps, and clearly was not going to be able to lift whatever it was he was struggling with. I watched as the black man in the crew walked around to help him. He was a big man. He already had a sack of cement over one shoulder and reached down to lift the heavy piece of machinery off the ground like it was a simple egg beater.


  “Ok, they’re all set.”

  I spun around and realized that Mark had walked all the way around the garage and had come back into the house from the side door.

  “I gave him two thousand dollars, which will be enough to start” he was telling me. “He’s going to leave his guys here to start on the garage and then come back later today. I have to go, I’m going to be late for work.”

  I looked at him and nodded my head.

  “Are you ok? You’ll be fine here, these guys won’t bother you. If you have a question just give me a ring” he said.

  “Yeah, right – no problem. Go – go to work, I’ll be fine” I reassured him.

  He smiled and kissed my head and I watched him on his way out the door. I then turned and looked out the kitchen window at the men working in the backyard. The morning sun was starting to raise the temperature and the black one had taken off his shirt, revealing his heavily muscled torso.


  I only had one week left of the Pregstat to go. I would go lock myself in my bedroom until Mark got home in case any weird urges hit me. I just needed to last one more week.

  Chapter 7

  The workers had been at it for three days now and everything had been fine. I had been so worried the first day that I locked myself in my room and only came out twice to eat and then locked myself in again. My breasts had stopped swelling a few days before and I hadn’t had any episodes so I was starting to think maybe I was overreacting. Maybe it had all been in my head after all.

  I went into the kitchen at lunch time and looked out the window at the men laboring in the sun. I felt so bad for locking myself away for the last couple of days that I even decided to make them some lemonade since it was insufferably hot outside. I went out and delivered it to the three of them and was ashamed at my initial fear. The big black guy was the friendliest of the three and gave me a warm smile as he took his lemonade. He spoke and for the first time I realized he was Jamaican.

  “So very kind of you ma’am, thank you” he said in his thick Jamaican drawl.

  I went back into the kitchen and realized I had been silly to have worried. I watched them as they took a break and I started to fix myself lunch. I poured myself a drink and took out the bread from the cabinet. I had no sooner closed the cabinet door that my hand involuntarily opened and the bread fell to the floor.

  The feeling had consumed me all at once. What used to start at my nipples and slowly trickle down to my pussy and started simultaneously at both spots. My nipples itched like crazy and my pussy was on fire. I was gasping for air as I suddenly wished I had 2 sets of hands.

  My legs buckled out from under me as the strongest effects yet from the Pregstat hit me all at once. It took all the strength I had to lift my shirt off my body and get my bra unsnapped. My hands went immediately to my nipples and started tugging them frantically for relief. But my pussy was still burning up.

  I needed to get my shorts off!

  I couldn’t take my hands off my tits long enough to even start with the zipper of my shorts. My bloated tits had a mind of their own and were screaming unless I had my fingers on them stroking. I was starting to worry I wouldn’t get my shorts off at all and then I heard the steps outside the door. There was a light knock and then he poked his black head inside.

  “Hello ma’am” he said in his heavy Jamaican accent, “Where would you like the glasses ma’am?”

  He saw me writhing on the floor half naked and he stepped all the way in. He was already bare chested and half naked as he looked down at my writhing body. I wanted to talk to him – I needed to ask for help. But between the moans and the gasping for air I could only get out a few key words.

  “My shorts…please take them off…please…my pussy…” I begged him.

  I felt him step towards me as my hands were frantically strumming my nipples. All at once I felt him lift me and I felt the zipper on my shorts going down. I heard another voice and realized he was talking to someone but I didn’t care.

  “Yeah that’s it mon” he said. “Her panties too mon, get those wet panties off.”

  Yes, yes, thank god! He was taking my panties off

  I felt him holding me as another set of hands pulled off my panties. Then I realized I was in the air again and he was taking me to the living room. As long as I could touch my nipples I didn’t care – I desperately wanted relief. And then I realized he was putting me on the floor and he was taking his pants off.

  “No” I gasped as he sat on the couch.

  I could see his huge, black cock rising up between his legs.

  “Please” I begged, “My pussy…”

  “Don’t you worry about your pussy little lady” he said in his heavy accent. “You suck this cock and we’ll take care of that pussy for you.”

  I felt hands guiding me towards him and realized the little Mexican man had me. He had taken my hands off my breasts and was holding them while forcing my head onto that big black cock. My nipples resumed their itching and I started losing control.

  “No, no – my nipples!” I gasped as the big cock was put into my mouth.

  I started sucking on that monster like I had never sucked a cock before. I needed to satisfy him so I could get me hands back on my tits. My nipples were on fire again and I was struggling against the Mexican man but I couldn’t free my hands. I managed to speak between gasps as his big cock reached its full size.

  “Please” I moaned, “My pussy…please…”

  My head was forced back down on his black cock as I felt hands touching my sex. My hands were still being held down and I couldn’t touch my nipples. I was certain I was a few minutes from blacking out when I heard his Jamaican voice again.

