The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

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The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel Page 8

by Kohler, Susan

  There was one small thing about her pregnancy that Suzanne still hadn’t told James. One secret. She wasn’t sure if he knew about it or not because she asked her doctor not to mention it to him. If James was watchful and smart enough when he went with her during her ultrasounds he would know; if not, he had a surprise coming. The odds were in her favor because James had bad luck when it came to her doctor visits.

  He always seemed to get tied up with problems at his business every time he planned to go to the doctor with her. He had either missed her appointments completely or come in late.

  It frustrated the hell out of James but it really worked well for Suzanne, at least as far as keeping her secret went. She hoped he would be as happy as she was. She wanted to surprise him and really hoped he’d be ecstatic about it.

  Luckily, in the process of concentrating hard enough to drive safely, some of James’ nervous energy abated and at least a small amount of his normal intelligence returned. They pulled up in front of the hospital and he helped her out of the car, leaving her bag behind long enough to take her inside and get her into a wheelchair. He spoke to the admitting clerk, giving her his insurance information and all the other necessary data. He signed endless forms. Then he went to retrieve the overnight bag and move the car out of the special parking spaces labeled “for admitting only.”

  While Suzanne was being examined he paced and checked his watch, wondering if he should call all the people on his list. Since it was almost six in the morning, he decided to wait until about seven to call anyone except his parents who lived about a threehour drive away. Most of their friends went to work around nine, so at seven they should probably be waking up.

  His Mom came on the phone, her voice filled with drowsiness that vanished instantly when he said the magic words, “I know I woke you up but Suzanne’s in labor, Mom. It could be anytime.”

  “We’ll be right there, at least as soon as we can,” she told him. “Give Suzanne our love.” “What about me?” he asked sounding slightly left out.

  “You’ve got the easy part, dear. All you had to do was make love, zip up your zipper, wait, drive her to the hospital and remind her to breathe. Men!” his mother said dryly before she hung up.

  The doctor, a gray-haired woman in scrubs, came out and told him it would be a little while longer. She had a nurse take James back to the labor and delivery area. They left Suzanne in his tender, loving care. He sat beside her and held her hand while Suzanne was having pains every five minutes. She yelled and cussed him out every time the pains hit her, and breathed deeply and tried to relax when they eased up. During the short period between labor pains she was her normal, serene and loving self. In the grips of her contractions, however, he began to fear for his life! For one thing, he knew for sure he would never get the feeling back in his right hand.

  Her pains got closer and James used the phone next to her bed to call Sherry. He asked her to call Jerry and Edna. Then he called Suzanne’s mother who lived across town. Suzanne’s father, Joe, was dead. He had been killed in a car wreck when Suzanne was eighteen.

  Suzanne gasped and managed a small laugh as she rested between pains. “I see you’ve spread the word, Paul Revere, now are you ready to be invaded? They are all going to come, sooner or later.”

  “I just hope this one,” he patted her belly and kissed her, “comes soon.” At that moment another pain hit, the hardest so far, Suzanne was ready!

  The doctor came in, checked her briefly and said, “All right, this is it.”

  What followed next was a progression from hell to heaven, and into total shock for James. The birth of their daughter was very hard for him to watch at first. He didn’t like seeing Suzanne in pain, and was too scared and excited to relax until he actually saw the tiny head emerge. His fear faded and he became proud and exhilarated as he watched the rest of her small body come into the world. She was perfect and healthy; also slimy and all kinds of strange colors until the nurses cleaned her off. She was beautiful.

  The doctor held the tiny baby up for Suzanne to see but she didn’t let Suzanne hold her. A nurse took her off to one side. James looked over to watch the nurse working with his daughter and something strange registered in a corner of his brain. He turned back to ask the doctor about it and he was completely taken by surprise! Suzanne was in labor again. A short time later a tired, stunned, but thoroughly happy James went into the lobby to find their friends and family. “They’re here; twin girls and they are both healthy and beautiful,” he announced with a wide smile. “They both weigh about five pounds, give or take a few ounces. Suzanne’s fine. Would you believe it? She never even told me she was having twins. I never even guessed until I realized they had two bassinets in the delivery room, and that was after the first one was born.”

