Welcome to the Neighborhood

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Welcome to the Neighborhood Page 4

by Abshire, Mary

  “Damn it, you didn’t tell me how smoking hot she was.”

  “Did you sport wood in front of her?” Blood rushed to Greg’s head and initiated a light throb in his head. How embarrassing. They were lawyers. Not lust-craving werewolves.

  “Not exactly.” Corey ran his fingers through his short hair. “Well…maybe.”

  “Unfucking believable.” Greg stomped into the kitchen and put the trash can and broom back in the pantry. More colorful words waited on the tip of his tongue, but he held them back. Heading back toward the living room, he found Corey standing in the open entryway.

  “Did she see it?” Greg asked.

  “Maybe. She glanced down right before she left.”

  Greg clenched his teeth, annoyed with his roommate’s behavior toward their new neighbor. She’d probably left because she’d seen his growing erection. While anger filled Greg at Corey’s display, Greg couldn’t be more pleased of the outcome. Corey had a suave appeal that attracted many women, but it seemed he hadn’t captured Alexandria’s eye.

  “Look, I’m sorry. It just happened. She was standing in front of our door with her big breasts facing me, and I couldn’t help but look.”

  “You checked her out?”

  “Oh yeah.” Corey grinned widely. “She has some perfect tits and long legs to wrap around–”

  “Stop.” Irritation growing by the second, Greg lifted his hand to silence him. He didn’t want to hear any more about how beautiful her body was. He’d seen it and couldn’t get her lovely image out of his head. Adding to his frustration, Greg disliked the thought of other men checking her out. She seemed like a smart woman who deserved respect, not ogling.

  “I think you should apologize to her.”

  “For what?”

  “She’s our new neighbor and a bright woman. What you did was disrespectful.”

  “Come on. It’s only natural to get hard for a beautiful woman. I’m sure she understands. Hell, it’s a compliment.”

  Greg’s annoyance meter shot to the red zone. “In front of her, Corey?”

  “She might not have even seen it. She took a glimpse, then walked away.”

  Greg believed she’d seen him. Vampires could detect emotions like desire, anxiety and fear as easily as werewolves could. She had keen eyesight similar to them too. If Corey had been fully erect, she would’ve undoubtedly seen it.

  “She’s a vampire with superior senses. Do you really think she didn’t notice?”

  Corey nonchalantly shrugged. “What can I say? I have needs like everyone else.”

  Greg shifted his gaze away from Corey, trying to control his anger. He knew too much about Corey’s carnal needs. His roommate rotated between three girlfriends during the week. How he managed to keep them unaware of each other amazed Greg.

  “I thought you didn’t like vampires.” Greg said.

  “I never said that. I said their bites hurt.”

  Every answer, every word from Corey’s mouth irritated Greg. To truly calm down, he needed to get away from Corey. Glaring at his roommate, Greg walked around him and headed for his bedroom.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Corey asked, stopping Greg in the hall. “Earlier you said she was a fine babe, and you seemed interested in her. Now you’re acting like she’s the Virgin Mary or something.”

  Greg didn’t recall using the words fine babe, nor did he believe he was overreacting. Alexandria was a smart woman who seemed classy and professional. Good looks were an additional benefit. And she sparked a desire within him making him crave more of her. Their meeting was brief, but he’d felt something different with her and he longed to explore what it was. Corey might believe she was another babe to impress and fool around with, but not Greg. She deserved better.

  Greg twisted to face Corey. “I think what you did was wrong. She’s our new neighbor. What kind of impression are we giving if we walk around with our dicks sticking out?”

  “She knows we run naked during the full moon. Do you really think she’ll have a problem if she saw me with a hard-on?”

  Clearly, Greg wasn’t getting through his roommate’s thick skull.

  “How old do you think she is anyway?” Corey asked, stepping closer. “I’m willing to bet she’s at least a century old. Can you imagine how much cock she’s probably seen and had? I really doubt my woody would’ve insulted her.”

