Royal Protection: Little Queens Duet 1

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Royal Protection: Little Queens Duet 1 Page 9

by Amy Briggs

  “Thank you, Ryan.” She put it on, wrapping herself in it like an oversized blanket. The blue stripe running through the flannel was a shade that caused her eyes to turn a bit bluer, as they almost matched completely.

  “You’re welcome. Now let’s get the fuck out of here, shall we?” I smiled and gestured for her to lead the way

  “Yes, let’s do that,” she giggled as she passed, while I watched her ass, perfectly framed in those black jeans, all the way out to the buses. Tough job, but someone had to do it.

  Ryan walked me back to the bus where Carmen was standing nearby, having a smoke. Glancing from me to him, she blew a plume of smoke out before saying, “Told ya, writer. She was right there.”

  I glimpsed at Ryan, who shrugged and smiled without replying. “Are we all ready to just get to Chicago?”

  “Yeah, the guys are on their bus, and Travis is gonna meet us in Chicago with the rest of our stuff. I’m going ride to Chicago with the boys because they’re gonna stay up and drink for a bit,” she said.

  Tilting my head to the side, I replied, “Are you seriously still annoyed with me?” I couldn’t believe she was going to keep this thing going.

  Shaking her head at me, she said, “I’m not mad at you, Miranda. In fact, I never was. I just want to go have a couple drinks before we get to the next town. You’re more than welcome to join us.” She seemed sincere, but I was still bummed out she wanted to go party. Not particularly surprised though; it was her usual choice.

  “No thanks. I’m going to relax, and maybe take a nap on the way.” I took the first step onto the bus, then turned to Ryan. “If you’d like to join them, you’re not obligated to entertain me at all,” I tried to say sweetly. It was going to be a long tour, and I didn’t know what he’d want to do. But I surely didn’t want him thinking he really did have to follow me everywhere, which is what he seemed to be doing. I was probably going to watch some TV and fall asleep after I got cleaned up. It wasn’t going to be an exciting ride with me, which was honestly why Carmen rode with the boys. It wasn’t the first time; I was just feeling a bit jaded from our little argument.

  “Yeah, Ryan, it’s an open invite,” Carmen added, flicking her cigarette butt off into the distance.

  “I’ll take a rain check if you don’t mind. But I appreciate the invite,” he replied with a tight-lipped smile.

  “You got it,” Carmen replied. “Hey sister!” she shouted at me, walking away backward.

  “Yeah?” I leaned, still standing on the bottom step of the bus.

  “Love you,” she said matter-of-factly, causing me to grin.

  “Love you back.” I blew her an air kiss and got on the bus, with Ryan on my heels.

  I handed Ryan his flannel back almost immediately after we got on the bus. “Thank you so much,” I said.

  “You sure you don’t still need it?” he asked me kindly. As much as I didn’t want him to put it back on and cover up his beautiful tattoos and sculpted arms, I was planning to put on a cozy sweatshirt and leggings as soon as humanly possible.

  “No, thank you. I’m going to go wash this makeup off and change clothes. Please make yourself comfortable.” I paused, realizing this was just as much his ‘home on the road’ as it was mine, and added, “Always just make yourself comfortable.”

  “Will do,” he replied, tossing the flannel on top of his bag on the floor.

  Marty asked if we were ready to go, and we headed out. Washing your face and brushing your teeth on a bus were harder than you would think. Luxury or not, the rocking around was a pain in the ass, but I wasn’t going to sit around with makeup caked on all the way to Chicago. Once I was satisfied with my outfit for both comfort, and because Ryan would see me, I stepped back out to the main part of the bus, where he was reading a weathered-looking book.

  “What are you reading?” I was intrigued. So few grown men enjoyed reading, and it was such an attractive quality, I shouldn’t have been surprised to learn he read. Everything about him was attractive.

  “I’m reading Jack Kerouac’s On the Road,” he replied, setting it down next to him without marking his page.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt you,” I stammered. “I, uh, was gonna watch a movie or something, and probably fall asleep back here. If you’re interested in the movie part, you’re welcome to join me. It’s pretty comfy,” I offered, feeling as though I sounded like an awkward teenager.

