Royal Protection: Little Queens Duet 1

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Royal Protection: Little Queens Duet 1 Page 11

by Amy Briggs

  “That’s fucking smart,” I replied. “Did you figure that out on your own?”

  “Yeah, one day I was just so distracted with so many different things, like what to wear, where to go, what to do, simple shit like that, and I was tapping my sticks on my thigh mindlessly, trying to make trivial decisions. It calmed my brain down enough that I was able to get shit done. It just works for me. I know a lot of people find it super annoying, but I kind of need to do it sometimes, or I’ll accidently not even listen to what people are saying.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Makes a lot of sense to me,” I replied. Truthfully it did. It was a great way to organize your thoughts.

  Shortly after my conversation with Carmen, we pulled into the next venue just outside the city. Miranda pulled her headphones down around her neck, and looked back at Carmen.

  “Hey, do you know if Travis is already here? I haven’t heard anything,” she asked.

  “You know that people don’t rely on me for those things. I have no idea.” Carmen gave Miranda a scowl.

  Sighing, Miranda stood up, still not acknowledging me, and grabbed her bag. “You two coming?” she asked, finally acknowledging both of us.

  “Yeah, I’m coming. Are you gonna get the stick out of your ass anytime soon?” Carmen asked with a sarcastic smile, lips pressed tightly together and wide eyes.

  Miranda flipped Carmen the middle finger and got off the bus.

  “Have a great day, ladies,” Marty called out to them as they got off the bus. Last in line, he stopped me. “King. She’ll get over it. Keep on her. She’s not as stubborn as the other one,” He winked at me.

  “Thank you, sir.” I saluted him as I disembarked behind the girls. I didn’t want to ruin her vibe on the day of a show, so I decided that I was going to keep my distance the rest of the afternoon. I discreetly felt for my gun in its holster, tucked into the back of my jeans. Knowing it was there, and whether she liked it or not, I could keep her safe. I followed behind the pack, doing my actual job.

  I wasn’t trying to be rude, or mean, but I wanted to be left alone for the twenty-minute ride to the venue. Not interested in keeping up the happy-go-lucky charade like I had all morning, I just wanted to get lost in some music for a bit. Carmen knew when I put my headphones on, to just leave me be, but I did feel a pang of guilt not saying anything to Ryan. Honestly, I needed the embarrassment to pass, and I wanted to focus on the music for a little while.

  He must have taken the hint finally, and was quiet as we went through the same routine we did at the first stop. Travis had showed up early and worked with the staff on site to set up what needed to be, so we could do our sound check nice and early. I thought I might even be able to get a nap in that afternoon, if all went well. We met up with the opening act briefly, the Bound Temple guys. They were a rowdy bunch, and I was definitely not in the mood for their shenanigans at all. I decided I’d spend the majority of the day with my headphones on, unless I absolutely had to talk to someone.

  We managed to get through the sound check quickly and efficiently. I was feeling scratchy again, so I rushed some of it. Certain the lack of sleep wasn’t helping, I let Carmen know I was heading back to the bus for a while.

  “Are you feeling okay?” She asked me while we were still on stage.

  “I didn’t sleep that great, and I’m feeling a bit hoarse over it, I guess,” I replied. “I want to get some tea and a nap, and then I’ll be right as rain.” I was definitely deflecting, and just needed some time to pause and reset.

  “You sure that’s it? You haven’t been yourself all day.” She reached out to touch my arm, seeming genuinely concerned.

  “Yeah, I’m alright. I’m just really tired, I promise.” I forced a smile. I was exhausted, and I needed to take a nap. I figured, after that, I could just put the night before behind me for real and get back to being myself.

  “Alright, well I’m sending the writer with you,” she said bluntly.

  “I don’t need a babysitter,” I replied defensively, crossing my arms. I definitely didn’t want him coming along.

  “Nobody said you did, sister. But, I’m going to have to insist. You still have a weirdo stalker out there somewhere, and even though your friend over there is just a writer, he’s got a menacing look. I mean, you know, hot, but badass. Not to be messed with,” she grinned, causing me to smirk back at her even though I didn’t want to. She was totally right; he looked like a bodyguard, not a writer.

