Dark Vampire: A Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal Romance (The Wickedest Witch Book 2)

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Dark Vampire: A Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal Romance (The Wickedest Witch Book 2) Page 3

by Meg Xuemei X

  “That has changed everything. I wasn’t the male I was before. I’m now a committed—”

  “If your next comments succeed in making me feel less benevolent, Angel, I’ll have no problem withdrawing my ice shield from you.”

  He shook his head, but he clammed up.

  My magic hummed in my head. I halted.

  “What, Fia? What is it?” he asked in concern, posing in a defensive position to guard me.

  We had walked out of the range of the cannibal plants, but Gabriel seemed to expect more of the jungle’s capriciousness.

  A trace of my magic stretched west.

  “Change of course,” I said. “It’s better I lead.”

  “You lead, but I’ll walk beside you.”

  Being unable to lead and track back to his shuttle was a big bruise to his ego. And this time, as we trod on the leaves and twigs under the thick jungle canopy, he placed his hand on my shoulder.

  I didn’t want to shrug him off every two seconds, so, I let him. It felt good and safer with him holding me, anyway.

  He constantly glanced at me with a doting smile, his heated gaze burning the short fuse between us. If he kept looking at me like that, we’d probably have to find a tree and have sex.

  “Perhaps you should pay attention to where we’re going,” I said, “instead of staring at my breasts. If you’re not busy, I—”

  “They’re nice breasts, bountiful and firm,” he said. “The best I’ve seen and touched.” Blatant seduction and hunger glinted in his eyes. “If we were in a nicer place, I’d fuck you against a tree.”

  I opened my mouth. Instead of finding scolding words, I found my panties soaked.

  “You’ll enjoy it, baby,” he added, and sniffed at my arousal.

  His eyes became heavily lidded. His lust, male and predatory, drifted toward my nostrils, fueling my desire.

  “It’s the mating call, baby,” he said. “It follows us everywhere.”

  That didn’t sound good. I bit my lip. “So you say.”

  “We won’t be able to resist it. The more we hold it off, the harder it pushes back. Until it drives us both mad.”

  “How did you know about this mating frenzy?” I sneered. “It’s not like you’re quite experienced in the matter—or are you?”

  If he’d had the hots for other females like that, I’d hit him with my hard ice. I now had a handful of cubes in my palms, which I was using to cool myself.

  “I’ve experienced that only with you. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t met you and wanted to fuck you all the time. It happened to my High Prince, and he once explained the mating fever.”


  “When we’re around each other,” he continued, “all we can think is to fuck each other, no matter where we are. When you aren’t around, I think of fucking you, too. My cock is constantly hard for you.”

  I blushed. “The information isn’t required.”

  He flashed me a wicked grin. “Don’t worry, female. Your male will take care of your needs. After we find my shuttle and get the job done, I’ll fuck you as hard as you want, as long as you want, until you beg and scream.”

  “Stop,” I said, but I started looking forward to him fulfilling that promise.

  “Deny it all you want,” he said. “I can scent your arousal and I’m betting everything your panties are soaked now. Your pussy is wet and ready for me.”

  I hissed, and he pulled me into his arms, his hardness straining against my belly, burning my skin. I gasped, and he dipped his head and slanted his mouth onto mine.

  I melted into him and he thrust his tongue into my mouth.

  Electricity between us crackled in the dark forest. The Angel’s touch was fire, and as an ice witch, I couldn’t get enough of it.

  I drank him in. He tasted of pure male, harsh and refined at the same time. He smelled of power, freedom, and future.

  He was from the sky. He’d fallen from the sky for me.

  We had to return to the sky. We had to escape this place. But if I kept dawdling with him, we would never get out.

  Lust burned brightly and darkly in me, but it wasn’t worth paying with my life to sate it. I wouldn’t let the Angel’s stupid lust sabotage my last chance to go home.

