The Queen's Companion

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The Queen's Companion Page 14

by Maggi Petton

  Robert’s own voice cracked a bit and he paused in his recounting. Bella waited without speaking. He picked up a twig and twirled it in his hands.

  “Then one night Anna came into my room. I pretended to be asleep. She went into her room adjoining mine and closed the door. Shortly after, my door opened again and Portia passed through. I waited and when I thought it was safe I went over and peeked through the keyhole. I watched Portia tenderly undress Anna and cry over her bruises. I saw Anna’s face transform as Portia kissed each bruise and each scar. My Anna returned…my happy, smiling Anna. I was so glad to see her smiling that I failed to realize that they had both taken off their clothing….” Robert stopped, suddenly embarrassed.

  “I’m sorry, Lady Isabella. I did not intend to tell so much.”

  “I am glad you did. Please don’t feel ashamed.” Bella smiled. “What happened to Anna and Portia? Where are they now?”

  Robert closed his eyes and fought back his tears, “Executed.”

  Bella gasped and her hand flew to her heart.

  “Anna’s husband found out about Portia. They spent several years in prison, convicted of crimes against the Church. They were burned alive.” Robert cracked the twig he had been playing with and threw it on the ground.

  Bella could not hold back her sob. She knelt in front of Robert and held his hands. “Please tell me you did not watch?”

  “I did not know until after.” He smiled and sadly shook his head. “I cannot say if I would have gone to watch. To this day I don’t know if I would have had the courage. I imagine my Anna, though, and I take comfort from the knowledge that at least she died knowing Portia loved her.”

  Robert shook himself from his memories and said, somewhat brightly, “And so, my Lady, now you have heard two stories from me, one of lust and one of love.”

  “You have shared more than your stories with me, Robert. You have shared your soul and I am grateful. I understand more than you could imagine. And I believe your Anna knows how much you loved her.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  For three days the newlyweds rarely left the marriage suite. They left only once daily for short outings…a stroll in the gardens, a riding excursion to the lake, and, finally, a luncheon in the great hall with all the residents of the castle.

  The mood was light and festive. There was some teasing about the absence of the couple for days, but no one cared to risk embarrassing the queen, so the comments were fairly subtle.

  To Catherine’s surprise Bella attended the luncheon. It was all Catherine could manage not to run to her arms and cover her with kisses, but she maintained her decorum as Bella approached and curtsied, “My queen, you are looking well.”

  Catherine took both of her hands, “Thank you, Bella,” she smiled. “Walk with me.”

  Catherine excused herself with a smile and said to Ambrose, “I will return, I need to speak to Lady Isabella.”

  Ambrose returned her smile and nodded. Catherine suspected from his look that he expected them to discuss the attributes of the marriage bed. “Let him think so,” thought Catherine, “plus, this will give him an opportunity to enjoy his new role as king with the staff and residents.” He was entitled to be addressed as king because his credentials and lineage met with the approval of all involved, but everyone knew the title was honorary. It gave Ambrose no authority within the kingdom.

  Catherine slipped her arm through Bella’s and led her to one of the hidden gardens. It was one of the smaller of the castle gardens and was just starting to bloom with daffodils and crocus. A single gardener was trimming the hedges. Catherine dismissed him so they could be alone. Once alone there she pulled Bella to an arch covered with grapevines, threw her arms around her and whispered, “My God, I have missed you!”

  Bella melted into the embrace. “I didn’t know what to think,” she cried. “It was agony. I could not stop wondering if you enjoyed your new role as wife. I kept hoping for some word, some sign. When nothing came I thought …I thought…”

  “Hush, my love. The only thing that changed is that I love you even more, as if that were possible. I will never leave you for this long again. It was torture for me, as well,” said Catherine, as she realized that she’d closed her feelings off to endure the past few days. Holding Bella opened the door to herself and she suddenly felt life rushing back into her starving soul.

  They sat on a stone bench until Bella stopped crying.

  “When can you return to your quarters?” she asked.