  “Alright, we’ll see what he had planned. We aren’t exactly his bosses,” I replied, softening my stance.

  “Eh, I beg to differ. Besides, he’s been watching you all day, like a lost puppy that needs a home. You’ve been ignoring him. I don’t think he’ll mind being put on official Miranda watch,” she snickered.

  I rolled my eyes at the thought that there even needed to be a Miranda watch at all, but she was kind of right. Which was so annoying. “Alright, I’m gonna let you have your way this time.” I scrunched up my face at her, signifying my resistance, but acceptance, nonetheless.

  “I’m gonna pretend that I’m letting you have a say.” She winked at me and waved Ryan over. He’d been watching sound check from a table near the front of the stage and hopped up immediately.

  “You summoned me?” He flashed his charming smile at us, melting me immediately. I’d almost forgotten he’d rejected me twelve hours prior.

  Laughing, Carmen replied, “I did. Miranda here needs to get some rest, and she needs to get some tea that doesn’t take eight hundred years to acquire, like it did in St. Louis. Would you mind being responsible for her wellbeing for the afternoon?”

  Quickly shifting his grin to me, he answered, “It would be my pleasure. Shall we?” He held his hand out to me, and I took it, hopping off the front of the stage. The moment I touched him, I felt the fire we’d had the night before, and although I tried to stifle it, the undeniable magnetism was still there. I tried to let go as soon as I landed, but he squeezed my hand gently before allowing me to. I accidentally glanced up at him, meeting his blue eyes with mine, feeling that he seemed to be able to look right through me.

  “Thank you,” I replied quietly, letting out a small sigh.

  “Alright sister, go nap, drink tea, whatever it is you old ladies need to do to get your second wind,” she teased me.

  “Oh, be sure to go fuck yourself this afternoon,” I sang sweetly back to her as Ryan and I walked away in the direction of the bus.

  “I’m sure I can find someone to help me with that,” she called back, laughing, causing me to shake my head and laugh as well. Turning to Ryan again, I said, “You don’t actually have to babysit me, Ryan. I didn’t sleep well, and it’s affecting my throat a little. I just need to lay down for a bit; it’s really not a big deal.”

  “I don’t think anyone wants you to be alone, including me,” he replied. “And we don’t have to talk about it now, but you need to let me explain what happened last night at some point. I’m not going to let it go.”

  Sighing again, I stopped and turned to face him. “If we absolutely must, we can talk about it after the show tonight, okay? We’re adults, and it’s really not necessary. But if you’re going to continue to insist, which it seems to be the case, since you’ve tried talking to me about it all day, then tonight after the show when we’re back at the hotel is the only time I’m willing, okay?”

  A smile spread across his face. “You got a deal, Miss Royal. We’ll talk tonight. Until then, I’m at your service,” He bowed to me as if I were actually a queen, I giggled and walked past him, shaking my head.

  We got back to the bus, and Marty let us on board. “I was just going to grab some lunch and go for a walk. You two alright here?”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna take a nap, actually. And Ryan here, well he got stuck babysitting, it seems.” I waved in his direction.

  “Reporting for duty,” Ryan joked.

  “Have fun, kids. I’ll probably be scarce for a couple hours, but Miranda h
as my number if you need me,” Marty added, as he walked off.

  “See ya later,” I told him, tossing my bag on the bench seat and looking around the bus. “I guess I’ll go lay down,” I said casually.

  “Want me to make you some tea?” Ryan asked.

  “That would be nice, but you really don’t have to,” I insisted.

  “Listen woman, let me be useful, okay?” He huffed at me, then winked. God, that winking of his. It always went hand in hand with a little twinkle in his eye that caught my attention every damn time.

  “Alright, alright.” I held my hands up in surrender. Meandering back to the bed, I laid down and started to drift off almost immediately. You’d have thought I had narcolepsy or something with the way I wanted to sleep. I could hear him rummaging through the cabinets near the kitchenette looking for things to make tea, which I acknowledged was quite sweet. I’m sure he was feeling bad for making me feel stupid, and this was pity tea. Pity tea probably tasted terrible.

