The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

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The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel Page 20

by Kohler, Susan

  “I don’t think I’m going to bet anymore.” She smiled lovingly up at him. “I’m going to quit while I’m ahead.”

  “But you lost the bet,” he said. “How can you say you’re ahead?” “Did I lose?” She smiled a secret smile that all women have, full of love and mystery. “Somehow, I don’t think so.”

  Chapter Twenty-eight The Kinky Carnival

  Several months after the Slave Auction the club members held their First Annual Spring Carnival. The carnival was scheduled to be open to the public on Saturday from 9:00 AM until midnight and on Sunday, from 9:00 AM until 9:00 PM, with a private party for adult members only on Friday night, from 10:00 PM until 2:00 AM. Almost all the members were there for the private party.

  For the club members’ party, they only used a couple of rides. They paid the owner of the carnival quite well for private use of the Ferris wheel and the Merry-go-round, and a few of the booths for the midway games. They also paid him quite a bit to keep the regular carnies far away.

  Suzanne hired an off-duty police officer, Robert Wilson, to act as the head of security. She picked him because after the conversation they had at the Casino Night, she knew he would be fair and open-minded. Heck, she even knew he would be interested. She had also invited him to bring his wife with him. He also had several of the male club members patrolling with him for backup. The club members were fairly nervous about one thing: They had never held one of their activities outside before, in clear view of the road. Of course, it was a very lightly traveled road, with especially little traffic after dark, but it still was an open road. As usual, that nervousness only served to add greatly to their fun.

  The adults rode the Merry-go-round with the sound and lights turned off. After all, even though it was dark, they were outside, and most of them had their pants down. Some of the riders lay across their wooden horses with bare bottoms, others sat on the horses in a normal position. Jerry, Mario and James were stationed around the perimeter with long thin whips, slashing at the riders as they went by. Sometimes they slashed at the rider’s legs and sometimes at his or her butt, depending on what they could reach. Mac was different. He was actually stationed on the Merry-go-round, walking with a paddle and using it with a heavy hand on all the bare asses he could reach. Sometimes he would sternly order a rider to rise up off the horse and lean over the wooden neck like a jockey so that he could paddle that rider’s butt. The rider always complied.

  The police officer, Robert, had brought his wife, Diana, as a specially invited guest. Although she had been told that she was not obligated to try anything, she timidly got into position sitting astride the brightly painted horse. Soon, Mac sternly ordered her to assume the jockey position. She did. She felt awkward and embarrassed with her bottom sticking up in the air. She had decided not to lower her navy blue cotton slacks, but she was up there, riding, ready for Mac to paddle her bottom. The men on the outside held back, not slashing her legs or ass with their whips; they preferred to let Mac with his almost uncanny judgment of how much force to put into his blows, take care of her.

  Although she tensed up each time he came near her, Mac only gave her light swats with the paddle the first two times he went by, causing her behind to sting just the tiniest bit. On the third time he came up to her, he noticed that she didn’t tense her buttocks when he was near. This time he hit her with a slightly harder force, a really stinging blow, and he held the paddle on her butt for several long moments. She turned her head and looked at him with surprise in her soft brown eyes. “Gotcha!” he grinned, winking at her.

  He reached over and pulled down her slacks revealing her silky mauve underwear and hit her again, a loud, hard cracking swat with the paddle. He gave the nod to the men with the long whips around the perimeter. From that point on, although they were not very harsh with her, she got her share of slashing cuts as she went around. She soon realized that she was genuinely enjoying the light, barely stinging punishment. Before the Merry-go-round was turned off, Mac had her lean across the horse with her long silky blond hair almost dragging onto the floor on the other side. When she was in position, Mac reached out without a word and slid down her silky underwear. It was not the most comfortable position to be in and she was both scared and embarrassed, but it made it easier and more fun for the men to whip her butt as she went by.

  Suzanne, who was walking around and watching all the action, saw Robert standing in the shadows. He had stopped patrolling and was watching with a sly smile as Mac paddled his wife. She quietly went over to the clubhouse and got a paddle.