  “I’ll feign a touch of illness later and be back with you tonight. I cannot imagine my husband will complain…he certainly seems to have had his fill of me for the past days. Then we will need to proceed cautiously.”

  “How is it with him?” asked Bella.

  Catherine did not really want to talk about her nights with Ambrose. She wanted to take in as much of Bella as she could, but she knew Bella needed some reassurance.

  “This arrangement is going to be hell, you know. I wish I could hate him, but he is actually a fairly considerate lover, which makes this all the more difficult for me. If he were a brute I could cut him off with less concern for his feelings. I feel nothing, however, and don’t know if he senses my lack of responsiveness. I only have my responses to you to compare, and there is no comparison.” She stopped, reached her hand to Bella’s face and smiled. “He doesn’t seem aware that I am only pretending to be satisfied.”

  Bella kissed Catherine’s hands, “If I am to be with you tonight, I can let you go for a while longer. We should return to the gathering to avoid questions.” They started back to the hall. “Catherine, if you have an opportunity, you should speak with Robert.”

  They were entering the Great Hall, so Catherine had no opportunity to question Bella further.

  Robert, his wife, Petra, their son, Gio and Petra’s father, Lord Giovanni, were seated at a table at the far end of the Hall. Catherine approached them exclaiming over little Gio.

  “Oh, look at how big he is getting!” Catherine reached her hand to the baby’s face and leaned to kiss him on his forehead. She was so happy for Robert. As she looked at Gio she could not help but hope that she might have her own little one to hold soon. But even so, she felt a pang of sorrow. This happy family, for whom her heart felt so much joy, would never exist for her in such a way.

  The baby was as rotund and jovial as his grandfather. Robert doted on him, and Petra seemed happier than ever. She remembered when Robert first met Petra. He seemed unaware that all of his conversations revolved around this tiny woman with a smile that brightened everything around her. When Catherine finally mentioned this to Robert he was surprised and denied it. But soon there was no denying how he felt about Petra and it was clear she felt the same about him. They married six months after they met, much to the delight of all the parents, and with the queen’s blessing.

  Lord Giovanni was holding his namesake. He stood and gave the baby back to his mother. “Your Majesty, how are you?” Catherine heard a touch of concern in his voice and wondered how much he knew…or suspected.

  “Lord Giovanni, I am well, thank you. And you, I see, are in your glory!” she indicated his grandson.

  “I am blessed beyond my dreams to have lived long enough to know this moment,” he said. He appeared overcome with happiness, which made Catherine glad. After his wife died he was lost for some time. It was good to see him happy again.

  “Petra,” Catherine addressed Robert’s wife, “You have given two of my favorite men much joy.”

  “Majesty,” smiled Petra, “It is I who hold the joy from the three men in my life.” Petra went on, “I hope you will know this joy one day,” she said sincerely.

  “Thank you. Now, I wonder if I may steal your husband for a moment. I understand we have some business to discuss?”

  Petra nodded and Catherine and Robert walked off to a quiet corner of the Great Hall.

  “Are you well, Majesty?” asked Robert

  “As well as I can be.” The
y sat near the fireplace facing each other. Catherine looked out at the crowd that was milling in the Hall. The bishop sat alone and stared uncomfortably at her. She smiled in his direction and nodded a greeting to him. He nodded back, but did not smile.

  Catherine turned her attention back to Robert, “Bella says that we have something to discuss.”

  “I am not sure that this is the place to discuss it, Majesty.”

  “I have been sequestered for three days with a husband who has little insight into the world around him.” She bore her eyes into his. “I am hungry for anything that might stimulate my mind, please tell me.”

  Robert had to laugh, but cautioned her, “I will tell you, then, but you must refrain from revealing any expression that may indicate your revulsion. And do not, under any circumstances, look in your bishop’s direction.”

  Catherine nodded and kept her head down as Robert moved close and told her the story of his encounter in the bishop’s private quarters. She was furious, but didn’t allow any emotion to give her away.

