The Beginning After The End (New Heights Book 2)

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The Beginning After The End (New Heights Book 2) Page 18

by TurtleMe

  “Yup! Can you show me some of your best artifacts? Uncle Vincent tells me you make some of the best!” I throw in a nice compliment to sugar him up.

  “Himes! Bring my latest works!” Gideon shouts. Soon after, the butler with the handlebar mustache brings with him a protected case that was the size of an adult, sealed with something even I don’t recognize.

  Gideon whispers something into the lock while placing both his hands on it. After a brief moment, the lock glows and folds itself and changes shape, opening itself. Inside the case were various enchanted weapons. Gideon goes over each of the weapons and what they were capable of. I know that each of these weapons were invaluable and not comparable to the ones sold in shops and forges, but they didn’t fit the bill. I looked at some of the wands to maybe get for Elijah but none of them suited him.

  Shaking my head, I heard the mad scientist grumble something foul.

  Gideon eventually led us into a hidden storage where there were precious gems and raw material that even made me shocked. “This is an ironite diamond, one of the most valuable gems found on this continent. It has properties capable of storing a lot mana to use in case of emergency.” By this time, Gideon looks defeated when my face still looked a bit unsatisfied.

  “Sigh…Himes, can you bring me the pendants?” He rubs his temples.

  “But Master, this was made so that…” “I know! Just bring it!” Gideon interrupts the baffled Himes.

  Eventually, Himes comes back holding a small case with an even more complicated lock on it.

  “These are some of the products I made for the Royal Family. They’ve been asking for life-protecting artifacts in case of any danger.” He just shrugs his shoulder; any sense of confidence he once had has vanished.

  Picking up one of the two identical pendants that was a very soft, yet radiant pink color carefully ornamented and decorated in a white gold thin chain.

  “I had some of the best designers work on the actual piece itself so it is er… ‘suitable’ for the Royal Family.” He clarifies

  I will a bit of mana into the pendant and when I do, I vaguely see the outline of mana beast I’ve once read about. “This is made from a Phoenix Wyrm...” I mutter.

  “You were able to figure that out?” Gideon’s eyes turn even more intrigued as he studies me, trying to figure out exactly what more I was capable of.

  Continuing on, Gideon explains. “While the Phoenix Wyrm isn’t nearly as rare as the dragon species, this particular breed is still a high S class mana beast. They aren’t really known for their power and combat capabilities but their unique ability to preserve their own life. When the Phoenix Wyrm is getting assaulted, its pink scales will elongate and harden around them, forming a sort of cocoon.”

  This catches my interest.

  “However, that isn’t even the best part. When the super hard cocoon they’re protected in breaks, they deplete all of the mana in their beast core to instantly transport themselves to wherever they know they’re safe. It’s a very unique ability that I’ve only seen in the Phoenix Wyrm. These two pendants are probably the most valuable artifacts I have. The jewel itself is made from the beast core of the Phoenix Wyrm and also small fragments of its scales, allowing it to reproduce the life-preserving effects of the beast, to a certain degree.” He sighs, after finishing his explanation.

  “How many times will the user be able to utilize the effects?” I simply ask, studying the pendant even closer.

  “Honestly… I’m not too sure. The Royal Family presented to me 5 of these beast cores that have been kept over time throughout generations. However, they didn’t know what exactly these mana cores did; they only know that they were extremely valuable. They have already been studied and none had the beast will, but still, the value of just one of these beast cores cost more than normal S-class cores. The first of the five I made were a failure, not showing the ability at all. The second and third showed its ability once before turning to dust. I imagine since the mana core doesn’t completely deplete itself to transport a human, it’ll work at least twice like the previous two cores I used to make the pendant with.” He looks at me with hopeful eyes.

  “These are for the Royal Family right? Is it really all right for me to take these when the Royal Family provided the raw materials for it?” I quiz.

  “Well, like I said, they don’t know what exactly those beast cores could do so if I just make a good replacement life-preserving artifact, I think it’ll be fine. Of course, if you choose to trade your blueprint with something else, that’ll be even better.” He smiles in defeat.

  “Haha! I’m not that nice Mr. Gideon. I’ll take these two pendants.” I unroll the blueprint and fill the rest of the key components that I left out.

  “’re putting me in a tough position but I know that you’re doing me a charity by giving me these blueprints. With this, I imagine that our people will be able to reach the New Continent before they reach ours.” He studies the blueprint before folding it and carefully putting it in his shelf.

  He turns back to me, his gaze not looking at me as if I was a child but more so an equal. “Where did you come up with this idea though? What are you really planning Arthur? Did you want to speed up the process for the voyage to the New Continent?” The genius researcher in him was begging for me to answer his questions.