  His lips widened into a smile as he replied, “I’d love that, actually.”

  “Yeah?” I confirmed for no reason other than I was surprised.

  “Yeah, that would be great. I’m tired too. We sleep well together anyway,” he chuckled.

  Letting a giggle escape, I relaxed a bit, waving for him to come back. “That we do. Come on back.”

  As it turned out, we were both a bit more awkward than two grown adults needed to be. I climbed onto the bed, settling somewhere near the middle and grabbed the remote, while he stood in the doorway, motionless.

  Realizing he probably thought there were seats of some kind back here, and that he’d be sitting anywhere other than on a bed with me, I tried to make it less uncomfortable by patting the bed next to me, saying, “I won’t bite, I promise.” Which, in retrospect, wasn’t entirely true, because if he’d asked me to bite him, I probably would have.

  He had positioned himself against the doorway with one hand holding onto it, drawing my attention to his ridiculously sexy bicep that I most certainly would have sunk my teeth into. As I tried to think of puppies, and flowers and rainbows - anything that would take my filthy mind off what I’d do to him - he glided across the small room to the other side of the bed. Kicking his shoes off, he slid in next to me, just centimeters away.

  “You look like you got comfortable,” he said quietly, not making eye contact.

  Fumbling to find something nondescript we could watch, I replied with a little sigh, “Yeah, this is more the real me.” I had changed into black leggings, a long white tank top, and a gray off the shoulder sweatshirt. I’d also piled my hair up into the messy bun Leo hated.

  Edging a bit closer, he whispered, “I like it,” causing me to blush.

  “Thanks.” I gave him a little nudge. Changing the subject, because I needed to stop blushing immediately, if not sooner, I asked, “Is there anything in particular you’d like to watch? I usually just pick something random to take my mind off the day for a bit, so I don’t have to think.” I was never one to watch much TV unless I accidently got hooked on a show I found on On Demand or something. Then I would watch a truly inappropriate amount of TV until I finished an entire show. I’m talking, twelve seasons worth. It was bad, so I tried not to do that too often.

  “Nope, I’m just here to relax. It’s been a crazy day,” he replied.

  “It sure has,” I said, flipping through the options. In what I felt was the television jackpot, I happened upon Point Break in my movie options, and let out a little squeal. “Oh yes, this is what we’re watching.”

  “Point Break, really?” He looked over at me, laughing.

  “Really,” I replied dramatically. “This is high-quality cinema. I could watch this movie a thousand times. In fact, I’ve probably already seen it a thousand times, so make that a thousand and one.” I laughed and tossed the remote toward the foot of the bed.

  “High-quality cinema? Come on now,” he teased, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “I know most of the movie by heart. I could quote some of it for you,” I giggled. Then blurted out, “I! Am an F.B.I. Agent!” One of my favorite quotes by far.

  Laughing heartily, he attempted to settle in for the movie. “You’re full of surprises, Miranda.”

  “Why thank you, Mr. King,” I mused.

  While significantly less awkward, I could not get comfortable. I didn’t want to get too close, which seemed inappropriate. But we were sharing a bed to watch a movie, so being close was part of how it was going to play out, regardless of how hard we tried not to be cozy.

>   After about fifteen minutes into the movie, where we’d both been silent, he spoke, almost startling me. “Are you comfortable?”

  I thought about pretending I was, but I was so tired, and really wanted to get into a position I could drift off in, so I replied honestly, “Not at all,” causing us both to laugh.

  “Okay, I have an idea.” He got up from the bed, looking around, before grabbing all the pillows. I sat upright, watching him as he piled them all near the center of the headboard, then climbed back in, laying down next to me with his head and shoulders propped up by the pillow mountain he’d created. As I watched him get settled, I tilted my head, waiting to figure out where I was supposed to go.

  Putting one arm behind his head, he opened the other up to me, “Okay, get in,” he instructed. He wants me to snuggle on him. Oh, fuck yeah. Wait, no. That’s a bad idea. No, it’s a great idea. Just do it. You’re tired, and that looks super comfy. Get in there. My internal conflict was strong.