  Before I ever saw any tea though, I had fallen asleep. When I woke up, the room seemed much darker, and I realized that he’d drawn the blinds. There was a faint light coming in through the window, but I’d definitely slept the afternoon away. I stretched and sat up, rubbing my eyes and feeling significantly refreshed, but thirsty.

  “Hey there,” Ryan said quietly.

  I looked over my shoulder where he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his book in hand.

  “Hey,” I replied, wondering if he’d been sitting next to me on the bed the whole time, and I didn’t even realize it. “What time is it?”

  “It’s five. I was just about to check your pulse and make sure you were still alive,” he grinned.

  Smiling back, I replied, “I needed that nap. I’m so tired today.”

  “You were up pretty late last night,” He smirked at me with a knowing glance. As if I needed to be reminded of last night.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said, standing up and stretching again.

  “Want some tea?” He asked.

  “I do actually, do we have some?”

  “After much rummaging, I did find some. You fell asleep before I got to give it to you earlier, so just give me a minute and I’ll make some more,” He hopped up, setting his book down on the bed where he’d been sitting.

  “I can make it,” I replied. I didn’t want him to feel like he needed to wait on me.

  “I honestly would like to make you tea, Miranda,” he said kindly. “I spend a lot of time just hanging around, watching and observing, and you and your sister have welcomed me into your lives. If there’s little things like making tea that I can do, I would actually enjoy be able to.” He didn’t wait for my reply and walked out of the bedroom.

  I mused to myself when I was alone again. He was so kind. Very hot, and sexy as fuck, but he also seemed to be a good man. Last night was a mistake, and needed to be chalked up as a moment of weakness for everyone. He and I could totally be friends on this tour, and I could use someone, besides my sister and the guys in the band. I decided when we had our talk that night, I’d tell him that I’d love to be friends, and just put our little moment of rapture behind us.

  Not talking to Miranda all day was excruciating. I knew she needed to rest, and not be distracted, so I let her be. She fell asleep almost immediately upon hitting the bed. Once she finally woke up, which felt like an eternity, I made her some tea, and walked her to the dressing rooms to meet up with Leo and her sister.

  “There you are, sleepyhead,” Leo exclaimed as he turned to greet us with a big piece of Carmen’s hair still in his hands.

  “Hey, you’re tugging on me!” Carmen yelped.

  “Sorry, honey.” He went back to work, making Carmen’s hair bigger than I imagined possible.

  “Going with the eighties vibe tonight?” Miranda teased.

  “As a matter of fact, I am. I’m channeling my inner Poison tonight,” she laughed. “I want big wild hair. It’s Saturday night. We have a few days off – well, on the road and shit - before the next show, and I’m feeling sassy.”

  “Well I, for one, am a fan,” Miranda replied with a smile, taking a sip of her tea.

  “Me too. I love it when Carmen lets me go wild,” Leo practically sang as he teased Carmen’s mane. “So, what are we doing with you tonight, Miss Thing?” he asked Miranda.

  “Hmmm, I’m thinking a rockabilly theme for me tonight. I’ll even wear a dress,” she replied with a sly grin.

  Causing shock, Leo and Carmen’s jaws both dropped, and they looked back at Miranda.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” Carmen said.

  “Yea, why not?” Miranda replied.

  “This is the greatest day everrrrrr!” Leo clapped his hands together. “I have just the thing too. Oh, this is wonderful!” He started humming to himself happily while finishing up Carmen’s hair and makeup.

  About an hour later, Miranda pointed to the door. “Okay Ryan, we gotta change, so you’re now banished.”

  “It’s also time for you to stop talking, isn’t it?” Carmen said, while playing on her phone, not looking up.

  “Fair enough,” I replied, thinking of how I’d like to watch her change into the rock goddess that she was. Leo had done her hair and makeup like a fifties pinup girl, and it was doing things to me. Filthy thoughts raced through my mind while I observed, and once again, it took all my willpower not to kick everyone out and take her as mine on the vanity table.