  James’ mother, Elizabeth, a trim gray-haired lady of fifty with a merry grin hugged him, crying. Then his father, Frank, a dapper gent of sixty hugged him so tightly James was worried about his ribs. Aw heck, he thought dazed, at least cracked ribs would go well with his shattered right hand. Both father and son had happy tears in their eyes. Then he accepted hugs and congratulations from Suzanne’s mother, Mary. She was in her late forties and was a shorter version of Suzanne with her dignity, sense of humor, jet-black hair and vibrant blue eyes. She was dressed in a peach knit dress and looked really smashing.

  “I’m gonna have to spank that girl because she never even told me, her own mother, that it was going to be twins!” Mary was a little surprised when a couple of Suzanne’s friends laughed so hard they almost choked on their coffee. “Hey! I’m just kidding.” Everyone quickly assured her that they knew she was joking. Everyone decided to go to the nursery to see the babies together, as a group. After that, they were going to go out to brunch to celebrate. They took the new grandparents along since they would have to wait until a little later before anyone could get in to visit Suzanne. James went back to his wife as he knew his parents and his mother-in-law were all in good hands.

  “You better rest up, my dear. The whole group is visiting the nursery and then they’re going out to brunch, but that’s as long as I can hold them off. Then the invasion begins.” He kissed her gently. “Have I told you yet that I love you?” “Not lately,” she smiled wearily, “but I think I already knew.” A nurse brought in the twins. “So what do we name these two?” James asked.

  “Darned if I know.” She yawned. “That’s your job. Surprise me.”

  “How about Mary and Elizabeth?” they heard Frank say. They looked over and saw the group gathered in the doorway. “That’s what grandmother’s are for.”

  “We weren’t going to name the baby after any of the grandparents because we were afraid we’d hurt someone’s feelings,” Suzanne explained.

  “However since we have two, one for each new grandmother, I think it’s a good idea.” James kissed her gently. “What about you?” “I love it,” Suzanne said tiredly. “Which is which?” “We can decide later.” James kissed her. “After you get some rest.”

  James’ father walked over to Suzanne and took her hand. “I want you to know, Suzanne, that if you ever have a son, I expect you to name him after your father. He missed a lot by not seeing the fine woman you’ve become; he deserves that tribute at least.”

  “He would have loved James and you too,” Suzanne mumbled sleepily. “Hey you guys, Suzanne’s tired. I thought you were going out to brunch,” James said.

  “We decided we couldn’t wait,” Edna said. “But we have already stayed too long, and Suzanne needs her rest.”

  Frank kissed Suzanne’s forehead and left the room. One at a time, the new grandmothers and their friends came in and hugged and kissed Suzanne. They hugged James too, but gave most of their attention to the two small baby girls. They all kept their visits very short. James’ parents insisted he join them for brunch and let Suzanne rest. Seeing Suzanne’s drowsy nod, he went along.

  Chapter Eleven A Nosy Neighbor Gets Hers

  James and Suzanne m
issed the next Paddle Club party which was held shortly after the birth of the twins, but by the following month they were ready to go. Suzanne felt a little uncomfortable because she hadn’t gotten her shape back to where she wanted it, but James assured her that her natural beauty had very little to do with her figure, and he was right. Besides he believed that it took a real pig of a man to belittle a woman about the changes in her body when she had given him a baby or in Suzanne’s case, twins.

  Suzanne picked up Sherry and Clay on the way to the party. James was tied up at work; he would meet her there later. Sherry was now about six months pregnant and beginning to feel large and clumsy. However, she looked cool and comfortable in a floral print maternity jumper.