  “Ok mon” he said. “Lift her up and put her on my cock.”

  Oh thank god

  I felt the hands on my again as I was lifted from my knees. My legs were weak and I was barely able to stand but I had two sets of hands now lifting me onto his lap. I was directly over his enormous cock and I felt the blunt tip against me as my hips started shaking and it slowly worked its way in.

  “Oh my god – fuck me!” I groaned as I sank onto his big cock and I felt it spread me open.

  I felt his hands on my aching tits as his cock stretched me wide. I started to feel the intense itching subside as I started to ride his fat cock like a mad woman. My hips were moving back and forth as his black hands raked my breasts.

  “Ahhhhh” I moaned as I felt it getting closer.

  I felt my consciousness returning as the base of his big cock rubbed against my pussy and I got closer to orgasm. His hands kept on pinching and I felt him throbbing so I knew he was close too. I felt a finger against my asshole slowly starting to twist in and my orgasm swept me off my feet.

  I was humping him wildly, more than I had humped anything in my life. His fat cock was wedged into me and I could feel my pussy clamping down on it. I heard him groan right before its last pulse and felt him flooding me with his hot semen. And then as quickly as the Pregstat hit me the orgasm subsided and my head started to clear.

ter 8

  Months went by. I was in my second trimester and we were at the doctor. Mark was right, we had gotten pregnant and everything had gone according to plan. The doctor said the baby was healthy and we had nothing to worry about.

  And we had finished the construction on our new garage.

  We were watching the ultrasound and looking at the tiny image of the baby. The technician told us it was a boy and we were thrilled. We had been struggling with girl names but we already had a list of potential names for a boy. We were running through them right in the ultrasound room when Mark finally stood up to leave.

  “Ok honey - I’m sorry, but I have to run” he said. “I’ve got that meeting in a half hour, but we can go over the names again tonight.”

  He kissed me on the head and left the exam room while the technician was finishing up.

  “Here are his toes” she was saying, “And those are his hands, and you can see his eyes right there.”

  “Wow, it’s unbelievable, you can tell so much so early” I said to her and she nodded.

  “Can you tell what race it is?” I asked her.

  The Pool Girl and the Governor’s Wife

  Sylvia Redmond


  She was watching her from the bedroom window. It was Wednesday, her favorite day of the week. The pool company came like clockwork right after lunch and spent most the afternoon working on their pool. She took a sip from her glass of wine and put it back on the table next to the window. She would need that hand free for what she knew she would be doing next.

  She watched as Maria worked the long handled brush back and forth across the bottom of the pool. It was hot out and she knew it must be strenuous work. She could see the muscles flexing in the Spanish girl’s arms as she pushed the handle back and forth, carefully removing any algae that might have settled since their visit the week before.

  Back and forth the brush went as Barbara slipped her hand into her panties.

  She could see the sweat building up on Maria’s neck. She was wearing a button down shirt and had the top three buttons undone to relieve herself from the heat. Even from the third floor window of the mansion Barbara could see the sweat starting to collect in her cleavage. She watched as Maria put the brush down and walked over to the poolside cabana.

  Barbara’s eyes were glued to her as she stepped into the shade of the little pool house. Was she getting ready to do what she thought she was going to do? She had only seen her do this once or twice before. It seemed likely – it was unbearably hot outside. She was thrilled as she watched her and her hand started to move faster.

  Maria unbuttoned the remaining buttons on the shirt and tugged it from her khaki shorts. She slipped it off her shoulders and draped it over the back of a lounge chair next to the little hut. She had been wearing one of her little sports bras underneath her shirt. She must be in her mid-twenties Barbara thought to herself as she studied her full breasts. Maria put her head back and took a sip from her water bottle and Barbara’s hand started moving faster yet in her moist panties.

  She watched Maria as she walked back to pick up the brush and she resumed her work. Barbara wondered what the girl would look like in just her panties. Or what if she stripped down to nothing? Was her pussy neat and trim or was it hairy? What did her nipples look like under that sport bra? How did she smell when she got excited?

  Just thinking about it brought her near to orgasm. She rubbed herself harder and faster and bit her lip as she felt her climax coming. Her back arched and her leg flexed and she inadvertently kicked the table next to the window. The wine glass shook but didn’t spill as Barbara moaned and felt her climax come over her. Her legs relaxed and she felt her breathing slow as she looked at the wine still shimmering in her glass.

  “Shit that was close” she thought as she scooped up the wine glass and stood up from the chair. She could feel the hardness in her nipples as she put her blouse back on and she stepped back into her proper slacks. She looked outside again and saw Juan, Maria’s burly sidekick, had joined her by the pool. She saw his biceps bulging as he rolled up one of their pool hoses and she was amused at the irony. She knew most of her friends would be eyeing the muscular Juan, but it was Maria that captivated the governor’s wife.