  His tongue slapped my hard palate, sending pleasure to my nerve endings. I let the sensation sink in for a moment longer before gathering my will and biting him.

  Gabriel broke the kiss.

  “What’s that for, Fia? I thought we were having a nice kiss.”

  “Have you realized where we are?”

  “Yes,” he said, “but I excel at multitasking. I can sense danger before it’s coming. I have this great talent that—”

  “Let’s find my ship first,” I cut in.

  “Your ship?”

  “I claimed it last time.”

  He gave me a slanted glance. “You declared me as yours, too.” At my dark look, he sighed. “Fine, what’s mine is yours. I need more time to get used to the idea. I’m no longer just me. I have a mate, so I have a greater responsibility.” He grabbed my buttocks and squeezed them. “Let’s go, little mate.”

  I almost hit him for his manners, but then I caught a gleam of metal ahead, illuminated by my icy light.

  “My ship’s there, Gabriel!”

  He saw it, too. A twinkle of hope rose in his eyes. “Our ship!”

  He rushed toward it, and I ran after him.

  We stopped before we reached the shuttle.

  Had it looked this dull before? Maybe time on Pandemonium had already touched the ship with its cruel fingers? It had been only a couple of weeks, right?

  The name Red Dragon on its hull was so faint it was barely readable.

  Gabriel roared. “What happened to my ship?!”

  “The name isn’t impressive, anyway,” I said, trying to distract him from his distress. “I’m thinking of changing it to the Wickedest Witch’s Flame.”

  Why had I constantly thought of flame lately? Wasn’t I the witch of ice and darkness?

  Gabriel charged through the half-opened cabin door.

  I followed him in and murmured. “I hope it hasn’t been reduced to junk.”

  “My ship isn’t junk and never will be,” he grated. “It’s one of the best—”

  He stopped short.

  “Who did this to my Red Dragon?” he thundered, rage and dismay in his dark green eyes.


  The Angel

  My shuttle’s everlasting metal, forged on my home planet, had lost its original shine. It now looked as if it had crashed here centuries ago and been battered by the harshest possible weather.

  I roared in rage, “Who did this to my Red Dragon?”

  “Pandemonium,” Fiammetta said, as she stepped in after me and threw a wave of darkness toward the entrance to ward it. “The planet drains powers from crashed ships. It needs the energy of the alien ships. I have no evidence of that, but it’s my educated guess. Whenever I develop a new theory or discovery, I pass it on to Kaara and hope she’ll feed me back in our morning briefing.”

  “Has she told you about the First Seer’s prophecy?” I asked.

  Fiammetta came alive, like a shark smelling blood in water. “What prophecy?”

  She had no idea, and Kaara was keeping it from her mistress. Why? The violet-haired warrior would die for Fiammetta without blinking an eye.

  “It’s a long story,” I said. “We’ll talk later, after I fix my shuttle.”

  I headed straight toward the flight deck and stared at my commander seat. I could tell that if I sat down, it would crumple. I touched the finest leather on its back, and instantly it came off in strips. I dared not touch the hand controller, afraid it would drop. I used to play with the manual gear for the sheer thrill of it while riding through the turbulent atmosphere around many planets.

  I had never have imagined this could be the fate of my Red Dragon.

  “This can’t be happening,” I murmured in despair.

  “I believe you’ve seen all the crashed ships in the arena,” Fiammetta said. “Ask yourself a hard question. Why do ships keep falling here? Some force on this planet needs feeding. When there aren’t any ships to come by, it turns to us.”

  She didn’t gloat over my devastation, as the Wickedest Witch might do. She didn’t show any sympathy, either. Kaara Nightshades had said that one week on this planet would turn anyone into a psychopath, if they weren’t one already.

  I didn’t blame my mate.

  I couldn’t even imagine what she had gone through all these years on this hopeless place, with her mind being wiped out every morning when she awoke. Yet without her memories, my remarkable mate still managed to learn quickly and put pieces together.