  “Okay, Bud. Drop those pants and bend over. Since you find it so interesting, I’ve decided that,” Suzanne said, sneaking up behind him, “it’s time for you to get a taste of the paddle yourself.”

  “You can’t do that; I’m on duty,” Robert said grinning and backing away from her.

  “I can and I will, or I will call all the members over here,” she threatened. “I’m sure as a group they’d be interested in helping make sure you got your just deserts.” “This is assault on an officer of the law,” he said, but he was still grinning even as he began to unzip his uniform pants.

  “So? Arrest me,” Suzanne laughed, “after. Bend over and brace yourself against that tree.”

  As soon as he bent over and braced himself with his hands against the trunk of the tree, she paddled him. She wasn’t especially harsh, just stinging, but she kept it up for about a dozen blows, then she lowered his jockey shorts and gave him another dozen. She finished off with two very harsh blows that left faint bruises.

  “I made those last two hard enough to leave bruises deliberately, so you would have some evidence,” she said smiling sweetly, “just in case you decided to press those charges.”

  “Gee, thanks a lot,” he said sarcastically, but with a large grin. He rubbed his ass, and pulled up his pants.

  “Instead of having her arrested, why don’t you just paddle her butt in return.” Neither one of them had heard James come up behind them. “It’s a lot quicker and a much more satisfying way to get justice.” “Good idea. Suzanne, bend over,” Robert commanded. He hit her bare butt a few times with the paddle but not very hard, and left her standing there in the shadows with James.

  As he walked away, Robert looked back and saw them sinking to the ground together in a passionate embrace. He went to find Diana. “Hey, wife,” he came up behind her, and kissed her neck, “I wonder if there is anyplace where we can go to be alone around here?” Sherry, who was walking by, happened to hear him. “Pardon me, but I couldn’t help overhearing. I think one of the bedrooms in the clubhouse might be empty. All we ask is that you please just remember to change the sheets when you’re done.”

  She walked away. Robert took Diana’s hand and led her into the clubhouse in search of a bedroom.

  The club members moved on to the Ferris wheel; no one noticed that a car driving along the usually deserted road had stopped and a couple had gotten out.

  They walked through the trees, watching the club members quietly. They were amazed at what they saw, and more than a little worried.

  “Dick,” Wendy asked quietly, “do you think these people are supposed to be here? Or are they trespassing?” “They sure act like they belong here,” Dick told her, grinning wickedly, “and remember this is supposed to be some sort of private sex club. Just look at all those bare bottoms.”

  “This is too much,” Wendy said as she saw a man pull down a woman’s pants and spank her bare bottom soundly. “Wow!”

  “Come on girl,” he teased her. “I know you’ve had a few sexual spankings, remember? It was my hand giving them to you.”

  “I know how it feels to beat your butt too, mister, and don’t you forget it,” she shot back. “But we never did it in public or as part of a group.” “Or outdoors,” he added dryly. “Let’s get out of here for now before we’re seen,” Wendy urged. “But let’s come to the fair tomorrow.” They didn’t know that James saw them get into their car and go.

  At the Ferris wheel it was waiting in line that was the punishment. The riders each had long, thin whips. As they descended, they slashed at the bare butts of the people bending over, waiting for their turn to get on.

  The first riders had to wait at the end of the line to give the last riders some targets. Sarah was put in charge of lining up the people who were waiting, and positioning them properly so that they could be whipped by the riders without being hit by the Ferris wheel itself. The line was slowed down by the fact that she kept checking on the positions by putting herself in place for the descending whips. Finally, Clayton grabbed a paddle and beat her severely. “Thanks Clay, I needed that,” she told him.

  “Anytime, Sarah.” He kissed her cheek. “You are a greedy little thing, aren’t you?”

  She gave him a wide-eyed look, innocence shining in her bright green eyes. “Who, me?”