  The imaginary punch to Greg’s gut left him feeling deflated. Alexandria had probably walked the earth a long time and had many affairs. How could he even compare to the other lovers she’d had? What chance did he have? He let out a heavy sigh.

  “She may very well be experienced, but that doesn’t give us the authority to act like dogs with our tongues and dicks hanging out. We have manners and brains. At least I do.”

  Corey chuckled. “All right. All right. If she acts oddly at the Welcoming party, I’ll apologize to her. But I’m not going to come out and say sorry for my hard-on. For all I know, she didn’t see it.”

  “Fine.” Greg didn’t want to stand there and argue anymore. His gut instinct told him she’d probably seen the protrusion from Corey’s shorts. Regardless if Corey apologized or not, Greg would on Corey’s behalf to make sure she didn’t get the wrong idea about them.

  “Are you sure there’s nothing else wrong? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so concerned over a woman.”

  Greg stared into his roommate eyes, debating if he should mention he had more than a curious interest in Alexandria. He’d already mentioned he thought she was different. Apparently, Corey disregarded his comment.

  “I’d like to get to know her better. She’s an attractive, smart woman and…who knows? But first impressions count, and I don’t want to blow it.”

  “You really want to pursue her?” Corey asked with wide eyes. “A vampire?”

  “I don’t have a problem with other races. You know that.”

  “Honestly, man, if you hadn’t have said something, I think I would’ve went after her. She is rather hot.”

  Hence, the reason Greg mentioned his interest in Alexandria. He’d seen and spoken to her first, so that gave him first rights to seek her. The strong attraction and deep, heartfelt longing for her was unexpected when he met her. He couldn’t ignore the way she made him feel. Now that Corey showed an interest in her, Greg felt the need to be extraprotective of his neighbor.

  “I don’t know if she’s interested in a relationship, or even werewolves for that matter, but I’m going to try to get to know her better,” Greg said.

  From the episodes of Dates With Bite on PTV he knew vampires typically sought out relationships with all creatures except their own kind. The vampires on the show who had committed to another vamp admitted they grew bored with their partner. Why? They confessed their need for warm blood drove them to have affairs. Therefore, vamp-on-vamp relationships didn’t last long. As a healthy werewolf, Greg believed his odds of appealing to her were better than that of the average mortal. The heated fluid in his veins along with his superior stamina had to be attractive qualities to her. Perhaps the best way to find out if she had an interest in him was to ask her out on a date. The Welcoming party would give him the perfect opportunity to ask.

  “I’d say you have a good shot with her.”

  Corey’s words and mischievous grin troubled him. They sounded like a challenge. Greg suspected Corey would give him a chance to woo Alexandria, but if he didn’t act quickly enough, Corey would snap her up quicker than a Venus Flytrap. Damn it, when would Corey learn women weren’t tick marks to add to a baseball bat?

  “Don’t worry, I plan to make use of every opportunity,” Greg said.

  “Ah, I love to see that spark in your eyes.”

  Greg shook his head as he turned for his room. “I’m going to bed.” Frustration clung to his thoughts and he doubted he would sleep well. For now, he was glad to distance himself from his roommate.

  “Sweet dreams, lover boy,” Corey said.

  Greg clenched his jaw as
he shut the bedroom door. He valued his friendship with Corey, even thought of him as a brother. Corey had never done anything to hurt him intentionally and Greg didn’t believe he ever would. Yet, the easygoing, smooth talker got under his skin sometimes, especially when it came to women. While Corey seemed content to sow his wild oats, Greg looked forward to the day he could settle down with the one woman. He couldn’t be sure if Alexandria was the one his heart desired, but he intended to find out. And Corey had better keep his paws away from her.


  The clubhouse was full of homeowners from Midnight Gardens, all waiting to welcome the newest addition to the neighborhood. Greg stood near the bar holding a cup of beer in his hand. He had a perfect view of the entrance. Every time he heard the door squeal, his anxiety rose and he checked to see who had arrived. He eagerly wanted to talk to Alexandria and get to know her more. The moment some other neighbor strode into the clubhouse, his excitement deflated.