  When, finally, Robert concluded his story he told her to smile as if he had just told her something amusing. She smiled.

  “Do you think the Bishop is convinced by my marriage?” Catherine asked.

  “At the very least you have confused him. He no longer has the support of the majority of the Privy Council regarding your witch in waiting, as he has begun to refer to Lady Isabella. My father-in-law indicated that the Nobles were afraid the Bishop was correct in saying Bella had power over you. Now they question him, saying your marriage clearly indicates otherwise. So, even he has been forced to restrain his relentless pursuit of heresy against you and Bella.”

  “What of the boy that was with the bishop that night. Have you seen him again?” asked Catherine. A server passed by with a tray of wine goblets, Catherine reached out to take one. When the servant was out of earshot, Robert answered.

  “No, Majesty. But I have found several other boys who have had similar ‘religious’ encounters with him. If he knows what is good for him he would do well to begin to support you more than he has in the past,” Robert smiled.

  Finally, she looked up at him. “Robert, you are indeed my protector.”

  They stood and Robert returned to his family. Catherine resumed her place next to Ambrose.

  Catherine dined with her husband that evening in the marriage suite. When they were done she told him she did not feel well and suggested a stroll in the gardens. The days were beginning to lengthen, so there was still a little light.

  When they returned to their room Catherine claimed to feel no better. She suggested that Ambrose enjoy the comforts of his own private quarters. With her apologies she claimed need of privacy, stating she did not wish to trouble him with womanly issues.

  “I understand,” he said. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “No, thank you,” she said as she turned for the door. “Marie will tend to me. I’m certain I will feel better in the morning.”

  She bade him goodnight and left for her quarters.

  Bella’s kisses greeted her with happy intensity. They were starved for the touch, smell, and sight of one another. When they finished making love they lay entwined in each others’ arms and talked well into the night. The absence of actual intelligent conversation in the past days was more of a hardship on Catherine than the expectations of the marriage bed. She hadn’t realized how full of stimulating discussion, ideas and processes her life was. The realization made her appreciate her role as queen more fully. Her appreciation of Bella also increased.

  The other thing that increased was the size of Bella’s belly. It seemed that in the few days of absence Bella had grown much larger. Catherine loved to lie with her head on Bella’s chest and feel the movements under her hand as the baby inside kicked and moved. Bella continued to fight with the whole idea of this child, but she enjoyed Catherine’s excitement. The process that Bella was enduring was one that intrigued Catherine. When she thought about what was happening inside Bella’s body, about the actual growth of a baby occurring within a woman, she found herself in awe. She looked forward to the baby coming and, in a realization that surprised her, she was excited about being present at the birth. It was all such a miracle.

  In the morning they called for a light breakfast and continued talking. Catherine, it seemed, was starved for much more that Bella’s body.

  “I will be glad to resume my regular duties,” Catherine admitted as she pulled a piece of bread from a small loaf.

  “What do you have planned today?”

  “It’s been awhile since I looked at anything regarding paper production. Then, I will meet with the Council to see what they dealt with while I was indisposed.

  “I don’t envy your constant dealings with them,” said Bella. “I wish they supported you more and you didn’t have to be on your guard so relentlessly. I can’t imagine having to weigh every word, and every silence,” she emphasized this last, “so carefully.”

  “At first it was difficult. I had expected, simply by virtue of my title, the Council would defer to me as they had my father. I sat long meetings with them as my father prepared me for my future role. The meetings then were so full of discussion. Even though I knew that my father came to loathe what the bishop stood for, there was a respect for him as king that dominated the meetings. When my father had made up his mind about anything, a decree, or even a law with which the council was clearly at odds, they would defer to him…even our dear bishop,” Catherine said as she shook her head and rolled her eyes.

  “How did he handle the bishop’s authority regarding the Inquisition?” asked Bella.