  “Now be a good little girl, or I’ll make sure that none of us ever spanks you again,” he threatened sternly. The line moved along at a steady pace after a terrible threat like that.

  The bell striker was set up so that anyone who failed to ring the gong got swats with a paddle, depending on how badly they missed it. Clay had volunteered to handle the game. On the other side of the carnival grounds, players got paid with spankings when their numbers came up on the brightly painted wheel of fortune. Mario was in charge of that duty. Sherry turned out to be his biggest customer. They had a dunk tank, run by Annie and her husband Don, with a three swat reward for anybody scoring a ‘dunk.’

  There was also a swatting booth, run by Jerry and Edna. Jerry took the women over his knee spanking them with his bare hand, while Edna used a paddle on the men. Her first customer was James.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” he said, kissing her cheek, “how about a long hard one? Can you make it hurt so good?”

  “For you, James my love, I can make it hurt so bad,” she replied with her usual sweet smile.

  James got into the traditional position. “Okay sweetie, make it good.”

  And she certainly did. James left to find his wife once again. He didn’t have far to go since she was in line in front of Jerry. James waited for her to get to the front of the line and watched her get her spanking and then grabbed her hand, pulling her away. “Let’s go find a bedroom,” he said with a wicked grin. “Again?” Suzanne laughed. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “When we find an empty bed, I’ll show you,” he answered, laughing. “Gladly.”

  Toni watched them from her position in line. She took her turn, getting a harsh spanking from Jerry, and then she went in search of her husband. When she found him, she persuaded him to shut down the wheel of fortune game and join her on one of the Merry-go-round horses. It was turned off and very dark with no lights on. They chose the horse that was the most hidden in the shadows and got on it together. They found out that a wooden horse, with a pole and straps for the kids, wasn’t nearly as comfortable as a real horse. But there was one advantage. This horse, unlike their big sorrel gelding, didn’t buck them off at a crucial moment.

  Saturday and Sunday, the carnival was open to the public all day. Most of the married members brought their kids to the fair early on Saturday morning. They strolled around trying to win prizes in the games, and carried the stuffed animals and other prizes the rest of the day. They went on all the rides: the Ferris wheel, Merry-go-round and the roller coaster rides. The dunk tank was a big success. It was strange to see the carnival as a regular place to bring the kids after their sexual games of the night before.

  At one point during the day James recognized the couple he had seen walking towards their car the night before. He walked over to introduce himself and to find out what they had been doing there the night before. “Hi, I’m James.” He held out a hand. “I thought I saw you two here last night and I figured you might have some questions or comments about what you saw.”

  “I’m Dick and this is my wife Wendy,” he shook hands with James, “and yes, we were here last night. We weren’t spying. We were just driving by and saw people on some of the rides. At first we thought some kids might be playing around or even vandalizing the rides, so we got out of our car to walk over and take a look.” “Frankly, we were um, intrigued by what we saw,” Wendy added. “But we left as soon as we realized that it was adults and not teenagers playing around. We didn’t want to be rude, and your club has a reputation for guarding its privacy pretty closely.”

  “We do try to be private, but we’re not really fanatical about it. We just don’t think our club is for everyone,” James told her, smiling. “You could have walked over and joined us if you wanted to.”

  “If we had been invited we probably would have joined in, but we’re not used to walking into a place where we’re not sure what our reception would be,” Dick told him, then added, “but it looked like fun. Your members certainly were having a real good time.” “Do you two?” James let the question trail off. “Sometimes,” Wendy admitted with a blush.

  “Then let me issue an open invitation for you to come visit us in the future.” James saw Suzanne and waved her over. “Let me introduce my wife Suzanne and our twin daughters, Mary and Lizzie. Suzanne, these are the people I saw last night, Wendy and her husband Dick. They might be interested in visiting the club in the future.” “How nice. We have a really great group of people, and we’re always ready to welcome more.” Suzanne smiled at the pair.

  “We have to go, we’re on the planning committee,” James explained. “Have fun at the fair and come visit us soon.”