  When they pulled into the familiar driveway, there was a woman standing on the steps of the clubhouse that neither Sherry nor Suzanne knew. She seemed hesitant and a little hostile. She acted as if she wanted to knock on the door but was too shy or afraid. She was dressed in a black dress with white flowers printed on it and a white linen blazer. Her brown hair was short and looked as if it had been styled by a top-notch hairdresser. Both her make-up and jewelry were impeccable yet still understated. She looked as if she was dressed for a business meeting, but her attitude didn’t fit with her appearance. As Suzanne and Sherry walked up the steps, she introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Carol Dupree, and I live in the neighborhood,” she began.

  Suzanne wondered what she meant by that because the nearest house to the clubhouse was almost a half-mile away, but she greeted the woman. “I’m Suzanne and this is Sherry. We haven’t seen you here before. What brings you out to our club?” “Well,” Carol hesitated, “I live in the new subdivision, Pinecrest Homes. I’ve only lived here a short time but I’ve heard rumors that this is some kind of a weird sex club and frankly, I’m concerned about it because I have kids. I thought I’d check it out and find out the truth before I tried taking any action to get the club closed down. I want to be fair.”

  “Well Carol, let’s sit on the porch and talk about this,” Suzanne replied calmly. Her naturally regal and serene attitude gave her an edge over the other woman. “I really do appreciate your approaching us openly before trying any other actions. Although you do realize that we are outside the city limits, don’t you? In fact, we’re in another county from your house.”

  She and Sherry sat down in some of the comfortable chairs on the porch. When Carol joined them, Suzanne decided to play hostess and asked, “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “I don’t drink liquor,” Carol said pointedly, looking at Sherry’s obvious pregnancy.

  “Why do you assume we meant alcohol?” Sherry asked quietly, her usual humor suppressed. “I mean yes, we do have a bar and a liquor license, but we also have almost any juice, soda or designer water you can name and, of course,” she rubbed her belly gently, “milk.” “I’m sorry, that was rude of me, wasn’t it? I shouldn’t be making judgments about you without the facts.” Carol apologized but it was a very stiff and insincere sounding apology. “I would enjoy some lemonade.” “I’m not really sure you should be judging us at all, Carol. After all, what right do you have to judge us?” Sherry said quietly. “But we’ll answer your questions anyway, since we have nothing to hide.”

  “Clay, this is Carol,” Suzanne said as Clayton came walking up to join them on the steps. “Carol, this is Sherry’s husband, Clayton. Would you be a dear and bring her some lemonade? And orange juice for me. What about you, Sherry?” “Milk,” she made a face, “but don’t ask me to like it.”

  While they were waiting for Clay to bring the drinks Suzanne took the direct approach with Carol. “I don’t know exactly what you’ve heard but in a way you are right, as this is a sort of sex club. It’s probably not what you’re thinking, but it is a sex club.”

  Clay brought the drinks, including a beer for himself. He surprised Sherry with a chocolate milk shake instead of just a plain glass of milk. He handed out the glasses and then sat on the clubhouse steps, leaning gently against his wife’s knees.

  “Thanks Clay, you’re a doll.” Sherry was pleased with his thoughtfulness.

  Suzanne took a large swallow of her orange juice and spoke quietly. “Clay, Carol has heard some of the nasty rumors about us and she’s a concerned citizen. I told her we were, in fact, a sex club.” “Subtle, Suzanne, real subtle.” He grinned at her, took a long drink of his beer and met Carol’s eyes. “But, fair’s fair, we are a sex club of sorts. We don’t do the things you’re probably worried about though.”

  “How do you know what I’m worried about?” Carol asked, a touch of acid in her voice. “What could you possibly know about me?”