  I only laughed and headed out the door, the silent Vincent, who was still bewildered by the turn of events, following behind me. “Like I said Mr. Gideon, I’m not that nice of a person. I only wanted to get my little sister a good birthday gift.” I say without looking back, waving the small case that had the two pendants inside before getting into the carriage.

  The journey back home was silent for the first half until Vincent finally spoke. “Not only a genius Augmenter but a brilliant inventor? What exactly was it that you drew out for Gideon?”

  I explained in simple terms. “I drew the blueprints for a steam engine, which is capable of producing quite a lot of power by using steam produced from specific material that exists on this Continent. With that and some modifications so that it could be interchanged with fuel powered by mana, traversing a long distance shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Sigh… From what magical star were you born under?” Vincent shakes his head.

  “Haha, please, this was an idea I got from somewhere else and I just tweaked it a little to make it work better. Please don’t make too big of a deal out of this to my parents.” I smile humbly while looking at the two beautiful pink pendants again.

  “Well, your parents probably wouldn’t even make a big deal of something like this considering how abnormal you are.” He chuckles to himself.

  Luckily, no one was home so I carefully hid the case after wrapping the two pendants individually. My sister’s birthday was next week and then only a couple of months left until my 12th birthday, and eventually the new year of Xyrus Academy. Even though I wouldn’t be that far from my family while I was at school, I would certainly be limited to how often I could visit them, so my main goal during this time was to ensure that my family could take care of themselves in case anything bad happens.

  I know I’m probably overthinking everything but I prefer to be on the safe side when it comes to my family. For that, I’m willing to sell even my soul.

  Chapter 41: A Ball

  The ballroom inside the Helstea Manor was lavishly decorated with colorful string curtains hanging along with other embellishments on the tables and stage. The elaborate placements of the orbs that made up the chandelier sparkled, creating a serene ambience as the guests started coming in through the giant front doors.

  I was dressed very formally for the special birthday party Vincent’s and our family decided to throw for Ellie. While this world did have formal wear that were very similar to tuxedoes from my old world, this world did not have ties. Instead of ties, handkerchiefs were wrapped underneath the collar and tied fashionably.

  Since the ballroom was located in the opposite w
ing from our rooms, Ellie had no idea that we were throwing her this party. She was under the assumption that the both of our families were going out to a fancy restaurant so she was excitedly getting ready with our mother and Lilia, who came back for the occasion.

  Sylv was sleeping inside my room, her body still getting used to the big change she underwent recently, promising her leftover food instead.

  “Welcome. Please come in.” Putting on a gentlemanly smile, I welcomed my little sister’s lady friends she met at school, a duty I was assigned by my mother, one I wasn’t too fond of.

  Met with shy giggles and red faces, I kept a gentle smile on as more and more people started coming through out of carriages, accompanied by a driver and a chaperone.

  The attendees of my sister’s party consisted of her female friends, the female friends’ chaperone, which were an older group of people, and either my parent’s friends or Vincent and Tabitha’s friends. By 8 in the evening, most of the people on the list have arrived and my mother notified the maid that she and my sister would be coming down shortly.

  “Well aren’t you dressed all neat and spiffy?” I turn around back at the door to see Gideon in his signature brown lab coat, a cleaner one at least, and his goggles hanging on his neck.

  “This is quite a pleasant surprise Mr. Gideon.” My smile must’ve tipped him off because he grumbles under his breath before replying, “You darn well knew that I would try and see you again didn’t you?”

  My smile never wavers as I use my hand to guide him towards the refreshment booth. “I’ll admit it was unexpected of you to utilize my sister’s birthday to meet with me though.”

  “Bah! You and I have a lot to talk about and don’t you forget I’m not leaving you until I’m satisfied!” He, once again, starts grumbling before trotting over to the refreshment booth, asking for an alcoholic drink right off the bat.

  Elijah, who I saw talking with a chaperone girl that was a bit older than us comes walking towards me, his shoulder slumped.

  “My third time asking a girl and they all so kindly make convenient excuses to go elsewhere…haaa….” He sighs, dejected, his glasses a little crooked.

  Before I had the chance to start teasi…comforting him, I was interrupted by a loud voice.

  “Everyone please get ready, Lady Alice and Eleanor are both on their way here!” The maid announces before she signals to turn off all of the lights.

  “…Mama I thought we were going to go out for dinner? Where are we…”


  With the chandelier sparking on and a couple of artifacts popping in an array of colorful lights, my little sister’s confused face turns into one of initial surprise, then pure joy. Her eyes widened and cheeks blushed red as her hands instinctively went to cover her gaping mouth.

  She didn’t have too long to indulge in her moment of astonishment as her school lady friends all ran up to her and gave her hugs, almost carrying her away along with Lilia gave me a meaningful gaze before disappearing.