  I’d do anything in my power to get her out of here, and I’d allow no one and nothing to feed upon her.

  I ran back and forth, examining the shuttle’s power source, control panels, and engines. I fumbled over the devices that had been charged with quantum energy, but nothing worked. The ship’s powers were completely drained. Even if I’d had my top engineers here, they wouldn’t have been able to do a damn thing, either.

  I had no means to take my shuttle back to the vortex to reach ThunderSong.

  I had no means to contact my crew or warn them.

  Red Dragon was a piece of junk.

  Angels were a mighty race, but we relied heavily on quantum science. Now that I was left with no technology and no ship, and trapped in the past, I was reduced to a primal with broken wings.

  We’d studied time elements, but never put much effort into such research. I wasn’t interested in time travel, either. As an immortal, time had been no concern for me until now.

  Another dark thought clicked in my mind.

  If time flowed differently here, then to my crew it would seem I’d been missing for only a few seconds, or a couple of hours. I could be staying on Pandemonium for years before my First Officer Racer reported to the High Prince. And when Seth finally came looking for me in this galaxy, I might be nothing more than a streak of ashes floating in space, since this planet would go up in flames in less than three weeks.

  It would take more than a miracle for my crew to find me, and I had just bragged to Fiammetta about rescuing her from this doomed planet.

  I stared at the view window coated by a fog-like substance.

  “Damn it to hell!”

  I grabbed a communication radio, another piece of junk now, and flung it at the window.

  “It’s no use getting emotional, Gabriel,” Fiammetta said.

  Just when I was about to say something nasty to take out my frustration on her, I remembered she was my unclaimed mate and that our relationship was still new and fragile.

  “I brought you here to find a solution,” she said.

  And I had none.

  “The least you could do is back me up,” she said. “We have no time to waste.”

  “My ship is junk now,” I said. “Unless you can find the portal, we’re screwed.”

  And I knew she’d been looking for it for years without luck.

  If my mate could regain her memories, she might stand a chance, but how could I make her remember all of it in less than three weeks?

  “I don’t particularly need a ship to get us out of Pandemonium,” she said. “All I need is to find the portal where I was shoved through. I hope for our sake the rift is still open, and if not, I’ll have to create one. I think the portal is around where your ship crashed. So, we’ll stay in the jungle until I make some progress, instead of wasting time returning to my tower. You’ll guard me with your life. And when we wake up in the morning, you’ll convince me you’re on my side and brief me on what we’ve discovered so far.”

  “You don’t need to ask. I’ll always put your life above mine and anyone else’s.”

  “In order to open the portal, I need to remember my core magic.”

  “You already have ice, storm, and darkness. What else?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, a forlorn look on her face. “But my instinct knows one part of my magic is missing—the essential one that can open the path. My enemies couldn’t root it out, so, they sealed it with powerful spells to prevent me from leaving this cursed planet.”

  “What do you need in order to remember it?”

  And I also wanted my mate to remember me tomorrow and every day after that. I’d pay any price.

  “I’ve tried everything,” she said. “I might need some stimulation.”

  “I can stimulate you,” I said, my heated blood turning hotter. “If you don’t remember how good we are in bed, I can show you again.”

  She scowled at me, yet a silver ring of desire glimmered in her grey eyes.

  “Thank you,” she said, “but no. I have no time for that.”

  I needed her. I needed the ice witch’s comfort and any warmth she could spare, especially at this moment, when I felt I’d hit rock bottom. I wanted her heat and her soft body to banish the bleakness from me, to fill the void that was eating me up. And I’d never needed anyone the way I needed her.

  “We might not have much time for anything else,” I said. “You want me, too, Fia. You’re wet even now. When I fucked you in your tower every night, you moaned for more. It could be the stimulus you need. And inside the ship, you don’t need to suppress your scream when you come hard. And I can roar to my liking when I come in you.”

  “Fuck off,” she said.

  I laughed. My witch mate usually didn’t curse openly.