  “That was difficult for him.” Catherine paused. “He was very frustrated with his inability to exercise his power over the bishop in matters of sentencing. It was agony for him to know that he could not protect his subjects from the injustices meted out.” “Your father sounds like someone I would have liked immensely,” Bella offered. “I wish I could have known him.”

  “I wish the same, my love,” Catherine’s sadness was apparent. “I believe he would have adored you.”

  “Do you think he would suspect…about us?”

  Catherine poured some ale and leaned back in her chair pondering the question. “I don’t know. Probably.”

  “How do you imagine he would respond?”

  “I like to think that he’d be as accepting as Robert, but I don’t know for certain. He would likely have insisted on a marriage, any marriage, for appearances sake. Then I believe he may have closed his eyes and cautioned us to be careful. It would have been very difficult for him, I fear.”

  “What about your mother?”

  Catherine laughed. “That is something I don’t even wish to imagine!”

  Bella smiled and asked, “How did the bishop come to his role in your father’s kingdom?”

  “Now that is an interesting story.” Catherine smiled as she thought back on her father’s defense of Thomas Capshaw.

  Although it was morning, Catherine called Marie to draw a bath. She could think of no lovelier way to spend her first morning back with Bella. When the bath was ready, Marie was dismissed.

  As they slipped into the bath Catherine told of how Thomas Capshaw and her father grew up as childhood friends. Thomas was the son of one of her grandmother’s ladies in waiting. As queen, her grandmother was adamant about setting up a school for the children of the castle.

  “Thomas and my father were the same age and became very close, much like Robert and I, I suppose, but with a different outcome altogether,” Catherine offered. “Thomas’s father was a bit of a brute, as my father told it. And Thomas was more of a mama’s boy.”

  “That could not have pleased his father,” Bella suggested as she stepped into the tub with Catherine.

  “No. And when Thomas expressed interest in pursuing the priesthood, well, you can imagine! His father was sorely disappointed, as he wanted his only son to follow in his footsteps as a land baron. Hi
s mother, of course, was delighted with his choice and encouraged him to pursue a monastery. When his father died there were no impediments to his quest for priesthood and he entered a Jesuit monastery.”

  Catherine soaped a sponge and ran it along Bella’s legs as she told of how Thomas returned to the castle upon the death of her grandmother. Her father was happy that Thomas was able to fulfill his dreams of becoming a priest.

  “As king, my father had the ability and the authority to appoint Thomas to the position of priest for the Royal Family.” “That must have been quite an accomplishment for a newly ordained priest,” Bella interjected.

  “Quite…and not lost on the bishop of the time!” Catherine took a drink from the cup of ale she had placed on a stool beside the tub. “At first, Thomas was instrumental in questioning the techniques and persecutions of the church, though it is hard for me to imagine that. His difficulty with that aspect of his role was clearly at odds with his calling. He and my father would spend longs nights in conversation about the Inquisition. It was actually Thomas Capshaw who helped form my father’s resulting rebellion. So, as surprising as this may sound, Bishop Capshaw is responsible for my passion to right this terrible injustice. And, it is he who continues to fuel my passion by his reversal of ideals.”

  Bella reached for Catherine’s hands and placed them on her belly. Catherine felt the baby kick within Bella. She smiled as the kicking pushed against her hands. Even though Bella still hated the thought of giving birth to this child, her enthusiasm about the pregnancy seemed to help Bella relax. Feeling the movement within Bella was one of the things that Catherine was convinced was pure miracle. She smiled at Bella.

  “What happened?” asked Bella, acknowledging Catherine’s smile with one of her own. “When and why did he change?”

  “According to my father, Thomas was called to Rome. When he returned several months later, he had been made a Bishop. He became an official ‘authority’ on heresy and how to approach ‘crimes against the church’. He returned from Rome an entirely different man than the one who had left. My father realized that something had changed, but Thomas would never allow him close after that. They were suddenly at odds about the Inquisition and the king realized the need to exercise caution as the result of Thomas’ newly acquired power. While he never talked about it, I could tell that he grieved his friendship with Thomas. It was gone forever.”


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