  He sipped his beer and scanned the room. Fae, shifters, werewolves, witches, demons and other supernatural creatures gathered in groups and chatted. The volume of voices increased as more residents arrived. Corey sat at a table with Mattie, Charley and Olivia, the three witches who lived across the street and a few houses down from them. Mattie and Corey had hit it off ever since the ladies moved into the neighborhood. On occasion, Corey would take late night walks through the woods with Mattie. Corey admitted he and Mattie were having a secret affair. Greg agreed to keep his mouth shut since he was a friend of Charley’s, but witches were smart and tricky. If Charley and Olivia discovered their youngest roommate was fucking a werewolf, Corey might have to consider moving. Witches were often old fashioned and disapproved of intimate relations outside of their kind. They condemned such acts by casting spells on the outsider. While Corey understood the ramifications of his affair, it did little to stop him.

  “Hi, Greg,” said a familiar female voice.

  He lowered his plastic cup and offered a polite grin. “Justine, how are you?”

  “I’m fine.” She smiled. “How are you? How’s work?”

  Greg noticed immediately the fox shifter’s reddish-brown hair barely reached her shoulders. Just a few days ago, he’d seen her grabbing her mail from the mailbox and her hair flowed down to her midback. Justine and her rabbit shifter roommate, Ellise, had lived in the neighborhood for two years. If memory served him right, the fox shifter cut her locks three times a year at the most. This was the third time for the year.

  “I’m well. Work is the same, lots of angry mothers wanting child support,” he said.

  The squeak of the door captured his attention. Phillip walked in and the temperature in the room dropped. The cold vamp rarely came to the parties or gatherings or any social event. Getting him to even talk or wave hello was a challenge. He’d moved into the ranch home across the street from Greg about a year ago and had yet to say more than ten words to Greg or his roommates. Why would Phillip suddenly take an interest in their newest neighbor?

  “At least your job is secure. Single parents will always need a lawyer to try and help them get money for their children.”

  Greg shifted his gaze back to Justine. “I suppose you’re right.” In truth, he’d never thought about job security. Since he had a law degree, he figured he could find work easily in any law office. He took the job in the Child Support Division knowing his efforts would ultimately assist children. They were the ones that needed help the most. But when mothers consistently appeared in court with Coach purses, dolled-up hair and painted nails and claimed they needed money to put food on the table, Greg wondered if his efforts to help families were fruitless.

  “How’s the grooming business?” Greg asked.

  “Oh, it’s busy. Ell’s been busy at the vet clinic too. Business always picks up around fall time.”

  Greg scanned the room. “Is Ellise here? I haven’t seen her.”

  “No, she received an emergency call and had to run to the vet clinic.”

  “Too bad.” He’d always enjoyed chatting with Ellise and hearing about her stories from the vet clinic. Her tales of saving the lives of helpless creatures continually brought a smile to his face.

  “You decided not to go with her?” he asked, knowing Justine assisted her roommate on occasion.

  “No. She said one of her regulars needed to put their dog to rest because it was crying nonstop for the last two hours. I can’t be around in those types of situations. I get too emotional.”

  “And that’s why you’re the groomer and not a vet, right?”

  “You got it.” She peered past him. “Oh, I see Vickie. I need to talk to her. I’ll be right back.”

  Justine left and Greg finished his beer. The loud voices along with the laughter gave him a headache, but he refused to leave without speaking to Alexandria. He’d find a way to make it through the night.

  Greg tossed his empty cup in the trash, then withdrew his cell phone. The time showed a few minutes past eleven.

  “Greg Holmes,” said a familiar male voice.

  He slid his phone into his pocket, then extended his hand. “Mr. Hadley, how are you?”

  The real estate agent smiled as they shook hands. “I’m good. Are you excited to meet your new neighbor?”

  “Actually, I already met her last night.”

  Mr. Hadley’s brows rose. “Oh?”

  “She was having a bit of trouble with the movers. They broke an antique mirror she had. I came out to help her and make sure they cleaned the mess.”

  “That was very kind of you.”

  “She didn’t say much. I gave her my card and let her know I could help her if she wanted to pursue legal action against them.”