  The argument with myself lasted only a moment, and I positioned myself in the crook of his arm, and immediately relaxed into him with my head on his chest. I was able to watch the movie, and I was finally able to relax my body and unwind from the day.

  “Comfy now?” he asked me quietly, tightening his arm around me.

  “Yes,” I whispered. “Are you?”

  “More than I could possibly describe.” He let out a sigh, causing our bodies to meld together even more closely.

  As I rested my hand on those magnificently chiseled abs of his, I tried to quell my racing heart so that he couldn’t feel it, and just enjoyed the moment of closeness I’d not had in such a long time. Something about him felt so safe, so comforting. I whispered, “Thank you, Ryan.”

  Before I drifted off to sleep, I heard him say, “It’s my pleasure, Miranda Royal.”

  There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell I’d fall asleep with her nestled into me that way. It took every ounce of willpower that a man could muster to not caress her hair or touch her pale skin, especially with her that close. She looked like an angel; but a badass angel, with her bright red hair piled up on her head and her colorful tattoos painted across her arms. I could only see some of them with that sweatshirt on, but she’d pushed the sleeves up her forearms, while the huge neck fell off her shoulder, taunting me. She smelled like flowers and cookies, if that’s even possible, but it was fucking intoxicating.

  She had fallen asleep in a matter of moments. It was about a four-hour drive to Chicago, where we had hotel reservations and could sleep in normal beds, although the bed on this bus was more comfortable than I’d expected. I was never going to get any sleep like this, but I’d have stayed like that all night. As I stared at the horrible movie she’d picked out to watch, all I could think was that I was getting in too deep, and we were only headed into the second stop of the tour. Trying to justify my actions as acceptable, I rested my chin on the top of her head, which had made its way to my chest. Inhaling her scent, I knew that no matter what happened, she’d ingrained herself into my psyche.

  In all my thirty-four years, I’d never met a woman who was so kind-hearted and deep, with a soul she bared for all to see. Her beauty, and her vulnerability, made her a target, and I’d protect her, no matter what. But would I be able to let her go when the job was done? I shook those thoughts away, and focused on the moment, reminding myself that I would be there with Miranda for at least the summer, and I needed to set my own feelings aside. I glanced down at her, watching her chest rise and fall as she slept, taking in how peaceful she seemed. Regardless of my magnetic pull to her, I had a responsibility and a duty to protect her.

  Lost in my own thoughts and the battle between what my body and mind wanted, and what my conscious said, we arrived in Chicago before I even realized that much time had passed. I took in a deep breath, letting her scent linger for a moment, before gently waking her up.

  “Hey,” I whispered. She didn’t move, deep in slumber. “Miranda, we’re here,” I said, just a bit louder. I hated waking her up. Besides the fact she was holding onto me, and I didn’t want to give that up, she seemed completely exhausted. As I nudged her just a bit, she started to wake.

  As her eyes opened, she looked around slowly, realizing where she was. “Are we there already?” she whispered, before turning her face into my chest and running her hands along my abs, hugging me.

  “We are,” I said softly. “You can get in a bed in just a few minutes, though,” I added.

  “Meh, I’m in a bed now,” she whined, turning her face back up to me with a pouty lip, causing me to laugh.

  “Touché, milady, you are. But you’re also on a bus. I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable in a big hotel bed,” I chuckled.

  Sighing and pushing herself out of the nook she’d been snuggled into, she replied, “I don’t know. I was pretty comfortable.” She was flirting with me, and everything about it made me happy. She was disheveled and fucking beautiful. As my dick took notice of how sexy she was, I knew it was time to get us off that bus and into our separate hotel rooms before I acted on my urges.

  I rolled off the bed, putting my shoes on and avoiding eye contact. She’d held on a bit as I pulled away, and it wasn’t lost on me or my hunger for her. I stood up and held my hand out to her. “Come on, sleeping beauty, let’s get checked in, shall we?”

  Taking my hand, she pouted a bit. “If we must.” I helped her up, and she shuffled around, looking for things.