  I bid adieu and meandered in the hallway for the next forty-five minutes or so while the girls finished getting ready. It was quite a process these girls went through, and was interesting to be a part of. I loved seeing Miranda all glam rocked out, but my thoughts drifted to her the night before, in leggings and a sweatshirt, and I decided that I loved that even more. Not wanting to venture too far, I happened to be leaning up against the wall across from the door, when it swung open and my eyes landed on her.

  I felt my jaw drop, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. She was standing in front of me, in a deep purple dress with a plunging neckline that accentuated her full breasts, and a flowy short skirt that practically twirled on its own as she moved. If it weren’t for the tattoos covering her arm, it would have looked like she stepped right off a pinup poster. “Wow,” I muttered.

  “You like?” she whispered, reminding me she wasn’t talking right now.

  Swallowing hard, I nodded my head. “Yeah. I mean, yes. You look amazing,” I replied.

  She mouthed the words ‘thank you’, and walked out into the hallway. Carmen followed behind her, the mirror image of a girl straight out of a Poison video, just as she wanted, with big hair, dramatic makeup, and black leather pants to complete the look. They didn’t match eras at all, and yet they were perfect at the same time, completely fitting their personalities.

  Moments later, the guys showed up, looking like they usually did, in jeans and t-shirts. Being a guy was definitely much easier than being a chick, that’s for sure. But fucking hell, if Miranda didn’t look good enough to eat. She was literally making my mouth water for a taste of her. It was about thirty minutes to show time by then, so they started to congregate closer to the stage, .As I did before, and planned to do for all the shows, I waited until they went on before finding a good place to watch with the audience.

  She was particularly mesmerizing that night. I don’t know if it was the outfit, or the fact that I’d more or less accepted how I felt about her, and was going to tell her later that none of it was a mistake. Completely willing to suffer the consequences I’d thought long and hard about, I simply didn’t care. She did something to me. I’d still do my damn job, and I’d protect her from anything, but I wasn’t going to pretend that I didn’t want her. This charade had already gone on too long, and waiting to talk to her all day left a pit in my stomach that nothing but her touch would fix.

  Although I couldn’t completely come clean with her - and I knew that would destroy anything we might have later - I couldn’t bear another d
ay of her not talking to me. I couldn’t stand the thought of not getting to touch her again. I knew that she felt something for me. The way she’d responded to my kiss; she melted into me. Reminiscing about the sparks that flew in that fleeting moment had my rock-hard cock pressing up against my jeans, aching to be let out.

  The show went off without a hitch, the crowd was wild for them, and there were no signs of the stalker. No notes delivered that day. Nothing unusual happened at all, which was good news for my report, and great news for her. The whole band exited the stage, and I was waiting in the wings, feeding on their enthusiasm.

  “Let’s go out and celebrate!” Carmen exclaimed.

  “I’m down,” Mike and Johnny said in unison.

  “Sounds good to me,” Miranda agreed. “Let everyone know. We’ll just grab taxis from here and go downtown. We’ll meet the buses back at the hotel later.” I really didn’t want to go out; I had been waiting anxiously to get Miranda alone, but I knew it would have to wait now.

  We piled into two cabs, practically sitting on top of each other. As luck would have it – well, my good planning - Miranda was pretty much on my lap as we rode downtown. My cock again took notice of her sexiness, and there was nothing I’d have been able to do to stop it at that point. Carmen and Mike were next to us, smooshed into the back seat of the taxi, making it perfectly acceptable to hold onto Miranda as we flew through the city streets, headed to some bar Carmen heard had great music.

  Immediately upon entering, I was back in bodyguard mode as I watched the men in the room stare at Miranda. Jealousy is what I felt, plain and simple, and I was planning to do whatever it took to make it look like she was with me. We managed to grab a VIP table, and the drinks began flowing immediately. I pulled our waitress close and whispered I wanted club soda with a lime in a rocks glass. I wanted it to look like I was drinking, but needed to be on full alert at a place like this, where the girls were definitely targets. I still had my gun on me, and thankfully there was no search when we entered, because my cover definitely would have been blown. I thought about wearing my ankle holster on days we had shows, if we were going to be running all over town to party after them.


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