  Hearing the familiar noise from the door, Greg veered his gaze. A touch of disappointment rushed through him as he watched Sylvia Henshaw step through the entrance. The dark-haired demon was a thorn in Greg’s side. He’d told her countless times he wasn’t interested in her, yet she continued to flirt and try to lure him. Greg tried to avoid her as best he could, but the damn demon always found him.

  “You’re a good neighbor,” Mr. Hadley said. “Everyone in the community has been nice, supportive and willing to help each other. It truly is a great place to live. There are a couple homeowners who prefer to keep to themselves and that’s fine. They’re not disturbing anyone or causing problems. I’ve been a real estate agent for twelve years and this one is by far an A-plus residential area with outstanding individuals. I’m very proud to have met and worked with each person here.”

  “Hello, Greg.”

  Sylvia stood within arm’s reach. Heat drifted from her in waves as it did with most demons. He disliked the closeness, but forced a smile.

  “Sylvia Henshaw, how are you?” Mr. Hadley asked.

  A sly grin formed on her face. “Better now that I’m with good company.”

  Greg stiffened and fought the urge to walk away. He didn’t want Alexandria to see Sylvia with him and get the wrong idea.

  “Has our new neighbor arrived?” the demon asked as she surveyed the room.

  “I don’t believe I have seen her.” Mr. Hadley looked at Greg. “Have you?”

  Greg gave a single shake of his head. “Not yet.”

  “Would you like a drink, Ms. Henshaw? The bar is open until two,” Mr. Hadley said with a smile.

  Perspiration started to form on Greg’s forehead and neck. Though he doubled up on deodorant, the heat flowing from Sylvia was too much for him to bear.

  “I’d love a glass of wine,” Sylvia said.

  “Excuse me while I have a word with my roommate,” Greg said politely.

  “Always good to see you, Mr. Holmes,” Mr. Hadley said.

  Greg walked off without looking back. Every time he bumped into Sylvia, she followed him like a moth attracted to a light. He hoped she wouldn’t do the same in front of Alexandria.

  He wormed through the clusters of neighbors and spotted Corey sitting at one of the few tables Charley sat ne
xt to him and it appeared they were having a friendly conversation. Mattie and Olivia were not with them. Greg curved around a group, strode between two tables, then stopped across the table from Corey and Charley.

  “Did you scare Mattie and Olivia away?” Greg asked.

  “Hi Greg,” Charley said with smile. She had a lovely pair of green eyes, chocolate-colored skin and wavy, brown hair that attracted many men. Her soft voice was always a pleasure to hear. Greg had considered dating her, but something always came up and he’d forget to ask her out. He blamed fate for wanting to keep them apart.

  Corey lifted his plastic cup. “They went to mingle.”

  “Which is something I should do.” Charley pushed her seat back and stood.

  “Please don’t leave on my account,” Greg said, wondering if he’d interrupted a juicy conversation.

  “It’s okay, my rear is numb and I really do need to talk to a few people here.” She stepped around Corey. “I’ll catch up with you two later.”

  “Have a seat,” Corey said as Charley disappeared in the crowd. “Have you seen Alexandria come in yet?”

  Greg circled around the table and sat in the chair Charlie vacated. “No, haven’t seen her.”

  “Maybe she’s one of those that believe in being fashionably late.”

  “Maybe.” Greg sighed. “Sylvia’s here.”

  “Uh-oh. Has she seen you?”

  “Oh, she’s seen me. I was talking to Mr. Hadley when she made her appearance. Fortunately, he offered to get her a drink.”

  “Good time to bail.”

  “Which is exactly what I did.”

  “Have you heard about the Radfords?” Corey asked excitedly.

  “What news?”

  “Vickie is pregnant with twins.”

  “Really? That’s great. James must be very happy. Is he here?” Greg scanned over faces in the crowd.

  “No, just Vickie. He’s on the road again.”

  “Seems like that werewolf is always on the road.”

  “Charley thinks he’ll quit his truck-driving job and find a different one when the twins are born.”


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