  “Do you need help?” I asked. All I had was my backpack, which had everything I needed for the night in it.

  Looking at me quizzically, she shook her head. “Umm, no. I’m just looking for my flip flops, and my bag. The bus will be locked up, and I have an overnight bag. But I can’t find my shoes.” She ran her fingers through her hair, pulling it out of the bun and fluffing her long red mane before piling it up on her head again.

  I glanced around the bus and found them immediately, just under the edge of the bed. “Here they are.” I grabbed them and handed them to her.

  “My hero,” she giggled and batted her eyes.

  “My pleasure,” I pretended to tip my non-existent hat in her direction, making her laugh again.

  “You two coming, or what?!” Carmen’s slurred yell startled Miranda and shifted my attention.

  “Yeah, we’re coming. I couldn’t find my shoes,” Miranda shouted back.

  Storming back to the bedroom, Carmen looked around and gave a smirk before teasing Miranda. “So, what was going on back here? Looks like you two were cozy,” she said, a bit of sarcasm in her tone.

  “We were watching a movie and fell asleep.” Miranda rolled her eyes at Carmen and gestured for her to move along.

  Laughing, Carmen replied, “That’s what I used to tell Dad when I missed curfew and was out with a boy. Just sayin’.” She made her way toward the front of the bus so we could all disembark.

  Turning her attention to me, Carmen, who was visibly intoxicated, said, “You’re awfully quiet, writer. Cat got your tongue?” She laughed to herself.

  “No, just tired, is all.” I smiled, trying to be cool.

  “Uh huh, tired.” She looked back and forth between us. “Well, we’re going to an after-hours club since we got here in record time. I presume you old farts will be going to bed?”

  “You presume correctly,” Miranda replied, grabbing a bottle of water and taking it with her as she continued to try to get off the bus.

  “Separate beds?” she asked.

  “Carmen, come on. Stop. Just go out, have a good time. I’ll see you in the morning for sound check, and then we have to head to the next stop which I can’t even remember right now. We’ve got some radio shows and stuff to do too.”

  “I won’t forget, Mom,” she replied, dragging out the last bit. “I love you.” She always added that. Even when they had their differences, or when one of them had enough of the other.

  “I love you too. Now get out of my hair, brat.” Miranda blew a kiss in
Carmen’s direction.

  We finally got off the bus, and as most of us headed inside to check into our rooms, Carmen and Mike grabbed a taxi to go out on the town. It was already 2am, so anywhere they were going wasn’t safe, not to mention she was famous, but my instructions were to stick with Miranda. I would just have to hope that Carmen could handle herself; at least she had Mike with her. Johnny was checking in and crashing, like the rest of us.

  I had already arranged to have an adjoining room with Miranda prior to our arrival. That was the case at all the stops we had. Of course, she had no idea, but that was the only way that I could be sure I’d be near her if something happened, and I’d likely be able to hear what was going on in her room if anything did. Suddenly the thought crossed my mind that she might bring someone back to her room at some point.

  The idea of another man touching her, running his hands over her body, caused a raging fire to ignite in my chest. That wouldn’t be happening on this tour; not on my fucking watch. She was going to have to be celibate on this fucking road trip because there was no way I could listen to her with someone, particularly knowing that I wanted her for myself. It must have shown on my face because, while we were getting our keys, she nudged me.

  “You alright?” she asked, giving me a questioning look with wide eyes.

  “Oh, yeah, I’m good,” I replied casually.

  “Okay, well, you look like someone kicked your puppy,” she said with a soft smile.

  Laughing at her analogy, I replied, “No, nobody kicked my puppy. I’m good.” I motioned at her bag, which looked heavy. “Can I help you with that?”

  “No, I can manage, but thank you,” she said sweetly. “Does everyone have their keys?”

  With nods all around, our sleepy entourage headed to the elevators, pushing the various buttons for the floors we were on. When she asked me what floor and I replied seven, the same as hers, I caught her trying to hide a smile, causing a twinge in my chest. She was into me, and that made how I felt about her that much more difficult.


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