  “As much as you could possibly know about me,” Clayton paused. “Let me guess. You are probably thinking about promiscuity, group sex or maybe even orgies. Then there’s liquor, drugs, increased crime, maybe even prostitution, plus the effect of all those things on the community, especially young impressionable kids, and the added problem of sexually transmitted diseases, especially AIDS. Is that about it?” Carol nodded, “How did you know?” “Because,” Clay said gently and firmly, “we worry about those things, too. The truth is, we don’t have sex with anyone but our own spouses, or if a member’s single, his or her lover. There is no swapping going on here and we don’t have group sex, or public sex. Drugs and alcohol? We don’t do drugs, and anyone who does is kicked out of our club immediately. We also have an excellent system for making sure no one who leaves one of our parties is driving under the influence of any drug or alcohol. Anyone who has a DUI after one of our parties is not only just plain stupid but they are also immediately kicked out. Sexual slavery? No one is exploited here or asked to do anything against his or her will. Everything is consensual. Child molestation? Not only would any member with a hint of any those proclivities be kicked out, but also reported to the police. No one under the age of twenty-one is allowed to attend, drink or take part in anything even remotely sexual. In fact, if someone is immature for their age, we’ll keep them out too. We have members who are doctors so we get free health exams frequently. Bad for the community? We try to keep our activities out of the public domain. We very generously support several local charities, and we will kick anyone indulging in illegal activities out on their rears. Anything else?”

  “That sounds good, but how can it be a sex club if you don’t have sex?” Carol was puzzled.

  “We like to keep certain things private, just like you probably like to keep things that you and your husband do in bed private. It’s not because we think there’s anything wrong with it but because it is our private business,” Suzanne replied. “Just exactly how did you hear about us, and what did you hear?”

  “A man that my husband does business with told us that he attended a party here once without knowing what the club was about. He said he was subjected to being tied up and whipped, and that the members here took turns raping his fiancée,” Carol said shivering at the thought. “He said after that night, he never saw his fiancée again. He thinks she may have been murdered.” Suzanne looked startled but she had to ask, “Was this a meanspirited little jerk of a man, late thirties, named Michael Martin?” “Yes,” Carol replied. “Was he telling the truth?”

  “In a way, as he saw it, he probably was,” Suzanne replied, her eyes on Carol’s face. “But not the way I saw it because I was the fiancée. He knew exactly what the club was about and he didn’t just attend a party, he applied for membership. After all, he wanted to see me get tied up and whipped.”

  While Suzanne paused to think, Clayton said quietly, “Go on and tell her, if she’ll keep it to herself.” Carol added, “If I can, without compromising my sense of morality, I will keep your secret.”

  “Okay, here’s the truth as I saw it: Michael and I had been involved for quite a while and for most of that time I thought I loved him. He said that he had heard about a special club for spanking enthusiasts. He begged and pleaded with me to try it, even though I had never been in
volved in anything like that before. I realized later that he just wanted to see me hurt and degraded, but that’s not what happened… ”

  Suzanne told Carol all about her initiation to the club, how she met and married James, and explained briefly what the club was about.

  She finished with, “You see, Michael had it all wrong. We’re not really a BDSM club, we’re more into role playing and spankings than inflicting or receiving real pain. Also, in our club everything is strictly voluntary, and we make sure there’s no victimization. Heck, even clubs that feature more BDSM are based on consent. There is no group sex and certainly no rape. That’s why Michael was not allowed into the club, they could tell from the first that he was filled with rage and cruelty.”

  While she was talking, Clay had brought out another round of drinks.

  “You may think we’re strange, maybe even abnormal, but I don’t see how immoral we can be if we’re monogamous,” Sherry said. “And we all care very deeply about each other.”

  “If you’re telling me the truth, I guess you’re right.” Carol admitted, “I don’t see the attraction, but I don’t see anything particularly sinister about it either. Except for one thing, how can a woman who’s pregnant be involved in this? Aren’t you risking your baby’s health?” Sherry laughed, “I’m just here to visit with some friends and catch up on the latest gossip. Believe me, I won’t be involved in any risky business. You have to see what we’re like to understand so come on in, we don’t really have anything to hide.” She invited Carol inside, and then saw a man approaching. “Who’s that?” “My husband, Abe.” Carol introduced him.

  He was tall and heavy, with a rough face and a guarded expression in his eyes. He didn’t seem to be at all Carol’s type; his appearance was blue collar to her white collar. Carol told him, “We’ve been invited into the club, as guests.”


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