  “If you give me your phone numbers, I’ll call you when we have time to talk so I can tell you all about the club and see if you’d really want to come to a party or a private event.” Suzanne fished in her large purse for a scrap of paper and a pencil.

  The rest of the day passed uneventfully. The club had a spaghetti dinner at the clubhouse on Saturday night from 5:00 to 8:00 PM, complete with garlic bread and salads. It was a success, but the carnie food stands did even better. The most popular treat was the cotton candy, followed by hot dogs, popcorn and pizza slices washed down with gallons of soda. Sure enough by the middle of the afternoon, long before the spaghetti dinner, all the members were dragging tired, cranky and slightly queasy kids home for a nap.

  When it was over, the members all pitched in to clean up quickly and get the kitchen clean and ready for Sunday’s pancake breakfast. Jesse and Janine directed the cleaning. By 9:00 PM all the members went home to put the kids and themselves to bed. The only people who stayed later were the carnies and the nonmembers. On Saturday night there was very little fooling around in any of the members’ beds. They were too tired to bother, a very unusual state for the club members.

  The pancake breakfast was held in the clubhouse from 8:00 to 10:00 AM on Sunday. It was a huge success, and this time Jesse had supplied a regular cleaning crew. On Sunday night, although many members brought their kids back to the carnival, they seemed to be in better shape. For one thing, the kids didn’t to want to stay so long. For another, they didn’t have a spaghetti dinner to fix Sunday night. They also didn’t have to work so hard to clean up. Jesse had a crew come back Monday morning and take care of everything. The clubhouse glowed when they were done.

  After the carnival most of the members got home early Sunday night. Some of them even managed to relax before bed. In fact, most of the members were refreshed enough to play Sunday night. There were a lot of warm bottoms that night, and lots of sex. Some had it more than once, a few more than twice. Like the old saying, it’s hard to keep a good member down.

  Chapter Twenty-nine Initiations, For The Last Time

  Suzanne was, as usual, nervous while she was dressing for the Paddle Club initiation. She always was when acting as the hostess because she always wanted the prospective members to have a good time. This time there were two couples interested in joining.

  She had talked to each of the couples, both as a pair and to each person individually. She h
ad very comfortable feelings about these people. They all seemed very congenial, friendly and sexy. Unlike her club initiation, all these people seemed to understand exactly what they were getting into. Remembering her own initiation always made her smile. She had been so scared, and her boyfriend Michael had been such a jerk. That night she met James and dumped Michael for good. After five years they were still deeply in love, and still very active and involved in the Paddle Club.

  James came into the bedroom. He walked up behind her and slid his hands around her waist, stroking the soft swell of her belly. “How’s the little guy tonight?” he asked her solicitously. “The little guy’s just hanging in there. He should start kicking soon. Do you really want a boy this time?” She turned to smile up at him. “Well, we do have twin girls. But no, not really, I just want a healthy baby. Take it easy tonight, okay?” He kissed her tenderly.

  “You know I will.” She kissed him back. “As long as that wicked witch of the west, Nancy, keeps her mitts off your body I will. But if she touches you one more time I swear I’ll snatch her bald.” “She’s really a pleasant girl,” James offered, with feigned

  innocence. “She’s just flirting.” “She’s a bitch who’s permanently in heat, and she’s been after you since the day she joined the club.” She hugged him. “Don’t get me wrong, I trust you, but that bitch gets my goat.”

  “Okay, okay. What a mixed metaphor. I’ll stay as far away from her as I can. But if you actually attack her, I’ll beat you senseless,” he threatened. “After you have that baby.” As he turned away, she slapped him as hard as she could on his ass. “I’ll get you for that!” he yelled playfully.

  “I’ll make a note of it. Let’s see,” she pretended to write in a notebook, “James promises to get revenge in… ” she thought, “the baby’s due in May, so maybe the end of June? I’ll start quaking in my boots later.”

  “You do that.” James took her in his arms and kissed her, a long hard and passionate kiss. “How much time do we have?” Suzanne asked.


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