  Playtime was over, she thought to herself. She fastened her belt and stepped in front of her bedroom mirror to collect herself. Charles would be home soon and they were entertaining this evening.

  Chapter 1

  Barbara Kingsley was sitting at one end of their expansive dining room table. Her husband Stewart was sitting at the head of the table, the appropriate place for the governor. There were four other men sitting at the table, each more powerful than the one before him. Two of them were CEOs from companies in the state. The other two were equally as rich but Barbara couldn’t remember exactly what their titles were.

  She was focusing on the wives.

  The one CEO had a wife who was at least twenty years his junior. Typical, Barbara thought. She was dressed in a tight fitting evening gown with a plunging neckline. Barbara tried to be casual but couldn’t help noticing the girl had a mole between her young breasts. She could just barely make it out – if she were to bend over in front of her, she would probably be able to see…

  “Isn’t that right dear” the governor said, snapping her out of her daydream.

  “Pardon me dear?” Barbara said.

  “I was just telling the Bradley’s here how well your tennis game is coming along” he said.

  “Yes, yes” she said, embarrassed that she had but caught not listening to his conversation. “I owe it all to Rodney at the Four Leaf club. I’ve been taking lessons with him for the last couple of months.”

  “Good for you” Jessica Bradley said to her. “I haven’t played for ages and I know my game needs work.”

  Barbara smiled and regarded Jessica Bradley. She was older than the CEO’s trophy wife, but Barbara was sure she had been just as beautiful back in the day. In fact, she looked lovely this evening. She noticed earlier in the evening how fit the older woman had been. She wondered how she would look in a tennis skirt. She wondered how she would look naked. She felt her body starting to respond to her curiosity and she caught herself.

  She looked away from Jessica Bradley and put her eyes back on her husband in an effort to control her mischievous thoughts. He was blabbering on to the businessman about funding or zoning or some such nonsense. She knew he was enjoying himself and he would want to have sex with her later. She would, of course, but her thoughts would be elsewhere.

  She was interested in touching another woman. She had been for ages now, he just didn’t know it. She wanted to touch the breasts of the CEO’s blond wife. She wanted to see Jessica Bradley in her bra and panties. How thrilling it would be to see the two of them naked.

  She wanted the Spanish pool girl.

  Chapter 2

  “It was a lovely evening tonight dear, thank you” Stewart Kingsley was saying to his wife.

  “You’re welcome dear. I thought it was a tremendous success” she said.

  Barbara was lying on their bed in her nightgown as her husband undressed. She had her face buried in one of her lady’s magazines, but her mind was far away from any of the words on the pages. She was still thinking about the wives that had been there that evening.

  “I hope you’re not too tired” the governor said as he started undressing.

  “Christ, I knew it” she thought to herself.

  “Not at all honey” she said to her husband.

  She lay still on the bed, her face still in the magazine as she felt him sit down. He took the magazine from her hands and for a moment he was kissing her, and then his hands moved down her body. His attempts are foreplay were hurried and fumbling, but she was already soaking wet. In her mind she wasn’t in bed with her husband, she was in bed with the women she had been watching that evening.

  She felt his hand slip under her nightgown between her legs. He spread her
legs as he slipped his fingers into her and she was picturing doing the same thing to Jessica Bradley.

  What would the older woman’s pussy look like?

  How would she like to be touched?

  Did she like being rubbed in the same spots that Barbara did?

  She thought about touching Jessica Bradley and she moaned.

  “Oh, does that feel good daring?” the governor asked her.

  He slid the nightgown from her shoulders and moved up to her chest. He grasped her breasts and started to lick her nipples and Barbara started thinking about the younger CEO’s wife.

  Was blonde her natural color?

  Did she have a hairy blonde pussy?

  What did her nipples look like?

  She moaned loader as she thought about playing with the blonde wife’s nipples and it delighted her husband.

  “Ooh, you’re really wound up tonight” the governor said, removing his briefs.

  Barbara wanted to feel him. She wanted him in her pussy. She wanted him to stem the throbbing she was feeling thinking about the other women. He mounted her and started to fuck her.

  She squirmed underneath him as he thrust into him. She surprised him by touching herself as he fucked her. She had a hand on her nipples and a hand on her pussy and she was strumming herself as he moved back and forth inside of her. It was too much for the governor to take, his wife was ordinarily so demure, even in the bedroom. He grunted and exploded insider of her.

  The older man rolled off her, satisfied, as she continued to play with herself.

  “Jesus” he thought to himself as her hands moved and she brought herself to orgasm. “I really got her worked up.”

  Only in her mind she wasn’t in bed with her husband. She was in the cabana with the Spanish pool girl.

  Chapter 3

  It was Wednesday afternoon. Barbara Kingsley was at her bedroom window in her bra and panties. It was a Wednesday like any other and she was watching Maria, except she didn’t have her glass of wine. On the table next to the window she had a Spanish to English dictionary and a notebook, and she was silently cursing her husband for opting to hire inexpensive non-English speaking laborers.


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