  “Good job welcoming all of the guests Art.” My mother came up to me, gently patting my head before some of her friends pulled her away leaving me to wander. I spotted my father with Vincent and some other importantly dressed figures, talking business and other various uninteresting topics.

  Waiters walked around handing out platters and cups of various foods and drinks. I was munching on something akin to a bite-sized sandwich when I hear my father clink his wine glass with his fork.

  “Ahem! Before the party officially begins, I would like to thank you on behalf of my precious daughter for coming here tonight!” As my father says, I see my sister blushing in embarrassment as her friends giggle and clap at this joyous occasion.

  “Please start the music!” My father signals towards the back of the stage where 5 musicians step out with their instruments. I’m surprised to see that the instruments look identical to the violin family instruments in my world, with two violins, one viola, and one cello musician step out with a pianist behind them. The piano was shaped a little different and as they started playing, the sound it produced was much deeper and richer than a regular grand piano.

  “It would bring great joy to see my beloved son and daughter have the first dance!” My father’s cheeks were a little flushed from the alcohol because he just said something that could potentially be disastrous. My mother has a look stricken with panic because neither her nor my father has ever given either of us dancing lessons.

  I catch my sister’s dreadful face as she realizes she could become a total embarrassment on her birthday. Keeping calm, I take confident strides towards where my sister and her friends were.

  “Will you honor me with your hand for a dance?” I bow, placing a hand out in front of me. I hear various squeals and “eeks” from her friends but I ignore it.

  Ellie, still fretful at the turn of events couldn’t find the words so she just starts nodding her head, accepting my hand.

  As soon as she is in my hands, a crowd forms around and their applause dies down as the soft flow of music became louder and fills the room. The music was slow and rhythmic, making it easy to follow along. Her once panicked face gradually turns calmer as she realizes she just needs to follow my guide. My right hand holding unto hers and my left gently placed on her fragile waist, we circle around, her light coral dress fluttering gracefully. Each step she takes mirrors mine as we waltz around the small dance floor formed around us by the crowd. I was calm and poised, dancing and swaying to the song with grace, since dancing has been something I had to learn for any formal occasions as a King. I couldn’t embarrass myself as a figurehead for my nation now could I?

  My sister’s face turned from calm to excitement as she truly started enjoying dancing. Her skin glowed from her smile and perspiration, giving her a radiant feeling to the crowd. Twirling her around as if we had rehearsed for a grand performance, the musicians played along with our dance, them getting inspired as well. As the last verse of the song was coming to an end, she followed my lead well, coming to a beautiful halt synced perfectly with the musicians.

  The applause and cheers of the audience, some of the more intoxicated adults even whistling, washed up the soft panting of my sister as the both of us bowed, hand in hand.

  “That was wonderful!” “Truly splendid!” “What a great performance!” I hear compliments from all around that make my sister’s smile grow even wider.

  “Brother!” My sister couldn’t hold in her excitement as she jumped into my arms, almost knocking me down in surprise as she starts laughing as her arms were flung around my neck.

  “Holy shit! That was great! Where’d you learn to dance like that Art?” Elijah runs up to us, his narrow eyes gleaming in excitement underneath his glasses.

  I just give him a shrug before gently placing my sister down. Giving her a pat on the head I say, “Happy Birthday Princess.” Giving her a playful wink before my father picks her up.

  “HAHA! My beautiful princess and my handsome son! What a great performance!” My father must’ve been drinking more because he was even redder than before.

  “OWOWOW” He lets out as Mother pulls my father down from his high horse by grabbing his earlobe. “Do you understand the disaster this could’ve caused if Art didn’t HAPPEN to know how to dance?” She whispered while still emphasizing the word ‘happen’.

  “I learned from Jasmine while being an Adventurer. I thought it’d be useful!” I explained innocently, only getting rid of half the suspicion from my keen mother.

  “Don’t mind don’t mind!” He manages to wheeze out, while my sister, who was put back down, went to her friends. My still angry mother dragged my intoxicated father by the earlobe back to where the adults were.


  “Your brother is so handsome! I’m so jealous! I wish my brother was like him; he seems so nice!” My friends I’ve made at school
were all complimenting Brother and me about the dance.

  “Hehe! I told you he was great!” I couldn’t help but smile in pride at being Brother’s only sister.

  “Yeah he’s awesome! I bet the both of you practiced a lot for that dance! It looked SUPER hard.” My best friend Nicole was really excited.

  “U-Umm yeah! But our teacher was really good so we got it down really fast!” I lied. I thought it would be weird for them to know that only Brother knew how to dance, not me, when it should be the other way around.

  My heart was still beating really fast from the dancing. It was really tiring but also really fun because Brother led me through it so well that I felt like a professional dancer.

  “You’re grinning really big Ellie.” Nicole smirks at me, elbowing me with her arm.


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