  “What will happen if you find the portal and we step through to the other side?” I asked.

  “We’ll be on the other side.”

  She didn’t know, either.

  “For what it’s worth, little mate, I don’t regret falling here for you. No matter what happens, we’re together.”


  The Witch

  Gabriel called me out, insisting I was wet for him. Even though it was true, who would talk about it blatantly, especially to the Wickedest Witch? I’d seen how my subjects feared me. While I was still stunned by his audacity, he told me how he’d fucked me every night in my tower and how I’d moaned. He then proposed to fuck me, right there, right then, so I could scream, and he could roar when we climaxed.

  What kind of beast was he?

  Before I could give him a piece of my mind, he crushed his mouth onto mine. When I remembered that I should fend him off with my ice or darkness, I’d already melted to him. So, I let it go. My offensive magic wouldn’t do much to him anyway. It might just purr at every kiss and touch.

  It was humiliating that my body wanted him so much, and he knew it and took advantage of my desire, but his lust and need for me was so great and plain in his green eyes that I finally caved in.

  He lifted me, placed my ass on a counter, and slid between my thighs. The ship had lost its shine, but the hard metal counter remained strong and cold.

  His large body caged me.

  His hot lips traced from my jaw line to my neck and all the way down. He pushed my breast plates down, his lips burning kisses on my tender breast until they found my taut nipple and suckled it.

  I arched my back and moaned, my hand grabbing his hair.

  His mouth parted from my nipple after he licked it a few more times. “You were wet for me since the first time you met me here,” he said, reminding me, or trying to make me remember. “We fucked passionately, only to be disrupted by Akem’s creatures. You make my dick so hard, harder than I can ever remember. Feel it.”

  I had no idea how we had fucked. “Show me instead of talking, Angel.”

  I inserted a hand inside his trousers.

  Gabriel made a harsh grunt.

  He was as hard as granite and he was huge.

  My heart fluttered. How could I receive it?

  I held his hard shaft, half wrapping around it. His skin was silky and smooth, and I wanted to see his cock.

  My other hand pushed down his trousers to reve
al his male member.

  It was straight yet lightly arched beneath the thick crown. I instinctively knew this type of cock could offer any female unthinkable pleasure.

  It throbbed in my hand, as if agreeing with me, its heat searing my hand.

  I tore my gaze from his gorgeous cock to his face. Intense male lust darkened his green eyes. He wanted to get inside my heat more than anything, but he had to wait.

  I wasn’t done playing.

  My palm pumped his shaft up and down, and it jerked, then thrust into my hand forcefully.

  Had he always been this aggressive and impatient?

  Gabriel pushed up my leather skirt and palmed the aching flesh between my thighs.

  “As I told you, you’re so wet,” he said in satisfaction, and rubbed my needy sex through my panties.

  I leaned back, pulled the string of my panties aside, and laid a foot on the counter, baring my pussy to him.

  A short, rough sound tore from his chest.

  I concealed a smile. Now look who was hornier.

  Gabriel dipped his head down and found my lips again while I stroked his cock harder. As my mouth opened, his tongue marched in with a male’s dominant demand.

  He thought I was his territory, and I let him enjoy the illusion while lust raged inside me.

  His tongue swept over mine, and pleasurable electric shocks ran through me. Every stroke stoked the flame higher in me. The Angel was an excellent kisser. I wondered how many females he had made out with. No wonder he bragged that once a female got in his bed, she would never want to leave.

  I might not leave now, but I would eventually, after I got what I wanted.

  The Wickedest Witch did not attach herself to anyone.

  The Wickedest Witch would bond to no one.

  His kiss showed no tenderness but fire of lust and dominance. This male was born with the air of supremacy. The way his tongue tangled with mine stated that I belonged to him. Even though his every touch made me swoon, I was still going to show him how the Wickedest Witch considered his male dominance.

  I would suffer no insolence, even in bed, and especially in bed.


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